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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Whoa, steady on. You don't know me either yet, because I sat in the most expensive seats I must be a dishonest and unfriendly snob. You feel it not at all disgraceful to insult me and those around simply because of your irrational pseudo lower socio group persecution ideology, when it was clear to anyone with an IQ higher than an amoeba that another poster was simply having a leg pull with an associate. We were all there as speedway fans and I personally dined with 15 people from the smelly seats before the meeting, without the need to have a tetanus jab this morning, exchanging texts and Facebook messages with them before, during and after the meeting. We also stood in line with the hundreds queuing for the busses back to the park and ride and deigned to actually speak with some of them, even though we knew there was nowhere to wash our hands afterwards until the first services. Danger obviously is my middle name. No, really it is. My parents weren't very good when it came to choosing names; just ask my brother Chisel Trousers Ore. Why is it that the BSF attracts so many miserable old (FrddieEriksen)ers who always seek to find something to moan about? We had a brilliant meeting, full of action, excitement, incident, atmosphere and bon hommie, blatantly enjoyed by all there and those watching on BT Sport, yet there are always several who otherwise won't be happy.unless they can't find anything to whinge about. Fortunately you made an offer to Mr Plinge asking what you personally must be. Sadly my sarcasm juices would enter overdrive to benefit from entering such an opening, so I'll rein the irony in. . Chill out my friend and, to show that we "snobs" are decent folk and not at all unfriendly I accept, in advance your sincerest apologies, which you as.a decent human being are already composing, for insulting me and those other unknown parties around our very expensive seats. Good man. Anyhow Kent v Birmingham tonight in the Easter Trophy tonight. Hope we have loads of guests and rider replacemen to encourage erudite debate afterwards. Anyone know where the dearest seats there are? T
    7 points
  2. Us (enforced) TV viewers were given regular long-lens views of the man in the box last night. He looked a very lonely figure. In need of a friend or assistant. A co-pilot at least to take over the controls once it was beyond him. A serious note. On the (fortunately) rare occasions when a Speedway fatality occurs the referee is called upon as signficant witness at the inquest. On Saturday the referee judged that Robert Lambert was the cause of Jason Doyle crashing. I have yet to hear anyone concur with that opinion. It is rare to have such a unanimous view against a decision. But it would be his word that the Coroner would hear if the worst had happened, in that race or any other. We should remember that having a competent referee is not just desirable for a good race meeting; it is an absolute necessity.
    7 points
  3. Thats what people on this forum love about Poole fans, how humble they are.
    6 points
  4. In weather like this, moisture needs to be delivered overnight, between the hours of midnight and 5am, otherwise its got no chance to get into the track.. Then its just top-ups during the day.... Bet anyone that hasn't been done.
    6 points
  5. This is absolutely dire a shocking advert for the sport made even worse coming after Cardiff. Just hope those in the nearby houses dont have any washing out.
    6 points
  6. Calmed down now after the initisl disappointment . Probably the best meeting i've seen all season , when the Scunthorpe track is like that there isnt many better tracks in the country . I feared the worst when Cook pulled up in heat 1 , after his Cardiff crash , but he was magnificent afterwards , Scunny were more solid throughout and probably just deserved to edge it . Wonderful large and noisy away support bolstered by my friends from Plymouth. Brilliant work by the track staff to keep the dust down on a scorching hot day and i must say , the steak pies at the food outlet are superb .
    6 points
  7. My god British speedway fans love to moan.... honestly anyone who says the BSPA, Doubling Up etc are the worst things about British speedway are wrong... its the fans
    6 points
  8. They definitely won't want one for the Speedway. .. In just 48 short hours you go from Cardiff, which delivered exactly why so many of us fell in love with this Sport... To Swindon, and why so many of us are now totally pissed off with it..... A true microcosm of how to run exactly the same Sport, but with a world of difference in terms of capability and execution.... Maybe it is now time to just be kind and put Speedway (British Speedway) out of its misery? Let's face it, it's not really going to get any better than this is it?
    5 points
  9. As a Poole fan you are in no position to judge others for poor track prep. Poole is regularly shocking so give it a rest
    5 points
  10. Any speedway fan who wonders why its not popular this is why its absolutely dire... the premiership has one good track thats it
    5 points
  11. The track is appalling . Don't care what you say about the weather. Once again shows how amateur our sport is. To have this much dust after two heats is a disgrace. Is there a water ban in the Swindon area
    5 points
  12. I seem to remember that at one time The individual world finals were held in September and nobody ever complained about it
    5 points
  13. I hadn't spotted this, - read the brief mtg review and results on the preceding page then binned it. Pics were coloured, but made b/w here for clarity of text. http://www.speedwaychampions.com/
    5 points
  14. Swindon track 3 French born riders, probably first time ever in league. The shop will be selling berets, and baguettes, croissants, pain aux raisins, frogs legs, and garlic snails will be available from the snack bar.
