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  1. The main league ? Strange as it may seem , we only give token attention to the so called main league . We have our own version and are quite happy with our lot . Our teams are trying to build the best possible sides that budgets will permit and we all have weekend slots in which to follow our sides home and away . We dont view our riders as doubling up , theyre just guesting in some other league as a way to earn extra cash . It only affects us when one of our boys , sadly Lewis Kerr , gets injured whilst moonlighting . As for moving up , get real , we're all weekend tracks , why would we want to race on a Monday and Wednesday , look at poor Rye House .
    8 points
  2. Folk then wonder why Matt Ford and others dont bother with Team suits The only ones making money out of this would be the manufacturers! Its all completely bonkers. Anyone with any doubts about where speedway is going, need only look at the number of changes this season as a whole. Its bloody madness. Time the SRA stood up to the Promoters. Riders pay out an absolute fortune to honour contracts. Then get dumped at the click of a finger, without any compensation. A very disillusioned Poole fan of 63 years.
    6 points
  3. Don't understand why some have to challenge every change a team makes and insist it shouldn't be allowed etc, etc same on the Craig Cook thread. Both Glasgow and Edinburgh have made changes to try and better there OWN paticular team for there OWN fan's , as long as no rules have been broken why do people have to be so negative. Well done to both promotions on being pro-active in trying to improve things other's should take note.
    5 points
  4. Sorry for late reply to this thread, but it was hidden away under a section I don't often look at. I don't think raising funding is the issue anymore as the only way to take the sport forward is to start from ground zero. This essentially means an amateur/semi pro sport which is run by promoters who want to rebuild speedway as a sport with 'grit' which every working person in this country can afford to be part of. I believe speedway needs an entrepreneurial type of leader to take this challenge forward, one with a track record in sport and business would certainly be helpful. Whilst truly flattered at the suggestion I am the person for this, I am restricted within my employment terms as Chief Executive of the British Assessment Bureau to take on ANY additional roles of responsibility (professional or non professional) without board approval. However, I would and could, happily offer my services as an unofficial advisor to a person or group who wished to take this challenge on. Hope that helps.
    5 points
  5. Would like to say I'm deeply sorry for my treatment to starman. It was very out of character for me. I ashamed myself and many forum members. I'm sorry to anyone who was offended especially starman
    4 points
  6. Thank you for your appology, it has been accepted.
    4 points
  7. most of the Leicester team by the look of it!!!!
    4 points
  8. The rule about no GP riders in the second tier was in the rule book for a number of years. However, the last time I've actually seen it in print was the 2013 season. Thereafter, it disappeared. I see nothing wrong in what Glasgow did in signing Craig Cook. References to loopholes and unwritten rules smacks of jealousy and bitterness. Sometimes it's better to simply tip your hat and say, "well bowled", regardless of which team is involved.
    4 points
  9. What ever way we take we are going out on a limb and is going to be painful, so we need to step back regroup and try to make the sport great again, GB set up will keep those riders good enough to compete on the world stage up to that standard but the bread and butter speedway in Britain has got to step away from the speedway we know, nobody really wants to do it but what is the alternative ?
    4 points
  10. Absolutely....it's a nonsense that only one rider is left from their original line up.
    3 points
  11. The average worker, who is self employed, has a decision to make whether purchasing the equipment to do their jobs will deliver profit to them. Speedway riders should be no different.. The levels of danger for any job unfortunately don't usually equate to an expected salary otherwise the armed forces and the fire brigade would get £300k a week and footballers would earn £500 a week.. Simply the sport pays out ludicrous amounts in relation to it's fan base levels.. Basketball and Ice Hockey in GB have crowds that some Speedway teams would be more than pleased to get but won't be paying out thousands a night to individuals... The Sport is fast approaching it's nadir and reality will need to kick in, if it hasn't already.. Riders spending £10k to £20k or so on kit to compete will simply have to stop doing it.. I am sure riders like Dean Felton, Jon Armstrong and Tony Atkin for example could show lads how to maintain competitive equipment without breaking their bank accounts or requesting thousands off their promoters to pay for new gear all the time.. I remember PC ( as well as other top riders) often winning races when having to use a team mates bike when they had mechanical issues, PC even used reserves bikes sometimes.. Amazingly the reserves bikes suddenly were 'rocket ships' in the hands of the very best.. As we often see, it really isn't the thousands spent on the bike that makes the difference but the rider riding it.. As costs escalate and riders try to out do each other by spending more (and therefore requesting more), it really will be a race to the bottom which no one will get any satisfaction winning... Reality needs to kick in, and very, very quickly..
