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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2018 in all areas

  1. Once again our sport has been hit with a so called 'business man' who has loads of money and will change everything 'for the good' (what happened to the 5 year plan) and then the usual thing happens the money isn't there and club is finished. Do these people not realise while they are on their ego trip what they are doing to the lives of people who have supported their club for years (win or lose home and away) - they are not usually interested in the sport itself (its history etc) and somehow manage to destroy something that has taken years of hard work (often by volunteers) to build up. I am sure of one thing if Len still ran the club (and I know he didn't always get things right) we would still be watching speedway at Rye every week because quite simply he still has a passion for the sport which many so called promotors do not have these days.
    7 points
  2. Traditional race card for 2018 Swedish GP:- https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/21129/gp-2018-4-pdf-39k?da=y
    5 points
  3. Yes can never criticise Len for his enthusiasm for the club. I started seeing Hackney Hawks as a young 16 year old in 1970 and then Rye a little later (when i had more money to afford the travel oorm Hackney and the entrance fee). We use to goad and take the Mickey out of Len as we were always promised big riders like Michaneck who didnt arrive 2 weeks on the bounce (and never did) and our replacement was.... Finn Thomsen. We used to laugh/joke and have banter from the terrace on to the centre green/track with good old Len. But we turned up every week, took it in good heart and was all part of the sport. If it wasnt for Len then there wouldnt have been Hackney/Rye. So much as we got frustrated (in a fun way) we always got our speedway fix with riders trying their best and within a budget Len could afford to keep the club going.
    5 points
  4. When are people going to realise that Wednesday's abandonment was the right decision? No one is to blame , there was no other option.
    5 points
  5. @Phil The Ace put on Facebook : "Getting alot of stick for my behaviour towards starman over on BSF apparently. And rightly so. I apologise to him and anyone else I offended. If anyone's on there fan they please put on my apology. As I have been banned from there"
    5 points
  6. I think he's gone far and above the admission refund hasn't he?!? I thought they only count £1 back from heat 10 but he included to heat 15. Any 1 of the remaining home fixtures for £9 is just about satisfactory. Well done Mr K Chapman
    4 points
  7. Not having regular racing each weekend is a massive issue. Makes a mockery of starting our league the third week in March when we could have started over a month later. Last year we had A and B fixtures against each team but the problem on top of too many meetings was you could already see long before the A fixtures were completed who were the strugglers and who were top end material. This year its not enough meetings as well as a poorly planned fixture list for some clubs like Workington. Sometimes wish the clubs in our league would form a breakaway and take control of their own management rather than play second fiddle to the alleged Premiership.
    4 points
  8. Terrific apology that. Still waiting on an apology from Starman2006 for his “you reap what you sow” comment about fallen/injured riders. Won’t hold my breath though. It seems if you have a blue & white badge in your car you can come out with any vile comment without reproach. Sad times.
    4 points
  9. You may have noticed this is a thread about Wolverhampton Speedway, so the topics discussed are relevant to Wolverhampton Speedway. If you had bothered to read what I posted I said it's a shame British Speedway has sunk to the levels it has... i.e. it cannot afford Lindgren/Woffinden anymore. For 20 years plus the league has been consistently weakened and fans have been consistently lost as a result of it every single time. Weaken the product, leave the price the same. Fans leave. Weaken the product, put the price up!.. Fans leave. Oh, we lost money last year.. I know.. let's weaken the product again and stick £1 on the admission... oh no, more fans leave. It has been a practice doomed to failure and predicted on here for well over ten years now. We're now at a stage where the damage done to the sport at the top level is so great we're beyond being able to bring back the top names for most, if not all clubs. A complete revamp is necessary, possibly a larger league with vastly reduced admission prices is very likely the only shot at saving league racing in the UK. Whether that will work is open to conjecture.. but something radical HAS to be done.
