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  1. It's time these pit crew thugs started getting bans for their attacks/attempted attacks on riders...
    9 points
  2. As I understand it, once Craig Cook had qualified towards the end of last season for this year's GP-series, Workington were then keen to avoid running home meetings on GP-Saturdays as they knew (especially in borderline Cumbrian weather) that a significant chunk of their home crowd would prefer to watch Cook live on TV instead of turning up at Derwent Park and settling for a Sky-+ trip through Cook's races along with the rest of that night's GP afterwards. Hence it was reckoned Friday nights with no counter-attraction of GP-TV would be better financially for the Comets than Saturday night clashes between the two and, at that stage, the BSPA didn't seem to have a problem with such a plan and its likely scattering of a few Workington home-Fridays throughout the 2018 season. But then came the actual declaring of the 2018 GP-schedule, crucially the first such schedule to be fitted into not just a World Cup football year but a World Cup in which Poland were expected to go a long way within it (yes, I know they actually crashed out straight away but on FIFA pre-tournament rankings they were the top-seeds in Group H ahead of Colombia, Senegal and Japan). Hence there weren't many GP's (just a couple of them plus the Speedway Nations week) during May & most of June, followed by the much busier GP-schedule that began (after the football groups were over) with the Danish round at Horsens on 30-June and yet still included one of the Swedish rounds at Hallstavik on 7-July which could have been getting underway only a few minutes after a Poland-Sweden quarter-final penalty shootout if the World Cup draw had tumbled that particular way (that was the actual game in which England beat Sweden 2-0). Even once both the GP and World Cup schedules were settled (shortly before Christmas 2017), there still seemed no serious objection from the BSPA to Workington's occasional GP-swerving Fridays and that still remained the case when the Comets' fixtures were announced early in 2018 with lots of Friday home meetings for them packed into July and August rather than a wider scattering of those home-Fridays across April and May as well. Then, as has been well (and very understandably frustratingly) documented on umpteen threads on this forum, it was only decided to scupper more than just Workington's Friday-plan at disgracefully short notice when a regular Friday home-track threw all its toys out of what needs to be a rather big pram for that particular baby. Hope all the above answers jenga's question.
    6 points
  3. I know Tony Jackson personally, quite well, and I can assure you that he could not attend the AGM because of personal family commitments (and believe me you would not wish to have those commitments yourself !). His place would have been taken by other management members, but I also know for a fact that they had untimely personal family commitments too !! I appreciate you werent inferring it, but please....no-one should think that our management just simply "couldnt be bothered" to attend the AGM. If you knew just how MUCH of his personal time Tony Jackson puts in week in and week out to sort team issues out, you would find it almost impossible to believe ! And he has a full time job to go to, plus he has long term family commitments to battle with on a daily basis too...so lets give him some credit !
    6 points
  4. Then why did the BSPA adopt the official fixturelist?
    5 points
  5. Couldnt get last night work again but second son went for first time in 15 yrs with his 2 lads and they luved it will be going everyweek ,now if only we could find a few more like that !
    5 points
  6. But according to Rob Godfrey you were told about Fridays before the season started and did nothing about it. They have only taken a tough stance because Lakeside, Peterborough and Workington did not sort it themselves. why is took 12 weeks to sort is probably because Rob couldn’t get guests as documented but due to no appeals to overturn the decision I would suggest it was in place at start of the season. British speedway is worse off under Buster and Godfrey but their ego’s won’t let them see it
    4 points
  7. not too bothered really what he scores.speedway in general has gone off the rails with rider changes galore.will i be ar..ed next season?who knows.
    3 points
  8. I totally agree Jenga. Tony Jackson has always been totally and utterly devoted to his work for the Comets, over many many years. He should be given an award for all his work, much of which is done in his OWN TIME ! I cant help but think though, that with all the shenanigans that the poor bloke and the other club management have had to constantly battle against this season, he and they must be at the end of their tethers.
    3 points
  9. Your last paragraph is a contradiction... Pedersen all action last night and won the thing. if hes capable of nights like that still, he should still be in the series. If hes still mixing around the top 8 at the end and requires a wild card, then taking into account his Swedish and Polish league form, where he tops the averages, and his recent GP form, he deserves to have another wild card regardless of how many he has previously had.
    3 points
  10. He might be referring to 'ginger beer' as in Cockney rhyming slang.
    3 points
  11. So the powers from above(not bspa) have heard the pleas of Cumbria and the fair minded speedway fan(but not all)and declared this mismatch shall not commence,proof that good will always triumph over evil
    3 points
  12. Thats a lot of £10 notes, even with tiny writing I was gonna say something like that, but av only got a fiver
    3 points
  13. The one thing Berwick is NOT is a dump.Its one of the best stadiums in the league.The track might not be the best but there was not one rider fell tonight so you are obviously talking through your A#se.
    3 points
  14. That is probably the one thing that really annoys me, when riders literally give up before the end of the race, I can except break downs, falls etc but a rider giving up is not acceptable.
    2 points
  15. Not been said - however the Match against Rawicz was declared a 40-0 victory for bydgoszcz as Rawicz turned up without the minimum 4 Poles- so a challenge match between the teams was raced and Bach didn`t ride.
    2 points
  16. Deserved win for Berwick - the best team on the night from 1 - 7
    2 points
  17. Tell them to embrace the unpredictability of it all
    2 points
  18. The way I see it is that Hancock for several years now has preferred to ride safe rather than take a chance (not knocking him for it), he rarely overtakes on the outside and his gating has seen him thro. In the last couple of seasons the newbies have shown no respect for his reputation ( why should they) so his points haul has gradually lowered. Woffinden now seems to have a similar mindset, safety first as he has a significant points advantage. Pedersen on the other hand still has the points scoring hunger and is prepared to put himself on the line to get points which means we are entertained. i personally wouldn't give Hancock, Holder or even Pedersen a pick. The series needs new blood not oldies prepared to go thro the motions.
