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As a walk away fan, who is the team isn't an issue. All standards of Speedway can be brilliant. The issues are the selfishness of promoters, inability to acknowledge and treat the fans correctly and value for money. For new fans, they also couldn't care less about the rider's, what they do care about is value for money to continue to come back. 15 minutes of racing over 2 hours, rubbish music, nonsensical waffle from the centre green and appalling stadium standards is all a massive turn off.9 points
There are many outlets today for individuals and organizations to air their views, particularly via social media and fora such as the BSF. We also see regular comments regarding the "right" to say what you want, that "free speech" is absolute. Unfortunately, that is NOT correct. The origins of "free speech", particularly in the Western world, stem from the fact that comments and views regarding authorities and authority figures (most notably national governments) can be made without fear of reprisal and prosecution. HOWEVER, please be aware that the concept of "free speech" is not absolute. There are laws regarding slander, libel, and defamation of character, and - in these troubled times - HATE SPEECH. In other words, you do NOT have the right to make false, accusatory, and hateful / bigoted statements, either verbally or in writing. No, I am not aiming this at any individuals in particular, or any posts in particular, but I just wish to remind you all that not everything you believe to be a "right" is indeed a right. Steve9 points
I don't go to Speedway to see so-called big names, I go because it's Rye House v Whoever. I go to see the 7 Rye riders against 7 riders from the opposition. How many times have a Team turned up only for their star man to have been injured last night in Sweden/Denmark/Poland etc. I won't go if it is pre-publicised that the away side are running R/R + 2 guests. I also think that if a rider is going to be out injured for more than 28 days, then they should be forced to sign someone else instead of running R/R all season. It is nice to have riders such as Bomber, Scotty & KK at Rye, but I would be just as happy to have say, Wells, Shanes & Garrity riding, as it would still be 7 Rye riders. I think most people go to Speedway to watch a match, not individual riders. On a previous post about fans stop going after LA left Swindon, why didn't they all return when Doyle(so called star name) was there. It isn't about Star names anymore, it's about 7 Riders in a Team, on a night that suits and continuity of a fixture list.7 points
In this situation impartiality is almost impossible, we have the version of events posted above to consider how we react. This is a bold step by Jenga to retract and make good the possible damage inadvertently caused. Inadvertently because he clearly loves Speedway and the Comets in particular to the point where he is prepared to capitulate. Jenga should be applauded, well done. My real point is this, I believe both parties should be cut a fair bit of slack over this. A confrontation that has been bubbling since the start of the season that possibly could have been headed off at the pass along the way. This is what happens when frustration has to be expressed, it's emotional and at times impulsive. Did Jenga intend to offend? Of course not. Did Steve intend to cause a backlash and own goal? Of course not. The desired outcome ought to be both parties calming down and agreeing a way forward that includes a line of communication other than on a public forum. I have read the concerning comments from Broc Nicol's family in the States concerning his signing for Sheffield, they are pleading with fans to give him a chance after so many negative remarks from people who have never met the kid. All of those posters did not intend to hurt Broc's family back home they were just expressing their opinions and concern for their club's ability to succeed. This is just another example of unintended consequences from relatively negative posts, we are all human and most more sensitive than we let on. Peter Mole has publicly criticised those keyboard warriors and he won't be the last. The Workington promotion are under immense pressure from the performance of the business to the needless politic -ing within the BSPA. All three Promoters have made tremendous personal sacrifices to the detriment of their lifestyles and families to keep the club going and at times there has been no end to the personal criticism they have faced so inevitably their tolerance thresholds are low. They too should be applauded, again well done. Is it all worth it? Put yourselves in their shoes and find out6 points
What you mean like this when you replied to SS last month. "You’ve got to be careful with dementia at your age. I’d advise you get yourself straight to your surgery " Pot, Kettle, Black or just sheer hypocrisy? Take your pick.5 points
It’s like a pack mentality on here at times! Some people seem to relish “outing” people, goading them until they get a ban and delving into their private lives. Live and let live I say and remember attack the post and not the poster.5 points
The guy standing on the finish line with a flag, should be a big enough clue as to where the finish line is5 points
