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  1. Whatever the shape/size, at least its something positive for Swindon fans for 2019 and beyond. Good to hear.
    7 points
  2. Congrats to Glasgow, by far the best team on the night, well deserved win. Cookie was worth the trip thro and the admission money - I’ve missed watching him riding flat out like that. Coming back to the Championship League has brought the smile back. I said Bomber would benefit from having Craig around so I’ll pat myself on the back now Have to say I was unimpressed and embarrassed by the boos from a small section of “Monarchs fans” towards Craig. Bl@@dy short memories some people have. 5 years of sheer joy and that’s what he gets for trying to earn a living......... Impressive nights for Broc Nicol (thanks lad) and Jordan Stewart
    6 points
  3. I certainly want Robert to do well but I won't complain if he has a couple of off nights on the 24/9 and 1/10. He deserves to take things easy after such a busy season.
    5 points
  4. Should of been 8/10 years minimum and that is being generous and that is being kind look we all have made big mistakes on this forum.But this guy used to think he was a cut above everyone else talking people down sometimes but his actions he took were horrendous.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. Can we stop arguing on who's track is best. Aside from BV in the top league I think all tracks need looking at & money spent on them. The main thing is that Swindon will have a track next year, hopefully with the new dimensions which should make closer racing, If you've listened to what RR said & Tobi said the same last night, the long fast straights at Swindon make it difficult to pass especially due to them being very narrow. Please can this thread return to talking about Swindon.
    4 points
  7. There is more to life than speedway or any other sport for that matter Workington is a rearranged fixture thanks to Rob Godfrey otherwise this meeting would have been completed mid August.
    4 points
  8. Same here not been on for a while, problem is there are as many different solutions as members and never any real consensus. These are the thoughts of one forward thinking promoter, there must be other promoters with similar views who need our backing and drag the sport out of the "pits"; Speedway in the future; Where are we going? A lot of you will be aware that meetings are taking place to discuss the future of speedway in the UK. Ideas and proposals are being put forward and arguments are being had. The topics range from league formats, how many riders in a team to how many races in a match. We all know the sport is in trouble. Crowds are down all over the country and costs are on the up and up. Everyone has an opinion on the issues within the sport but no one, it appears, has the answers. Since I attended my first A.G.M. last November I've been astounded at the lack of unity, cohesion and clarity within the sport and nothing has changed since. Decision are made behind closed doors without explanation to the rest of the (promoters) association or the fans and conspiracy theories then abound as to what has happened and why. So what do we do? Meetings keep getting planned, arguments being had. The sport is crying out for a resolution, a new way forward, positive leadership with new ideas and energetic leadership, not more of the same, quick fix ideas without thinking of the future. Will it happen? Will someone step forward from the gloom and take the sport forward? I simply don't know. I dearly hope so for the sport I love but there are massive dark clouds around and there doesn't appear to be a change in the weather very soon. We need to listen to each other, the riders and the fans and formulate a framework for the good of the sport as a whole. Let's hope a storm is coming.
    4 points
  9. well done mildenhall a big victory that should clinch the title and a victory for speedway in general
    3 points
  10. Technically you are probably correct but the fact is the start marshall called him to the tapes twice while he was cooling his clutch and twice Tai ignored him and became the only rider not at tapes when the clock hit zero. If he had moved to the line when called he would not have been excluded even if none of them were to the letter of the law ready to race so I would hardly say it's irrelevant.
    3 points
  11. Should be able to finish the job off but Swindon’s top five are more than capable of making life difficult and absolutely nothing should be taken for granted.
    3 points
  12. A good start would be murderers getting a life sentence that means life .....
    3 points
  13. Which seems to be common practice these days ! Commenting on 'Simmo' as a rider ? pure class ! After reading his auto biography, it appeared that he led a colourful life... causing a few controversies on and off the track along the way, but again, nothing out the ordinary these days! Nobody's perfect!
    3 points
  14. Personally I don’t accept things just because they have been going on for years!!!I know some people think being racist is ok because it has been going on for years.Anti -Semitin has been going on for years,chucking oil down the drains has been going on for years,dumping rubbish in country lanes or throwing stuff in the sea has been going on for years and sportspeople taking illegal drugs has been going on for years I understand and fully support people who are against such things
    3 points
  15. Almost the last chance saloon for the title race in reality . A Glasgow win and 4th place is still up for grabs though we still need to probably win at either Ipswich or Lakeside . An Edinburgh win and theyre there and i cant honestly see any team in the league going to Armadale and getting to within 20 points of the current Monarchs side .
