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  1. I have no sympathy whatsoever for Richie Worrall. The man is very fond of using social media to have a go other riders, fans, tracks and other teams. Nothing wrong with been outspoken, but if you live by the sword you die by the sword.
    10 points
  2. Well Done to all at Redcar - what a superb event, without doubt the best organised fours in recent years! Even with the difficulties caused by scorching sun and a drying wind the track produced it's usual top class racing - full marks to the track staff who were fighting the dust all day (and mostly winning). Note to other promotions - fans are happy to watch tractors going round when they know it is only going to enhance their enjoyment, both from a racing and comfort aspect, which is exactly what happened on Sunday, everyone could see the time taken was making necessary improvements and accepted it! No doubt the Scottish fans were delighted to get home at a reasonable time this year, highlighting the benefits of having the event more central (for the Championship) If Redcar want the event next year they have my vote!
    9 points
  3. With respect, who cares what the f you say. You've been a member for 13 years and only just piped up recently...you aren't Subedei are you ? #c*t
    6 points
  4. My opinion sunshine .but then you dont like other peoples opinion
    4 points
  5. If speedway went in house that’s pretty much where it will stay, only current fans would get to see it and personally I wouldn’t purchase it, I can see a tiny financial benifit for speedway itself but no sponsor in their right mind would be interested as it has no audience, I do think BT is selling us a bit short with the money but that’s totally our own fault, BT deal in millions v speedway deal in peanuts, no wonder who the winner is there, we have the perfect platform and get decent viewing figures but we can’t get our own house in order, we need to turn the viewing figures into punters on the terraces and we will never do that with in house filming, we have to be out there in the big wide world
    4 points
  6. GOOD NEWSDanyon Hume suffered no broken bones in last night’s crash at Cradley. However he is battered and bruised (understandably), and will miss Sunday’s National Trophy trip to Buxton.Also wishing Cradley’s Chris Widman a speedy recovery who suffered a fractured wrist.
    3 points
  7. Is that a new saying Still, it could be worse, the panthers could be having a good season and picking up more silverware.............mmmmmm, hang on a moment.
    3 points
  8. As you would expect for such a fantastic stadium, the costs are significantly higher than most/all other stadiums in the country so I don't think it shows poor management to be losing money. What they need to do is to find ways of getting more people there and other revenue streams.
    3 points
  9. Crikey, that's a name from the past - remember him well, for all the wrong reasons!
    3 points
  10. Poor decision by Promotion to single out an individual IMO.Maybe an article saying they are Disapointed with comments would have been enough.Certain Promotions make remarks in their programmes regarding forums but they are entitled to,but it could be taken as as bit underhand but it's their way of telling you who is running the show lump it or leave it.Fair enough, if fans take offence they may stay at home,that's the chance they take.
    2 points
  11. I can't even begin to think how that would work.
    2 points
  12. And on what do you base your opinion? So far as I know you have not yet visited the NSS so it can't be from having attended every week. The promotion are trying many ideas to increase crowds, a new social media campaign is going to start soon and running the Colts with an entrance fee of £10 and kids under 18 free is seen as a way of attracting new and younger fans. The hope before FNR was to increase the 1500 average last year year towards 2000 this year but the enforced Monday nights have had the opposite effect. I would estimate our average crowds this year at more than 1000, maybe 1200 with the bank holiday meetings.
    2 points
  13. Not sure why there was need for any apology really. Does anybody take Jenga seriously.
    2 points
  14. But some critics have the nerve to make statements like that, when they were asked to pay to get in and they walked away to then be a permanent critic. Didn't you.
