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You assume that all new promotions are full of sustainable ideas and are better than the present members of the BSPA. That isn't automatically the case. Yes BMR have ambition but how much of the planned works on site are completed? I take it the motorcycle dealership is up and running and giving that vital income to the site. Is it? It seemed like a key revenue stream. Something seems to have gone wrong. Is it purely frustration with the BSPA? Ron Russell had great plans and hopes for Rye House too and was far from the hapless fool some try to portray..... Based on getting on for fifty years' knowledge of Rye House speedway, partly professional but sadly from afar since the Silver revival, I firmly believe it needs weekend racing. If I were some stupid nostalgist I'd be arguing for Sunday afternoons. I'm not. If someone had offered me a return to Saturday nights, as at Rayleigh back in the 70-90s I'd have bitten their hand off. Yes, we need a league where we know the riders will give it top priority, except for meetings held by their respective federations. Once we have a pool of riders then we can have an idea of points limits. It has to be about the racing, not the names. The most successful years at Rye House were with Kelvin, Bob Garrad, Karl Fiala, Ted Hubbard, Hugh Saunders, Ashley Pullen and a cast of supporting triers. Nobody gave a damn about their position in the overall world of speedway. They were our heroes and the likes of Barney Kennett our beloved 'villains'. Most importantly they were part of the Rye House family which was a pretty good one to be part of. Remember when you could make money on a challenge match against Canterbury as long as it featured Kelvin v Barney? Now it has to be league matches only, no room for fun, in a fragmented ultra-short, joyless season where the main task is just to, get it completed as as soon as possible and with riders being flown in from around the world. To ride at Rye House? Progress? Madness? No, I don't want the past. I want a future based on the same principles though and which give supporters a proper season full of value for money matches. Is it that too much to ask? Oh I wouldn't mind the white rocket on blue and gold halves back. It wasn't a Len Silver creation but dated back to the founding of the Rockets at Rayleigh in 1947. You wouldn't mess with the Belle Vue Ace or the Wimbledon star. Isn't our heritage worth a bit of respect too?7 points
The self fulfilling prophecy of what we have today is clearly not down to the fans... Any failing business simply cannot blame the general public for not purchasing it's products.. For the past 20 years or so promoters of Speedway (British Speedway), have been given some fantastic constructive feedback from fans (and more importantly possibly) ex fans who still care.. 24/7 Social media has replaced the way a few fans moaned to each other at trackside, getting more and more disillusioned. Or writing the odd letter to the various magazines that do/did cover the sport airing their frustrations at what they were being served up.. As an example, on this thread 'guests' were mentioned as being in the sport for 40 years plus.. Now domestic League Speedway is shown regularly on National TV and Social Media is rife, you simply cannot get away with such nonsense if you are truly serious in trying to attract a wider audience and to entice them to a 'proper sport'.. Many fans, and ex fans, have said this for many years yet (as is their right), British Speedway Promoters have ignored such comments and continued with this policy.. It is irrefutable that the operating and business models of the past 15 to 20 years or so are not fit for purpose as year on year operating costs rise and income dwindles... And let's be honest, it 100% isn't the fans decision to run with these models... Nor is it their fault when they highlight, via their opinions, 'the bleedin' obvious'...4 points
And the deal particularly for those who ride in Poland's second div and below.. Ride maybe 16 times in Poland earning around £5k a pop. Meaning you earn £80k.. (But you may get canned after two or even one poor meeting).. Or.. D/U (with no fixture clashes) and ride at least four times a week over here earning circa £1500 a night on average in both divisions.. Around 60 meetings will earn you £90k... (But you must be available for every match). Time to get radical and look after No1.. Cannot compete with Poland so why bother? Ride on any night that brings each individual business their best income.. Enough riders would make themselves 100% available I am sure.. Maybe not all British either as I am sure plenty of Swedes, Danes, Germans, Italians, French, Aussies, Czechs, and Americans of a decent standard would be interested..3 points