    3 points
  16. And you can guess what i want for my birthday , a Tigers home win and the forces of darkness sent back along the M8 to tricktrackland pointless . Yes it's the biggee , Scotlands finest against Satan's seven , or six or how many they rock up with . I believe we have Connor Mountain as guest reserve , while they have Broc Nicol as their reserve replacement . As both their Swedes got Armadaled apparently during Friday night's latest home slaughter , but Victor Palavaara is expected to ride on Tuesday . So Cookie , Bomber and the lads will have to bring their 'A' game to the track , while we bring the beer tokens and the anti-smug spray . Going to be a nervy , but entertaining evening as the play off thingy goes right to the wire . C'mon the Stripes
    2 points
  17. Very good match some great racing,Cook was awesome Harris was the best I have seen him this season and the guest Jordon Stewart showed that he is a talent .For Monarchs Riss,Pickering and Nicol were entertaining.Think Glasgow might get the points they need on the road to qualify for Play offs if in same mood as tonight.Track was superb IMO.
    2 points
  18. Unfortunately you always get that , Some Tigers fans were the same when Richie Worrall touched the tapes in heat 14 , as you say - short memories .
    2 points
  19. Looks like you’re guys went to bag wash on a normal prepared track
    2 points
  20. Robert Lambert on fire in Sweden tonight. Totally quashing my 'burn out' fears.
    2 points
  21. Back in the day to today are very different out the starts. If today's engines ain't high revving they just die or there's to much grip and flip. As the engine's are so high revving you can't go from concrete to dirt. So dangerous. The only way to make a concrete start safer the the concrete would have to run right up to the first bend, then of course, rider run added risk if any crashes happen between the tapes and first bend. Concrete, tarmac etc is just not viable today. Best thing to do is not allow gardening at all, have a count down clock and only allow the starting grid to be accessible with 10secs remaining.
    2 points
  22. i am sure when workington was going through a barren spell of no fixtures it was announced over th P.A. that the management had tried to get teams @ worky , but there were no takers. the season had been planned out and most , if not all teams were sticking with the fixtures they agreed to @ the start of the season . so with world cups. Cardiff GP .and other Saturday stuff going on @ Derwent park. the options were very limited . almost forgot the godders factor , yea , thanks a lot mr Godfrey . you certainly sTICHED up a good few Friday fixtures for other teams . just because you could not get guest riders . all that power in your hands and you f!!!!! ! it up .
    2 points
  23. Im surprised 'Cradley' are not allowed a guest for Taylor.
    2 points
  24. Absolutely what the sport needs. The best times at King's Lynn was having Buster racing up to the referee box, ranting and raving, with his cloth out cleaning the glass etc. Added far more spice to the evening.
    2 points
  25. Don't know what we really need to get the crowds back to be honest.If it was purely because of great racing Belle Vue would be packed to the rafters every week.I think we also need some characters,like the incidents maybe with Lambert at Wolves and Andersen at Lynn the other week.These seemed to get the crowd involved and created a bit more of an atmosphere.There were plenty of characters back in the days when we did have good crowds,is that too what we need?
    2 points
  26. i totally agree with SS, we need a race track, there's the clue boys and girls, RACE track. Blunsdon has been poor for a while now, i know most tracks are gate and go, but Blunsdon being a quick, big track highlights the issue, races being spread out, slower riders keeping in front of quicker ones! We need to get this right, as it'll soon become apparent if we've failed and what gets dished up is crap. Get the track right and the fans will be happy, although the whingers will still find something to get their nails into
    2 points
  27. Not as clever then as he tried to imply on here and no doubt away from this forum as well attempting to hide such depraved actions. Good riddance to a horrible sicko.
    2 points
  28. Very pleased that at last something positive coming out of Swindon concerning a new track. I really hope it all comes together. The frustrations and constant doubts will be worth it if it does eventuate. It's reminiscent of what we went though before the NSS emerged. I hope Swindon fans enjoy such a good result as that and really, all the backbiting isn't worth it.
    2 points
  29. Additionally, the Workington v Lakeside meeting could well have given Workington a chance to to finish top, and of course have the choice of opponents in the Semi-Final. No-one will fancy Edinburgh in the Semi, so finishing top is a prize well worth fighting for. Edinburgh could well finish top themselves of course due to the failure to agree a date for this fixture. As far as apportioning "Blame " to the failure I guess we will never know whether Workington offered any dates or not, especially if they didn't! It could be a "Fast-One" from either club, depending on how you look at things lol!
    2 points
  30. I don’t believe they were mistakes, they are too blatant for that. It’s almost as if it was agreed that if the scores were close enough then everyone would get at least five rides almost as a warm up / test session ready for the Play Offs. Simon obviously only had three which wouldn’t necessarily tally with that but I can’t think of any other reason why Riss and Jorgensen (and even Robert in heat 15) got their fifth rides.
    2 points
  31. Fully agree to all of that ! Personally, I also think the sentence was very light, 2 years 8 months for his actions is nowhere near enough, in my opinion !