    2 points
  15. What does it cost . lets start on a meeting draw thats 45 points per team. Across the board you would say 100 per point so thats £4500.00, the there are tyres, matchday staff including doctor, ambulance services, paramedic, starting marshal's pit marshall, inspector referee and timekeeper turnstile operators.track staff, tractor driver, fuel, et al. Now if this is my business i have to pay myself and any others, marketing, stadium upkeep or lease, power, maintenance the list goes on. I have only a window of around 20 meetings at home and i still have to pay the riders for away meetings the figures prove difficult reading if you think that a few years ago i was getting 80-90k from tv revenue and now I get 14. Would riders go part time some may but if they get injured how will this affect the day job and could they expect their employer to give them the time off to travel from the North to say poole. I dont have the answers but I do know that big big changes to the sport are due and one I would like is a management committee that does not have its head so far in the sand and so disconnected with its revenue paying customers.
    2 points
  16. A very well reasoned reply to my thoughts on Richie and very much appreciated and a good insight from a behind the scenes point. Much more balanced than the call yourself a Glasgow Supporter pish, do this and say that etc etc. Cheers for the insight .
    2 points
  17. Comedy gold you can't even spell intellectual !!
    2 points
  18. Who are you to judge me or anybody, I am expressing an opinion on a rider that has massively underperformed for the team I have supported since the 70s, there are split opinions on Richie on here and in general I would imagine. But don't come on here albeit I am guessing you are connected in some way and preach to me or any other GLASGOW SUPPORTER on our thoughts on anything really. So yes I will call myself a Glasgow Supporter ARE YOU ?.
    2 points
  19. Best track prep arrangement was at Rye House probably about 2003/4 when Len Silver employed two small tractors, one with a small bowser on the back and the other one with a flat grader. After each heat, and whilst the riders were leaving the circuit on bend 1, the two tractors come out of bend 4 centre green and did a quick couple of circuits just before the next race riders were coming out onto the track. They took no extra time, but the condition and preparation was the same for all 15 heats. Only time I have ever seen such good preparation. Unfortunately it probably can't be done now, as the tractors were ready on the centre green area and also entered the track whilst riders were either leaving or entering the circuit. "Elf and Safety you know.
    2 points
  20. Time to get your hearing tested then. It was probably Redcar's second biggest gate ever after the fantastic crowd on their opening night. Well supported by mainly local Northern clubs,
    2 points
  21. Never spoken to Starman and it isn't on my to do list!!
    2 points
  22. My first visit to Redcar and very impressed with the racing on the track. Plenty of food and drink outlets, plenty of toilets, meant no races missed due to standing in queues (please take note Somerset). Decent prices and not over charged like some venues. Sadly the days are gone where you need to accommodate 4-5,000 fans for a shared event, so no excuses why the likes of Redcar shouldn't host events like this. Dust yes, but unavoidable, given the temperatures. Overall, would say well done Redcar, a lot of other clubs and venues would do well to look and learn.
    2 points
  23. I wasn’t thrilled that Redcar we’re hosting this as I thought Peterborough with its open grass spaces was better equipped, but Redcar Speedway did a fine job. One criticism would be the lack of speakers on the back straight. Very difficult to hear team changes and line ups. I appreciate that the back straight isn’t normally open to spectators, but surely some temporary speakers on the centre green could’ve been arranged? Food and drink a bargain compared to rip off EOES and I think parking may have been free, compared to the Showgrounds £2. The dust was unavoidable on such a hot day.
