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My best wishes go to Kerr and Kasper at this moment in time.I don't give a damn at the moment to a lot of comments coming from people that weren't there tonight.These two guys were in an awful lot of pain.I can guarantee the medical room wouldn't be sufficient for any of these poor lads tonight.They have to be at the hospital where they can get the best care possible. I just hope Kasper will be ok that was just awful.That was sickening to see how his body re-acted after the crash.Thoughts most definitely with him tonight. Can't believe some of the people on here moaning about Buster and King's Lynn speedway and not one has even bothered to give there thoughts and best wishes to two stricken riders tonight.Apart form ianb's ATB Lewis.11 points
This is absolutely shocking Only 3 clubs affected , now there's surprise , the 3 who don't have corrupt people on the BSPA board, it stinks to high heaven !!! And 3 clubs who are doing really well on track too , the lengths some Team Manager's will go to , to win the league (Godfrey) . Rye House already destroyed made to race on certain nights, how many more clubs set to fold with these clowns at the helm . Complete Joke9 points
It's crazy how a team from the premier league (Swindon) are allowed to ride on a night that is designed exclusively for Championship clubs and yet championship clubs are being denied the chance to ride on a night that is designed for them ,Is it any wonder that the sport is going fast forward into decline with BSPA seemingly doing absolutely nothing to try and revamp the sport Well done BSPA , I hope you feel proud of how you are running the sport because no one else outside your of closed shop think you do .7 points
He's the vice chairman of the BSPA. Are you suggesting that he bears no responsibility at all ? This is an absolute shambles. If there was going to be a problem with Workington, Lakeside and Peterborough riding Fridays they should have been told that at the start of the season, not half way through when all arrangements had been made. After all, its not as though it couldn't be seen at that time. I wonder if Scunthorpe and Sheffield - both of whom are promoted by management committee members - are being totally accommodating to Workington's requests for rearranged fixtures given that it is those promoters who decided that race days must change. If not, it simply adds insult to injury.7 points
6 points
The amount of meetings getting cancelled up and down the country, during our best spell of weather in living memory is criminal. The sport is heading for oblivion.6 points
We are in the situation that pertained in 1960. The biggest success story of my 60 years of an interest in speedway was the Provincial League. The National League was down to about 8 teams and strugling but the PL settled down well. No big stars, some who were but past their peak, but rising talent (Mauger, Monk, Eric Boocock, George Hunter) ensured good if not really top notch racing. We do not need the GP stars. We need one big league with as many teams as there are riders, no doubling up so that the fans can relate to their riders. Accuse me of being a dinosaur if you like but the present path is the road to ruin IMHO.L6 points
How can you suddenly change fixtures that have been there since the start of the season!!!! Strange how it affects 3 clubs that are having an excellent season on track, namely Lakeside, Peterborough & Workington - Seems there are some nasty spiteful people making this decision, who are quite happy for other tracks to go to the wall Seem to remember, Laura being reassured she could have plenty of Fridays & now this is completely reneged - why promise something & then completely screw them over. Unbelievable6 points
Just read the press release about cancelling all the Friday night fixtures after tomorrow. What an absolute shambles this sport is. You couldn't make it up. Does anybody know any other business that is run in such an amateurish way. Those in charge get a holiday in the sun to dream up this crap. They must supply them with drugs to come up with the ideas that they do. Will the last one to leave please turn the light out. British speedway doesn't stand a chance with the present clowns in charge.6 points
You're right about this thread (like many others) degenerating into a personal abuse session but a discussion about the way a promotion has treated a fan is both fully justifiable and highly relevant. The simple fact is that far too often promotions treat their paying customers as simpletons, ignoramuses or fools and then have the gall to complain about poor attendances seemingly without any consideration that the two might actually be linked.6 points
Loving the people following the updates commenting . If you was there then you would realise that 1 crash happened where a rider was injured but shockingly the ambulance wasn’t available for 3 hours . . . NHS problem and a very sobering 1. Information was given. We were kept informed. Every effort was being made. At around 9:45 we were told the ambulance was returning. It did return after ten and racing commenced. Heat 7 there was a 3 rider crash where young Kasper was injured. An nhs ambulance immediately turned up, but the meeting was regrettably cancelled. This is not lawn bowls. Accidents happen. Injuries happen and it’s a budget sport. 2 ambulances would be perfect. But so would no injuries. Bit of heckling from fans annoyed me. And pretty much all the people around methought these hecklers were dumb asses. Harsh night but every now and then that’s how it goes. I’ll be there for the Poole one as would most because that’s what fans do. I know the loud minority will probably rip holes in tonight because they have nothing better to do. But that’s social media for you! I hope Lewis and Kasper are ok6 points