    3 points
  12. I don't think the tracks are the problem. People need to be attracted to the sport in the first place - and I don't mean the odd friend or two of an existing fan.
    3 points
  13. Attendances are down this year and some of the points you raise will be a factor, as will going three weeks without meetings whoever thought that idea up has hammered another nail in the coffin of this ailing sport. People were also leaving early due to the length of time a meeting was taking to complete, and also the Edinburgh fiasco in the cup really soured the taste of a few were you couldn't see the nose in front of you for dust. All factors in the drop in numbers.
    3 points
  14. Good luck to Connor - very pleased to see him pick up another club so quickly even if 'home' is the same track
    3 points
  15. Leicester have done well there. All 4 of the new lads are an improvement imo
    3 points
  16. Nicholls for Bjerre - yepp Auty for Pieszczek - not sure at this stage but Auty is riding well this season Robson for Kurtz - yepp ( based on his last BP showing ) Mountain for Sarjeant - not sure but does have BP experience and should mean we go through less sets of tapes.... Cheers - onwards and upwards !
    3 points
  17. street parking is a bit ropey however
    3 points
  18. OUT ❌ Kenneth Bjerre, Krystian Pieszczek, Todd Kurtz, James Sarjeant. IN ✅ Scott Nicholls, Josh Auty, Stuart Robson, Connor Mountain
    3 points
  19. You can just see it in a few weeks when clubs are scrambling to get fixtures in before the deadline (9th September) the weather will turn and we will have loads of rain offs. Two months of no rain will get rectified at some time.
    3 points
  20. I still say there should be a payment cap with every rider in the league paid the same inc bonus points. Premiership - £100pp - £12 admission - No Concessions - Kids Free Championship - £50pp - £9 admission - No Concessions - Kids Free National League - £20pp - £7 admission - No Concessions - Kids Free The better talented rider's would still rise to the top and leave it to the rider's how they spend their money on equipment. Common sense may then prevail that they can profit just as well being a 2nd string on average equipment than the guy spending thousands at No1. That way eventually the costs on equipment slowly comes down to earn more money, even the No1's will soon realise.
    3 points
  21. Good you see that the club have posted this message on Facebook. A MESSAGE FROM THE CLUB Belle Vue Speedway wishes to thank all the supporters who turned out last night for the Rentruck Aces’ fixtures against Somerset, which was unfortunately postponed due to heavy rain. We monitored many weather forecasts and the vast majority predicted only light showers during the evening and even then they did not agree when those showers would arrive. It was for that reason, and as we had the BT cameras with us, that we decided to run the meeting however when the actual rain did arrive it was far heavier and more prolonged than the forecasts. We therefore had no other option than to postpone. We really appreciate the commitment of all our supporters and would like to thank those that waited patiently in both stands. We look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday, July 25 for our local derby against Wolverhampton and again on July 28 for the Summer Speed Saturday featuring Round 5 of the British Youth Championships. The Management Team That's the sort of PR that makes fans feel valued and appreciated.
    3 points
  22. I was at the head office of a well known high street name today and as I was walking across the car park, someone came scuttling out to tell me I had to stick to the designated walk way as it was too dangerous to walk through the car park. Heaven knows how I've survived this long.....
    3 points
  23. Guessing that Auty a lot cheaper to employ than the Polish lad and probably get Scotty on better deal than Bjerre so maybe this is cost cutting exercise as much as anything.
    2 points
  24. The reason i love speedway is because it is a basic sport where 4 guys go round a track on equal machinery. I still love football but the money in it now is obscene.
    2 points
  25. Didnt say THAT Friday - I said A Friday The reason Fridays have been shelved for Worky is supposedly as too many teams are riding yet a Sunday is agreed when Peterborough have a double header and presumably Newcastle also have a meeting Nothing to do with Scunny being back at full strength by then......??
    2 points
  26. Half the riders who have gone this season have been due to injuries, and needing to make a change often impacts another rider to make the numbers work. Would you prefer they ran with R/R and three guests? If riders come in to do a job then score at two points below their starting average they can't expect to keep their place.