    2 points
  32. Having speedway next season is great for Swindon and the UK Ray. But the chance to create a great track is one that don't come around to often, and should be made the most of. So at around 300m it's going to be about 15% smaller than the NNS track.. So something along the same lines as the NSS should be good. You have to remember the track will be smaller, but the bikes are still the same. I'm not a fan of tight turns, so I would look at the NSS track dimensions as a starting point and maybe take the 15% from the straights and keeping the bends the same. Should give plenty of room and different lines, and hopefully great racing. If it will fit.. But what do I know
    2 points
  33. You are deluded your track is certainly in the bottom four tracks now in the Prem your man Ford maybe he can be questioned is he putting as much revenue in as he used to.Watch some of your highlights be honest the odd good race but alot more crap to go with it.The track i remember in the Blue Riband days and the England v USA test matches are long gone how you can slag other tracks off when yours now is very mediocre.
    2 points
  34. Just think of all the old riders who were eventually forced into retirement by rules and difficulty being fitted in. Then think about today, when a rider must be looked at as being a bit daft if he isn't doubling up and down. And Simmo was a class act. A brilliant, stylish rider who also had a colourful side, someone who had a story to tell and which interested us for many an hour. I think his last fullish year with Arena Essex in the late 80's tarnished his image somewhat. If I recall, he kept them hanging on a bit when out injured and didn't really want to race again after the Gundersen crash. I watched him at 43, in his last but one match in a short-lived comeback for King's Lynn in '93 at Belle Vue. And, do you know what, god rest his soul, if he was racing at Belle Vue tonight, I'd be there in a shot.
    2 points
  35. Burnt out ?? he's a kid for christ-sake, with all the energy in the world. Had he been in his 40's then probably so. I am in no doubt it was just one of those nights and nothing to worry about. Come next week he'll be back to normal flying round the track, leaving everyone in his wake... No Worries !!!
    2 points
  36. Is Ronnie designing the track? Surely there should be some rider involvement in how it should be. I believe Chris Morton designed the Belle Vue shape, is that correct? Martin Ashby and Mike Broadbanks are at Swindon every week. Surely they could be involved? Or Barry Briggs.
    2 points
  37. Because its a discussion forum and your post needed responding to. Why on earth would the track shape not be important? It’s absolutely of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE. What would be the point of the club surviving, only to have a track similar to Leicester? The track is EVERYTHING. The opportunity to put in a great shaped track with racing. Not follow the leader crap Swindon fans hve had to endure week after week.
    2 points
  38. Of course the shape matters. 200%.
    2 points
  39. Fully agree in normal circumstances, and being a Workington fan it could quite easily apply to my team. The only outstanding fixture to be arranged in the whole league is the Workington v Lakeside one. As we all know this was abandoned when Dan Bewley was injured on August 25th. (Originally planned for Friday August 17th but pulled from the fixture list) Of course blame is easy to dish out, but it may be the away side that have refused to come, leaving the home side without any chance of staging the meeting. I know it isn't easy at all re-arranging fixtures, but with play-off places at stake, I wonder if Lakeside were offered any alternative dates ( Sept 8th for example, seeing as they were already at Edinburgh on the 7th), as part of a double header, thus moving the Redcar fixture to Sept 15th. If Workington have offered any dates to Lakeside and they have refused to come, then blame can't entirely be put at Workington's door, but if they haven't been offered any, and Workington do fail to qualify for the play-offs, then your statement will hold some truth I suppose.
    2 points
  40. Why on earth doesn’t he shape it like a smaller version of Belle Vue?
    2 points
  41. Anyone with any sense will see this meeting as no more than a National League Select v Mildenhall, just another Challenge Meeting, All Speedway fans know Cradley are no nearer getting a Stadium now that they were when they started at Wolves, This whole episode is a travesty to the once famous name of Cradley,
    2 points
  42. This is from an insider written out of "sheer frustration" but I look at it as a little bit of hope if there are promoters willing take into account the views of ALL concerned.
    2 points
  43. Every other KL team member has had more than a few off night's this season inc. Niels. This is only Robert's 2nd blemish in a season where he has been an exceptional rider for the Stars. And for GB. We were lucky to have him in the team as it appeared that he was happy to go elsewhere before the season began. He has given his all in a professional way. I don't think he is yet over the hill.
    2 points
  44. Crowd was about 600 so make of his garbage post what you want.
    2 points
  45. Why would you want the Brit to get beaten. As for the white line exclusion, there were a few riders who should have gone but the shape of the corner was poor because of the rain delay. Rush job.
    2 points
  46. Best racing ive seen at Swindon this year, very good meeting
    2 points
  47. Lambert should of got a Bridegroom replacement for his day lol so he could ride ;-)
    2 points
  48. Maybe if any team is 6 or more behind the team manager can pick the gates he prefers the rider's to be on. No Tac Subs at all.
    2 points
  49. Never liked him always got the impression he thought he was better than anyone else. Hope he’s enjoying prison.
    2 points
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