    5 points
  15. Great to see the Robins being innovative again. This time trialling ‘desert speedway’ in an attempt to lure in a big spending Arab. Lots of sandstorms with the track drier than a nun’s chuff. I think its fair to say this meeting will have gone down well with the first time viewers on Al Jazeera television tonight. In truth, a very poor meeting and this was like watching a faster version of The Tour de France. The French Foreign legion revelling in the sandy conditions led from the front with Berge particularly impressive. If there isn’t a 2019 contract in the offing for the lad after this then ‘je ne comprends pas’. If only the French had shown this much effort in fighting the Germans... The hole, or rut, that I pointed out in my last missive showed it’s face again tonight and something seriously needs to be done. It’s been there for several weeks now so there are no excuses. Finally, on my way through the car park I noticed the club had rewarded those loyal patrons that parked their vehicle close to the action with more than liberal helping of the shale, which I thought was a really nice touch from the club. PS. I look forward to my forum buddy STR report on Josh 002Y’s performance this evening.
    4 points
  16. Just watched this pitiful match on tv and get over the irony of Rosco calling Leicester Beaumont Park just a Gate and Go track ! All sorts of Pots and Black Kettles there I reckon !! Apalling and Dangerous !
    4 points
  17. Good point but again like some many times this season, we work so hard and lead the whole meeting and throw it away at the end. So frustrating, still think we are 1 rider short of the winning formula.
    4 points
  18. Let’s be honest, we’ve seen worse tracks for ridability than this in plenty of meetings on tv before. The dust is a disaster, but let’s face it, there’d be less moaning about it if the racing was any good. The racing all season has been dire though, last year barely any better. No matter if it’s damp or drier than Death Valley. If the stadium isn’t levelled soon, the track needs a reshaping and new shale on it to revive it like they did a few years ago. Of course, for as long as there’s immanent doubt over what is going to happen to the site, they’re not likely to be willing to part with cash to do anything with the track. A difficult decision is going to have to be made soon
    4 points
  19. When you get an 'advert' for the Sport like you had on Saturday it must have brought a few extra people to the Stadium or maybe tuned in to watch on BT... They possibly would have thought "I'll give this another go"..... Bet they regret it now... I do sometimes think that if those in charge of the Sport tried to shoot themselves in the foot they would miss... (Just watching heat 8 and the rider in the Brown helmet is leading the rider in the Brown helmet, from the rider in the Brown helmet who is well in front of the man bringing up the rear in the Brown helmet)..
    4 points
  20. Musiliak comes across as an intelligent likeable lad.
    4 points
  21. From Cardiff on Saturday... To Swindon on Monday... Exactly the same Sport... Sublime to the Ridiculous.... British Speedway...
    4 points
  22. It is only 'cheating' because there is a rule. Take away the rule and it wouldnt be cheating. Over the years the sport has brought in various rules to try and make things as equal or fair as possible but the one thing they haven't done is try and equalise the bikes. How is it fair to have Jason Doyle on top notch highly sponsored equipment sitting next to Jack Smith who is just starting out on hopefully a long career. Wouldn't it be good for the sport if Jack made the start and Jason had to overtake him. Curently most refs would call it back as they would think Jack must have cheated to outgate the World Champ. Other attempts to equalise the sport include points limits, averages to two decimal places, differing scoring systems - a bonus point for winning on aggregate, but then it was pointed out that that system favours teams with a big home advantage so we change again to reward teams that do well away without winning. Now its starting offences. All these changes were made to make tings more equal and surprise surprise we still have winners and losers. The one thing all these changes haven't done is stop falling crowds. I say go back to basics touch or break tapes and you are out everything else is ok. You might even generate some atmosphere as the crowd gets wound up by the so called cheats. And as a good many have said on here the racing isn't better or worse than before but the atmosphere due to falling crowds is.