Perhaps I should first say that I am a huge fan of Workington Speedway. To me, though, its a question of how you respond and, in this case, I think it has been unnecessarily heavy handed. Surely a chat and a warning would have been more appropriate if the comments were considered to be unreasonable ? It is easy for me to say but you just cannot allow the pressure that you are under to affect how you treat your paying customers. You can't do everything for them and its a case of sorting the wheat from the chaff, but I don't think that the consequences of how you reply can be underestimated - be that for good or bad. I have stated the following example many times and apologise for doing so again, but it sums up my position in a nutshell and it is based upon personal experience. I went to one track, saw an awful meeting on a dreadful, ridiculously dusty track (the meeting itself was eventually abandoned) and took to this forum to state my opinion in no uncertain terms. As a paying customer I believe I am entitled to do that. A co-promoter at that track sought me out and gave me 15 minutes of aggressive abuse. I went to another, Isle of Wight. Same dusty track, same response from me. I then got a truly remarkable - for speedway - reply from their promoter, Barry Bishop. It was : 'We're sorry about the dust,. We are new and learning and we will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. We really hope you come back and see us again and, if you do, we'll take you on a pits tour and the centre green'. It perhaps says a lot that I couldn't believe my eyes. Same problem, same criticism, entirely different responses. One track I have not been back to since, the other has become a huge favourite for whom I bang the drum on every occasion.5 points
Yawn. I honestly couldn't give a stuff if he's banned from Workington Speedway or not...... oh but I really wish somebody would ban the irksome numpty from this forum.5 points
Best solution would be to bury the hatchet now and put it to bed, MR Whitehouse should use this as an example of how not to promote and must be able to take criticism as long as it is not malicious and Jenga should still be able to have his say but be very mindful of the words he uses. Workington needs Jenga as much as Jenga needs Workington4 points
Get the water in early and let it soak in. If it's dark it's right for water, but when it goes pinky it needs more water. Simple. Mark Thorpe used to say that in New Zealand, they went in early, turned the taps on to flood it. and then had a barbecue. Stacks of water and put it in early.4 points
That doesn't mean that we are free to make scurrilous, vicious and unfounded attacks on individuals. There must be some sense of rationality, truth and fairness in what we post. Having said that, I have never had cause to think that Jenga's contributions would fall within the above description. In these days where every paying fan is like gold dust, you have to be very careful and very certain about taking such an action. To do so utterly without warning - and it seems that that is the case - is far too heavy handed for my liking and will attract the bad publicity that it has. I have a huge amount of time for Workington Speedway but this is an own goal that will do their credibility no good whatsoever. A good friend of mine once posted some strong criticism of his team's track surface - completely justifiably, and he wasn't the only one - on here. The person responsible for the track sought him out, verbally abused him and attempted to persuade the promotion to issue him with a ban (and he has been a long term and passionate supporter). The promotion then insisted that he apologise and he did so, out of fear that he would not be able to attend again. I was appalled that a genuine fan was treated in such a way. I would suggest that there was only one person who should have been shown the door, and it wasn't him. One of speedway's worst failings is the way it treats its paying customers and sometimes I think they will never learn. Engage, not confront.4 points
3 points
Haha not from the Reading attention seeking weirdo?! Posts non stop rubbish about Bellego since Davey got injured as he had started the season digging at him. Don't believe a word it says.3 points
3 points
3 points
I've never met you Jenga (though I would like to as I find many of your posts amusing and think you'll be good fun/company) so don't really know you. Reading between the lines I think you're just a wind up merchant but not a bad bone in your body. It takes a big man to swallow his pride and apologise. I hope that is taken on board by the promotion. Once there dust has settled, let's hope lessons have been learned and common sense prevails.3 points
Listen pal, you got caught out by a member begging to get into the drawers of some supposed model on twitter. You've self destructed from a reasonable poster into one who has walked himself into numerous bans. You've had personal problems, fair enough. Now to supposedly put the mods off the scent, you've changed your style to blatantly aggressive. And lo and behold as i typed my reply to you late last night, a quick hover revealed you were on Gavan's profile at the time... maybe checking to see if all the posts he deleted recently were still viewable ? I think its best you stick to flogging your motability cars as all this bad guy act isn't fooling anyone..3 points
Probably from me but seeing as you can't ban me I will continue merrily along . But in all seriousness to even consider banning someone for some forum posts because they don't like it is a bit ott.3 points
No one. Because we have very few big names left in British speedway. Hence one of the reasons crowds are declining. Which is my point. Therefore, Way2Go's claim that "big-name stars have proved not to attract UK fans" is not supported by any evidence. In fact the evidence points to the opposite. There were more big names 10 years ago and they attracted bigger crowds to British league racing. Of course, it is mere speculation that attracting big names back to British speedway would translate into bigger crowds today, but we cannot say it wouldn't happen as we simply don't know.3 points
