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  1. The sport will never move forward in this country whilst the majority if not all the promoters are set fast on trying to screw all the other clubs. They are killing their own future and they just fail to see it.
    13 points
  2. All in all it suggests lack of confidence, that in facing arguably the strongest opposition of the season they had to manipulate the track to ensure a close run meeting didnt happen. If the track staff got the grippy track right for the 3 home meetings prior to this one, it would suggest that last night didnt happen by accident.
    7 points
  3. Doesn't sound like the Edinburgh promotion come out of this too well - just glad our six guys 'escaped' with their health intact. If it was as bad as painted (and Adam Ellis is on record as saying it 'wasn't speedway') - then you have to feel for those that paid to watch two very capable teams serve up such an unedifying spectacle.
    7 points
  4. It sounds like the home promotion have done their best to drive another nail in the coffin of our sport. Preparing a track that has been slaughtered by riders from both teams and home supporters and has that has provided tentative approach from riders according to those that were there. Oh, and 2 home riders picked up injuries as a result. But at least the home team won eh Mr Promoter. You really could not make it up......
    7 points
  5. Cheating referee - trying to give Zmarzlik a chance to catch Woffy - total cheat !
    6 points
  6. Hmm, Polish referee excludes Tai Woffinden in the same race he faces Bartosz Zmarzlik. Call me skeptical but if there’s anything that shows a referee fiddling results, that is it. Horrendous, horrendous. I have no words.
    6 points
  7. Feel cook has rode better tonight than the points he’s got.
    5 points
  8. THEN why not also exclude those that were also not ready?
    5 points
  9. It doesn't matter how much spin you put on it, it's not going to go away and should your season finish with more trophies , any gained in 2018 will be seen as a very hollow victory and looked on with disdain from the rest of British speedway fans .
    5 points
  10. He didn't force Godfrey to take him back , Godfrey didn't follow the rules and if he wanted to release him , then he should have done it the proper way before the cut off date or does Godfrey think that rule doesn't apply to him . I hope, Danny carries on and can score a point or two , but doubt it as his confidence must be very low,.If anybody is to blame it's not Danny , try blaming Godfrey and tell him the rule applies to all championship teams including Scunthorpe.
    5 points
  11. I have to say although I wasn't there I really wouldn't know how badly the track was (doctored) but when 1 of your own supporters Stewmac makes a statement like that you have to wonder just what is going on and as your management already made a statement pre meeting suggesting they were going to shock Lakeside with an extra grippy track . You can hardly call that a trackstaff mistake can you.
    5 points
  12. Full marks to the Bears tonight who rode with spirit and determination and put the Diamonds' pathetic performance into perspective. Barker and Jorgensen being particularly impressive, but they all played a part. I enjoyed the fact that they went over to their supporters at the end for a bit of a love-in, they deserved it. Note to the Monarchs - everyone managed to turn their bikes all night, and no-one got hurt.
    4 points
  13. Pearson says a new control box going into refs box, maybe it should be a new ref going in the control box!
    4 points
  14. After what we were treated to on Wednesday it's criminal that GP's are held at tracks like this one, there are absolutely no positives that I can see.
    4 points
  15. But the website said they were going to be using Anders Rowe (of Kent) last night.
    4 points
  16. I know that everyone at Mildenhall sends their most sincere best wishes to both Sam woods and Tom Bacon. two of speedways most pleasant genuine guys. Both accidents were truly horrific and one can only imagine with horror what the result would have been without an air fence. We are hugely indebted to teh brilliant work of Jason Gillingham and his team of medics who were cool, calm and superbly professional. Initially we think that Sam woods has a broken arm and some minor additional fractures..bad enough, but Tom Bacon hit teh turn 1 air fence at full speed with no time to get the cut-out to cut down the speed impact. Initial diagnosis is possibly fractures in his back....as I said we wish both boys a speedy return to health. Our thoughts also go to their team colleagues, the management of the Brummies, and all fans . They have had a dreadful season with injuries, and they have our respect for some great matches this season. Not the Saturday evening we were all looking forward to. James
    3 points
  17. Wasn't it an English referee that failed to exclude Woffinden for having both wheels over the white line in Malilla? Swings and roundabouts. Awful GP and one which needs culling from the calendar.
