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So it should, because its nothing less than a bloody disgrace . Workington had their fixtures and dates approved by the BSPA and they aren't being told to change 'a few' but all of them, regardless of the arrangements they and their riders have made and whether their stadium is available on other days. What makes it even worse is that the very promoters who are responsible for this action now will not co-operate and bring their teams to Derwent Park when asked, and the icing on the cake is that this is almost entirely at the behest of one promoter who agreed with it and then changed his mind when he couldn't get guests for injured riders. An appalling example of just how badly speedway promotions are motivated entirely by self interest without any regard for the needs of others or the best interests of the sport as a whole.16 points
Well the victory capped a fabulous weekend of results for the Comets . Regardless of how the Diamonds riders performed they were only as good as they were allowed too on the night . When i got into the stadium and heard that once again we had been unable to secure a guest and young Josh Embleton had agreed to step in i admit to being downbeat with all negative stuff that is going on in speedway right now. This didn't last long though because even with young Kyle who is finding life difficult in a tough league being unable to score the other four lads were just immense. I can't ever remember witnessing 4 Worky riders achieve 11 race wins in such circumstances on a track with such a big home advantage. The lads deserve huge plaudits for the way they attacked the track and once again young Cumbrian prodigy Dan Bewley demonstrated his talent and great racing acumen that deny his years and experience within speedway. I'm just so proud that he his riding for his local team this season, he is worth the admission on his own. I'm just so pleased for Laura the way things are going at the moment because if anyone deserves to be dealt a better hand than she has been dealt especially this season it is surely Laura. Thanks Laura for keeping things together when someone of lesser character may well have just given up . Your right up there in my book !8 points
No wonder speedway is going down the pan. What an absolute load of rubbish. Shouldn't be allowed to be shown on TV. How anyone pays a single penny to watch such junk is totally beyond me. Speedway for speedways sake. Even the most bias person can't say that's good quality racing entertainment! .6 points
SAY WE ARE, WE ARE TOP OF THE LEAGUE! Only half way through the season but a great achievement, especially to go and win at Wolves! Not bad for a team that 'isn't decent' either! Get on you Rebels!5 points
Nor 'ex fans'... Nor 'current fans'... Nor 'current fans soon to be ex fans'.... A very strange way to run a business.,.4 points
If you charge top dollar for a crap product then people won't pay it. Wether it's in a department store, a food outlet or speedway. Joe public has had enough and is walking away. The promoters are not capable of grasping this.4 points
%99.9 of home fans are happy with kyle. he is learning and he is doing it in front of marras . one day it will come . management and fans are backing this young un all the way . we no panic .4 points
Great stuff.... And once the powers that be let us actually get some Home meetings in, start to pack that Grandstand and terraces to cheer these boys on to Trophies and give them and Laura the backing they deserve4 points
One big league. Semi-professional status. Thursday-Sunday race nights only. No GP riders.4 points
I am quietly confident that the problem of helmet colours ( and their not staying in place ) will be high on the agenda at the next AGM. And the rule that if your steel shoe comes off you will be disqualified.4 points
Appropriate that we are discussing Peter on a Berwick v Workington Fixture, with the rivalry between him and Ian Thomas3 points
It was a terrible advert for the sport and hopefully, no one stumbled across it channel hopping! Other than three races all, were over by the middle of the back straight first lap. Reinforcement of the old idea of "first away wins". Better not to have these UK league matches on TV if they come across like that! And Pearson went on about the track and stadium being purpose built only a few years ago. A lost opportunity to build a racing track as opposed to a speedway track. At least a reasonable show of faces in the crowd, albeit almost all veteran supporters.3 points
If you look at the side/rear view it looks like the Pole got his handlebars under Worral's rear mudguard. When I first saw it I thought Worral to blame but the other angle clearly shows it's the Pole's fault.3 points
Well done Hans.. Still gives everything. . A great supporter of British Speedway too..3 points
3 points
To me the days of top riders pulling their weight consistently in UK no longer seemed the case and has been a trend for several years. Watch the same guys in Poland and Sweden and you see a totally different approach and rider. Mind if you are earning 10 times more in Poland then that would encourage you to put in the effort.3 points
