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Ive been sent a video this evening that shows Mason is clearly not the cause of the accident, I am so disillusioned with speedway tonight after a couple of things that happened at the track after the accident, 1, after being asked to leave some 'supporters' chose to either stay in the stadium or return to see what was going on after being asked to leave quickly and quietly, give your heads a wobble its not a side show, go home and wait to hear the news in due course, 2nd the people whinging and whining about getting a poxy refund, get a grip a young lad was still lying on the track with multiple injuries, his Dad and Gran had to witness what happened, our promotor and team manger were clearly distressed, go home, do the decent thing and email the club at a more appropriate time if your are that god damned desperate. Im with you Geoff lets get behind our club and support them in any way we can and stop behaving like utter morons over things of no importance25 points
Morning, It's a pretty empty feeling many of us have this morning, please don't let this thread descend into the usual forum bitching, life really is too short - trust me. Like you all I sincerely wish Dan a full and speedy recovery. Cancelled flights, the delayed start, and non arrival of the ambulance all conspired to undermine what promised to be a great Speedway meeting and make this a night to forget. I apologise to anybody who felt there were any shortcomings last night it was a day and night from hell for everyone connected with the club. Also, it is a policy agreed with the Medical Officer not to comment on injuries or play music/make announcements whilst somebody is being treated on the track unless asked to do so, the PA system is loud and effective and drowns out communication between the medics and injured party so I regret not being in a position to keep you completely informed. You saw us preparing for the Air Ambulance as this would have brought the emergency doctors but this was changed due to flight logistics issues never the less the Doctors from the Air Ambulance team tore across the county by car to fulfill their commitment and duty, just incredible. Jacko spent most of the morning liaising between myself, Nicolai and Rasmus once their flight had been cancelled and all options were looked at to get them to Derwent Park including a Helicopter charter. The nearest we could get them to DP was Manchester to land at 5 pm so a request was made and supported by Lakeside to delay the start by 30 minutes. Nicolai and Rasmus started their shuttle around Europe and Jacko and I put in contingencies to cover myself as announcer/presenter and both riders in the event of further delays so that it was game on whatever happened. If Jacko didn't look at the Lakeside website please do forgive him, at the end of the day the Lakeside team was Will's responsibility and would have had to have been cleared with the Referee at some point. Let's not make anyone feel too bad about that at the end of the day both clubs gained nothing from yesterday and have the opportunity to race each other again. I really would like to praise Nicolai and Rasmus they could have so easily given up and stayed in DK and I do hope they are ok after their white knuckle ride to DP in the back of the Funmobile13 points
Emil Sayfutdinov has joined in raising help for Dan too with 4 sets of a ticket, a hat, a hoody and a pit pass to the 4 highest bidders The “Speedway family” at its best. Well done Emil13 points
Adding my very best wishes to Dan for a positive recovery. Dan is such a natural talent on a bike and a lovely lad Cookie has put up for auction 4 pit passes for the final GP at Torun with the proceeds going to Dan..... well done Craig12 points
While you are absolutely right that everyone should have taken the instruction that Dave Hoggart gave out and left the stadium, I don't think in the circumstances that anyone was acting badly if they stayed on for a short while or came back later. That was simply a case of deep concern for Dan Bewley's condition and I thought the way fans behaved last night was exemplary. Not one single person was rubber necking to get a better view. As to the refund, taking Geoff's excellent advice I have torn my ticket up this morning. It beggars belief that with a young rider prostrate on the track in extreme pain anyone's thoughts would be anywhere but with him. Happened almost right in front of me and was undoubtedly one of the worst I have ever seen. Such was the nature of the crash that I really did think the worst and, indeed, I am somewhat relieved that the current diagnosis is a broken leg and arm.11 points