    4 points
  10. I have no issue with anyone expressing their opinion. What I do have an issue with is the constant negativity and apparent complaining from some fans, irrespective of what the club does in terms of trying to improve things on or off the track. Every change in the line up or effort to promote the club is met, from some quarters, with a barrage of negative tweets, posts, etc - seemingly without consideration. The Broc Nicol signing is a perfect case. He’d not turned a wheel for the club and yet some fans were already writing him off and were criticising the club for making the change (a change that the some of the same fans were no doubt asking for). And yet he has shown in a very short time that he has tremendous potential - his 11 point performance at Scunthorpe last week for example was a joy to watch. The beauty of social media is that everyone now has the ability to have their voice heard way beyond what it could have been previously. Personally I think it’s great and I have debated many topics with people I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to do via social media. I have even met and become friends with people through it. It really is a wonderful tool. But the ability to voice your opinion to more people than before, and more significantly to those who you are directing your opinion at, comes - in my opinion - with a degree of responsibility. An angry tweet or post sent to someone - promoter, rider, etc - might be someone’s way of getting something off their chest. But they need - in my opinion - to understand how that tweet, post, etc will be received by the person it’s been sent to. Last week’s programme notes by Peter Mole demonstrated to me the level of frustration he and the rest of the promotion are feeling right now. And this has apparently been created by social media posts from fans. Again, I’m not saying people shouldn’t voice their opinion, BUT if they’re going to do so why not try to be constructive in their criticism or better still give the changes a few weeks to take effect before criticising the club? Put yourself in their shoes - you’re doing everything you can to put a competitive, entertaining but financially sustainable team on the track following a Championship winning season but some people seemingly find fault with everything you do. Ask yourself how you’d feel? I know I could and would only take this for so long before saying enough is enough Now unless that is ultimately the aim of these fans I would implore them to check the negativity, to consider for a moment how their criticism will be received and try to be constructive as opposed to out and out critical. And this doesn’t mean being a happy clapper, far from it. We all know that British speedway is in a difficult position right now, but I just think we need to support whoever is in charge of our club. The speedway world is far from perfect. But then life is far from perfect.
    4 points
  11. This football thing is becoming really tough......... originally 31 teams to support, then 15, and now just 7 !!
    4 points
  12. Sent him a text?
    3 points
  13. Hope you guys get Champ speedway on a Sat night in 2019, and enjoy your speedway, with decent crowds
    3 points
  14. I agree, so HOW do we organise a national petition of fans who support a NO Confidence motion in Keith Chapman as Chairperson of the BSPA? I have organised paper ones but not online digital ones. Anyone can help us? And let's hear from others re a Thumbs Up OR a Thumbs Down on the idea.
    3 points
  15. Personally think Dave Rowe and company are doing a great job. If Mick Horton wants to run speedway at Leicester and call the team Coventry Bees then that's his pigeon. But the majority of Coventry fans want to see speedway back in Coventry and preferably back at Brandon. In my opinion running speedway in Leicester wont help one iota.
    3 points
  16. Simply untrue. Very happy to meet you in person and explain it, but of course that would mean you revealing your identity.
    3 points
  17. What we need at the top of the sport are people who can look beyond the interests of their own club and see what is required for the good of every club. The problem is whether such a person, or group of people, exist within the BSPA. They must be able to put aside self interest and have the vision and ability to solve the many issues that have brought about the current situation. I see Matt Ford as someone who has always put the interests of Poole first and sometimes to the detriment of the sport as a whole, so I certainly don't see him as the person we now need.
    3 points
  18. Lewis isn't going to earn anything for a while now. He has a peg ant wife and a Young child to support. Kaspar isn't earning either. So fans worrying about 8 or 10 pounds refund is insignificant.
    3 points
  19. I think it’s more the timing of the decision rather than the decision itself.
    3 points
  20. Gained the support of local MPs and the local councils. Obtained backing from Sport England. Represented the campaign at the House of Commons. 1800 signature petition to support the retention of speedway and stock car at Brandon. Arranged pledges to repair Brandon . highlighted the campaign at Cov Motofest. In continual dialogue with Rugby Bc planning to disprove BE arguments strengthened the case to exclude Brandon from the local building plan.
    3 points
  21. Sod the big picture - riders welfare comes first.
    3 points
  22. Depends if you will be in an aeroplane or not.....
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. Czestochowa v Leszno from last Sunday here in HD all heats short version- one of the great Speedway matches from the best track in Poland. Enjoy !! https://www.cda.pl/video/24194340c?wersja=720p
    2 points
  25. I'm convinced if Matt Ford was chair person British speedway wouldn't be in this mess
    2 points
  26. So where was the bullrubbish then Danny.King's Lynn said NKI was riding and he was.They said about 3 weeks ago that Toft would miss this meeting and he did.So no bullrubbish at all. The fans were not lied to as i pointed out to Danny.Yes we were slightly weakened but we knew this 3 weeks ago. Why should the club have to quash all rumours,incidentally many actually start on here.
    2 points
  27. KING’S LYNN Stars have moved to clarify discount available to fans who attended Wednesday’s abandoned clash with Leicester.The meeting was called to a halt nine races short and the result does not stand after serious leg injuries to Stars racer Lewis Kerr and a shoulder injury for Kasper Andersen.As a consequence fans producing their readmission ticket from Wednesday at a future Stars meeting will be given a £9 discount in accordance with the standard policy of £1 off per heat lost.In addition, King’s Lynn Speedway have taken the decision to have two ambulances at future meetings to avoid delays in the unfortunate event of crashes and injuries which require hospital attention.Tru Plant Stars chief Keith Chapman said: “First and foremost our thoughts remain very much with Lewi and Kasper, that’s our priority.“I can’t explain how much of a tough night it was for everyone at the club on Wednesday and I think the majority of fans realise it was just one of those nights.“We’ve taken the decision to engage two ambulances at future meetings to avoid delays and I hope clarification of discount on entry to a future meeting on production of a readmission ticket from Wednesday avoid any confusion.“Once again we thank all our fans, sponsors and Track staff for their loyal support. Also we apologise again for the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Wednesday but I’m certain everyone will join me in wishing Lewi and Kasper well. They are two great guys.”
