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Obviously we are ruffling a few feathers LL, other team managers getting a bit twitchy at how we are doing so trying to pull a fast one and put a spanner in our works The BSPA should be an independent body of people not bloody Team Managers who have teams in the League they are making decisions about , its all wrong7 points
I've always said this. It's the same teams who get sc***ed regarding fixtures every year whilst other teams sail merrily on, with rules seemingly being made up to suit the chosen few as they go. Time for a real shake up - however I won't hold my breath as real supporters ask for this every year.6 points
Surely Middlo needs a kick up the backside for not giving Kasper 7 rides?. You have to accept that Starry surely?.5 points
Could have been more if your team manager was more with it.You had 3 riders in Worrall,Klindt and Sundstrom who only scored in one of their rides each.And not one of them gets replaced by Woryna that scored in all his races.Then he puts him ht15.When you have potentially one of your better riders at reserve use them to max i say.4 points
Pieszczek is a quick learner, Decent effort for his first visit to Monmore.4 points
Ivan Mauger did not complain about the shape.Like people are saying you have to adjust your riding style to the track and conditions on the night.4 points
This really is a poor public display and when you listen to the line up,with guests etc. This is one reason why supporters are drifting away. The sport is a joke.3 points
3 points
Not strictly true. A snapped chain can cause a rider to crash/fall, also a front wheel collapse and snapped handlebars too.3 points
I'm sure that there are plenty of other threads that discuss the major issues that the sport faces on a national scale. Returning to the matter of STOKE, can anyone advise if the track has been fixed and when fixtures will resume?3 points
I don't think Edinburgh has/have problems with their fixtures racing fairly regularly ay home without 3 week gaps between fixtures. Good planning & organisation.3 points
3 points
Perhaps if somebody painted a big X on the third bend fence where the riders hit, it would get the message across that you can't really go full throttle around brough park. You can complain about the track all you want, but the vast majority of incidents on the third bend are rider error.3 points
Seasons a goddamn write off already. I hate my life.3 points
Why do you waste your time replying to Elplanko? Open stalker that contributes nothing to a forum discussion. Another pathetic multi alias - some very weird freaks out there - they get off on a reply but hate the silence. Calling Pinny!!! Can you do it again? Exterminate!!!!3 points
Closer match than I expected...but once again fantastic night’s racing. I said to someone leaving... cracking night’s racing as usual His response was .. I haven’t been to Speedway for over 25 years.... Came to the last Aces match and enjoyed it so much I came back... My response was .... don’t stop now keep coming !!!!2 points
Ive just got back from a fantastic meeting at the NSS , and full credit to riders like Kurtz and Woryna Heat 14 between Woryna and Tungate was one of the best ive seen at the track !! All this "Middlo cost us the win"..is utter bulls*** , and slightly disrespectful to both Poole and Belle Vue riders2 points
It is really onlly MFF who is saying that, what does he know, he doesn't attend any meetings, his opinion is meaningless.2 points
Admittedly Woryna should have had more rides , but you do realize Belle Vue riders rode well tonight ?, and if not for a uncharacteristic low score from Dan Bewley And Fricke shedding a chain on the start line, we could have well hit the 50 plus mark . So spare us the "Poole would have won with a different manager " line , thanks2 points
I like Rosco. Always have. But Middlo is a far, far better manager.2 points
Great result for lynn. Good to see iversen scoring well. I hope he’s finding some good form for himself as much as lynn. It’s been a shame seeing him off form2 points
Why only 5 rides for Kasper as surely Middlo has slipped up giving Richie 4 rides, Linus 4 rides & the gating tart Klindt 4 rides?.2 points
Discolated shoulder for Kyle Howarth,Hopefully a speedy return.2 points
2 points
2 points
