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I still don't understand all the "experts" on here who claim to have THE solution to British speedway's problems. There is no SINGLE cause, and there is no SINGLE solution. As far as fans wanting a fixed race night - which again, they wanted largely because it suited THEM - I was always against the idea. My main concerns were that : 1) The lost revenue because of the large number of fans who travelled as neutrals to meetings several times a week. 2) Because of the majority of clubs not owning their own stadium, it was always going to be difficult for some to fall in line. 3) The switch from being a weekend track to a midweek one was ALWAYS going to be a financial disaster for certain clubs. Again, the post above suggesting that speedway is a "£10 sport" is way off the mark. I - and others - have repeatedly stated that, while the cost MAY be prohibitive for some (particularly those with families), that is a relatively minor issue. The REAL issue here is the quality of product, and yes, that does include the value for money. The thing to remember is that IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW CHEAP A PRODUCT IS, IF THE PRODUCT ISN'T GOOD PEOPLE WON'T GO!. The comments posted on other threads reiterate the facts about tracks opening the season with a meeting free of charge; very few - if any - new fans would return the following week, EVEN IF IT WAS FREE. It hurts me to see Rye folding, as it was one of those tracks I would often visit as a neutral. As has been mentioned, moving away from Sunday was never going to solve anything. As was said elsewhere, speedway doesn't seem to catch the imagination of the British public these days, and nobody seems to be able to come up with a solution for that. Don't worry, I have no idea either... The thing is, everybody wants to blame everybody else, but then, lack of accountability is commonplace these days. Of course, the authorities have a lot to answer for, and the promoters themselves must shoulder a lot of the blame. Not that I have any personal knowledge, but to see that so many promoters seem to think "everything is rosy" is astounding. I do feel for them as most are gambling with their own money, but that should be more incentive for them to get their houses in order. The riders too could help. Yes, they DO deserve good pay, but I am tired of hearing how they "put their lives on the line for OUR benefit". It is their chosen job, and I understand why they ride abroad to make more money, and NOBODY should criticise them for wanting to do the best for themselves and their families. However, as is frequently stated, it seems like every rider - however mediocre - seems to believe that they have the "right" to be a full-time speedway rider. If the money is physically not there, then don't expect to get everything you want! If you need to get another job, oh well... Now, the fans... Yes, the fans believe they know everything, but it is incredible how many THINK that they have a solution, yet don't even consider the practicality and viability of their ideas. In many cases, they don't look at the big picture, just what suits THEM, or THEIR TEAM. Sometimes - a lot of the time, actually - a seemingly nonsensical idea is dismissed when the reality is that discussion of the basic idea can actually be fruitful. I am heavily involved in sports administration, and I am used to hearing crazy stuff that the so-called experts demand. However, I study the overall concept, and see if it can actually be modified in order to improve matters. The problem with British speedway is that nobody - fans, riders, or authorities - are willing to engage in sensible discussion. Everything - as is often seen on the BSF - just descends into totally useless dismissal, accusations and name-calling. I love the sport, and I hate to see what is happening... Steve16 points
6 points
Thats where the variety of human nature kicks in Some will comply as they are programmed to Some wont listen to the advice because they dont like being told what to do Others will have plans to comply but incompetance will delay them And then their will be those 2nd guessing everyone else to be clever and aim for what they think is the perfect slot Overall you SHOULD end up with a generally orderly trickle from early til close to start time There will then be the last minute log jam for the waifs and strays that can be used to say 'told you so' next time5 points
It is a watered down product with out doubt but we are fast approaching the realms of watered down one big league one option or we carry on as we are and many tracks will go out of business so the choice is watered down to one big league with hopefully all clubs surviving or we carry on and see many closures ? I’d like to think it would be two steps back 5 steps forward over the next few years speedway in the UK is living beyond its means and it’s time to realise this before it’s too late5 points
I feared a few clubs would hit the wall this season after seeing the outcome of the AGM. When I was in 'the club' I was always amazed at the amount of ideas coming from promoters which increased costs and when ever I had an idea that increased revenue they would turn their nose up. Seems the boat has now sailed and nothing but a complete reset will fix the mess the sport is now in. When the whole lot collapses I may put a plan together for a few clubs to break away and start a new league based around British riders on club supplied equipment with standard engines. Numbers drawn out of a hat for who rides what bike before the start of a race with team selections made after practice. From there the sport can grow again.5 points
