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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2018 in all areas

  1. I have been on this forum long enough to remember when you used to post on every Coventry thread when they were going for the title
    7 points
  2. I think it says it all that only one person is being negative about it. It's all about the context IMO, Robert has probably ridden in more meetings than anyone else in world speedway this year with four leagues, GP qualifying, world U21 rounds, Euro Champs and individual meetings including Cardiff. If this test match had been in the calendar from day one he'd have ridden but for the sake of the rest of his season he obviously needs the break. Things aren't always black and white.
    6 points
  3. Honestly, who the f**k do you think you are? He could take Berwick as he pleases like he has done in the past! We also have a young son who loves watching speedway so one thing you do as a parent is things that make your kids happy! Hopefully you grow up and learn that at some point in the future! Still puzzles me why you bother commenting though if you have no interest in it anymore!
    6 points
  4. In all honesty, I would find it hard to not want to see Poole win the league. They were absolutely ridiculed at the start of the season with some poor results, trolled to high heaven by the usual suspects mainly Gavan and yet theyve made a few changes and now look like favourites to me. One thing I really dont understand, is how a fully grown adult in Gavan, can spend so much time on a thread that isnt even in the same league section as his club. Ipswich have been, all in all, rubbish this season so surely your expert opinion should be aired on their threads and not Poole ones? Poole fans are no angels but the majority of their threads turn to rubbish because of the trolls like Gavan coming on and spouting nonsense.
    5 points
  5. Here is my view as a neutral who was at the meeting. The track was a bit tricky at the start and no doubt contributed to the two major incidents. With a two hour curfew in place, Kent should consider employing a second ambulance to help keep delays at a minimum. Lastly with a big holiday crowd in attendance, Eastbourne's delaying tactics to slow the meeting down were a disgrace. With the sport suffering at all levels, selfish antics are the last thing speedway needs.
    5 points
  6. Just caught up with this meeting and that’s the third meeting in a row that has been diabolical viewing. BT need to get themselves down to Wimborne Road so we can stop the rot.
    4 points
  7. Apparently it was not great at Swindon last night ............ match report states just ONE overtake all night!! It's not just KL............ although some would have you believe otherwise! Still believe that a great deal (not necessarily all) is down to fans perception of what they think they remember from years gone by ............... they always remember the good/outstanding races/matches but NEVER recollect the countless bad ones they've seen in the past....................... I know for sure that I've been to a great deal of very "dull" meetings at very many tracks (many now sadly defunct) since the early 70's. So for those who "believe" that every race was an absolute blinder in years gone by .................. I'm sorry to advise that your memory is either failing or being selective.
    4 points
  8. Wow. I don't think you are ever going to stop following brum round, laughing to yourself or ruining threads so for the sake of everyone's sanity I'll leave that one there and steer clear in future.
    4 points
  9. Why do you feel the need to follow brum around and pick on him like a school bully?
    4 points
  10. Well, just popped on here to see some kind of match report, how the racing was, how the riders were, what the crowd was like etc etc, and all I can find, for the most part, is 7 pages of people arguing, accusations of fiddling and one in particular slagging Leicester off. As has been pointed out twice, Leicester's 1-5 were as good as Poole's, the difference was in the reserves. If there's anyone out there with time and inclination to post something meaningful in relation to last nights meeting, I, for one, would much appreciate reading what you have to say. Thanking you in advance
    4 points
  11. I agree that all British riders should be available,but on the agreeance that all international matches are known prior to the start of the season.Not slapped in your face a few weeks before they want you to ride.I think this is fair don't you?
    3 points
  12. So you think slander is acceptable then do you? I will report you as much as i feel the need to while you keep posting your bile. Attack my posts as much as you want but when it gets personal im waiting And ive never created another acoount..........bit pathetic to feel the need to do that but you get your kicks obviously And please you really think im bothered what you (the laughing stock of the forum and ridiculed by all) , Shovlar ( the forum troll who again gets stick from a majority) and Lisa (a lemming) say about me. There are decent Poole fans on here, rayc, foreverblue, poolekeith and many others, even Starman has been ok in small doses. You and Shovlar i honestly couldnt give a rats what you say, as your opinions arent really given much credit by a vast majority of posters on here
    3 points
  13. Maybe he's popping over to Germany to see his girlfriend, so he could possibly come back even more tired than when he left
    3 points
  14. Suprised Gavan had time to post that. Would have thought he would have been too busy on twitter asking girls to send him naked photos. Well done Pinny for revealing this to everyone on here. There’s a name for people who do that.