You can't commit full effort to everything you do, so why should speedway riders be able to do it. They often have numerous clubs, so which one isn't getting their full whack. Is it Britain, Sweden - where I've heard they can earn 10 times more? Surely let's look at the crowds. I know this isn't the main cause, but Sweden and Poland seem to be enjoying their speedway judging by their attendances. Have we in this country been left as third choice, riders perhaps using their tired mood to race in this league and not trying as hard. It all adds up. Deep inside their minds, British fans wonder if their rider loves their club as much as their Swedish or Polish one. Then the fan begins to think... "why should I support my club?" They aren't my team, just agency boys on another paypacket. I told someone the other day about some of speedway's problems - and they laughed about the rules they allow. Never mind about fans being disillusioned - do the riders feel less energised to actually put in a full effort when a stadium is almost empty? It says a bit about where we are. You need a crowd, a bit of banter. You need tribalism, otherwise, you have no need to cheer. Riders need to marry into a one-team ethic, otherwise they can wander off and ply their trades in foreign climbs. British speedway needs to save itself. One big league, proper rules, one-club men, a sense that fans are supporting a set of lads and this set of lads wants to repay that set of fans. Simple.3 points
Problem is with speedway is there is not much of a product to market3 points
Have been on you tube and this video came up- i wasn`t going to link it in fairness to Retro but then realised that they had put this trailer video up themselves. Norwich closed before i started watching Speedway in 68 and really enjoyed seeing the track and the racing. I know Trevor Hedge and it was good to hear him talking about when he started at "the firs"2 points
2 points
but the FACT that some people in the sport both fans and others incharge seam to forget is ALL THE DATES Workington have been asked to rearrange along with a couple of other teams were arranged and agreed before the season started if there was a problem it should have been sorted BEFORE THE OFFICAL FIXTURE LIST was agreed for all the teams in the league2 points
2 points
Fantastic sport Shouldn't this be on Worky thread. Friday fixtures that were removed surely worth a separate thread? Why have all been reinstated except Workington? Of course if?.. all with conspiracy theories are right they can now be reinstated as someone's worralls are now over2 points
2 points
It was a sarcastic post based on the twit from Readings constant digs at him.2 points
Interesting to see Peter Waite being lauded, when back in the day, I bet you could go onto these forum pages and see him getting slated by the fans.2 points
2 points
Interesting to hear that the Aces are leading Belle Vue!2 points
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I think you will find they are .... 4 boys would not have rode their socks off like last night if they weren’t .. as per usual all gossip from other teams fans who really know sod all other than what joe bloggs next to him has told him2 points
A certain David Hemsley built it whilst everybody else was looking the other way!2 points
2 points
And other teams fans have the cheek to slag off the poole track. Ftg at Leicester and riders looking like struggling to the turn the bikes.2 points
2 points
But even when Rye ran at the weekend I thought you said you only went about 2 times in 20 years!!!!Rye can hardly run successfully based on that sort of fan base2 points
Re phrase please ...... They were TOLD they cannot ride Fridays, along with Peterborough and Lakeside. Purely so that members of the BSPA, who's teams ride on Fridays would not miss out on getting a rider in for their injured/unavailable riders. But they've done nowt to make sure the three above teams can complete their fixtures on time and perhaps stop them winning the league. P*ss poor effort from our so called leaders. Shame on them!!2 points
2 points
I was talking to a speedway rider this morning who used to ride in the 70's and I used to sponsor him and he thinks the only way the sport can continue is on an amateur basis like it was when he first started. The riders costs are too high resulting in them needing payment for riding/points that the promotions cannot afford with current attendances. He says riders would have to cut their cloth to suit and promoters need to be transparent about their costs and finances so that supporters trust them. Unfortunately a generation of supporters have been lost and he doesn't see a way of attracting new fans at current prices for a family with the entertainment value on offer. We had a very interesting conversation and he talked a lot of sense not that we agreed on everything!2 points
DON'T think Polish tracks are suffering from dwindling crowds and a lack of youngsters attending meetings. Spoke to Andreas Jonsson on Saturday and says Lublin, a second division team, sell-out every meeting and have over 1,000 fans travelling to away fixtures.2 points
I predict that Sarj will be making the next set of tapes if he breaks them tonight....2 points
Its not the pressure placed on him, but the pressure to the rider wanting to do well in front of a home crowd. As said he is a good prospect, for his sake hope he gets where he wants to be, through is efforts for which ever team he rides for. His speedway career should always take priority, to achieve that loyalty to a local club should go out of the window, unless of course he can benefit from it2 points