    2 points
  27. All those purists banging on about seven man teams and shortage of riders for a variety of so called valid reasons but far too often you have a six man team with Mr R/R. Some will simply stay away as they pay to watch seven riders racing not six and something as simple as this is lost on promoters. Not necessarily an Ipswich situation but it does seem that the powers that be have an attitude of put up with it as it is what it is. No wonder punters are voting by not turning up. Sad to say but you reap what you sow promoters.
    2 points
  28. Mountain has struggled at CL so I don't expect will score all that well at PL. Must admit I don't like teams making all these changes, makes a mockery of the winter team building and engenders no loyalty from riders. Oh for the days when teams stayed almost the same throughout the season.
    2 points
  29. Wolves have been operating on a Monday for years. Belle Vue realised their market place and that was a Friday night. It got changed because we didn't have a vote. Result. Crowds off a cliff. The NSS is a diamond. It needs pushing to the hilt but unfortunately the wrong people have the power.
    2 points
  30. When discussing the sport many years ago with Nigel Couzens I remember him saying nearly exactly the same thing (although I guess it was 13 heats then?) The product is broken but IMO that's only one of the reasons and not the major one.
    2 points
  31. I cannot say how much I disagree with your thinking. I am not basing this on ANY experience of Poland, Polish people or their similarties with the British. Iam basing it on BRITISH people. And how it has always been and always will. We want to support a team (and individuals, true) but a Team is King. We want it to win. And it is the 'joint experience' of an entusiastic crown willing that to happen that gives the buzz FAR FAR more than the 'racing'. I've only been watching since the mid 1960s, mainly at The Shay and much as people want to wax lyrical about the quality of racing from the past. That was not what got me going every week. Not one bit. IT WAS THE TEAM. And the riders; all of which I could still name for every single year. The racing has always been a side issue ... they make memories true, but the real BIG memories are about the atmosphere and tension relating to the TEAM/RIDERS and whether we could pull off a win or get another 5-1. Scrape or storm it. It was alll about the 'DUKES'(Team/Riders) NOT the bloody stadium, track or bikes.
    2 points
  32. Growing up I was a wolves fan and that’s all that mattered, as a rider I became that team I rode and they became my fans, that’s how team sport works no matter if it Britain poland or Jamaica,speedway football or hockey, speedway is a team sport and that’s what matters to fans, always has
    2 points
  33. Just waiting for the right time to announce Belle Vue and Somerset have been given permission to use Fridays perhaps.......
    2 points
  34. Here is 2 examples of my fan experience at a speedway meeting Monday night I went to wolves vSwindon , no passing not even close racing, scoreline never in doubt so not a close meeting . Crowd was average but silent, no atmosphere,feels like no hero’s for fans to cheer, stadium pretty good and at £18 I felt ripped off, not in a rush to go back there even though it’s ny local track, last season I went to Gdańsk v Torun , the meeting had no passing and scoreline wasn’t close and never in doubt, pretty dull meeting ,crowd was massive and the atmosphere was amazing,the stadium is Wooden benches on concrete steps, the home fans went nuts for their hero’s and at £4 to get in it felt like a bargain and we had a blast and can’t wait to go over again ,speedway is all about the fan experience
    2 points
  35. Are all Leicester changes fair? I think they have made more than two!
    2 points
  36. Freesport which shows speedway from Poland and Sweden will be available on Virgin ch 553 from July 21st
    2 points
  37. I think the point being made to start the thread is a valid one, albeit under a stupid thread title. The point of 'Should teams be able to make as many changes as they like, or be limited?' is a decent debate to be had. Like most threads though the point gets missed massively by many and turns into everyone vs. Poole scenario.
    2 points
  38. Im sure you can steward the 250 imaginary people that also don't attend
    2 points
  39. The main point being is that the sport can only pay out what it can afford what it generates in revenue,many clubs are paying out more than they can afford and it has come to a head.They simply can't keep raising Admission and hope the fans keep paying up,which what they seem to think is the answer.!