    3 points
  15. I too wasn't there but I have seen Tom Brennan race on many occasions and have never seen anything to lead me to believe he is a dirty rider or would cause a crash on purpose so its good to read some neutrals supporting that view. BUT, I equally support criticism of the two teams involved. The number of Kent matches that fail to beat the curfew is becoming a joke. I watch with amazement at matches I have attended there at the complete lack of urgency. This is also a criticism of the referees, who appear to think it is not their job to keep the meeting moving on swiftly. On several occasions I have seen people shouting up at the ref's box asking why the 2 minute warning is not on. And as for Eastbourne, I have felt for a long while they are a disgrace to speedway. The Dugard's clearly have a win at all costs mentality which I draw the line at when it harms the sport as a whole. They appear to have a card which allows them to do what they want without fear of being challenged or punished. They sign dubiously legal riders (aided by a poor rule book). They call off meetings for rain which everyone knows is due to rider availability. And again, obvious delaying tactics should be dealt with by the referee to ensure not only fairness but much more important sport credibility. A rule that excludes riders from a race (with no reserve replacement) or even the meeting for unprofessional conduct would snuff this out immediately. I have taken many newcomers to speedway in an effort to repopulate the species but I cant explain much of what goes on which must leave my guest wondering why I actually bother to attend. Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg in a sport riddled with problems and possibly heading for extinction. Sad and dark days.
    3 points
  16. Buster has a great opportunity for Kings Lynn to make a real fist of the play-offs. One signing could turn an ok season into a great one. Will he be able to get his hands deep enough into his pockets to make it happen.? Think history teaches us many things so I won’t hold my breath
    3 points
  17. Just back from Poland, where we enjoyed 3 full (Gorzow, Rawicz and Wroclaw) and the lodz two heats being among the small number in what will be an impressive stadium when finished. I suspected that the lights didn't work when they were not put on when it began to rain heavily. Wroclaw was the best meeting of the three especially the races involving Leon Madsen. Cracking atmosphere there and at Gorzow. Rawicz was a new track to me and I really enjoyed it despite the heat and I wouldn't hesitate to visit them again.
    3 points
  18. You may find the post boring but it was the truth Poor meeting - little worthwhile racing/passing
    3 points
  19. With a special mention for Chris Harris, who walked around the entire stadium with his bucket, posing for selfies and thanking each fan for their donation. For a visiting rider, who had just been handed a 5-1 and might have been a bit down, this was truly commendable.
    3 points
  20. I have been “lambertlasted” by mostly Kings Lynn fans for having the temerity to say Lambert should cancel his “holiday” to ride in the meeting. To cry off as tired is feeble in the extreme, especially for a kidof his age. Very poor imo.
    2 points
  21. So you're asked if you'd "like to" represent your nation, the World Champion will be there, even bloody Tai is riding for us (God Bless Him) and you pull not even with a sicky but to have a rest? Not on in my view. I was considering a near 12 hour round trip drive to see this very special meeting. It makes you think twice. I'll say more.... This is a very special meeting, designed, in part, to capture the public's imagination. Those of us who remember test matches of old know precisely what I mean. For the newer fans, don't you want to beat those Aussies? I for one, don't want to be playing the "What if" card if we lose. We don't want to leave anything out there do we? This is historic.
    2 points
  22. Excuse the correction but Gavan quite clearly said 1 person not Poole speedway. unless of course you think Steve .Shovlar IS Poole speedway
    2 points
  23. Please Gav, this is not forum for a continued slanging match, please you and Trumpy take you argument to messenger, or you will both end up getting banned. This sort of stuff does nobody and speedway any good.
    2 points
  24. If he rode for Poole you'd think it was ok.
    2 points
  25. Some peole just like to pick out the negative
    2 points
  26. It didn't add anything. Once done a few times it's very very boring. Nothing beats all the bikes on the track at the same time during parade. How about having the both teams reserves start from the tapes. 5 meters back are the No2 & 4's. Another 5 meters back are the No'3 and 5's. 2 meters behind them are the No'1. That'll be entertainment
    2 points
  27. Exactly, Robert was even team riding when with the Young Stars, always plays his part for the team and that's why he's club captain. I don't think Pearson can't go a single league meeting on BT without mentioning Woffinden.
    2 points
  28. That’s twice you have mentioned this in the last day - I’m not really sure what you hope to achieve! He hasn’t broken any laws unlike SCB so I suggest you stick to attacking the post and not the poster - not that there is much to attack though!