Following on from my earlier post, I would just like to elaborate a little. There ARE a number of posters on here who make intelligent and balanced posts, but they too are often shot down because someone didn't didn't agree with them; that is where the problem lay. Now, with reference to Phil's comment about Polish speedway benefiting from clubs being in towns where speedway is the major attraction; the fact remains that they are "in town". I have said before that in Britain, speedway grew as a "city-centre sport". Because of a number of factors - in particular, the Great British NIMBY - we have been forced into rural areas, where people aren't exposed to speedway. Of course, we have always had rural tracks, but look at it now. Not one track in London. During my lifetime, we have lost Norwich, Exeter, Bradford, Cradley, Bristol, Hull etc... These were all in urban areas, and easily accessible. Not only were they accessible, they were VISIBLE to anyone who passed by the place! To me, it is incredible - and incredibly sad - that the vast majority of people now have never even heard of speedway, let alone know what it is. Back in the day, as popular as speedway was, we still attracted a very small percentage of the population - but nearly everybody knew what it was! We used to complain when people said they didn't go because speedway was "first out of the gate wins". Today, it's a struggle to find somebody who knows we have a ruddy gate! I know we all feel that the modern sport is "watered down". Yes, I used to love seeing the big stars, but you know what? It is speedway RACING, and as long as there was some decent racing, I was happy. Steve4 points
Surely Redcar Ipswich and Sheffield would be in the same position that rye house are now in. Why is it ok to possibly kill three tracks just to prop up the premiership??4 points
The rot set in in 2010 when Ford has his hissy fit! A league that was already starting to struggle financially would most likely fall apart without 2 very well supported teams like Coventry and Peterborough. I said it then and sadly it seems to be getting to that stage. I really can't see how the sport can reverse the slide now.4 points
Just jump in their grave I would, not even an official statement yesterday and you’re already linking rye riders elsewhere, honestly..... sometimes when you’re not acting like a complete clown, you make sense every now and again, then others times your a lying, idiotic poster who thinks it’s pretty funny to have a few log ins, whatever takes your fancy, enjoy single life forever with your hand, just stick a sock on the door for everyone’s sake.4 points
With the current state of British Speedway being at breaking point, now is the time that promoters and owners really need to listen to their customers or face the consequences that won't be reversed once the final straw has broken the donkeys back. For or this the sport needs to arrange at a big venue like the NEC a weekend of urgent and important talks required between all parties. One hall should be a Speedway Show with stands all around a small entertainment pitch while another open for an open forum with fans and sponsors able to voice concerns and views. At the good food show they have a theatre at the end of the hall good for a decent crowd so this would be suitable for use of both sides. The trade stands pay to be there, fans pay £5 to enter the show and a further £5 to enter the theatre. This would go some way to meeting costs but most importantly it's an event that needs doing and tracks listen to the fans and sponsors. The AGM could have a pre meeting before this and then the AGM concluded either on the Sunday at the show or finished at a nearby Conference Suite with just BSPA working together to get the sport back on line and look to the future for all. PROPOSED CHANGES / IDEAS ONE LEAGUE combining current Premiership and Championship tracks to compete at Championship level but using Premiership averages and teams built to a 35 limit including at least one NL draft at 7 for each team. RACE NIGHTS to suit each track. If Belle Vue want Friday's and Swindon Thursday etc then fine. If riders can't commit to British Speedway as priority (not including their home nation) then don't bother and stay abroad . FIXED PAY RATES / FEES There appears to be be money owed to riders in each league this year which shows the sport is running at costs far too expensive for the income. They are losing die hard fans and not attracting new customers and at £17-18 an adult for 15 one minute races they are not going to attract the numbers required to increase income and most importantly atmosphere to make it a better nights entertainment. There is is a weird way speedway clubs pay riders with the home team paying the visiting team a percentage of their wages according to the points they get. The visitors then make up the rest but if they haven't had a home meeting for weeks, they can only do this via private money. So a fixed pay rate, paid on the night should erase these issues and again, if it's not enough for a certain rider, then go find a track abroad where you can get 40 plus meetings and paid on the night. £50 a start - £50 a point means there is £500 on offer each race (£550 inc BP) gives you a wage bill of £7,500 a meeting (plus BP). £10 Adult - £6 Concession - £1 Age 11-16 means you would need a crowd of 750 Adults to ensure the wage bill is met for that night (800 inc BP). If a track can't get a crowd of 750 for a meeting on their chosen race night at these prices then they are obviously in no fit state to ride at any level. Any extra income a track gets with a larger crowd can be used how they see fit, either meeting costs incurred or towards rent