Strange that it is Rob Mc who on one thread was asking if someone could pm him the name and has now on here named the person a couple of times now he has found out who it is.Surely his posts should be deleted and he sits out a ban for putting that on this forum? just saying3 points
innocent people have been accused of disturbing and serious crimes,then spent the rest of their lives hiding for fear of retaliation. Anonymity should be paramount until guilt is proven.3 points
A lot of sports forums are treated with contempt by the powers that be. They are happy to take our money, but we are not allowed to have a voice.3 points
I honestly can't believe what I am reading here. I know why Jenga has apologised, but don't see why he should have been put in that position for expressing his opinion in the first place. I think that it is a certain Mr Whitehead that needs to apologise, not you Jenga. As others have said we live in a society (thank goodness) where we supposedly have the right of free speech. If our promoters are so sensitive to criticism from one of their most loyal supporters that they are prepared to ban him from attending then they are in the wrong profession, and we as a speedway club are on a far slippier slope than we all thought. One of the reasons Jenga is so prolific on here is because there is a huge vacuum where the official Comets website should be keeping us all up to date with what is happening and (this year) not happening with all things Comets. I don't always agree with Jenga's posts and yes sometimes they are a little confrontational, but for goodness sake we are mostly (if not all) adults on here and it is a forum for public debate. One thing that is obvious is that Jenga cares passionately about the club and if the promoters are willing to ban the likes of him, then we really are truly f***ed.3 points
I'd tell them where to stick it personally. If they only want happy clappers then it'll end in tears3 points
What people really want is to see a Swindon side of Doyle, Morris, Zengota, Kildemand, Musielak, Bellego and Ellis against Wolves with Lindgren, Woffinden, Pawlicki, Thorssell, Masters, Howarth, Greaves and a top league along those lines. However a a number of those are not interested in riding here unless it's one fixed race night and about 14 fixtures, not the 28 or so and on two race nights. Britain can't afford the top riders anymore and they don't want us as it doesn't pay to be in a league racing on numerous race nights for what's on offer. The sport here needs rebuilding at a cost that it can afford and at a price fans will be happy to pay and attractive to new fans as the sport needs to lower the average age of its supporters who are mostly middle aged people or older. To do that it needs to get back to basics and start at a level it can afford. its no good dreaming of seeing Sayfutdinov v Zmarzlik or Woffinden v Pedersen on a British track apart from Cardiff. Those days have gone and the individual honours are now too important to top riders and the high rewards there and in Poland. We have to rebuild and give more chances to young riders. The NL is becoming a third league when it was supposed to be a training league to give riders the chance to progress. Its not what many want but it's what needs to happen and all tracks to stand together to create the variety required and the financial side to benefit clubs and spectators. Britain is so far behind other leagues it can't try and keep up and while there is a call to have league racing, it's simply not attractive enough at present to carry on as it is.2 points
Sounds like a disaster already. Ridiculous how a stadium like the Showground isn't being used.2 points
Didn’t see Steve0 moaning much on here last season when Museliak signed for Swindon. He was the biggest ringer in the sports recent history.2 points
Bring the big names back and that will increase the crowds .. Brilliant... How much would it cost to get in then? Or would we keep the same admission fee and run three man teams? Three man teams that run every fifth Monday and every third Thursday of the summer to accomodate all the No1's collective Global itinerary...2 points
Having riders on false starting averages ARE ringers - all within the rules but ringers nonetheless! Karma when they don’t do so well though!2 points
Glad to see the Broc knockers have gone quiet.We don't want him being top scorer every meeting or his average will rocket for next season..I think the promotion should be getting some credit for his services after the slating they've had recently.2 points
Mildenhall is or was a fast full throttle track and has produced terrific racing don’t recall it being tricky. Eastbourne is difficult for inexperienced riders as they have to turn sharply and keep the gas on otherwise they wobble or fall. The grippy conditions also have an effect and you tend to get strung out races unfortunately.2 points
2 points
Think people within the sport need to learn to either not go on forums or bit there tongues if they do. I had to learn as I used to reply to any comments about Ashley Morris (stepson) but learnt to not reply or not go on all the time. Think I ve been on here dozen times this year.2 points
Seems strange that a company doing all they can to get customers through the would ban one for posting an opinion on a forum. Yes Jenga posts nonsense but deserving of a ban, I think not. Maybe the Workington promotion would do well to leave this forum alone if they aren`t happy with what is being posted.2 points