    4 points
  23. Sorry if this has been asked before, I did search the forums but couldn't see anything... We have a rule that if you touch the tapes, you are excluded. This is pretty much black and white. If it was just this rule, you could attempt to jump the start, but if you got it wrong, you'd be excluded. Simple. However, we also have the 'unsatisfactory start' rule where riders can be judged to have moved before the tapes even if they didn't touch them. Way less black and white and more complicated. It's very rare to go a meeting without a few restarts even if nobody has actually touched the tapes. This, together with the pit gates opening and more messing about before the restart draws things out further. As a fan on the terraces waiting to see racing, it certainly doesn't add anything to the meeting. We now have the further addition of a warning system in the GPs and from the commentary, it appears the FIM have a real bee in their bonnet about people jumping the start. My memory could be playing tricks on me but I'm sure back in the 80s I remember only seeing restarts on an actual tape touching offence. Last night at Cardiff just took the biscuit with the ref stopping the race then admitting there was no problem with the start. I realise this is FIM diktat but I guess I just don't understand why we need this second rule. I realise it is also used to allow all-four-back aka bunching, but for an issue before the tapes have gone up, what is the value?
    3 points
  24. Wow was looking earlier and seen poole were miles clear ..was shocked to find out they got beat ..what a choke .
    3 points
  25. Don`t forget folks that Polish fans were also suffering that cr$p tonight on Polish TV. It`s far hotter there on Sunday afternoons and they manage ok.
    3 points
  26. Its amazing anyone gave you any sympathy considering what a complete dick you are
    3 points
  27. The weeks of consistent weather has caught them out tonight.
    3 points
  28. rubbish hole stadium and rubbish hole track. This crap is being served up all over the country bar one or two places. No wonder the sport is fooked
    3 points
  29. Don't think Nick has much to do with the Swindon track prep.
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. Wouldn't surprise me if Robert Lambert gets excluded for that...
    3 points
  32. It's an interesting belief you have, when a Speedway is nothing more than a department within a company (not a separate entity) then yes you may be right but where the Speedway is a separate company or a separate company within a holding company then not necessarily so. There have been and may well be more tax investigations by HMRC into perennial loss making ventures that receive funds (sponsorship) from sister companies on the basis that the person(s) with significant control may be one and the same. They are viewing it like "My Racehorse Ltd or My Superyacht Limited" where the poorly performing business is being used for tax avoidance. HMRC have already undone some of the benefits to enterprise investors because investments were made with little or no risk to avoid tax instead of being genuinely invested to develop businesses. The harsh reality is that Speedway businesses are all losing money, even if you think your club is making a profit it is burning equity faster than it can build capital. Let's say for example Poole was worth half a million quid 2 years ago, how much is it worth now and how much will it be worth when there is nobody left to race against? Wolverhampton could be the same, a steady business for years it's value has been eroded by the state the sport is in. Being able to pay the bills doesn't mean they are making money and as for the joker who thinks Stoke are coining it in, pm me and I'll send you Tatts number you can call him and tell him just that!
    3 points
  33. few thoughts after my first time in Cardiff 1. I was in cheap seats and couldn't see the big screen, therefore took me good two minutes to realise what's going on with the presentation 2. Poles abroad at sporting events are the worst, the local patriotism towards foreign riders wtf? Sat next to a fellow Pole who was going crazy in heat 4 when Emil caught Dudek and then got very close to Zmarzlik. Needless to say he was from Leszno... 3. Went to the fanzone outside the city hall, it was a s*** show. Never again. 4. Great stadium, decent crowd, good racing, a little bit too warm inside the stadium. 5. Terrible refereeing. Heat 4 - should be all 4 restart. Doyle should have been excluded twice, no doubts about that. He was way too slow against the Poles when Magic went down and against Lambert. Awful awful refereeing. 6. I will go back next year
    3 points
  34. I agree with the 2 rules you mention. 1) Touch the tapes and your out and 2) move and the race is stopped and you get a warning for the meeting. I do have a problem with 1) where the rider in blue or white see the rider in red or yellow move and blue and white move too. If B or W touches the tapes it is they that get excluded. This could lead to riders in R or Y deliberately moving t get their opponent excluded. Needs a little bit more rule I think. What may reduce the amount of stoppages is if the control of the tape release is took out of the hands of a human and given to a computer. For one, refs in at least the GP's hold the tapes much too long, so if a computer was set with a reasonable max time, but programmed to be random release time up to that max that would be good I think. As for pit gates opening after a false start - simple solution - keep the pit gates shut, riders straight back to the tapes, didn't happen ages ago nor should it happen now.