    2 points
  40. Blimey, I thought you meant they've signed their 2,019th rider this year!
    2 points
  41. In the wrong section, this should be in the Championship one
    2 points
  42. We are half way through 2018 so why start this up We don't even know if there is going to be any speedway next year the way it's going
    2 points
  43. I think motivating supporters is an almost impossible task because we have had 20 years of total submission / acceptance of continuing to pay to see what the BSPA put on. Very few care enough to form some kind of Supporters Action Team because they realise that we have no power to put pressure on Promoters, collectively or individually. It is they who will decide on the destiny of the sport here and whether or not it reaches the Centenary in 2028. There will still be a few tracks racing amateur speedway matches and these will be staffed and organised by grassroots enthusiasts. Or, will speedway be just another lost sport...
    2 points
  44. PREMIER LEAGUE. this has to be the only sport/league,..where over 50% of the league reach the play offs you couldnt make it up as a fairy tale
    2 points
  45. "Doing exactly the same thing over and over again and each time expecting a different result" - The definition of insanity... For circa the past 15 years or so in particular (via the onset of Social Media) those who purport to run the Sport have been told to stop doing certain fundamental things, and start doing certain other fundamental things, over and over again by the fans as we believed it could only end up one way if they carried on with their 'plans'... So actually maybe we are as insane for doing the same thing over and over again thinking they would listen and change?? Without going through 'all our yesterdays/I remember when this was all fields' etc etc Speedway used to 'work'... And in the main when it 'worked' you had some top riders who were fully professional with the vast majority of riders semi pro (and lots of lads coming through at 'entry level' dreaming of stardom and riches).. Those semi pro riders were very happy earning what some described as a months money from their "proper job" every week by riding Speedway... This, although a bit 'back to the future', surely has to be the target for promoters? Riders riding twice a week, home and away, earning an average of say £900 a night? That would bring in £7200 a Month for 'Mr. Average'? The average wage in Britain is £524 per week, I would suggest therefore that £1800 a week not a bad return at all? Spend £4.5k a night on a five man team and you need £9k to be cleared from your home meeting to pay the rider bill. 1000 punters paying £15 after vat would clear £12k.. £7200 a month for 'Mr Average'? With the deal of 'be there EVERY meeting/take it or leave it'.. Feasible? Anyway, back on topic.. Of course we may be missing something ourselves and that the reason why no news has been forthcoming is that there is nothing to report.. Because everything is fine...!
    2 points
  46. Its a disgraceful situation
    2 points
  47. I know this is a old post but just come across it I am Simon Aindow’s son his still kicking about less hairy and a little fatter but still going
    2 points
  48. Excuse given that Lions riders not used to track conditions since changes ??? Thought they could practice whenever they wanted - were any riders out practicing after the meeting last night ? Just not good enough I am afraid but hey ho - I will be there every week hoping they go better next time !! Todd Kurtz not on the pace at all and Pieszczek going backwards I fear - replace both riders with Nicholls and whoever fits ( Connor Mountain ? ) Reserve will still be weak but no weaker than Kurtz and Nicholls should be far more consistent and probably cheaper than Pieszczek ? ...... just a thought Cheers
    2 points
  49. Gino is a top bloke his confidence is in bits , now is the time to back and support him as I’ve seen what he did earlier in the season. We will alway be carrying a two point rider but that is how the team was set up , I gave Gino a handshake at Peterborough in the pits and donated some money to him , he needs a kiss and cuddle not to be hounded I’m confident once our side is back up to strength with our own riders Ginos scores will improve . Fact speedway riders get paid by how many points they score and don’t go on track to score zero points . We’re still in with a chance of two trophies so yes everyone is entitled to there opinion but support whoever puts the Scorpions race jacket on please
    2 points
  50. I go every week that I can, so you can put me in the Lemming category if you want. I am intelligent enough to recognise and understand that speedway in this country and particularly this season is an absolute mess and that the administrators who run the sport (and I use those last words very loosely) really are shambolic and are potentially killing the sport in this country. As I say, I go to Foxhall most weeks for two reasons: 1. I enjoy it. 2. Most speedway clubs must be on a financial knife edge and I wouldn't expect the Witches to be excluded from that. If enough people stay away from Foxhall then ultimately it must become financially unviable for the promotion. I would rather pay my money in the hope that speedway continues at Foxhall for the foreseeable future rather than lose the club that my father first took me to watch in 1970 (at an extremely young age!)
    2 points
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