They all think theyll be idolised for Pedersen bashing throughout the sport , thats why they do it. They know he has a reputation and is unpopular so they think that going for him after any tiny little incident makes them heroes in the eyes of anti Pedersen people. pathetic in all honesty... the minute Pedersen has enough and lumps one of these hangers on unconscious cannot come soon enough. He should of been allowed to lay Hancock out after Hancocks pathetic lunge at him a few years ago, instead of being dragged away. These clowns would soon think twice. Pedersen has always been a hard rider and yes has pulled some shocking moves but not for a long time. There are worse out there than him for sure.8 points
Thank you, fortunately Rasmus thought it was reading in KPH !7 points
Hope dan is ok , texter on updates blames mason i dont think he was to blame he was going for a gap same as kyle and dan just a racing accident with a bad ending. Now on the bad side i guess tonights tickets get us in next meeting either free or with a massive reduction howabout as a gesture to laura we all on here pay the full admission and spread the word so laura doesnt take to much of a hit i know not all will but now is the time to stick together , tonight has been a bad night with flight delays the late ambulance arrival and poor dan in hospital lets do all we can to show laura massive support.finally on the plus side well done kyle on his first comet race win.7 points
Best to wishes to Dan, hoping for positive news in the coming days and a speedy recovery. Everyone who follows speedway knows the risks that are taken by the riders and how dangerous it can be but it never makes it easier when someone is seriously hurt. Best wishes to his family also, must have been horrendous for his father and nan to witness the accident. Fingers crossed Dan can recover fully and resume his highly promising career. A very highly thought of youngster by many within the sport, clearly shown by all the get well messages seen across social media. Nice to see Craig Cook attempting to raise some funds for young Dan too, fantastic work again, much like his work for Mitchell Davey. He does seem to not help himself at times with his actions but he has shown this year that he truly does care for the sport and care for his fellow professionals. Great work Cookie.6 points
Craig Cook has tweeted. "Love this sport but not when one of my mates gets a bad knock.@DanBewley is made of tough stuff though. He is going to need help in his recovery. I am putting up 4 pit passes for the final GP at Torun. Highest bid wins. All monies to my marra. Come on let’s get behind this kid." Typical of Craig's generosity. I hope it raises lots of money and that we have a collection at the meeting tomorrow.6 points
First of all, best wishes to Dan Bewley and, Workington Speedway on what can't be easy times atm,,, Adding to the guest/8 day rule, although a silly rule IMO,,, some are blaming promotions etc. but suppose it would be too much to ask to have the riders to be 'clued-up' on the rules also ?6 points
Only just watched it and personally I'm getting fed up with this vendetta against Pederson, it's getting boring. Janowski a rider I've always liked has gone down to zero in my estimation and that imbecile cretin mechanic should be banned from the pits for life. Totally unacceptable.6 points
Notice Kyle Newman is unable to ride at Newcastle tonight following last nights crash so best wishes to him too5 points
As Dave Hoggart has pointed out , we had our own problems all day with flights being cancelled, Tony Jackson will probably not have known they had a guest , and it wasn’t his responsibility to start looking anyway , it was Lakesides mistake for getting Worrall , surely Worrall himself should have known he wasn’t eligible to ride..not Workingtons fault ..getting boring now Lakeside made the mistake , the meeting was abandoned so no gain for any team ....just a thought5 points
Its a shame for dan but his accident has pulled all the comets fans and fans from all.over and riders as well shows how close the speedway family is may it continue.5 points
Super comments as allways from hoggy the best their is at any stadium, just one question did the funmobile ever get below 100 mph?also.a big up to "town" who are going to have a bucket collection next home game for dan shows great support for one of our own.5 points
Would like to a special mention for Phil Morris for the last 2 GPs, half hour before start yesterday when the heavens opened up, thought this is a long way for a rain off. But works his nuts off sorting & overlooking EVERYTHING, thanks Phil your a star5 points
I'm a neutral fan. You miss a point completely. The rules are black and white on this case and that is why Worrall could not ride. If Worky allow a rule to be bent then a precident is set and any team can follow Lakeside. It's Lakeside's fault. I assume Lakeside had to get the guest booking agreed with the BPSA. They should also be held resposnible if they have allowed Worrall to travel as it's a clear mistake. Worky have done nothing wrong. It's not win at all costs.5 points
