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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2018 in all areas

  1. Hopefully the Mods will delete you instead
    7 points
  2. Incompetence is one thing, self interest is another. This is far more about the latter, and that's much less forgivable.
    7 points
  3. I see that apology for bring a cockwomble lasted a long time ...
    6 points
  4. How many times have we had this only for it to binned again after promoters moan all season about it and try to find ways to twist it so they don't have to like last year when a team tracked an over age Australian as their "young British rider" after weeks of making excuses about not being able to sign one. Invariably the rule gets dumped the next year like it was for this season. The rule making must be taken away from the promoters so they cannot continually change things to meet their own selfish needs. An independent ruling body is essential for British speedway to move forward.
    6 points
  5. Obsessed or what this has two pages on it you delete yours!
    5 points
  6. Mods can we delete this please, don’t need two threads for same meeting.
    5 points
  7. I struggle to understand this kind of thinking as all of NKI Lindback and Kolodjei deserve to be in next years SGP as they have all done what was asked of them in the qualification rounds.
    5 points
  8. Give it a rest mate.. the thread you started has one reply and even that was from you. You're now cluttering this thread with your guff. Let it go.
    4 points
  9. Alan completed the C2C in just over 12 hours rasing a considerable amount for the Ben Fund, he was accompanied by his friend Richard on the main route and they were joined by Simon Lawson for the coastal finish, the weather conditions towards the end were very poor
    4 points
  10. My prediction is that he will revert to being MFF !
    4 points
  11. HAHAHAHAHA some result ch ceeman We’ll still not make the play offs but to pump them lot on aggregate when they’re probably paying Cook and Harris more than we pay for all 7 of our boys every meeting it doesn’t half feel good.
    4 points
  12. If the hijackers will now let us get this thread back in line with its title, it is interesting that Speedway Star have devoted a whole page to an interview with Rob Godfrey and he has simply used it to blame everyone but himself for the trouble he has caused in having fixtures removed from the fixture list. Fixtures, that is, that Godfrey and his (mis) Management Committee, had approved before the season started and the fans relied on. This is the problem with this blinkered shower on the Management Committee (and I use the term "management " in its loosest possible sense) , they are apparently unaware that the sport is on its knees and each time they mess up in this way, more fans walk away. It really is a disgrace and unacceptable for the person whose committee is supposed to be running the sport , to blame other people for the problem he caused. If Scunthorpe hadn't needed guests none of this would have arisen. Still at least we have a member of the (mis) Management Committee acknowledging there is a problem. Until now we have simply had fixtures being pulled out of the list and a month of conspicuous silence from the MC, who have carried on as if nothing had happened, completely ignoring the fans.. I doubt whether Godfrey and his mates could run a stall in a Women's institute jumble say successfully. Incompetent beyond belief
    4 points
  13. I have heard tonight that Leicester are getting clarity on the Josh G situation so that the correct action is taken. If he doesn’t ride then it should be a NL replacement. I just hope this can be sorted before the meeting as do want a situation where Leicester ride under protest and then a ruling is made where RR points get deducted
    3 points
  14. If Josh does not ride for Poole tomorrow, regardless if he is on a Polish License it makes a joke of the decision made at the AGM. UK top flight is Monday & Wednesday and this was agreed to avoid clashes with Poland. Monday is Poland’s off night, so Josh should be at Leicester, if he isn’t then a 28 day ban should be put in place for with holding his services. He hasn’t ridden much in Poland this year, so surely staying loyal to UK is better for him. All the messing about at the start with not using him, now they are desperate as they are behind on fixtures and need the points to climb up the table.
    3 points
  15. I would imagine that someone related to the BSPA must be reading this forum, so wouldn't it be nice for once, for them to come on here and fully explain what the actual rules are concerning rider availability for Poole's match tomorrow. As far as I know, UK has priority on a Monday over all other Nations Speedway, so if Josh decides to chase the cash in Poland then he should get the mandatory 28 day ban, and Poole should only be allowed a NL rider in replacement. If Poole have a complaint against it, then they should be the ones insisting to Josh that he has to ride over here, as he is contracted to them. If any other facility is made available to Poole, then it just shows that the rules are a farce, and it's another nail in the coffin.
    3 points
  16. Licence is an irrelevant smokescreen International calender priority ti Britain
    3 points
  17. This isn't the thread that needs deleting its the other one with all the usual wrong information until you edited it!
    3 points
  18. You sure it wasn’t a Stella Artois, Rodney?
    3 points
  19. Think from next year all teams should be forced to track a young British reserve and 40 pts for the other 6 riders
    3 points
  20. Could be RR for ReadingRacer, now he’s been de-throned from starting the Swindon threads My prediction: he won’t be at the Abbey and never has been!