    3 points
  18. Can we exclude the referee on accounts of delaying the meeting?
    3 points
  19. Because the two poles nearest woffy in the so called title chase are in the same race the most corrupt thing I ve ever seen made a mockery of the gp this year
    3 points
  20. The ref knew that if Woofinden was excluded he wouldn’t make the semis. He knew that by excluding Woofinden Zmarzlik would have a free hit, would make the semis, probably make the final and reduce Woofindens lead to nothing. The referee will think he is a hero to Polish speedway. The rest of us call him corrupt.
    3 points
  21. CRAZY decision by the referee ... if Tai was to be thrown out so too should the other three riders. FIM referees are getting worse and worse
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. The Championship won't have teams to that strength next year.
    3 points
  24. So not the same scenario then... Phillips wants to keep riding and was dropped in an attempt to cheat and make Scunny stronger
    3 points
  25. This post is exactly why most think you are a bit of a prat. Poole have done a remarkable job to turn their season around to be honest , after the first couple of months they were completely written off and now they are in the play offs and many believe they can win it, its only the anti Poole people like yourself who cant see that. You keep bigging yourself up all the time and telling everyone how you predicted this and that, but nobody really cares. You have predicted many things and got it wrong. Poole could yet still win the thing, I actually hope they do just to spite you.
    3 points
  26. Don't think that any 'newbies' will attend tonight...given weather conditions and doubleheader costs. The sad thing is after a long hot Summer...one making the record books....the promoters are having to suffer this end to the season.. for example injuries/bad weather - fixture completions all add up to a right mess. And it's not the Workington promoters fault by any means.....British Speedway, or more accurately those running it (ruining it), needs a reality check to assure more fluency/continuity for next year.....that's for those that do actually make it to 2019 of course !!!!
    3 points
  27. The saddest thing about this whole episode, is how the club has been allowed to die with just a whimper. It doesent matter how cookie dresses it up, when the Hammers move to Rye, the game is up. We have had hardly any home meetings to attend, to share our memories and say goodbye. The fact that Arena Essex will still be staging motorsport until early November, is the hardest thing to accept. What a shambles.
    3 points
  28. Yes, I read that too. He's known for his witty and sarcastic quips so I really wonder if he said that tongue in cheek. In 42 years of following speedway weekly all I am saying is this. I think I can say what constitutes a good meeting. I pay my money and expect to watch 4 riders in each race giving it their all. Last night, for the first half of the meeting that was impossible for almost all the riders, and even for the rest of the meeting, several, including both the home captain, Riss, as well as the home number one, Wells, looked like they were being distinctly tentative, and for me there was zero entertainment. That's not speedway. That's farcical. It won't attract any new fans. And when even some of your own team end up injured as a result of this "mistake" as Blobby calls it, then it's high time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
    3 points
  29. I wish people would stop blaming Rob Godfrey for Danny Phillips poor efforts. We all know Danny suffered a serious injury and thanks to Rob he was given a reserve berth to make a come back. His efforts has been painful to watch for us but Rob stood with him. It is clear to all us Scorps fans that we wish Danny to come good, BUT and its a big BUT he has had a whole season to improve. sadly he hasn't!. Danny is a nice lad but don't blame Rob, He's given him practically a full season to come good.
