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Checking whether his fuel was on was the obvious first step. He checked, and it was. He said the bike didn't run well all race because it was an ignition problem..... To be honest I'd reckon the mechanical knowledge of a twice-world champion it a tad better than that of a pornographer. If it was anyone else opening their flaps on tv, I'd admit you may have the better knowledge.12 points
Poor decision yet again by the ref. Of course, the important thing is that Jason Doyle is ok, or at least not too seriously hurt, but the problem is that by making that decision it means that Robert Lambert is now held officially to blame for whatever happens to Doyle, when, quite clearly, he wasn't.9 points
You're enjoying it so much you feel the need to come and post your usual bollocks on here..... thats how much you're enjoying it???9 points
No thanks. No offence to Connor, a talented young man and one who hopefully has a good future in the sport, but we've already got one of those who is, IMHO, a better prospect, four years younger and lives round the corner!5 points
Grand Prix preview on mainstream tv this morning. Action from Kings Lynn with ruthless Lambert interview, and Mike on a bike!4 points
Just seen Rosco's haircut, looks like some serious mid life crisis going on there4 points
Following on from a post I made in another thread I thought this was quite interesting... if you find this kind of thing interesting https://britainfromabove.org.uk/cy/groups/speedway-tracks-uk4 points
3 points
No need to be negative towards any Brit is there? Nobody stuffed anybody, one had a great night the other a stinker, could have been the other way round on another day. Let's support them all.3 points
3 points
Must be enthralling to be there, surprised you have the time to bother with us munchkins sat in front to f our screens.3 points
3 points
Lambert did move to the left initially which Tatum failed to see, then Tai moved to his right. Unsatisfactory start, all four back. Simple decision.3 points
What the idiot doesn't get is that Cardiff is declining YOY. You can literally see it. Speedway needs to turn over its fan base. I'm getting sick and tired of the same old school posters posting the same old tripe post after post. They live in the past. Whatever happened to the sport, whatever it did, it doesn't matter TODAY. It doesn't matter in the future.3 points
Blimey. Five minute feature on speedway on BBC Breakfast this morning!!!! And it was good!3 points
The sports taken a battering in the U.K. this year, we could do with a really good GP to try and reignite some interest. A British winner would be brilliant.3 points
I only went as I'm on holiday in the area and it was a chance to catch up with my good buddy Paulco and other folk I haven't seen for close on 5 years! It's been beach weather everyday this week until this evening!You just couldn't make it up!! Congratulations to Sheffield Tigers(the last time I went the OTA Sheffield won the Pairs event too v Brummies). Talking with a long established rider(someone I used to sponsor)who was telling me how really knackered British speedway has become.He actually is thinking of throwing it all in!!How has speedway in the UK reached this level?3 points
2 points
First and only concern is for Jason Doyle. That`s yet another horrific decision from this abysmal referee.2 points
To be fair if Shovlar hadn't forked out £19 he would have known Tai had ignition problems2 points
2 points
He has had his struggles in SGP so far this season but you have to take your hat off to Craig Cook.2 points
I think the BT presentation is a cut above previous years, and that’s before the meeting kicks off proper.2 points
I was with an old friend this morning, we go back 25 odd years, he's not a speedway fan but has been to a good few meetings with me but not for a few years.. An intelligent man, runs his own business, a Yorkshireman living in the south he tells it as he see's it and as a kid went to the Shay a few times. I spoke about a few things and he said "Get an American marketing team in, they know how to promote and put a show on when you get people in to watch, people want more entertainment if they are paying £12 to get in for a night" My reply was its more like £18 now for the evening and his reply was "Thats the first bit they've got wrong" He does have a point.2 points
Yep, they sent a post card saying: “Away on holiday with Star Lady, wish you were at our meetings rather than here, keep spending the money mushrooms”2 points
I thought it was very well done. Emphasised the extreme of the sport without over hyping it. Liked that the presenters knew what the sport was and that it is popular in certain parts of the country.2 points
2 points
Small points can now be implemented. Yes, as I have said, sponsorship, ADVERTISING (if you don't know you won't go) most important. But sill little thing can be done to make the sport look a bit more professional such as the Tractors, instead of them looking like they have been saved from the scrappy, they get spruced up in the Team Colours. Tiny, but may improve image??2 points
Some nice pictures sitting on the bike would be good, maybe a team one. If you are the Jason I think you are, then you are very well known at the club.2 points
What, the 70s, when you could leave your house and car unlocked and no one burgled you? When you knew your neighbours? When you had to dial your TV like cracking a safe to change channel? When petrol cost 30p a gallon, not £6? Ah, the seventies .....2 points