You go to a restaurant and are first in?.. You get put by the window... You have the first table booking of the night?.. You get put by the window... A fruit and veg man makes his living from what's on display at the front of his shop, hence all the best fruit and veg is there for those walking past to look at. What you then buy in store may not be quite of the same quality but you already have a mindset of good quality so invariably don't even notice... As you say, people are sheep and will often follow what they are told is the latest fad or see what is successful and attacts a crowd, and then latch on to it.. With Speedway being one of this countries best kept secrets, it is simply screaming out for someone with real marketing skills to grab it by the balls and move it forwards. And with the right contract from the BSPA, given the huge potential audience to aim for who don't go, they could end up very wealthy.. British Speedway doesn't seem to even consider the TV meeting being beamed into tens of thousands of homes as a chance to showcase the sport. (And when you look at the BARB figures Speedway certainly more than holds its own, often outperforming more well known sports).. They seem content to portray the image of a crowd level of 'one man and his dog' and it appears even more embarrassing when Nigel mentions the 'good crowd in tonight Kelvin' as the camera moves around a crowd 'one deep' at best with many, many gaps in between.. For me, if you are not willing to drop the price and promote the event to try and grow your business long term then the least you could do is cordon off parts of the stadium to 'squeeze' the crowd together and put huge advertising banners blocking the empty terracing left behind in places. (Like UEFA do with the front rows of the Champions League).. Possibly it could actually be easier to get companies to pay to have their names emblazoned across tens of thousands of TV's in Britain in large letters, than attracting income generated by getting a crowd in? Sadly, virtually every time you watch a British Speedway League match on TV your heart sinks just that little bit more. .2 points
2 points
Just seen this on twitter PirateCast Retweeted Ned Payne‏ @nedpayne_echo 3h3 hours ago More Somerset's Claus Vissing set to miss Knockout Cup trip to Pirates on Wednesday due to commitments in Denmark. That means extra rides for Jason Doyle and Jack Holder... Think that could make Somerset a bit stonger2 points
It probably is him again! Funny how since Gavans been exposed Trackrat has been posting more and more!!2 points
Oh no the time is coming, its nearly time for our boys to head to Brough Park !!! I'll make sure Jacko has a team meeting before the match to warn them its not the track you bounce around on the 3rd bend its the Riders knowledge (Tsunami ..I'm only kidding too , lol )2 points
Both teams using r/r is another good advert for TV (not).2 points
As a fellow "Oldie" there was actually a dead heat at Workington in Heat 11 of the home leg of the KOC meeting against the IOW on 18th Sept 2004, when James Wright and Craig Boyce were adjudged to have crossed the line together. The Comets lost that meeting 43.5pts to 46.5 Before that, as Lord Lucan stated, there was also one in the home meeting against Scunthorpe in the League on July 4th 1975 when Mick Newton and Keith Evans crossed the line together in Heat 7 with a final result of 36.5 to 41.5 in Scunthorpe's favour. By the way, I am not Jacko, as some of you already know!!2 points
If the present owners depart I will happily go back and sadly I think there are many others with a similar mind set. Unfortunately I think the monies they make at Stock Cars will prevent this2 points
Fair comment ,but like I said you have to ride to the conditions,you don't like the shape but Howarth rides for Wolves which is similar IMO ,so he has no issues with shape.2 points
I remember back in the Premier League heyday when Buster had sponsors queuing up to throw money at him. Seem to recall we had 3 'shirt' sponsor's at one time ( Money Centre, Jark and Banham Poulty) That must have amounted to some serious wonga, it was suggested it amounted to a 6 figure sum, combined. That for a club in the 2nd Tier of British Speedway. I would think those days are long gone. For me, back in those days everything was rosey in the garden. The fans were happy and were involved with the riders. Buster was happy , sponsorship and decent gates. The riders were happy as we had a successful team so there was plenty of points money to be had. JC was pulling the PR strings and making the whole nights entertainment something that fans were looking forward to week on week. Then we decided to move up with the big boys. Interaction between riders and fans all but disappeared, sponsorship was harder to come by, riders were picking up pay cheques then onto to the next gig. Fans no longer felt 'part' of the Club. JC upped sticks and left ( many know and understand why). With all this going on Buster was just content to re-arrange the deckchairs on the Titanic ( or the equivalent of)2 points