I think they have a meeting this week if you believe what Jon Cook has said on the Lakeside website. Will they disclose what is being discussed and any decisions reached? Doubtful apart from a short one line statement. The article in the Speedway Star from Sheffield stating that fewer meetings had to be the way and the reasons behind it may have some merit and could be a contributory factor to the financial state of some clubs. Fewer meetings does not change the fact that the stadium landlords still want the same rent or an increase over last year. Riders costs are increasing and the financial burden puts pressure on the cash flow and why would sponsors flock to invest in a failing sport, hence the greater reliance on increasing numbers through the gate but the opposite is happening. Did anyone do the numbers to see what crowd levels were needed to meet all the costs of fewer meetings and the contingency plan as folk find other things to do when they have so many blank race nights when previously most of the fan base had been used to a weekly fix from March to September. Collectively the owners of clubs ought to take a step back and perhaps take on board some of the views from the most important asset critics and source of income, the customers. It just seems like they are burying their head in the sand and treating generally most with such contempt that even harden supporters are drifting away. Most if not all on this forum want the sport to survive and thrive but it is just not happening. Those in charge need to ask the customers what is wrong but you can ignore them at your peril.2 points
Just a little lighted hearted compliment. You should make the most of it!2 points
Another barrel of bilge from the chip on the shoulder meaner who can’t come to terms w it’s the idea of actually having to pay to go in. Are you genuinely unaware that some Polish clubs have major financial problems , almost to the point of bankruptcy in some cases ? Are you genuinely unaware that certain Swedish riders are owed a lot of money by clubs with cash flow problems ? Are you genuinely unaware that there are mere handful of British riders riding for Polish or Swedish teams on a regular basis, but the vast majority don’t ? The fact is that Polish and Swedish Speedway is being affected by pretty much the same problems that affect British Speedway . They are perhaps 15 years behind us in terms of the size of the problem but they are undoubtedly on the same slope, in the sense of income falling behind e xpediture. The is no doubt that British Speedway is facing an existential crisis with a complex variety of problems, but for you to keep pretending that there are 1980’s answers to 2018 problems is nonsense. Still if you enjoy your echo chamber, so be it.2 points
PETERBOROUGH will now stage just one meeting this Sunday (July 15) in a bid to minimise the effect of a clash with the football World Cup Final. The T.Balfe Construction Panthers will still host Sheffield in the Championship, but the other half of a planned double-header has now been put back. Lakeside, who were due to visit in the quarter-finals of the Knockout Cup, have now agreed to return to the East of England Arena on Sunday August 5, when the match will form a double-header with the Championship clash with Ipswich. Start-time for Sheffield will depend on the World Cup situation. Should England defeat Croatia and reach the Final, Panthers’ clash with the Tigers will start at 7.30pm, which would allow ample time even should the football go to extra time and penalties. If England are beaten on Wednesday, the usual 5pm start-time will apply on Sunday. Promoter Ged Rathbone said: “We’ve given this a great deal of thought, and whilst again we apologise for running on the same day as the World Cup Final, it’s simply unavoidable. “We just can’t take the date out, but by moving the double-header into August it does mean that supporters should have time to watch the football and the speedway should England reach the Final as we all hope they do. “I’d like to thank Lakeside for their co-operation, and this schedule should also make things easier for the fans as it means one double-header meeting only that weekend, rather than three home matches in three days on top of everything else at the moment. “We still have a massive weekend to look forward to with Scunthorpe on Friday (7.30pm) and Sheffield on Sunday, and if we can keep the momentum up with wins in both it will be another big step towards the play-offs. “And with a double-header to come against two of our closest rivals in Ipswich and Lakeside, that also promises to be a fantastic meeting.” SUMMARY FRIDAY JULY 13 – Peterborough v Scunthorpe (Championship) SUNDAY JULY 15 – Peterborough v Sheffield (Championship) SUNDAY AUGUST 5 – Peterborough v Ipswich (Championship) followed by Peterborough v Lakeside (KO Cup) ENDS2 points
2 points
A think at the start of the season if someone had said that we would only suffer 1 home defeat by August, most would've been happy. I find it hard to draw any positives from last night, but not much went Newcastles way, Well done Worky, who generally out gated and out battled us.2 points
Very sad news, understand the racers mentality but the price for the rest of their family, especially his mother is beyond belief.2 points
He does but rarely let King's Lynn down last season. All rider's develop and peak at different rates. One thing I won't do is criticise Auty, good form so far this year and the next couple of years could see him reach potential. All I was confirming is his average is to high for King's Lynn (who employ plenty of British riders also speedy bill), but I, 100% believe he should be in the Premiership and I was one that wouldn't have minded him being included in the Stars initial 1-7. As it happened, his inclusion would have been better than signing Rose but hindsight is a wonderful thing.2 points