    3 points
  30. I may have been away from speedway for a few years now but still keep track of the news and results. One thing that always keeps being mentioned is the declining attendances and tracks closing, most notably my local track at Coventry. The question has to be asked - in 2018 is speedway in the UK still a viable spectator sport? There will always be the "die-hards" who attend their local track but these are becoming few and far between. They are passionate about their sport and will preach it to others like a missionary spreading the word of God to a newly discovered Amazon tribe. The majority of these die-hards though are now in their sunset years and to be brutally honest will soon start dropping off. Are the younger "Nando's" generation going to replace them? I think one of the biggest problems Speedway in the UK has now is that it is overpriced for the spectator when there is so much better entertainment on offer to spend one's cash on. What are you getting for your hard earned cash? Are you seeing the worlds best riders every week -errmm NO! What you get is a watered down product dressed up as a Premiership. In fact what is the difference between the Premiership and the Championship? Isn't it just the same riders in different race jackets depending on what night of the week it is? My Step-Father who introduced me to speedway back in the early 90's has often spoken about when he went to Coventry in the 1950's and would see the likes of Ronnie Moore, Slit Waterman, Barry Briggs ect on a weekly basis and the terraces being packed to capacity. Different times yes, but can we go to speedway here now and see Tai Woffinden, Greg Hancock, Nicki Pedersen and so on on a weekly basis? Of cause not. They gave the British league the elbow and probably for good reason too. I personally think the seeds for the decline of British speedway were sowed way back in 1995 with the introduction of the Grand Prix. It was only 6 rounds then compared to the 11 or so we have now but what the Grand Prix has done is effectively wiped out top flight Speedway on a Saturday night and with it the Worlds best riders. Weekends are prime time for entertainment and people like to spend their disposable income but want value for money at the same time. Monday and Wednesday nights? your'e having a laugh! OK a few tracks have operated on these race nights for years and have attracted the aforementioned "die-hards" but in future will they attract the Nando's generation who are conscious about going out on a "school night"? We have all seen what switching race nights from a weekend to a weekday has done to Rye House. Possibly another impact facing speedway now is the value of land for development. I work in the housing sector so I know how land is needed for housing. Brandon will soon be a housing estate - its only a matter of time. If you are the owner of a motor sport oval that is at a loss and you are suddenly offered millions of pounds from a housing developer for your land what would you do? Stick it out and hope that a bunch of regulars will just about cover the costs of your race night or enjoy your retirement on a sun soaked beach in Barbados? I know which one I'd rather do. Based on this along with the rising costs for its riders I can only see speedway becoming a semi-professional sport in the UK within 10 years. The National League or whatever it will be called will thrive just as it has done since 1994 providing the tracks are in country backwaters away from town and city centres. So just how could the rot be stopped? Well abolish the BSPA for one and let the sport be run by a professional independent governing body. Stop the practice of the points limit every year. If a club can afford the best riders then so bit it. British speedway has to be one of the rare examples where a team is punished for being successful. Could you imagine a situation where Manchester City won the league and cup one season and were told the next - well done but i'm afraid you have been too good this season so you are going to have to get rid of a couple of your best players and replace them with a couple from League 2. It would never happen and would never be accepted so why should it be accepted in British speedway. It all goes back to the punter wanting value for money and offering a quality product is part and parcel to that. If you had a bad meal at a pub that an enthusiastic regular had been raving on about would you go back to that pub? I think the practice of doubling up has also killed British speedway. As I have already pointed out above - is it not the same riders in a different race jacket every night? If we are going to carry on stats que then lets jazz it up a bit and give value for money. If they said to me what would you do different then it would be this - In every meeting lets have 3 "Booster Heats" over the 15 races. The numbering of the 3 heats would be drawn at random before the meeting and the only person to know would be the referee. They would be run with a "pairs" point scoring system 4-3-2-0 (I think that's how it works) and would only be announced to the crowd and the riders within 2 minutes of the race so no tactical substitutions could be done. This would encourage team riding in these heats and would do away with the stupid double points joker. Just a thought. Anyway thanks for reading my post. I hope speedway can once again be a big spectator sport in this country but it has got to change and change fast.