Sorry, but I have to disagree with you here (see the second highlighted part of your post) If you are asked to leave the stadium, you do so as quickly and as safely as possible and to go back in to 'have a look' is acting badly in my opinion. Best wishes to Dan for a full recovery, however long it takes. Also, on the Steve Worrall fiasco, people appear to want to blame Lakeside (quite rightly) for getting a guest who was ineligible or Workington (again rightly) for acting in an ungentlemanly conduct way, for letting the rider turn up and then saying he can't ride, but not many have pointed out someone at the BSPA must have approved to the guesting in the first place?5 points
As Halifax tiger says. All our thoughts should be with Dan who aswell as Chris I'm hearing just a badly broken leg and arm. If that's the case he can find himself very lucky indeed by all accounts. Now onto Worrall for Lawson. Yes it was the right thing to do to not let stevie ride. Rules are rules and Mr Jackson rightly pointed it out when stevie arrived at track but FFS... come on man.... lakeside announced hours earlier he was riding. Why diddnt worky stop the guest then instead of let him drive all the way to worky for a meeting they knew he would never ride in. Again it just looks like promoters got it in for each other and trying to outdo them with not a care in the world for the riders5 points
i agree with you liz !!! . why oh why didnt some supporters do the right thing and just buzz off out of the stadium instead of waiting and waiting to see if they could see something . people like that make me throw up .REFUNDS , that should be the last thing that they think of . greedy , ignorant people . shame on you scumbags .5 points
4 points
It has been a nightmare season off track ,hope the Promotion come out off it ok.Cant afford to lose such a good track from the sport.4 points
This may well be the best Post I have seen on this forum. I was not at the meeting last night but a close friend was and he advisd that it was a very nasty crash indeed. Further to your point regards the admission,maybe a collction could be arranged for Dan, with us (edinburgh) coming down next week(maybe too soon for tonights meeting) im sure there will be a lot of fans who will contribute. Get Well Soon Dan.4 points
Hope Dan has a good recovery and we see him fit and well next season, seems to be one thing after another at Workington this season what with the change of race nights hope it has not had too much effect on Laura and the promotion.You deffo deserve to be in the playoffs.4 points
Over the last 3 years we've witnessed teams chop and change their starting line ups and even bring in GP riders just for the play offs, All within the rules i may add, but come the end of season PO chase the Aces chances are yet again ruined by injuries ( Fricke / Bjerre ) This isnt sour grapes BTW, as i know Wolves suffered similar fate last year , but the rule is a joke. why should teams be punished When a rider is genuinely injured ?? Main thing is Dan makes a speedy recovery, he's worth the admission fee alone4 points
Please don't assign any blame for this at the door of Workington Speedway . By all accounts saturday leading up to the meeting was very challenging to say the least. The rules are in place and its not Workington's fault that for whatever reason those rules would have been breached. Its incumbent on team managers and to a point riders to be familiar with the rulebook on such matters. It appears Tony Jackson did.4 points
Having seen how wet the track was earlier I thought the meeting was OK..I thought it was a good advert for the sport with a big full stadium and a great atmosphere...the racing wasn't fantastic but to be honest i started watching in the 70's and speedway racing is often poor ..this wasn't poor....this was a good advert as speedway goes4 points
Tonight a reminder that the playoffs & trophies, though very nice, aren't the be all & end all of speedway that some would have you believe. Watched Bewley from the start in 2016, unassuming kid with phenomenal talent. Starts 2018 at reserve & beating heatleaders home & away, mostly from the back too. He's the heartbeat of our club imo, get well soon Dan.4 points
Just heard about Dan's dreadful accident. I'm sure I speak for all Redcar Bears fans in wishing him a speedy, and complete recovery. He is a brilliant rider, and is so good to watch his all action style, the sooner we see you on the track the better.3 points
3 points
Fantastic posy Hoggy thank you for that.Ifs it's any consolation you were clear, concise and very professional in the face of adversity so thanks again.3 points
EmilSayfutdinov89 @EmilRacing89 24m24 minutes ago More EmilSayfutdinov89 Retweeted Craig Cook Guys !!!!! I’m join in the group!!!!! I giving 4 tickets, 4 hats 4 paddock and 4 hoodies!!!!!! Set is: 1ticket 1hat 1hoodie 1 paddock!!! The highest prices winning!!!!!! #helpdan this is the key to help our little friend!!!!!! @EmilRacing893 points