    3 points
  21. The kind of belief I've had for years. There is no way Britain can compete with Poland right now financially and if it did try to, if would be suicide. So start your own production line and get younger, cheaper, local riders, who young fans can relate to. Then if they go off and seek their fortune, you just get the next one off the line. Rugby league has done it for years. Losing their star players to the NRL of rugby union. Does it worry them? Never. They just replace them with the next youngster coming through. Every club should have a youth system after meetings. Give them as much track time as possible. Become self-sufficient and keep costs down that way.
    3 points
  22. Crowds have been stable over the last couple of season from my view. I guess the 1st couple of seasons in the el they were busier but that was because of enthusiasm of the move up. There always seems to be plenty of youths at lynn too. I don’t think it’s as doom and gloom at lynn as it is many other tracks. i hate the idea of 1 weakened league and I probably won’t attend as regularly as I do now. I love having lambert and Niels. There is a jump in class from them to the others. If I have to miss a meeting now it’s a big deal to me. If it’s all 1 championship and the prices are similar then that’s not really on. And I would maybe slacken a bit. the pl is still a good league. Very even really. And fixed race nights have improved the league in terms of more stable teams. Just not attendances. But it’s early days still. It needs people like the team gb branding team, who really seem to know what they are doing, to promote the sport in a better way at club level. Maybe if it was promoted better then more companies would be willing to advertise through it and the teams may be able to make it pay. It’s alright say8ng an independant body needs to run it but it needs to be the right independant body who can come in and make it more vibrant again. Give it meaning and purpose. Lynn won in a last heat decider on Monday and I felt like I was the only one buzzing about it. I was nervous before the race and buzzing after. Where has that fan passion gone? If we don’t care then what’s the point
    3 points
  23. You do understand what the word ‘occasionally’ means, Starman? To be fair to AD, the crowds were good, particularly towards the season end and pushing close to 2500-3000. This season the crowds v Zummerset and Poole were decent and pushing somewhere in the vicinity of those figures. The remaining attendances have been bang average. Therefore AD’s use of the word is correct. When I watched the play off semi-final between the Pirates and the Robins at The Four Point Arena and Chesney Hawkes’ ‘I am the one and only’ was belting out, quickly followed by Elvia Presley’s ‘Are you lonesome tonight’, that was an exaggeration, but only just!
    3 points
  24. Is the fact that this thread is up and running and started by another poster causing you some discomfort? Start some ballacks conversation on the Peterborough thread Jeremycorbynfan.
    2 points
  25. 50-40 and the racing to be 'excellent' even if it's really not.
    2 points
  26. Makes me laugh when i read things like, gone down Launderete, im in KFC, Ive gone to Cas with a bruised toe nail, ive just got on a bus..
    2 points
  27. Can’t understand why people would want to post meaningless clutter about their life. There are real people around to talk to but some people live their whole lives in a virtual world.
    2 points
  28. Tell you what DC, I picked up a superb Charles Daubigny oil on panel on Thursday. Full provenance. Yours for £18,500.
    2 points
  29. Presumably you get previews from your window cleaning business?
    2 points
  30. We are good at losing it from a winning position right at the death, like at KL. Forget if Josh is riding or not. It is whether Brady can hold his own in H13!
    2 points
  31. Your season has been ruined by inept performances from Worrell and Harris in most meetings when it mattered.That put a lot of pressure on the rest.
    2 points
  32. When posting rubbish like this why be surprised
    2 points
  33. Has anyone asked mr godfrey when we can rerun it? Got to feel for laura and team more payouts for travel , stadium and everthing else that goes with a speedway night out , any buissness people out there want to help or even a group of fans , did alan get there on time after his c_c ride ?
    2 points
  34. The way you posed the question was insinuating i was only interested in the DVD was because of the unfortunate crash to Nathan which was not the case.
    2 points
  35. That's what I was getting at the BSPA need to wake up and accept that they can no longer run the sport and that an independent body is required to control the sport. That way you may be people like Guy Nicholls would look at being more involved knowing the framework wouldn't change each year due to self interest. I know the argument that the promoter's put the money up and so they should control it to protect their investment. However we are now at the point that if the bsap carry on the sport will be dead money so their money is lost. Let an independent body take over best case they turn the sport around there by the promoter's still have a business to run worse case? Well they can't save it the sport dies and the promoter's no longer have a business.... We'll they are well on the road to that anyway seems they have nothing to loose.
    2 points
  36. Yes it says Scunthorpe can't get good enough guests on a Friday so they are going to cancel the fixtures for the clubs that do not have Fridays as their primary race night even though we accepted those fixtures into the official, BSPA fixture list and registered them with the International Speedway League Calendar. It also says it's unacceptable for 10 of the 11 clubs to be in action on a Friday, unacceptable to whom? Does that mean only 50% of the league (any league) can only run on any given day of the week? Hopefully that includes Bank Holidays under this made up rule. An explanation becomes justification a month after the event but it still doesn't alter the situation that 3 clubs have been disadvantaged to help 1 other, the Vice Chairman's although with Buster rapidly losing interest your man runs the show now.