    2 points
  19. Yeah, well done Shaggy, tho you almost blew it yesterday you've recovered the situation, good job!!
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. unless of course you are called richie worrall LOL .
    2 points
  22. Two theories? Maybe you only remember the good parts of the meetings, the rest is forgotten? Or perhaps as bikes develop and get faster, the quality of racing deteriorates, especially around fast, narrow tracks like Berwick? Maybe when the bikes were a bit slower, the racing was better?
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. I will answer it for you then. I doubt that even Poole's owners could insist an interval was taken at Speedway matches if it looked like it was going to rain before the end of a match.
    2 points
  25. Has that made you feel better after the football? Your continual bitterness towards Edinburgh is rather dull without explanation. Don't think any Monarchs fan went along tonight with any great confidence. Look at the bandits reserves.
    2 points
  26. The rain spoilt a decent meeting .. the scoreline flattered Sheffield, when the rain started and our boys knew we had the cushion they didn’t risk themselves .. crazy how heat 15 was ran when Sheffield couldn’t win the meeting but Mr Bates thought they were only 3 points behind thinking Charles had scored double points in his tac ride so wanted the race run .. 3 points nice one boys
    2 points
  27. He said he had been told he had been sacked, that was confirmed, what happened after that we don't know presumably someone realised without a ready made replacement it was a stupid thing to say not sure it is Bjerre that looks a berk
    2 points
  28. That was more than enjoyable. Never thought the meeting would go ahead when the first TV pictures were shown, what a job the track staff did to get that on. Pedersen was inspired, fully deserved for how much he gives to the sport, whatever personal opinions he attracts.
    2 points
  29. Not a NP fan, but showed what it meant to him . Well done. No fault in the Woofy clash.
    2 points
  30. Malilla GP showing what an utter joke it was to call off the Poole meeting!!!
    2 points
  31. You predicted Poole 43 47 Somerset just two days ago.
    1 point
  32. Think you will find that already lots of Sheffield fans go to the EWR to get their fix of races with passing in.
    1 point
  33. http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/files/downloads/c18_issue_19.pdf
    1 point
  34. He has had a hell of a workload this year hasn't he.Apparently they have found the problem with his bike concerning King's Lynn anyway
    1 point
  35. Looks like the meeting was awarded as Rawicz turned up with only three Polish riders and not four Polish riders as in their rules, they then ran a training meeting that Bach didnt take part in. https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/771086/nie-bedzie-meczu-w-bydgoszczy-sedzia-przyznal-walkower-druznynie-polonii
    1 point
  36. I would think Ostergaard is now just about fit and ready to resume racing apart from Bjerre's average too high. but I find it a very strange decision him getting sacked there must be some underlying reason for it.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. so you finally mastered the hokey cokey . (spelling ) u/s ..
    1 point
  39. Better off away from Poole and he has a terrific future some of the things you mentioned man management then comes into the equation.He has a far better home track to race on now where you can race and he seems really happy in his racing.
    1 point
  40. Is there a difference between mocking someone for their hair colour and mocking them for their skin colour?
    1 point
  41. Not for most. If taken at night it keeps most up all night and wanting to be on the go. Most can't rest. Keeps you wide awake. Doubt if it would help a speedway rider on track...But in this dangerous sport, or any sport, driving etc, theres no excuse. Weed makes your reactions slower.To chilled if you like.
    1 point
  42. Agreed, him and Lindgren do it too often for it not to completely deliberate. Fair enough it can happen anytime but you can see the way those 2 throw the bike at opponents with everything they've got, desperate and dangerous.
    1 point
  43. Danny Bird was a lot more serious as I think he was taking amphetamines (If I remember correctly) which makes you more aggressive which then caused the altercation with Richie Hawkins who was riding for Workington at the time. Most likely I think Steve would've most likely had alcohol or THC (from cannabis) which of course is still a problem but THC can stay in your system for a while, but I don't know the details of the whole situation Plus Steve is also only in the National League so he isn't exactly doing this full time so I couldn't personally see him returning because he's also no spring chicken but then again neither are the likes of Paul Hurry and Tony Atkin
    1 point
  44. I promise you he says Gdansk but you can barely hear G in Polish when it's followed by some consonants e.g. Gdansk or Gniezno. @Mark - I'm watching here http://www.maniak.tv/kanal-1
    1 point
  45. I also hoping Laura sticks with it,but she must be really p#ssed off how this season has went.
    1 point
  46. i think during the season with the top riders when they are riding multiple leagues in multiple countries that's fine but local riders in the National League that's perhaps a bit harsh going to their homes to do it. but for sure they should be at every track at every meeting testing riders this is a massive deterrent... well it should be
    1 point
  47. There is a big different between losing and investing. Through there successful, profitable company they acquired land and invested in creating an impressive sports stadium - both are assets. They continue to invest money that would presumably be 'lost' to the taxman therby enhancing there assets and providing a better product for speedway fans to enjoy. The key is owning the stadium. Sadly when speedway was drawing huge crowds in the 60 and 70s the promoters in the uk put the money in the boot of the car and drove off. when the crowds started to drop they sold the club to speedway fans as opposed to hard headed businessmen and its been generally 'fans' that have been trying to keep the sport going ever since. They had a chance when Sky were throwing money at the sport to invest in facilities but chose to pass it on the riders and once the money started to dry up the riders moved on to other countries. It'll' be interesting when the Polish bubble bursts!
    1 point
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