I've posted this in the Aces v Wolves thread in the PL section but it may be of interest to anyone going to Torun. Craig Cook has tweeted, "Love this sport but not when one of my mates gets a bad knock.@DanBewley is made of tough stuff though. He is going to need help in his recovery. I am putting up 4 pit passes for the final GP at Torun. Highest bid wins. All monies to my marra. Come on let’s get behind this kid."3 points
It was down to Lakeside in my opinion but as usual the only ones who were going to lose out is the fans. Doesn’t really matter now anyway, all that matters is that Dan Bewley is going to be ok.3 points
It is being reported by Rybnik on Twitter that Dan had an operation on his leg at 1.00am this morning. I hope that it was successful and that Dan has a full and speedy recovery.3 points
This is where the play-offs can become farcical.Through no fault of any team if you are the best by miles over the season and you get an injury or two at the end this will more than likely end your challenge.A couple of posters have already said it has happened to their teams in the last few years which finished them. I think we need a rule change as to when a team gets a rider that is seriously injured they should be allowed a change after the so called date.Although this must be controlled properly as this has been abused by a couple of teams in the past.3 points
Nothing to do with Workington IMO, Lakesides cock up it appears.3 points
I think it would be common sense to allow injury replacement signings for riders who break bones between the cut off and the start of the play offs. This injury will diminish the quality of the last four meetings.3 points
I think you are being a little harsh here, even if that is understandable in the circumstances. Scunthorpe were awful on Friday. Rob Godfrey has taken a lot of criticism this season for some of his actions and in my opinion much of that is justified. But it is a lot harder to criticise him for what has happened at Scunthorpe. In past seasons, EWR has quite properly gained a huge reputation for excellent racing. Even though I have made many visits to the NSS this year, the best match I have seen remains Scunthorpe v Glasgow. On Friday, I think we were lucky to see a meeting at all given the weather conditions and I think Rob can be forgiven for the track not being at its best then. As to the team, on Friday both Auty and Allen were inadequately replaced. Nielsen is a pale shadow of the brilliant rider he was at the outset of the season and I suspect shouldn't be riding at all. Worrall went out after one race. Manzares was disappointing and while Phillips struggled, there aren't many on his average who would do much better. Rob can be accused of putting out mediocre teams in the past, but not in 2018. What was a good team on paper has been destroyed by injury and that just isn't his fault.3 points
totally devastated, what a night ...makes you realise what danger these guys endure for our entertainment...my thoughts are with you Dan , from going from a high in heat 2 for Kyle getting his first win of the season to that in heat 33 points
I intend to pay full again.......hope young Dan is ok soon...3 points
I did say after Malilla that the wildcard situation is going to be really interesting, and as i see it now it`s Holder,Pawlicki and Cook replaced by Lindback,NKI and Kolodziej. Everyone else deserves their place.3 points
Laguta is a gater, Zagar is a racer that will fight for a position.2 points
2 points
Bartoz move on the back straight on lap one of the final was an eye opener but strangely no one mentioned it2 points
I would like to see every team run a junior team and have fixtures every week. Every team should enter into the NJL, MDL or SJL, even if it means adopting teams like Reading, Weymouth etc. This gives younger riders much more track time and lets them develop quicker. Would probably encourage more youngsters into the sport if they knew they were guaranteed more track time as well and would be a natural stepping stone into the National League.2 points
The danger with 20 matches is if a team is running away with the match it becomes very boring. I am in favour of the old "40-38" formula with interval after heat 13 followed by a second half. The good thing about the old system is that it allowed the reserves extra rides including the up and coming riders who got valuable experience against established riders. At Middlesbrough several riders came through the ranks like this. At Redcar none of the current second junior's have appeared in the team despite on the odd occasion being listed at no 8.2 points
Agreed - could we suspend the seemingly endless bickering over rules please in view of what has happened to Dan? Sending him positive vibes.2 points
2 points