    2 points
  29. Lol you need to understand what the word troll means. It means posting to deliberately incite a reaction. You know like Shovlar does all the time. Ipswich have suffered a catalogue of injuries but thats for that thread. At the start of the season we was told how amazing the Poole 1-7 was. No team apparantly was going to get near them and the league was a formality. I pointed out at the start of the season that the 1-7 had lots of maybes about it, if you think thats trolling then i suggest you look up the word as i said. I said Brady wasnt a true number one (correct) I said Linus for Hans was a mistake (correct) I said Holder we had no idea how he would go (correct) I said the Poles could be flakey (correct) I said Shanes would struggle (correct) No please correct me if im wrong but i pretty much got Pooles team right from the start unlike someone who changed his avatar to a magnificent 7 which looks very foolish now. Poole have made changes all above board no issue there................is that trolling? Now yet again we have ( a few) Poole fans crowing again about how mighty they are............i guess using 14 riders can help. Hot hot favourites before a wheel was turned and now even stronger......of course Poole should win the league. Its just a shame that some of their fans dont learn. To have an opinion is not trolling. And the fact that my opinion on the original 1-7 was spot on as well Of course i laughed when Poole were getting beat.....when you have fools telling you they wouldnt be beaten and i was called an idiot for suggesting the 1-7 wasnt great, it was fantastic watching them losing
    2 points
  30. Apart from Lynn fans, who understandably enjoyed the win, if anyone thought that was "a good meeting", Speedway is in big trouble .. Can't remember one pass of any note ?
    2 points
  31. As Birmingham did previously the fact that Kent only have a 2 hour window means visiting sides in a professional sport will do all they can to maximise their chances. The fault lies with the authorities who allow tracks to operate with a 2 hour slot which we all know can often be insufficient to complete a meeting. Public short changed AGAIN! In a perfect world Kent shouldn't have a licence...then again the BSPA daren't implement anything that is for the wider good as tracks just threaten to close. 2 ambulances MUST be in attendance, 3 hours minimum timeslot MUST be a pre-requirement for a licence, all scheduled fixtures MUST be staged.. so much wrong leading to the inevitable i'm afraid
    2 points
  32. That's the thing that's drove me bonkers, the AFA can be and should be a special place to watch Speedway. Unfortunately the place has gone delusional, people just don't see no wrong. Anyone to call last night a good meeting clearly doesn't understand what Speedway's all about. I dare some to fill in their programme one week after the first 2 corners and see if much changes. It is a fact that the racing is very boring 90% of the time, we have an owner and a track curator who's delusional over what is being delivered to the public as entertainment. I think the racing now at the AFA is that bad, I'd be more entertained watching Speedway at Lakeside.
    2 points
  33. This could be a very good meeting on Wednesday I think we will win our reserves will out class Newman and Lambert will be the key looking forward to it onward and upward
    2 points
  34. MANY years ago the then Chairman of the SCB told me that it was easy to impose discipline on promoters because most of them were leaving meetings with shed loads of money in their car boots and the thought of losing their licence ensured they toed the line. Now, any threats are likely to be met with "we will close."
    2 points
  35. Webbo we have all had our lariets pulled by promoters. Remember at Lynn where we paid 13 quid (or whatever) to watch a succession of engine failures orchistrated by the then Lynn Team manager in a failed attempt to get averages down to bring in a new rider. Or doesn’t that count ? Stones n glasshouses mate, stones n glasshouses
    2 points
  36. I personally didn't think it was that great last night but as you say we have seen worse over the last few years. The races where Howarth and Masters got 5-1's weren't bad as Batch and Tobi were all over them but just couldn't pass. BUT, I took some family who were over from Ireland and they loved it. They can't wait to go again next time they are over. Obviously they won't be regulars but it was interesting enough that they had a great night out.
    2 points
  37. Expensive way of getting a meeting called off with all the riders and crowd in. Much better to have say a power failure the day before. For example. Or fake a heart attack, that’s always a good one
    2 points
  38. At least he is supporting the Sport and not walking away from it like a lot of fans.Should be commended IMO.
    2 points
  39. Perhaps Leicesters team changes were to do with cost cutting and survival rather than strengthening.
    2 points
  40. So, like the Poole meeting another last heat decider but a totally $#!+€ meeting. Something has to be done about the track at King's Lynn. FTG race track these days
    2 points
  41. Strange move. Thought Etheridge was doing well. Should imagine he will be picked up pretty quickly.
    1 point
  42. if robert(probably for the first time this season)has 5 days with no bookings i think hes probably entitled to go away and have a break
    1 point
  43. I dont know Krompa. Stephen Zetterwall said in a chat comment during Smederna's Facebook live broadcast that we should expect to see Leon and possibly Magnus tonight. Stephen usually knows what he is talking about so I choose to trust him.
    1 point
  44. Bacon was very impressive.
    1 point
  45. Might be worth deleting this duplicate thread mods..
    1 point
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