    3 points
  35. Good meeting on a well prepared track, some really good racing as usual, Schlein and Palm Toft the best riders on the night for me, but it was the right final, two underdogs maybe at the start of the night, but the best pairs on the night. No complaints whatsoever about the racing, track or entertainment. My only gripe is the annual one for this meeting, the lack of toilets and food and drink outlets throughout the venue. Two portaloos, one ice cream van, one burger van, one drinks van and a small table on the third bend, to serve the back straight and third and fourth bend crowd is ridiculous. People scoffed at giving the 4TT to Redcar, but give them their due, there were toilets, food and drink outlets on every bend, no queues and no races missed as a consequence. Somerset know what to expect every year, sadly so do the fans. Still, a good meeting, just part of what is still a great weekend.
    3 points
  36. Same at every track, you only had to watch the BT to see how all tracks appear to be struggling. But typical of the Belle Vue troll to only mention one track.
    2 points
  37. Well if you're only going to lead once then the last heat is the time to do it. Kurtz going AWOL at the business end of the meeting must be a frustration for Poole fans.
    2 points
  38. Bends devoid of fans now, all busy putting the dust into a bucket, gritty burgers anyone?
    2 points
  39. He's been dead for ages, would probably beat Smith though.
    2 points
  40. And that shouldve be invoked Bellego was already 50 metres behind - awful decision
    2 points
  41. They will have to be in Britain or face a ban Id say
    2 points
  42. Unfortunately we live in a society divided by age and while it has been profitable to go after the 'grey pound' and 'baby boomers' ultimately for the continuity of speedway we need to reach out to all. This is not just affecting speedway it's through out society. We have to be realistic and let speedway find it's level. Thanks to all for some excellent posts as we need to discuss the situation and not just 'sit on our hands'.
    2 points
  43. Dan came third In the final of Round 2 of the World U21, well done!
    2 points
  44. I know i`m getting old, however i can`t remember any i made - maybe others can ?
    2 points
  45. Telegraph.co.uk Some 472 miles away from the fairways of Carnoustie, there was another British sporting event being televised this weekend, but its dust, din and danger are about as far away from the hushed, tense, rarefied world of the Open golf as it is possible to imagine. The Speedway Grand Prix in Cardiff on Saturday was attended by more than 40,000, and shown live on BT Sport. The channel took the opportunity to release the latest of its invariably classy BT Sport Films: a documentary about the motor sport called True Grit. It will be reshown and is well worth a look. Watching the live action at the Principality Stadium, one would conclude that speedway must be in rude health: tens of thousands of passionate, committed fans, plenty of drama, exciting sport, with races coming thick and fast. Danger, characters, and a party atmosphere with lots of families. And in Tai Woffinden, a genuine star – covered in tattoos. Brilliant, uncompromising, he is a properly captivating, charismatic dark genius of the Ronnie O’Sullivan or Kevin Pietersen school. He came second on the night but accrued enough points to move closer to what would be his third world title. But the story away from the showpiece event is more clapped out moped than gleaming Harley Davidson. The True Grit film introduced a cast of dedicated, driven and singular folk genuinely struggling to keep their heads above water and their sport going. The riders are only paid when they race, and live a gruelling existence of driving themselves to races, competing for a few quid in front of sparse crowds, then grinding on to the next event. Woffinden says in the film: “I don’t really see dangers in what I do. It is probably more dangerous getting on a flight than me doing four laps on a speedway bike. I have never got nervous, so I don’t know what that feels like.” But there were nervous times on Saturday when Australia’s world champion, Jason Doyle, had a sickening crash, which culminated in his bike smashing into him as he hit the barrier, and a 30-minute delay in proceedings while he was taken to hospital. Fortunately, he has escaped with “just” minor fractures, but it was further evidence to back up True Grit’s point that this is a sport where danger and disaster lurk at every turn. Among its contributors is Garry Stead, who was a Premier League Speedway Champion before a 2007 accident left him paralysed from the waist down. It’s a powerful and sad story, bravely and unsentimentally told by the documentary. Risk and danger, naturally, are part of the attraction of speedway, and its sound and spectacle make for good television and what looks like a top day out as well. Lots of families in the crowd, no trouble, generous to the riders apart from perhaps pantomime villain Nicki Pedersen. Like all smaller sports, speedway is in a constant battle for investment, for sponsorships, for eyeballs, and those who run it need to take some serious, creative action as a matter of urgency. If they wanted something to show potential customers and supporters, they could do a lot worse than wave BT Sport’s film under noses. I enjoyed it and the live action at Cardiff and would watch again. True Grit: Wednesday Aug 15, 10.30pm, BT Sport 2 and Monday Sept 3, 6.30pm. BT Sport 1
    2 points
  46. Jeez, what a poor move
    2 points
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