Lemmo is clearly a member of the Diego Maradona 'Columbia Support' group!!!5 points
100% correct! The Shawcross Report (still available online) told the story, sorted the SCB and said speedway was a business. Power was stripped away from the axis of SCB/big league mafia and spread across all promotions, forming the BSPA. Where have you gone, Joe Shawcross? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you........?5 points
Even if there had been two ambulances at Kings Lynn tonight it would have made no difference at all with the delay as the track paramedic had given Lewis strong pain killing medication so had to accompany him to hospital to hand him over to the Doctors anyway5 points
100 % correct.. When I stopped going regularly, invariably due to reading about the Mickey Mouse proceedings being proposed to be placed in front of me, I do now accept that it was my duty to provide a 'Guest' for my absence, or at the very least I should have let Speedway use 'F/R' (the Fan Replacement Facilty).. On behalf of myself and probably thousands of others who now longer attend in the frequency we once did... Apologies.. It is our fault the Sport in this Country is where it is...4 points
Imo Workington comets and other teams affected by this joke decision by the bspa should tell them to return to the published fixtures, if not all should walk away from speedway and the bspa would be responsible for forcing clubs to close, I love my speedway but think it would be better to have no speedway than to abide by joke decision like this !!4 points
When commenting on here we all the risk of saying something which may turn out to be wildly inaccurate, or ill-judged, as we cannot see the full picture. We can only speculate as to what plan RH put to the BSPA. It may have been ridiculous, maybe not, but it was probably well-intentioned. Speaking as a speedway fan, I am pleased that RH have made that statement on their website. There is a tone of defiance about it, which I like. There are not that many people left with the will or the means to promote speedway in the UK. I've no idea what they have in mind for the future, but if it means speedway racing continues (or resumes) at RH, at any level, I will be delighted.4 points
No you're brainless enough to believe it's all above board , and it's happening for the good of Speedway4 points
4 points
Agree re: the Peterborough fixture Think he is being very diplomatic saying they have “disappeared” & “club has yet to receive any explanation” doesn’t sound very professional by the BSPA He seems to find the need to emphasise the need to come to a decision not “terminal” to clubs & reminds us of the closure of Rye House - seems serious to me Why have the 13/07 fixtures at Lakeside, Peterborough & Workington been omitted when only Edinburgh are at home that night?4 points
I would only get involved if i decided I had enough time to set up a new association which was based on a franchise model. No rider assets and every club had a financial interest in every other club to ensure they all worked together for the betterment of the sport. So why would I not be happy to tell. Of course but too much for me to detail on here and far better for a journalist to write a piece.4 points
Never been asked, can only guess people are afraid of the fall out from the truths of what happened during my time in the BSPA which included a short stint as vice chairman4 points
You may well find that is what happens after the BSPA meeting next week if nothing is resolved. I don’t know the position with Workeys fixtures but Peterborough and Lakeside both ride in stadiums that are heavily used for other things and it won’t be easy (probably nigh on impossible ) to rearrange all or perhaps any of their fixtures before the cut off date. Never mind it will be for the greater good of the sport if Godfrey gets his own way.3 points
3 points
That one is disgusting, however angry someone makes him he should know better than to post anything like that, hang your head in shame fella.3 points
He is a disillusioned former Supporter, who is as entitled to his views and to air them, as you or I. At the end of the day - that is what the Forum is for HT. There are a lot less People Posting on here these days - I wonder why?3 points
Can't believe Phil the Ace got banned for his post. I think it was because of his(starmans) snide remarks about BV in general that Phil took offence to.We have had comments about the track ( it needs 10m taking off the bends ) to daft comments about the size of the crowd and silly oop North remarks.When he posted about his illness a lot BV fans sent him best wishes for his recovery.He wants to think before he posts,even pirates fans like ray c have disagreed with him lately.If you post in a controversial and insulting manner expect some stick back and don't go crying to the mods.3 points
Even going to extra time and penalties the football will be over by 5.45. The BBC have scheduled their coverage to finish at 5.30. The speedway starts at 7. Poor show.3 points
Ffs. What is a matter with people? Worrying about a few pounds off the next meeting. Riders were badly hurt last night and all people do on here is moan about the meeting being abandoned.3 points