Sheffield don't ride Newcastle well but I hope Kyle has a speedy recovery, that is our main concern at the moment.2 points
Nothing to do with 2010. I took a break two years ago due to too much work and the forum was an unnecessary distraction. Wasn’t posting the year Pirates beat Belle Vue in the final.2 points
What sticks in my craw is that you are attempting to say that this is down to riders, not the track and I'd say that it is difficult to see how that is not a defence of Stoke (as is quoting that rider). You're certainly not condemning a club that had a meeting abandoned due to the surface and who then cancelled their next meeting 24 hours before hand for the same reason and without any adverse weather (unlike everyone else on this thread). Care to do so now? I think we can both agree that as bad a position as speedway is in it would be far worse if such circumstances were a regular occurrence. The rider quote I saw in respect of this meeting described Stoke as a 'sh*thole' (his words, not mine), I know Isle of Wight asked for the track inspection because they did not want to send their riders out and its clear the referee thought the meeting had to be abandoned. That (taking also into account the number of falls and injuries) sounds like the track was not merely rough, but dangerous. There's a difference.2 points
This Workington team are Title contenders if they all turned on the same night.Imo2 points
Leanback and watch him go, away from home he's doing a great job , just need to get him going better at home as he's a little streaky at the moment, but i'm well pleased for the lad that it's starting to come together.2 points
Basically Vissing has to go. I don't want to say it as Iike Claus but he clearly is not the standard of a Premier rider and not a heat leader. In two meetings he has beat Max Clegg. It puts more pressure on Lawson and Holder especially when we face two big guns like NKI and Lambert we need our middle order to be firing.1 point
1 point
I do see your point, but perhaps Neil thought it was asking a bit much. Two riders who you would expect to score points misfired, had they score 6 each which is well within there compass we would have won. Same happened at Somerset last week. We are running far to many lasts. But, its a good point and the side looks strong. We just need to find a bit more consistancy, somehow.1 point
Steve's answer would be promote no 8's. Anybody remember them ?1 point
As is so often the case on this column, Sings4Speedway claims to have knowledge which is, IMO, utter rubbish. I attend a lot of Speedway and have many chats with both riders and various officials, even including an occasional promoter. At no time in recent years has a rider been accused of running a big engine, or using Nitro ( which was banned donkeys years ago) and an engine cannot be bored out to 600cc. It can legally be bored out to 510cc although I doubt that many do it. There'd be no walls to the cylinder if you tried to bore out to 600cc There is no excuse for poorly prepared tracks. If some tracks, like Eastbourne, can regularly put down very acceptable surfaces, then so can every other track. Clearly, rough tracks are far less safe whether the engines are different or not.1 point
1 point
There is no debating that engines are part of the problem but these are driven by promotions and the riders they are willing to sign. There are plenty of technically gifted riders about who have been overlooked over the years in favour of those who will wind the throttle fully open and hang on. Taking a moral stance in speedway won't get a rider anywhere and when riders either side of you are using top tier / GP level engines the only option to remain competitive is to follow suit. Sure plenty of riders are far from getting the best out of the engines but there are clubs who wouldn't even look at a rider using a longstroke jawa despite them being far more predictable. Id also like to add that whilst engines are an issue the new silencers are still having a huge effect on producing a safe controllable bike.1 point
when we got wrote off pre season I said if the team clicked and they all rode to there ability we would upset a few1 point
The missing riders is the big bug bear for me. As the saying goes ..... Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.1 point
The European Ice Racing Champion Igor Kononov has return to speedway racign this year, re-satrtign hsi summer career with STK Oktyabrsky, the club were he started out as a junior speedway rider. Interview with Kononov in Russian with English subtitles1 point