Its exactly the problem. Stop basing your argument on the foundations that have propped speedway up for the last 50 years. It's no longer relevant. If I was to canvas new potential fan bases, in local areas across the UK with a general age group of 18 to 30, the answer will be the same. It's boring. That is the new audience speeedway needs. Your making the classic mistake that all current speedway fans make. Your stuck in the f&&&&&&g past.2 points
Lets hope they feel it worthwhile to report the result.....2 points
Thats 2 days running on BBC Breakfast Sport!! Someone seems to have got to grips with it.2 points
Good bit of publicity for Robert Lambert too...2 points
I agree and as a adult I find that reaction reasonable to a degree. But a ten year old doesn’t see it that way.2 points
This post maybe shows me you COULD????? be a genuine guy.I have been a Swindon supporter since 1968 but from 1983 until 1989 went to Reading most weeks.Loved the Monday night out and when the track was good Smallmead was decent night out some real good racing.Reading in that time had a couple of years where they were really challenging for the title i remember one year they were there right there to the end in the title race with Belle Vue and Ipswich.To see Per Jonsson develope the way he did was terrific he was worth going to Reading everyweek to see him a real class act Per and Gustafson at Kings Lynn both were classy.2 points
I would say generally the last three years it has been poor and i have said endless times forget the teams forget the averages forget the rules.The sport needs to concentrate on making it a decent night out entertainment comes way before winning or losing at the moment that is not happening.2 points
So did Chris Holder have any problems getting into the uk,or did he arrive via calais by lorry!!!!?2 points
My first meeting in 90 was Reading v Swindon oddly, when Per arrived on the centre green in a helicopter after winning WC, I would of been 7 or 8. Burghfield Bullet as in Andrew Appleton, possibly it sounds familiar, would of been years ago.2 points
well done guys . a great result for workington and yourselves . thanks for keeping up the tradition of good results in this event . ty and nicolai , the most underperforming riders in the league .. NOT .2 points
The whole package is poor value for money. At swindon last night I handed over £20 inc prog, to stand in a dump of a stadium, to watch 15 processional races on a dust bowl of a track. It's not rocket science is it.2 points
2 points
Whilst the condition of Doyle is the paramount point that exclusion is another shocker from the ref1 point
1 point
1 point
Leicester needed someone like Scott Nicholls when they went into the Elite League, but better late than never I suppose. He is definitely a rider with the skill level needed for that track, and has not lost his enthusiasm for racing and isn't scared to go for a small gap to try and pass. He probably won't average more than 7.5 overall, but what he will bring is some much-needed personality to the team, something which I think was badly lacking although Hans does provide some of that. Danny Ayres would have been an even bigger boost in that respect, but good luck to Connor Mountain and hope he can transfer his form from the Coventry setup.1 point
We don't want the old man and his dog showing up. That's the guy I'm turning over. We agree that speedway is declining but at what stage are we going to address it and change what we do? I'm tired of seeing 'well speedway has never been that entertaining'. Well you know in my crap restaurant the food has 'always been rubbish'. Yep that makes it okay then! Wow! You know what I do when someone tells me that? I fix it! Same principle here. If speedway is not 'that entertaining' then make it entertaining!!!!! And before anyone bleats on, yes it can be entertaining on the RIGHT TRACKS.1 point
maybe crap was a bit harsh, Bomber used to be world class but that was 10 years ago and I still believe Cookie can be world class, though time is not on his side. To expect to make a world class living without world class performances is, frankly, pie in the sky, especially in a profession where everybody can actually see how good you are week in week out, there's no hiding place. I'm all for believing in yourself but after 10 years of year on year decline sometimes you need a reality check1 point
1 point
7 men make up a speedway team and yet just 4 months into the season, that's now 16 names on the Lions team sheet. Even allowing for the unfortunate injuries, that's quite a roll call... Martin Vaculik Josh Bates Danny King Krystian Pieszczek Hans Andersen Kyle Newman James Sarjeant Michael Palm Toft Kenneth Bjerre Todd Kurtz Ricky Wells Charles Wright Scott Nicholls Josh Auty Stuart Robson Connor Mountain A very long time ago (1969) Leicester Lions used the same 7 riders all season. We probably didn't realise it at the time but christ, those were the days. Even the odd change at reserve was greeted with a raised eyebrow and a visit to the track shop proudly showed photos of the riders that you'd be cheering on all season. Given the 'hire em fire em' culture of modern speedway it's easy to see why Matt Ford did away with team kevlars at Poole this season. Suprised any of them bother. The thing that bothers me, especially after reading the comments on the various Leicester Speedway Facebook pages, is that the fans now appear to have adopted the same mercenary standpoint taken by the promoters. It's become the norm and multiple changes are cheered. I think that's sad for speedway. I always used to think, and probably the main reason I became a fan as a young boy, speedway was superior to other motor sports because it somehow managed to embrace the 'team' ethic. You identified with the guys wearing your club's colours at your local track. They may as well just run individual meetings each week for all the value the word 'team' has these days.1 point