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  1. Trust me streaming of meetings in the UK has been looked into before by Sky and the current infrastructure at UK stadiums is not up to the standards required. i remember a run in to the play offs one season and I think the main match was at Poole but Coventry had a key meeting and wanted to feed in some races and interviews we had to use an IPad and send the footage as a file rather than live. Also some stadiums won’t co operate in the last season on Sky at Poole second play off semi kept getting postponed but Sky wanted to feature races on Sky sports news but stadium would allow any internet use so had to send satellite uplink truck just for a 1 camera production. I know from speaking to colleagues at BT that relationships are no better for TV meetings with clubs refusing OB companies and TV crew use of their Wi-fi even just to send emails and internet/social media hence BT guys have 4G mifi devices and use personal phones. To run a paid for streaming service is not as easy as just using a domestic fibre broadband connection it would need to be a dedicated leased line with 1-1 contention and say 100Mbps each direction will be looking at around £800-1000 a month that is then needed at each track. Even the ATR betting trial was costing them £250 a week plus over 40k setup fee just for connectivity. Interestingly most of this kit is still at the stadiums so could be used again. You can go along the 4G bonded route where broadcasting kit sends the pictures over 4G mobile networks using 8-12 sims combined but this is prone to buffering and mobile networks have started traffic managing this traffic due to the strain it puts on their core network The best hope is 5G mobile this may bring the cost down and have the capacity to do this but is a few years away yet. You could get a 2 camera OB with satellite uplink for £500 a meeting but still need the server and backhaul to get pictures on the internet for paid site or can go free route with You Tube
    8 points
  2. Blimey. Hit Men come cheap these days!
    7 points
  3. Jonny the spud obviously hasnt been to many of his boys home meetings at Lakeside then. Now that is an absolute dump.
    7 points
  4. My best wishes go to Kerr and Kasper at this moment in time.I don't give a damn at the moment to a lot of comments coming from people that weren't there tonight.These two guys were in an awful lot of pain.I can guarantee the medical room wouldn't be sufficient for any of these poor lads tonight.They have to be at the hospital where they can get the best care possible. I just hope Kasper will be ok that was just awful.That was sickening to see how his body re-acted after the crash.Thoughts most definitely with him tonight. Can't believe some of the people on here moaning about Buster and King's Lynn speedway and not one has even bothered to give there thoughts and best wishes to two stricken riders tonight.Apart form ianb's ATB Lewis.
    5 points
  5. Yet they've already gone down it.. and guess what.. it's been financial suicide. The year on year weakening of the league, whilst maintaining the same prices, or putting them up has been a massive contributer to fans walking away. Throw in the shambolic way the sport is run, the shenanigans from the south coast and the problem was made worse. Throw in the growth of double uppers, the lack of team identity. Fixed race nights would have been a good idea many years back when there was a strong product to promote. Fixed race nights with sub standard teams for a premium price was and is doomed to failure. The sport is so far gone now the only option is, as many have said, to basically try and start again and work upwards. Even that may not work such is the damage done.
    5 points
  6. Not sure I particularly disagree with what you are saying. However the validity of this along with most of your posts is questionable when you do not appear to know what year it is.
    5 points
  7. ABOUT time you did so
    5 points
  8. Loving the people following the updates commenting . If you was there then you would realise that 1 crash happened where a rider was injured but shockingly the ambulance wasn’t available for 3 hours . . . NHS problem and a very sobering 1. Information was given. We were kept informed. Every effort was being made. At around 9:45 we were told the ambulance was returning. It did return after ten and racing commenced. Heat 7 there was a 3 rider crash where young Kasper was injured. An nhs ambulance immediately turned up, but the meeting was regrettably cancelled. This is not lawn bowls. Accidents happen. Injuries happen and it’s a budget sport. 2 ambulances would be perfect. But so would no injuries. Bit of heckling from fans annoyed me. And pretty much all the people around methought these hecklers were dumb asses. Harsh night but every now and then that’s how it goes. I’ll be there for the Poole one as would most because that’s what fans do. I know the loud minority will probably rip holes in tonight because they have nothing better to do. But that’s social media for you! I hope Lewis and Kasper are ok
    4 points
  9. To be fair signing riders on low or false averages has always been the plan but getting the best out of them and having a good team spirit is also a massive help. I rather suspect the latter two are missing at Glasgow (not altogether surprising with what’s reported to have happened) and the fact that Dickson left tells me things haven’t improved. You can chuck money at it all day long but you are wasting your time if you haven’t got the right people picking the side and a decent team spirit, just ask Rick Frost.