While the promotion probably shouldn't have taken the steps that it did, if you are a pillock on a public forum on a daily basis you are eventually going to get some kind of comeback.2 points
What evidence do you have to back up that claim? The one indisputable fact is that as the top name riders have drifted away from British speedway, so have the fans. Now, you can claim this is merely correlation and does not prove causation, however as I have previously stated crowds at Swindon dropped markedly in the season after Leigh Adams' retirement, so I am tempted to draw the conclusion that the loss of big names is one of the direct causes of declining crowds.2 points
Here's one of your comments from another thread: I can't believe so many people complain about how the tail to wags the dog, yet they seem to be proposing this as a solution. Therefore the tail wags the dog. Again. What you are proposing is exactly what you accuse the BSPA of doing. Short term, tactical fixes with no long term strategic views. If Rye House is allowed to revert to Saturday, why can't Belle Vue go back to Friday? Is it only clubs who throw their toys out of their prams who get their own way? Coupled with the knock-on effect as others have pointed out that teams visiting Rye House on a Saturday will be missing riders who they signed in good faith based on agreed fixed race nights. The other issue is that the above approach merely kicks the can down the road until next season. People seem to have short memories, as they clearly don't remember last season and teams turning out with three guests and R/R due to the endless clashes, which was the main driver for fixed race nights in the first place.2 points
I will second that, hope that they can finish their premier season.... STOP paying silly rider guarantees would be a good start... If it means they run Saturdays, I can't see a problem - but careful planning of the rearranged fixtures would be paramount. Fingers crossed.2 points
2 points
I queried it tonight and Ellis GSA changed this week apparently and that put him above Lawson in the averages.2 points
I have been critical of Phillips on here but wouldnt wish the lad any harm, he had nasty tumble tonight and I wish him all the best on a speedy recovery. Get well soon.2 points
I have to say that I am shocked and appalled by this. We live in a democratic society where an individual's right to free speech is absolute and not a privelage. I have read many of your posts and at times some are incoherent and others I may disagree with, however I absolutely support an individual's right to express their opinion.2 points
I am real-when i started watching thats exactly what happened. The people who need to get real are those taking money out of the sport that isn't there. I wish it was and i wish they could. looking at your profile that was yonks before you were born2 points
Ok going to give you all a serious post now. No joking around. Personally I would let Rye House have the Saturday race night back ASAP. Yes patched up teams and an unfair advantage would be a joke but at least we haven't lost a club to British Speedway. I say let teams actually have a facility for a missing rider/riders who have a Polish commitment and then that's fair. Rye House remain in the league. Teams are granted a facility for a missing rider or riders then we take it from there. British Speedway simply cannot afford to lose yet another club and tbh fixed race nights will 100% be scrapped next year anyway because clubs will not agree to it due to finances. This is the final era of British Speedway and it would be a massive shame if it was to end with club's folding one after the other. 2 options patched up opposition for 4 months or lose a club all together. Easy decision and that's patched up teams. Message for everyone. With every club that folds it's one step closer to your club shutting down not because of finances. It's because you wont have anyone to race against. Apart from Glasgow teams will not step up from the Championship to replace the Premiership teams. This is a time when people need to stop being selfish and look at the bigger picture. It's time to put Rye House first now and not our own clubs. We're at a time where there is no shining light at the end of the tunnel. It's all about survival and taking it year by year until the final day and the final nail gets hammered in. No point talking about 1 big league next year and all that because it's not going to happen for a number of reasons. Which I wont get into because this is a Rye House thread. All I'm saying is go back to basics now and just see out the season. Let Rye House have those Saturday's back and continue to run because it's better than losing the club as I said earlier. Then every promoter needs to do what's best for British Speedway as a whole in the off season.2 points
As I said a couple of weeks ago, perhaps we should have 10 or 15 races before the actual meeting starts! You just need a few heats to get the track sorted. Steve1 point
Exactly, but neither rider is? Not really sure what point you are trying to make, just having a good old poo stir I'd suggest.1 point
While it's very likely that crowd numbers would rise, it's debatable whether it would be in sufficient numbers to cover the cost involved.1 point
Thank you for all the condolences and stories. It's been a truly overwhelming experience to find out not only was he a legend to us; his family; but to many others also Leigh1 point
1 point