    2 points
  24. So much of what generates a crowd these days is down to great marketing and hype.. I have mentioned before the differences between the PDC and the BDO in darts.. Two organisations in the same 'sport'... The result? One very, very successful, and the other woefully inadequate trying desperately to keep up, and failing miserably.. Speedway on any given meeting in the Premiership must pay out for 14 riders around £15,000 (or maybe even more?)... Not bad 'prize money' for a very small minority sport. Figures that, I suggest, would surprise many non Speedway followers if they were informed of it.... Therefore, how about a different spin on this £15,000..? Change the word 'wages' and replace it with 'Prize Money', with cheques being given post match to the team captains during an interview... 5 man teams.... A top League of 12 clubs, therefore 60 riders needed.. £15,000 up for grabs EVERY meeting... £10,000 to the winner, £5,000 to the loser... Home and Away twice would deliver 44 matches per team ex play offs.. Let's use a utopian vision and say every home team wins every match.... That would mean over 44 matches, each club would have 'won' £330,000 (£220,000 at home and £110,000 away) with each rider therefore averaging £1500 per meeting, meaning the average rider would earn £66,000 per year, ex play offs.. The reality will be of course some riders will earn more as their deals are better and some will earn less, as will the Clubs as there are bound to be away wins, however... After VAT, at £15 a pop, a 1500 crowd would deliver £18,000... Leaving £3,000 to pay the rent and operating costs (supplemented hopefully by Sponsorship, and profit if applicable on Car Park fees, bar take and programmes sales)... The standard for me would be teams made up at a level of Two current Premiership Heat Leaders. Two Championship Heat Leaders and a Championship Second String making up the fifth man.. Five man teams would also give a surplus of riders to cover short term and long term absences without the need for Gue.. Gu.. G (I can't even type it), and negate rider replacement... The overall 'Prize Fund' (ex play offs) from a total of 264 matches would be an incredible £3,960,000!! With the obvious proviso being of course, could you get 1500 to watch a sport that was now ran with credibilty, with similar standard teams, on nights when crowds could be best generated? I reckon you should be able to sell any Sport that offers a 'Prize Fund' of nearly £4M (not including play offs) to any prospective Sponsor or Media outlet as a very credible and popular Sport! And the beauty of course is clubs are paying this kind of money out every night now but without anyone knowing it, and gaining any publicity for themselves by doing it.. Could it work? Who knows, maybe they could get BT onside to show every team once at home and they match the 'Prize Fund' for that meeting meaning £30,000 on offer that night? British Speedway pays out literally MILLIONS of pounds to riders each season... SO. SHOUT ABOUT IT. LET THE BRITISH PUBLIC KNOW!!! And maybe, just maybe, they will start to get interested? (Or at worse, CURIOUS)...
    2 points
  25. Nice short trip for the Berwick bus lol. Not easy to control the dust in such a heat but there was no lack of effort in trying to. £2-50 for a can of Stella no complaints from the Berwick fans haha for all the people that questioned why Redcar got the meeting the answer was there yesterday. Well done to all involved proper speedway how it used to be when you go home with a black face and you have had a great day.
    2 points
  26. not directed at you city rebel....just wanted to get in on a sky comment i remember when sky used to sponsor ./ pay clubs in premier league,...and the amount of slagging off they got on the speedway forums, like how they were doing it all wrong,...how they had dictated the league, meetings only on cos the cameras were there etc,..could be one of the reasons they pulled out,..so when B.T. pull their plug. is that mission accomplished from the dissatisfied ,who are looking for a scapegoat...not all riders can make a living as a rider...years ago (1970s)most had a day job esp if starting out as a rider, maybe needs to be like that again with a re structure...fixed race nights is just another nail ect
    2 points
  27. Sorry to disappoint you but I have no association with Richie other than he's a Glasgow rider, my team. I ain't no keyboard warrior, I have followed the Glasgow home and away for many years, hardly missing a meeting. You said Richie has been woeful and his time is up. Massively underperformed? Yes he's had some bad meetings, I've witnessed them first hand. Lot's of mechanical issues but he's still averaged over 8 points this season at No.1! I can judge that your option is wrong! How can you possibly consider an 8 point average woeful? He's by his own admission not done as well as he would like but Glasgow don't have a divine right to win. There's only been 4 away Championship league wins all season. Call yourself a Glasgow supporter, then support the team. Your attendance on Friday night would be much appreciated, I'm sure; cause Friday night crowds have been poor.