    4 points
  10. Maybe better not to post if you're not feeling well.
    4 points
  11. No self righteous step here (the irony ) just providing a bit of balance to the thread. The club have released a press release naming him in the team, until such a time that we are told differently then there have been no lies or hoodwinking or anything similar. If he doesn't ride then they will deserve everything they get on this forum and beyond.
    4 points
  12. Rye House using the fish and chips as a selling point stopped about a decade ago. The stadium does need work doing to it though and what has been done by the promotion to this point hasn’t improved it from when Len Silver left. That said, you don’t just put it out of its misery because we’re going through a rough patch. Until this point we’ve been one of the most stable clubs in the country since our reformation. When there were calls for us to move up a league in the mid-00s Len always said it wasn’t viable. He may not have been the best at promoting the club at that point but nonetheless it looks like he was right from a business standpoint.
    4 points
  13. Yes. We are now in a playoff berth. Be afraid. Be very afraid........
    3 points
  14. whats the heirarchy (sp) of the sport? Is it the ACU who is ultimately in charge? This business of a group of promoters running the sport is not working - all out for their own businesses (understandably) but not really ideal for managing the big picture. Until we have someone who can crack the whip for the overall good there won't be survival. Someone needs to say - this is the way it is and if you can't operate within that - tata.
    3 points
  15. The demise of the Rockets is a severe body blow for British speedway. With the top flight now consisting of just 7 teams will it remain viable? Especially as other tracks must be struggling as well. I find it worrying that Belle Vue with the new stadium and facing large overheads have seen their crowds significantly depleted this season, perish the thought but if they went under I think the sport here would collapse. I have no idea what the way forward is for the sport as Speedway's ills are many but I do think it needs to be independently governed as I feel the BSPA really is really no longer up to the job. Right now Speedway needs somebody with a vision to take it into the future, the trouble is who is that person? Commiserations to all Rye House fans the sport is all the worse for the demise of your club.
    3 points
  16. Esberg have such poor PR clearly! lol Its the old fair weather fans Sh*tting on the club i support! I think the majority would love it if they were to just denounce themselves as fans rather than kill the good vibe the club has at the moment. I think the club always does its best. Maybe its not always perfect but look at yourselves. Critiquing on a forum 7 days a week! Your own lives are far from perfect! Close meeting tonight but i think 6-8 point win
    3 points
  17. It’s certainly working at the moment and with Grondal back it only makes us a little more solid.
    3 points
  18. The fish and chips are no longer a selling point. As for the stadium being dilapidated yes it does need major improvement to bring it into the 21st century but so do many other speedway stadiums. What Rye does have (or maybe did) is loyal fans who want to see speedway at Rye and elsewhere survive. To say just "put it out of its misery" is an insult to all of us who loyally support the team and speedway (even though we do have our moans and groans along the way).
    3 points
  19. That butterfly is a disgrace!
    3 points
  20. Actually I have 4 businesses and my point is if the company can't make money then it should not be trading. Of course it is a lot easier said than done just winding up a company. By the way, my companies are very profitable and I have sponsored speedway over the years but not all of my businesses have made money all of the time. That is the nature of business and I have been in business 30 years.
    3 points
  21. Been an absolute joke this season it really has
    3 points
  22. It does come across like that, but I think you will find he is just what's known as socially awkward.
    3 points
  23. I liken British Speedways problems to the British Superbikes series' predicament in the early nineties.... When Carl Fogarty was in his pomp and Sky fell in love with the World Superbikes series, giving it the massive exposure which resulted in 'Foggy' becoming a well known sportsman across all mainstream sport followers. BSB didnt try and compete. How could it? WSB had the best riders, BSB had the next level down. But instead of trying to match the WSB they ensured they delivered a great weekend of racing with the calibre of rider that they had which then grew their own 'brand'... They also realised that inevitably their best would eventually go off to seek fame and fortune in the WSB or Moto GP and test themselves in the 'higher standard' of racing. Therefore BSB invested in plenty of track time over their race weekends for the next generation of riders. With standard 'out of the box' one make Championships included to keep costs down and attract 'entry level' riders in.. The result? Thousands still attend their race weekends and plenty of British lads have made succesful careers racing at no more than a 'domestic' level.. If the likes of Dan and Robert can earn vast amounts elsewhere and improve quicker by racing against the Worlds best then good luck to them. 100% let them ride in the 'WSB' that is Poland.. However any rider wanting to ride in the 'BSB' of British Speedway needs to understand that British Speedway, and that alone, is his priority.. British Speedway has two options... Run itself like a 'proper team sport' on days and nights it's fan base can attend, paying for itself from an income delivered via a price point the fan base sees as value for money, and be as radical in delivering this as they need to be.. Or... Carry on doing what it always has.... And we know how tremendously successful that has been... The current model simply does not work and is miles away from what they need.. And as is blatantly obvious. The sport is down to the bare bones of its fan base.. Opening Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday days, are a one million percent fundamental necessity for any business running in the entertainment sector, which is unsurprisingly why Poland (and Motor Racing in general) choose them! (How strange?!).... Simple choice... Find a way to use the weekends more, and let all tracks run on nights they know will get their biggest income... Or.... Carry on cobbling together Mickey Mouse Team Speedway meetings in front of an ever reducing fan base, running the meetings on days/nights to suit the riders but not their customers, at a far too high a price point for those customers to recognise it as value for money. I would humbly suggest that if they keep doing the latter, it can really only end one way..