and expenses etc. However sponsorship money should be gained to meet running costs and stadiums that are rented also take the income off bars and food outlets. You our are not going to attract people at current rates. A young married couple come to the speedway after watching the GP the previous week. £36 for two adults, two kids at 12 and 9 costs just £1 and a programme a further £3. Then the kids want an ice cream, some chips and they all have a couple of drinks. You are now looking at roughly £70 paid out to stand on a grass bank or on old concrete terraces and watch fifteen one minutes races often with a large gap in between due to track grading or so many restarts due to movement at the tapes. AVERAGES - Foreign riders come in on an assessed average and should keep that average until he reaches that level. If he has come in on a 6.00 average but is achieving 3.74 then any meeting he misses, his club can only use a guest or RR based on his real average of 3.74. If that track wants to bring him back next year then it will be on 6.00 but will they want a rider than scores three or four WHAT THIS GIVES YOU VARIETY - Not the same teams over and over again WEEKLY - With 18-20 tracks, plus Cup matches you are looking at 22 meetings on average giving weekly meetings and not one every three weeks and then two in a week to catch up. TEAM - The seven riders you have are YOUR riders not also riding elsewhere YOUNG RIDERS - Using Premiership averages and seven riders to a limit of 35 most will need a 2.00 rider at number seven. These are draft riders and as teams are at a Championship level then Redcar, Workington etc won't be looking at having to get in better riders but teams like Belle Vue, Wolves and Swindon going to their levels. This will create more spaces for riders to move up into as most if not all reserves will be British riders. ATMOSPHERE increases with the more people there. Attracting new fans at these rates should be much easier and hopefully local pubs, clubs or associations will get involved and make it a more regular night out. Colleges, large companies, military bases etc can be approached to hopefully double the current levels OVERALL it's making British Speedway more affordable on both sides and building from a solid new foundation. It gives tracks their required race night and more opportunities for British riders. MAKE THE AGM PUBLIC AND LISTEN TO THE FANS .... May even make a few bob holding the Speedway weekend and without major changes it will be last out please turn off the lights3 points
Dan Bewley's World U21 meetings so far, and the meetings he will miss typifies British Speedway and all that is wrong with it... Dan should never have to miss a single meeting as he should be a major drawer card for the Sport with every track wanting him to appear, as (away) I am sure he could attract those more irregular visitors to the sport who will know his name and reputation, and (home) ensure his own fans dont feel brassed off as he is elsewhere. (Even more so if they lose that match)!! Instead I suspect some teams are even targeting these dates (if not already booked) to go up to Worky as they will feel "we have a chance if they've not got Dan".. The same will be true of the teams who still have to ride at home v Worky. "Let's try and rearrange on a night when Dan cannot be there" may well form part of any planning process... There are weeks and weeks of 'No Speedway', then, when all Leagues and FIM individual competitions come to the 'business end' of the Season, the riders who do well (invariably therefore the ones you want to watch) always seem to be riding 'elsewhere'... It cannot be beyond the whit of man to run British Speedway's fixtures around what the FIM and other Countries have already set in stone.. And it is truly incredible that, rather than colllectively work together, teams will try and put one over each other to try and win something that is defined by their very own operating model, as even less valuable than 'tin pot'... I actually think that one of the reasons there will never be an independent figurehead running the Sport over here is because they would simply not accept meetings voluntarily being arranged/taking place without the 'top riders' being available. Imagine explaining to a Barry Hearn type character, if they were in charge, that you thought it was a 'great idea' to run a Speedway Meeting knowing full well that your best riders/biggest attractions wouldnt be there? You would hear the laughter all the way to Poland..3 points
It's not ok to kill 3 tracks, certainly not, but trotting out the 'prop up the Premiership' line is laughable. Tracks need to run on best night to suit them, that should be their choice. The problem comes with all of the doubling up that has been allowed to increase year on year giving all sorts of clashes and pieced together teams as well as causing a mess with averages between the two leagues. This needs restricting first and foremost. Clubs should then run on the night they think suits their fanbase best. Clubs with assets should have first call in all instances on those riders, even for re-arranged fixtures. We'd then see which league is propping up the other. It would encourage the Championship to invest in fresh talent rather than relying on borrowing riders from the other league.....and vice versa. It won't happen overnight as it has gone too far, but restrictions on doubling up are vital should 2/3 leagues remain. Edited to add, if there is financial trouble at Rye, I hope they can come out the other side. If that means the BSPA backtracking on FRN then so be. We shouldn't be losing Clubs over a silly choice of nights made in November.3 points