    1 point
  28. I'm beginning to think that Jenga and Steve Whitehead are one and the same!
    1 point
  29. Because he is Scottish and doesn't know the English fixture list. Myself on the other hand do know its Saturday that England play. Edited for the purpose of accuracy and also that i was wrong.
    1 point
  30. We have also learned that apparently some of us are not real Glasgow fans for expressing our opinion. All because my opinion differs from his, some on here live in la la land.
    1 point
  31. I dont like Worral much either hes a nugget who rides a bike....thats all.
    1 point
  32. Alternatively if he does ride then no lies will have been told and it will have been a whole load of fuss over nothing, and not for the first time.
    1 point
  33. Well I think the BSPA all live in fantasy land anyway. If that idea was even being considered it has to be the daftest one they've come up with yet. I think every supporter in the country knows that won't work. If it's considered for next year it would be a good idea.
    1 point
  34. shame that as i think the standard of racing was far better than when held at th showground
    1 point
  35. This topic has definitely lost its way.
    1 point
  36. If Steve Whitehead came on here and accepted the apology it's all over, up to now tho it's just apology made, two different things?
    1 point
  37. Didn't even realise there was a meeting on Wednesday. Just about sums up the publicity surrounding Lynn and before anyone says I wouldn't go anyway, No, I wouldn't but there might just be some newbies/holidaymakers who might in this lovely weather. If they realised there was a meeting of course.
    1 point
  38. Coty? some good lads at the under 19, Jenkins? Who knows, let's hope Danyon isn't too badly hurt.
    1 point
  39. Cannot compare football to speedway ffs Speedway is a mickey mouse sport run by chimps.
    1 point
  40. Hearing a statement is due any day. Bad news. The cackers have had the prefab stands away to the scrappers. Osborne, with sad look on face, says there’s no more to be said and is offering a couple of tins of b&q paint for the back straight bogs. ’I received a call this morning, informing me that the stands have vanished, said a distraught Osborne. ‘I immediately headed over to the storage in South Wales, and discovered all our stands, which were about to be shipped down the M4 to Blunsdon, had mysteriously disappeared. We are disappointed. We will now have to start from scratch and unfortunately this will lead to a lengthy delay before any work gets underway’.
    1 point
  41. From people who attended the meeting I've heard nothing but good things so well done to all at Redcar.
    1 point
  42. what a cracking day out at the fours yesterday.redcar put on a fabulous meeting on only their first staging.my team gave it a really good go and although didn't quite make the final it didn't distract from a great final with all in all some superb very close racing.a huge well done to the redcar promotion and i hope that it will be staged by them again next season.well done.
    1 point
  43. Congratulations once again the BBSC who have stepped in to help out David Howe and NB Jacobsen with cheques for £500 each to help them with repair bills so they can continue to race for Berwick. Sadly it seems the presentation wasn't done from the centre green as it should have been.
    1 point
  44. Yes. The only way I was able to stick with Horsens to the end was to half-watch it on the lap top and have Uraguay-Portugal on the main TV. I'm not a big football fan and even with an obviously-likely British winner in Denmark I really couldnt give it my full attention. No idea what KT/NP said this time - or this year years awaful interviewer - as the sound was down. It would be a difficult sell for BSI to make to advertisers if that is how people were to watch it.
    1 point
  45. It actually started with me defending Poole - won’t bother next time!
    1 point
  46. This is the most appalling piece of heavy-handed bullying tactics it is my misfortune to come across in British speedway. The minute we witness team promoters taking action reminiscent of 1930s Nazi Germany is the time to pack it in. I for one will not be visiting Workington Speedway again and would urge other fans to do likewise. Jenga is a prolific contributor to a popular fans' forum, has amused us on here for years and I hope will continue to do so.
    1 point
  47. I'd tell them where to stick it personally. If they only want happy clappers then it'll end in tears
    1 point
  48. After last year's injury hit season I didn't think there could be any black cats left in Scunthorpe for Rob to run over but looks like I was wrong
    1 point
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