    3 points
  24. I hope Lewis and Kasper get well soon. Tonight was just a one off,can't blame the track, or any riders ,or Stars management. After the abuse given to Buster from some loudmouth prat I wouldn't be surprised if Buster pulled the plug on the speedway. Time to regroup and look forward to the next home meeting against Poole.
    2 points
  25. Well they don't know everything do they?. The team are paid at every home meeting in cash as has happened since Ken was in charge at Buxton. They were paid at our last home meeting against Belle Vue and will be paid again on Sunday when we ride our next home meeting against B'ham.
    2 points
  26. What's gone wrong is that the NHS is broken and it was going to take 3 hours for an ambulance to arrive
    2 points
  27. And the award for the most convoluted and unconnected dribble as to why moxey needs to admit to being a speedway scounger. BTW, a freeloader in my terms is someone attending a speedway meeting and contributing nothing for the club, whilst others have to pay to get in. As opposed to track staff such as sheeters, flag men, pushers, programme contributors, officials, team managers, etc., earning their right to get in for free. In your case you started in example 2, but wanted to be in example 1, but because you cant, you attack the sport at every opportunity as if trying to help. How's the digging going, looks very active from here.
    2 points
  28. If the powers that be really need to look at some of these threads as the people who are posting on here are the remaining die-hards that the sports has. Lose us and the sport will be gone for good!
    2 points
  29. Brothers in arms, and that's just what you know about. This is undoubtedly the poorest performing Management Committee in decades.
    2 points
  30. For sure I understand the views are your own Phil, but it must be difficult for people to disassociate the personal comment you back away from the views of a mag where you are a major shareholder. Totally also understand that for the Speedway Star continue it goes hand in hand with a sustainable Sport. Time for an open frank appraisal by your mag on the state of Speedway. I am sure it won’t make for pleasant reading, but I am sure your readership won’t be surprised by what is written. It’s out there for all to see.
    2 points
  31. Interesting piece in the whitehaven news about disabled viewing at home meetings cant see the prob with letting wheelchairs on the bends their are allready chairs watching from there , sad news about rye house hope its not the first of many .
    2 points
  32. DON'T think much if any of that is true.
    2 points
  33. Don't know why you bother apologising. He acts like a total bell and then tries to use illness as a defence.
    2 points
  34. Not quite sure you can put the failing of Rye House solely down to Buster though I will concede it has happened on his watch. Don`t forget Buster needs the rest of the promoters with him to get anything significant done.
    2 points
  35. spoken like a true heartfelt supporter.IDIOT.so you are pleased then that we have lost another club for this season and maybe, who knows, for good.by the way, which team do you show allegiance to then.
    2 points
  36. One big league of about nine teams...
    2 points
  37. some of the decisions they make suggest they have been in hospitality!
    2 points
  38. That is if they didn't spend all their time arguing with the referee.
    2 points
  39. Rye House was the first place I ever watched Speedway and, with the exception of Torun and Glasgow, still my favourite place to watch the sport. It may be run down but it's a great track and I go for the racing not the creature comforts. There were substantial four figure crowds there for much of last season but the fixed race nights and a peculiar distance and lack of promotion from BMR (probably linked to the cashflow crisis we're currently seeing) as well as the gawdawful MotoX track have combined to kill the crowds and atmosphere there. It can be revived, probably with Saturday racing and the switch to the second tier racing that might entail but talk of "put it out of its misery...flogging a dead horse" is ignorant BS which fails to ackowledge how precious *any* currently operating track is in the precarious times for this great sport.