    2 points
  28. Not sure throwing the blame in the direction of BMR is wholly fair, although some of the decisions made were poor to say the least, the moto cross track is an example. Only one year ago we were all enjoying big crowds there.........on a Saturday night. Wednesday racing has crucified us, and no mistake, and with no vote at the agm, it does not seem as though BMR had much choice. Yes, in hindsight, second division speedway suited us more, but at least the owners had some ambition, all those talking fondly about Len, and calling for his return are conveniently forgetting the last few seasons of going through the motions, the dreadful teams, and the crowds leaving in droves, remember the "if you dont like it, dont bother coming" quote of his ? I, like many, are devastated by this, but if lessons can be learned, and sustainable speedway can be brought back..........on a SATURDAY night, i will be back like a shot.
    2 points
  29. In a way it can’t really be as great.Years ago it was partly great because of the sheer numbers that made the great atmosphere.That is now missing,no matter how good the racing is.And because of those numbers it also had significance in the community.The day after and the day of the meeting you would be discussing it at school or at work.I went to school with a number of other fans and later worked alongside fans.But ok I did leave school,but there were fewer people I knew that still went.Things were and are even more so,missing And there is the answer to why there are fewer people posting on here than there were ten years ago.People have been lost to the sport in large numbers,it is only realistic to expect fewer people here!!!!
    2 points
  30. Very selective pricing Dick,let me add some more adult weekend ticket Sat + Sun £39 ConcessionWeekend+ camping £40 Concession WeekendTicket £20 Sat Adult £18 Concession £10 Sunday concession £18. 6-7 hours racing entrainment each day! Crowd probably 25,000+ they are not doing too much wrong I spent £80 last weekend watching absolute dross!! I am a speedway fan!
    2 points
  31. The last couple of pages show what a load of clowns suggest they are Coventry supporters. The real fans go to Leicester or show with some dignity why they have other views. This forum helps nobody .
    2 points
  32. One difference now he’s Chairperson of the BSPA my guess he has to bite his tongue while he’s in this position- imagine how it look if he had a right go over the PA and being Chairperson of the league can imagine the comments on here -
    2 points
  33. The new Belle Vue, from what I've seen of it on TV, is really brilliant and allows some of the best racing I've witnessed. But the crowds are still poor. Racing in the seventies and eighties was unpredictable. Tracks were bumpy and riders had to really manhandle their machines. Often those in front would make a mistake and allow the other to draw closer. To me, though, it was the style of the riders, who really had to work hard for whatever points they scored.
    2 points
  34. Plants? I'd have found a different word for them. (Unless you mean cactus plants, judging by these pricks)
    2 points
  35. I’ve never been that bothered about the price or the standard of riders, but I did lose interest when there was no home meeting for three weeks and the next one was against a weak team with two guests and R/R. First you get used to not going every week, then you start picking and choosing the meetings you go to, and then even for the good matches you think “can I even be bothered with those now”. Eventually you make do with Updates and the TV coverage. I think that has happened for Grachan too.
    2 points
  36. For years SL I thought the same, never criticised Buster or anything King's Lynn. Like some of the other Stars supporters on here, I would shoot people down for negativity. For me I feel in the last 2-3 years supporters seem to have become a burden to him. Years ago us fan where so important to him, immediately on the mic to explain what's going on etc. Going by what's been said with regards Wednesday it seems he didn't want to address anything. In the past when he got heckled on the mic he'd answer back. To just hand the mic back and walk off isn't the Buster you and I remember. The way he handled situations last season was nothing short of appalling. People obviously say you should move on, go or don't go, but when the club you so used to love starts to fall apart why should I just disappear. I want King's Lynn as a club to be great again, an atmospheric place to be for everybody. The Premiership Buster is a totally different monster than the Premier League Buster.