    2 points
  37. If's and Maybe 's will always exist, whatever the meeting. Sure it was a tough draw, but I'm sure there are other reasons why Robert didn't qualify. When you look at the quality of some of the riders who didn't succeed, you realise just how difficult it was. Probably this was the right result, that will give him another year to progress to the standard of the top level. He has made a massive step up this year to a level where he's capable of beating any rider, helped by his gating, that is now on a par with those other top riders. Being top of the British averages illustrates the progress he has made. Being thrown into the deep end at such a young age can be very daunting, Nobody likes to be shown up by a young upstart, so his presence would have added a new dimension to the SGP's. that he has yet to experience. No doubt he is disappointed, being so close yet so far to those qualifications, but he now has another year to consolidate his form and when next year comes he wont be worried what gates he has,. having been there before, he will rise above any deficiencies like all top riders do, and rightly qualify......
    2 points
  38. The Thompson boys who took first and third in the 500 class, if you speak to them and their family, started exactly as riders who you are trying to get rid of - as riders getting lapped in the 125 class. It's not exactly done them any harm! Also, where do you make the cut off for these riders of appropriate ability? Do they have to be on the same lap? Within half a lap? The same straight/corner? Would that make it a better spectacle? Not really. Yes it's a British Championship but it's also for these kids to be learning to race competitively. It's easier to look good in practice on your own than being with 3 others at the tapes. There really aren't enough opportunities for youth riders to experience this competitive racing and all that goes with it. At Belle Vue last night, one of the riders who has been getting lapped, achieved something big for himself - he did his 4 laps without getting lapped and was rightly congratulated when he got back to the pits. A small step to others maybe but I'm sure it gave him that confidence and desire to get the next stage in his development.
    2 points
  39. i'm hoping BOTH Cook & Lambert get permanent wildcards for next year, both deserving i think. Robert is on a mission at the moment, totally on fire wherever he rides, and Cook going so close to qualifying automatically will help him. Cook has invested so much into the series this year it would be a shame to not get the chance to build on that next year with the experience of a year in the series behind him.
    2 points
  40. I could not agree more, we all know Rob Godfrey wants what is best for British speedway, and the rest of the comments are just light hearted banter.
    2 points
  41. yip,but Schlien made the same Bandits riders look 2nd rate when there earlier this season,just earning a bit spare cash tonight,forget about entertaining the paying fans.
    2 points
  42. Cook needs to do less talking though,excuses don't go down well ,its tuners that is the subject again,think financially he has thrown lot of money away trying to keep up with the big guns.His Polish form was mediocre, he might get another chance who knows.Lambert has stepped up this season and certainly has more potential.The GP Challenge always throws up funny results on the night we just have to except that.Put that same meeting on Polish track and Cook would be lucky to be in the Top 10 IMO .
    2 points
  43. Take your point but Lambert had a good World Cup, has won a round of the Euros, tops the British averages, is performing well in Sweden and Poland on a regular basis and is the best non Polish U21 in the world at present. Cook has been poor in the GP's other than Cardiff so if it was a straight choice between the two right now Lambert would have to get the nod. Might all be different come October of course.
    2 points
  44. One can't use two meetings as merit to pick this or that rider. One could also your argument to claim that Cookie have only been good at two meetings (Cardiff and tonight) but Lambert does well in both Poland (1st division) and Sweden (Elitserien) while Cookie doesn't ride in those leagues at all. IMO Lambert has a much higher capacity then Cookie and also much higher potential.
    2 points
  45. I think it was the other night in that True Grit documentary, Nigel Pearson stating a rider could be racing one night for the same team and in opposition the next. Had I been a casual observer, I'd have ditched any thought of getting serious about such a silly sport. To blame riders having to earn a living for such an oddity is bowing too much to the riders who must be wanting the sport to fund them all year through.
    2 points
  46. The item above is so correct all we see is riders double up in the top 2 leagues , the premiership is a joke the majority of riders also ride in the championship apart from the likes of Thorshell , NKI, Lambert ,R etc what i see is majority of Aussies ride in both leagues, question is this to attract them to UK instead of staying at home and earning money ? The quicker we get back to one rider one team for the season British talent may get a chance to come to the fore and we can do better at international level.
    2 points
  47. First time I’ve been to Glasgow at night and WOW.. what a difference! £17 entry which I would pay over and over again if all meetings were of that quality! A meeting and a half and one I will be getting the DVD of! Absolutely gutted to have left with nothing though... turning point for sure was the TS Glasgow had to use! Hope we can pinch the poInts tonight but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Glasgow take them! Their heat 13 & likely 15 riders could do us over again!
    2 points
  48. Ford is a shrewd businessman and has to make Poole speedway pay, if he is talking about time to get out you know the sport has reached or very nearly reached the point of no return. Should be a wake up call for the BSPA but don't hold your breath.
    2 points
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