    2 points
  40. You would go a long way in management.... Or on the bspa
    2 points
  41. I have sympathy for the Berwick Promotion, inasmuch that they appear to be severely restricted in reshaping the track within the present confines of Shielfield. Before the bikes became super-fast, imo, you used witness more opportunities for passing after bend 2 of the first lap. Must admit having watched the 2nd leg of the KO Cup on 30/6, it was one of the most boring meetings I have attended in the 55 years I have been following Speedway
    2 points
  42. Have a go at his posts by all means - but personal insults are against forum rules and could result in a 'holiday' if reported!? There are several that 'do the club no favours' and one or two of them might actually be Poole fans!!
    2 points
  43. Needs to get his average down just a wee fraction for us to fit him at Armadiddle but he's getting there.
    2 points
  44. What a nasty individual you are . seemingly you haven't been to bed either
    2 points
  45. Rye house is a dilapidated old stadium. It has been for years. It looks like it was thrown together in the 50’s and hasn’t been touched since. If if one of your biggest selling points is “the best fish and chips in speedway” you know you’re already knee deep in the brown stuff. No one seems to know ( or care) how to bring it into the 21st century in terms of comfort, catering, presentation or anything else that would attract someone to it as an evenings entertainment Its sad but just put it out of its misery. You really are flogging a dead horse
    2 points
  46. I love the way some people are great at spending other people’s money. They’re normally the the ones who moan about the entrance cost at a meeting.
    2 points
  47. Did you actually read what the comments were ? They weren't singling anyone out as no-one else makes personal comments like that !
    2 points
  48. For as long as I’ve been going we have always had a problem bringing in new fans in any kind of significant numbers. Twenty years ago we were already down to the hardcore fan base and it has taken a lot of work to drive them away. These fans were dyed in the wool types with a sense of fairplay and moral values passed down by their parents, parents who had seen the country pull together during the war. The other thing about these fans is they didn’t like change or new ideas. Play offs, jokers and the like really turned these fans off whilst they also failed to bring in newbies. The cheating and rule bending so prevalent this century also made it difficult to get behind it as a sporting contest. The result is no new fans whilst actively pushing away the anorak, board waving diehards. Like I say it’s taken a lot of effort to prize these guys from their anoraks but unbelievable they did it. Now we’re bollocked, there is no getting away from it. We are no longer in a position where tweaks will do, we need to draw a line under it, take stock and start from scratch - with the wishes of the current fan base paramount. We no longer have anyone within the sport capable of doing this and if the current bunch don’t relinquish control then speedway as a professional sport in this country will end.
    2 points
  49. For me, the fundamental issue that must be sorted is that far too many Promoters see it as a hobby in which they can chuck away a few quid and maybe even (who knows?) get a few tax breaks from their other business interests by investing in a loss making business... Years ago many, if not most, Promoters were business men who worked together (in the main), to generate a bit of overall return for the whole of the Sport, knowing that their own individual business would ultimately profit from a thriving League.. Sometimes it seemed a bit 'somewhat contrived', however, never the less, the fans lapped it up and everyone from Promoters, fans and riders seemed happy, and more importantly the sport was 'successful'.. Nowadays it seems everyone is out for themselves, trying desperately to put one over their rivals, all in an effort to win Leagues hardly anyone in their respective fan bases gives two tosses about such is the nonsense way the Sport is ran in Britain.. What they appear to fail to see is that without any 'rivals' their own business also disappears.... Maybe one day, someone will notice the impending 'meltdown' that is happening in front of them and do something to prevent it..?
    2 points
  50. RECENTLY I was invited to meet a member of the BSPA to discuss their relationship with Speedway Star and, indeed, the media in general. I told him that in my opinion the BSPA had become more of a secret organisation than the Vatican. It is all well and good publishing daily news items, which are fine, but there is no official spokesperson for the BSPA empowered to make official statements. It is only after an AGM that any official announcements are made and then, a few days later, changes are often made which are not made public. They are their own worse enemy in this respect. It is no wonder that the general speedway public are suspicious and often put two and two together to make five because no one says otherwise. Quite often one promoter will say one thing and another something totally different. Many years ago when Martin Rogers, a journalist by trade, was a member of the BSPA Management Committee he would brief the media, and especially Speedway Star, after meetings, some of which was "off the record" but at least we would know exactly what was going on and could do our best to keep the paying punters properly informed. With regard to the current situation with Rye House ... I am sure there are people that know as much as I do, which frankly isn't much. But it is situations like this which the BSPA as an organisation handle so poorly. Of course, they can not be expected to release confidential information but just a holding statement along the lines of "the BSPA are in negotiations with the Rye House management to resolve their current difficulties and in the meantime their immediate fixtures have been suspended" would have been better than total silence which invites fans to draw their own, frequently inaccurate, conclusions. What is not in doubt is that British speedway is facing a crisis the like of which I have not witnessed in over 50 years of covering the sport.
    2 points
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