You only need to look at the current Lakeside team to prove what can be done. They have a decent couple of H/L in Morris and Lawson - good middle order riders such as young Ellis and not so young but not old Newman - Good lower order in young Zach - Good N/L rider with experience in Morley and and a young improving N/L rider who didnt come into the sport so young in Bowtell who is improving with racing. Its the kind of thing I have been advocating taking combining both leagues into one, and then combining the riders from Prem/Champ and N/L. This way we get to see the best of all 3 Worlds. Can't believe that those with a willing to do it can't come up with something to make it work, otherwise i fear for our Sport at top level. Lakeside from a media perspective have also shown how it can be done as get daily twitter reports as well as race clips etc daily to keep all in the loop. They also do plenty for young fans which is also well recorded and shown.3 points
3 points
I think the lack of regular fixtures is HUGELY important. Currently, each Premiership team has around 15 home meetings scheduled each season (+ two or three more if you happen to make the playoffs or KOC). It's no surprise, therefore, that riders want/need to double up/down. And no surprise that fans give up when there's nothing regular any more, no weekly habit to get into. I mean, if you've got a shop, but you only open for one night every two or three weeks from April to September, can you really expect to stand a chance of making much money? Forty years ago you'd have 35 home meetings a year, 21 heats each meeting (13 for the match + 8 second half), meaning a dedicated fan could see 735 races a year at their local track. Nowadays with 15 home meetings and 15 heats per meeting, that's a total of only 225 races a year. Massive difference. In terms of giving speedway fans what they want, surely at the top of the list is the opportunity to regularly see some actual racing?3 points
They haven't been paid apparently. I've heard this a few times throughout season. FRN have ruined the likes of rye house and belle vue. Weekdays just don't work for us. You can't have FRN and then just weaken the league. Was never going to work. Ridiculous and I hope the BSPA are ashamed of themselves. To many people against each other rather than helping each other3 points
I'm not the one who started the rumour. Just passing on some important information. Everyone wanted information on the Rye thread......I'm a people pleaser therefore I gave them some information.3 points
But you were not within 100 miles of Poole. You are in your bedroom in somewhere like Peterborough. You have never been to Poole. You talk utter crap. Utter utter crap.3 points
If the team are unable to continue and that in itself is a sad state of affairs and the blame must sit with the BSPA who voted through the changes that have had such a detrimental affect on clubs and in turn lead to supporters not turning up on ‘off’ race nights one must hope that the speedway track is retained and perhaps an open licence can be granted to run some individual meetings and possibly share with short track until something more permanent can be sorted out. The sport really has hit a nadir and those in charge should hang their collective heads in shame. Time to have an emergency BSPA meeting, sort it out now and not November and allow clubs to revert to race nights that offer the best chance of getting punters through the gate and clubs generating some income. Sod Poland and the other nations, start thinking of number one. Are you listening BSPA?3 points
Lets all hope that Rye can get Sat racing if that is whats needed to keep them racing I like a lot of fans think stuff the other countries we need to get our league viable for the clubs riders and fans so we can watch the sport we love2 points
Has Berwick been reclaimed by Scotland then ? Must have missed that2 points
People say "give me good racing" People say "give me a great racer" Well Belle Vue have the best race track (perhaps bar Hackney and Peterborough) for years and Dan Bewley "the most exciting rider perhaps since Mark Loram or Kenny Carter" and apparently the crowds are well down. What part of the above is hard to understand SCRAP FIXED RACE NIGHTS2 points
Yes but we was fed a lie. Was told by riders they would come back if fixed race nights. But they Fed us a lie. And then the BSPA say only 1 rider over 8. So again fed a dud. It could work but not on the nights picked2 points
The majority of fans on this forum were calling for fixed race nights for the last 2 seasons.Now the powers that be give the fans fixed race nights a lot are saying they should never have bee brought in you can't win with some people2 points
How can you build teams to a 35 average, it's not workable. Simple maths will tell you that if you build a team to 35, at the end of the first season most teams averages will add up to around 40 - 452 points
Too right. Sheffield and Ipswich have been running on Thursdays since the 1960's. Redcar (Middlesbrough, teesside) have also had long spells of thursday racing.2 points
Can't see why there should be a problem with allowing Rye House to finish the season with meetings on Saturday's if that is what's required to keep them going. Only Berwick race regularly then in the Championship and there are very few GP riders here so it shouldn't be hard to schedule the remaining fixtures so that full teams are riding.2 points
That is irrelevant you said you weren't speculating but you were speculating on Harris and Nicholls joining which isn't passing on important information, it is just fuelling the rumour and speculation although anyone would know Harris and Nicholls can't replace Josh G and Szczpaniak because the averages won't fit.2 points