The thing with nico is when he is on it he is fantastic to watch, like you say a rider worth paying to watch, but at the start of season and not on it, he offers nothing, cos he only does one thing. Like you though one of first names on team sheet. Also like you say, one of our if not our best away rider. Rory nico and Scott should come away with a huge points tally between them. As for the others I'm not so sure and one I can't judge as have never seen. So it really could be anything from a stuffing to a win tonight, but at least one point is vital......so come on Heeps, shove it up a keyboard warrior like me.3 points
Stopping Workington , Lakeside, Peterborough riding Fridays helps with Rider Availability for the teams with Manager's on the BSPA board get guests when they need them , simple really I tell you what, you tell me why all fixtures were agreed at the start of the season and now suddenly 3 teams fixtures for Fridays are removed from the fixture list without an explanation ?3 points
Its the same mr godfrey who told us not to come couple of years ago because his number 1 would be missing .3 points
Just seen video. Come on, Cook slid off whilst racing hard. It’s a bit of banter snowflakes.3 points
Not sure where you were watching, but from my seat there was plenty of material on the track. It was well maintained throughout the meeting also considering the heat last night. The aces simply didn't turn up and they were punished.3 points
Stiched up like kipppers by the bapa ( mr godfrey ) tell them to stuff it laura or your finished what a f******joke3 points
There is an old saying that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you. Maybe that is a lesson that Workington promotion could benefit by taking to heart. It is definitely something that Jenga should think about.3 points
He must have a very short memory if he has never heard a Belle Vue fan cheering an opposing rider crashing3 points
Cook was on a mission to make a complete and utter dick of himself last night and he succeeded with aplomb. You will always get a few cheering when an opposition rider slides off, but his antics during the meeting with his massive roller followed by two tape exclusions were instant karma. The huge strop he threw on track gave the crowd the ideal opportunity to let out a loud cheer. Judging by his twitter post he was still in a strop on his long journey home. What a pillock !3 points
I can think of at least half a dozen capable business/marketing oriented individuals that were driven out by their colleagues. Colleagues who were so set in their ways they were horrified to hear and have proposed new ideas and initiatives, colleagues who stood up and marched out of the room when changes were being debated. Some stayed but lowered their ethics and integrity to the level of the majority and only one has managed a balance between a lack of integrity and local marketing initiatives to maintain a steady business. Nobody has ever invested more money promoting a club and benefiting the sport than Rick and Julie yet the way they were treat was appalling.3 points
3 points
First and most important best wishes to both riders for a full and speedy recovery. As for the ambulance issue, as others have said 2 ambulances do not necessarily mean 2 paramedics. Having 2 ambulances plus 2 paramedics at every meeting would increase the cost considerably and possibly mean an extra quid on the admission price and I can hear the moaning now.Sadly the ambulance service has to prioritise resources and serious tho Lewis Kerr's injuries were, if not deemed life threatening resources would be sent to patients that were. It's a sad fact as is the awful long waits for ambulances at A & E waiting to hand over patients. Much as I dislike the way the club treat fans nowadays, if as Danny Connor says fans were informed, I fail to see what more the club could have done. They could have called it off when the ambulance left with Kerr, but it is possible that the crew were told it would be a relatively short wait to hand over, the club informed and then other more serious patients arrived at A & E. It's not an exact science.3 points
Lewis is one of the nicest guys in speedway with a wife and family. It is not often I would say this but in his case I hope once he has recovered he assesses whether the risk out weighs the reward. If it does then he should give the sport up irrelevant of how much talent/potential he has. Ps I think gladrag is spot on with his comments regarding a paramedic. Only one ever has ever been in attendance and if required to stay with Lewis until ambulance arrives then this explains why the meeting could not restart.3 points
If he's banned for what i presume he has, it's a poor day. Another forum member also given quite an extensive ban aswell today - definitely some snowflakes out there quick to report things rather than scrap it out.3 points
I would say that something that needs to happen is if you buy a club you can vote on anything not wait 3 years for the right. Busters son could've been the sports Barry Hearn It didn't happen I don't know why but would hazard a guess a few old fuddy duddys didn't like his ideas3 points
3 points
2 points
like a few years back when another team refused to rearrange a rain off with Workington until after the cut off point for play offs oh yes there promotor was also on the panel most corrupt sport around if half of what we hear is true2 points
I think all speedway fans need to get on there soapbox now mate, this is getting critical.2 points
To be honest Craig had been excluded twice for breaking the tapes prior to the crash in which it fueled the situation . Nobody was cheering when all four rider's came down together on the first corner of heat 2 deadly silence .2 points
2 points