    2 points
  31. He's already been crucified at Scunthorpe.
    2 points
  32. Yes he should get down to Halfords and get a puncture repair kit.
    2 points
  33. Totally garbage meeting the only talk being about the ludicrous decision to exclude Woffinden by a corrupt ref. But what goes round comes round and I think this could fire Woffinden up in the remaining rounds. I wouldn't go to this track if it was all expenses paid, surely its got to be dropped from the GP calendar?
    2 points
  34. And the reward for the most stupid post of the night goes to?????
    2 points
  35. Didn't go unnoticed, it didn't happen. Woffinden lifted, clipping the fence. No contact at all.
    2 points
  36. winner of the most ridiclous post goes too ...
    2 points
  37. All a bit OTT isnt it. Jumping on the slam Edinburgh bandwagon. Cause every other team can do no wrong and will do no wrong. 2 weeks this thread will be resigned to page 2 and only the obsessed will still be going on about it.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. Granted, but you and pinny post personal stuff about him, in my mind that is bullying. Stop winding him up, and ignore him please.anyway get back to speedway
    2 points
  40. I’m all for a bit of jousting on here but the personal stuff is unnecessary.
    2 points
  41. Now now Blobby I don't hate you couldn't really give a toss to be fair but you really do yourselves no favours at times in how thing's are done and leave it wide open for this type of criticism. Win at all cost's is fine but not to the detriment of the fans and rider safety.
    2 points
  42. id say protecting them for up coming meetings,which was a smart thing to do if the case Dispite coming 3rd in heat 15 Rasmus rode a blinder in that heat, an what a race it was
    2 points
  43. Take the last few weeks when Scott Nicholls has been guesting for Ipswich. Now don't get me wrong everyone at Ipswich loves seeing Scott wearing the witch just as much as I'm sure he still loves riding for the club. The problem comes that he could have scored the points Ipswich needed to get into the playoffs and Ipswich could possibly have met Peterborough in the final and beaten Scott's own team to the title. That on its own is a crazy situation for a team sport to be in. Worse now though because even though Ipswich won't qualify Scott is njured while riding for Ipswich which again could reck Peterborough's season.
    2 points
  44. If the track was as bad as people are saying I will take back what I said. Pottinger said he’s just glad all 7 riders made it through the meeting and Ellis said the track was shocking and all the riders struggled to turn. Sounds like a total waste of fans money and this was a case of people finding out the facts before having a pop at riders myself included. I hope the injured riders are ok.
    2 points
  45. I don’t believe he is a Poole hater - I think he is an SS hater and you seem to thrive on this - winding him up at every opportunity. No need to keep repeating his personal life either - best to stick to speedway or where you are going on “holiday” after the semis Just my opinion.
    2 points
  46. He can't help himself. My only surprise was that he didn't claim we were stronger without Dan.
    2 points
  47. I wish Workington and other teams would stop bleating about getting there fixture in before the top 4 playoff date can I just put some reasons up for this 1- Speedway can be run from mid March till October 2- So if upto the cut off date from mid March to early September there are 20 to 24. regular racenights to operate on 3 - Take 1 knockout cup fixture , 3 championship shield matches and 10 league fixtures at home so that leaves approximately 6 to 8 dates for rain offs 4- The cut off date has been extended by 10 days 5- We've had the best summer for over 30 years one last point look at my 5 reasons and ask yourself is it your own promotions fault not to fulfill fixtures as they won't have there best team available or is it all to easy to blame Rob Godfrey I Rest my case
    2 points
  48. Are you for real? Bewley has missed home meetings v Wolves and Somerset R/R v Wolves got 1 point............Bewley got 8+2 earlier in the season R/R v Somerset got 8 points.....Bewley got 14+2 earlier in the season They face Kings Lynn in the semis Home v Kings Lynn , Bewley has scored 8 and 12 Away at Kings Lynn , Bewley has scored 11+2 and 9 + 2 At home Bewley averages 9.24 the second best in the team Even by your standards of trolling to say Belle Vue are covering Bewley is quite simply miles from the truth
    2 points
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