Easy to blame BT for lack of crowds because it was televised but were crowds, as a whole, better in the earlier part of the season before BT started televising meetings. Were crowds that much better when the meeting is not televised. Being televised does not exactly stop people watching the many other sports that are televised. Perhaps it is the fact that the amount of admision charged is putting yoo many people off especially for how much actual racing time there is and the fact that many of these races are a procession following the gater for 4 laps.2 points
I fail to see what riders get paid in Poland has to do with it.If British Promoters paided the rates THEY can afford it would solve a lot of financial difficulty.Let the riders ride in Poland for big money let's see how many survive on1/2 dozen meetings per year ( if they get paid).The chickens are coming home.!!2 points
They wont be the only club behind in payments. Many more are to. Belle vue have history of not paying riders. (Ex promotion may I add) At least workington had the gonads to go in the press with there money worries and not paying riders. It stops rumours. But when has a promotion or BSPA ever told the truth. They are not about to start now2 points
2 points
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, it’s a £10 sport. A family of 4 at Swindon would have to pay £44 and let’s say £6 on 2 programmes. £50!!!!!! and that’s before food and drink.2 points
The same applies to messrs Ruml & Andersson who should also be using after meeting practice time to try to improve their less than impressive home form.2 points
2 points
These are serious times, not just for Rye House. I read all the comments about product dilution with despair that people cannot see that the house of cards is collapsing. Our worries will not be who is in the team but whether there will be a team. The matter of whether the sport will be semi-professional or professional itself is dangerously close to being taken out of our hands. what is killing British Speedway is rider cost, inflated by the money available in Poland. I've felt for a while that the collapse of professional speedway in Britain is sadly imminent and it seems that the apparent collapse of Rye House is just the opening event Of the final act. Of course Poole, Wolverhampton. Belle Vue and Kong's Lynn will be ok and I wish them and their supporters well in their 4 team league. No Swindon? Count the houses........ Meanwhile the rest need to find a way to continue but in a very different directiin.2 points
No thanks ... Ipswich are quite happy where we are thanks. Think Sheffield will say the same.2 points
Vissing is due to come into some form... I'd have fancied Rebels to hit 55 with him in the team tonight2 points
Damn if only you posted this a bit earlier. I already left after 5 Heats. Couldn't watch anymore of the abysmal performance.2 points
Mff I am bythe starting gate. Why don’t you walk around and join me. I will then introduce you to Neil after the meeting at the conference where you can tell him what you think of him and ask him to resign. You up for it?2 points
Mildenhall is the king of fish & chips in British speedway!2 points
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Match Off ,the usual mushroom syndrome,but remember turn up next week if there is a match on!!!1 point
from the moment frn were voted in i could see the damage it would do , fans are used to there race nights, the atmosphere is different on another night , people have plans on other nights its ridiculous now to think the bspa even put this on the table ....just to appease some riders ....... imo we should go back to fri and sat race nights ignore the gp riders , start from the bottom and work up , if we can one day get the money back into british speedway the top riders will all come back1 point
Extract from Chunk'y post; "Now, the fans... Yes, the fans believe they know everything, but it is incredible how many THINK that they have a solution, yet don't even consider the practicality and viability of their ideas. In many cases, they don't look at the big picture, just what suits THEM, or THEIR TEAM. Sometimes - a lot of the time, actually - a seemingly nonsensical idea is dismissed when the reality is that discussion of the basic idea can actually be fruitful" This para identifies where many Promoters come from, the terraces. They jump into shark infested waters and get hacked to pieces, when it comes to logic and voting at the BSPA self interest rules regardless of the price some clubs may pay. Win at all costs has never been more prevalent and has ruined opportunities to put together a survival strategy for the sport so anyone who is fresh into Promoting Speedway with half an idea gets buried before they open their mouth. Just ask JC, not everyone's cup of tea but some great ideas totally rejected because of who he was not because they were unworkable and he wasn't the only one tossed aside by the members.1 point
Wolves had less than 500 on Monday with no recompense from the "home of bikes " BT sport. They are in this as much as Rye House1 point
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You can actually. Because the only thing that matters is points. If someone is not scoring points then they should be fired. Put in 110% all you like but if the team isn't getting any points in return for the riders effort then we wont win. Shanes gave it 110% every week but he wasn't good enough to beat an opposing rider and it let the team down. It's the points that matter.....Because points win you meetings........The whole point of a Speedway meeting is to earn yourself and your team points.1 point