    2 points
  37. Speedway's problem is that it has rules that encourage cheating, and the cheats often win. I don't know if getting rid of the points limit would be a better way of handling team building and revert to some kind of rider control, although that wasn't universally popular with those impacted. Bruce Penhall in 1982 (Overseas Final) was the first I recall someone actually not trying to win a race (he made it quite obvious). That was six years into my supporting speedway. Then came the Sunday People revelations of race-fixing. But neither put me off speedway. But the sport seems to open itself up for abuse from the rule-benders. Even the old tac-sub, which I adored, I've heard stories of riders finishing a certain position so that his side could use a tac in the next heat. Is that cheating - or just taking one for the team? Perhaps get away with all form of tactical substitutes and just allow the programmed heats. In football, when a bottom table side beats one of the top teams, Crystal Palace vs. Man City, you don't think City lost on purpose because they want to bring in a new signing next month or they went a goal behind in the first place because they intended to play the nominated goal rule which allowed it to count double. A win for Palace wouldn't have made me, a cynic, question it. A win for a bottom of the table speedway team again a top one... I think, "what's going on here." Maybe I'm just a died in the wool pessimist. As a 15-year-old, in 1978, when the world was pure, as a relatively new speedway fan, I recall seasoned cellar-position side Leicester (who were not even good at home) actually winning at King's Lynn (with Michael Lee, Terry Betts...), quite good at home. When I got home from school, picked up one of the newspapers and saw this result, I was shocked. I didn't think "what's going on here." It was an honest result. When I see a good side lose to a weaker one now, I think "what's going on here." Perhaps seeing too many suspicious things along my time watching the sport has made me like this. Seeing Crump vs. Pedersen in one of the slowest heats on World Cup record, both trying NOT to beat the other so that their country could utilise the Joker... that can't be washed from your mind. Speedway allows rules that allow these things to happen. And it wonders why we are where we are, and thinks new fans will stay as patient as I did.
    2 points
  38. As I have also contributed on the Somerset page, this smacks of the Management Committee trying to decide which of their buddies should be strengthened instead of the Rebels by refusing to approve what should be a straightforward signing of an unattached rider by an upstart little club wishing to (a) replace an overseas rider with an out-of-work Brit, and (b) continue to upset the 'old pals' mafia by continuing to outwit and outscore the 'establishment elite'
    2 points
  39. Not quite true and Wednesday is a good example why. Back in the 70s and 80s, meetings were rushed through to heat six, because at that point, there was NO refund. On Wednesday, there were six races, and yet there should still be discounted admission for those with re-admission tickets. A supporter on Wednesday is better off under the new system than the old system.
    2 points
  40. Back in the 1950's there were a lot of former speedway stadiums sitting idle, ready to go. These days those options are virtually non existent.
    2 points
  41. The trouble at Poole at the moment every rider is inconsistent so I think it is difficult who you change ?
    2 points
  42. Webbo. Sorry mate but every post you make begs one question. Why the flock do you go to Speedway ? You must get sumink out of it, but reading your posts I’m at a total loss to see what.
    2 points
  43. That is how I feel too. It's a dive in nosebag of cash ( instead of oats ) for riders of whom there will soon be more than fans. There are about 50 fans for each rider in a match. At some clubs less than that. Do the maths of the finances. Doesn't add up at all. All of us hope that the slide can be halted, but hope will not carry us any nearer that happening. There will be a few "black" tracks operating outside of anything like the BSPA within 5 years - running Open meetings. Only someone with vision ( perhaps J Chapman ) and matched with someone with serious money could pull together the best remnants of what we have at the moment. Nothing else will do it.
    2 points
  44. I stand corrected. obviously he was not up to date with all the many rule changes. You say the new system is fairer, you'll have to forgive me for not agreeing with you . Under the new system the supporter never gains and loses out everytime a meeting is called off. Years ago the supporters were appreciated and treated as a valued commodity, not anymore. You don't have to think very hard to see why the numbers are dwindling fast.. Of those many fans who had been waiting for hours before leaving , I cant imagine they'll be too keen to come again when they learn they will only receive a small adjustment from their initial £18.00 they forked out... NB : Pleased to see Rob Godfrey made the correct decision and refunded the full amount for a meeting called off after 2 races. As a supporter I wouldn't have expected anything less...
    2 points
  45. Fair play. Now we can all move on. Water under the bridge now.
    2 points
  46. The 1980's may have gone but I feel blessed and thankful I watched my speedway in the 80's 90's and up to 2010. This year after 30 years of going every week I'm done with league speedway in Britain for good. Don't forget to email the BSPA with all your ideas of how to attract todays modern youth so the sport can flourish again to a level it was in the 80's
    2 points
  47. Can always tell when your team wins - your posts have a special tone!
    2 points
  48. He is a disillusioned former Supporter, who is as entitled to his views and to air them, as you or I. At the end of the day - that is what the Forum is for HT. There are a lot less People Posting on here these days - I wonder why?
    2 points
  49. Can we please have a rule that says the rules can only be changed at the AGM? Or would that be too difficult for the BSPA to understand?
    2 points
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