What is needed is stability. Stability of fixtures, stability of rider appearances, stability of teams. Weekly fixtures have always been a key to speedway success. A season of say 26 dates was and should be the norm. If the racing's good enough and perceived to be of value for money then individuals, challenges and pairs can give a varied, attractive fixture list. There requires a change in mindset that destructively says "Ifg it doesn't take my side one match closer to glory then it's meaningless". We must recreate the desire for a 'night out at the speedway' where the actual format isn't essential. You can't have riders constantly going missing for more lucrative paydays elsewhere. Obviously foreign riders have domestic commitments that must be honoured but right now the feeling too easily seen is "Well, if the riders can';t be bothered to be here then why should i?" Teams - You need to have teams that supporters can identify and care for. It's an essential part ofv drama that you care about the characters and so it is with low-level sport where there isn't the glamour to create a mystique. You also need to think that your favourite rider might still be with you next year. Britain may not offer the cash but it offers the opportunity to race, in a properly planned fixture list, several times a week on wildly varying tracks. We still stage more meetings than any other country. We are the home of league speedway and gave a living to overseas riders for decades. A little more respect is due. We are not somewhere to come when you have no better things to do.We are not somewhere to test equipent or put in virtual practice performances with little commitment to racing. Right now it seems like nobody cares. Until someone does we're going nowhere. If riders have commitments in Poland, with BSI or One Sport then there is sadly no place for them in Britain while they do. Let them go and chase the cash. Leave us to run speedway that people give a damn about.3 points
people aren't fighting to get in the stadium before the "full" signs go up, so to have a future there HAS to be an element of back to basics in this country. the old NL (1970s/80s) was predominantly British/Commonwealth riders, most of those riders also had jobs outside of speedway yet it ticked along nicely and gave us some great entertainment, this is what we need to be seeing again, cut the cloth accordingly3 points
that's what everyone said about Swindon last year, see what happened to them?3 points
This I suspect has been bubbling for the last month or so since the track was in such poor state and the riders showed their displeasure. Wrighty being Wrighty is a nice bloke but as a northern chap calls a spade a shovel and wouldn't have minced his words if he was being gagged by the promotion. The track didn't suit his style and he was being hampered from giving his best and I think that's why it's boiled over and May has cut his nose off to spite his face IMO. Doyle kicked up a fuss but Miss H wouldn't upset him because he is WC. There by hangs another point in question, any WC is only as good as his last ride and he won the Crown last year ! He hasn't come to the party in the guise of WC, far from it !!! There is frustration all around in the Somerset camp !!!3 points
3 points
A lot of the regulars including staff bring their own, a few more bring takeaway food in with them, because the refreshment stands usually in attendance are very expensive.3 points
Don't like to come on another teams thread normally, sorry rebels fans. But Clive it's wearing thin now, don't forget you were called into the office at Poole about your own "entourage's constant online comments, hence various online portals disappearing. History move on like everyone else.3 points
Deary me , ask a simple question and you get that .3 points
103 riders across the PL and EL at the moment, give or take a couple. If BSPA were to write now to each of them, stating "Our intention is that from 2020 the UK will run meetings only on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Occasionally Mondays will be used, but Tuesdays and Wednesdays will be set aside for those riders who wish to ride in Sweden and Denmark. Therefore UK clubs will not be able to engage the services of any rider who has contractual commitments to a Polish club, which could prevent him from fulfilling UK commitments. Please let us know, by return, if you would be prepared to remain competing in the UK under those conditions." How many of the 103 would say yes. And what assurances would they need?3 points
Having watched the British Final at the NSS I wonder why the 4'S final isn't being held there? Neutral venue, great racing track, - seems like the logical choice. I'm saying that as a Redcar fan too.3 points
A reality check finally kicking in with those who know a few things about the sport. Can't blame RR tonight as it produced 9 plus 1 for Klindt and IMO no way he would have scored that many. The team is full of inconsistent riders (same story all season) and under achievers. How the hell riders such as Kurtz and Graz can score a combined 6 points from 8 rides on what was both their previous home track beggars belief. Once again a rider dumped by the club comes back and bites them on the backside. Last season was KK and this season young Jack who for the record I NEVER wanted to be released but some egos are bigger than finding a solution to what was a frustrated young man last season who was also let down badly by the rest of his team. Going to be interesting what his attitude to Ford will be next season should he want him back/ He might be his asset but ultimately he cant make him ride. What a joke the whole Holder family saga has been with Chris's visa/permit problem and Matts attitude of nobody messes with me in regards to Jack. One match doesnt make a season but this team doesnt look capable of lifting itself off the bottom, let alone finish in the top four. YET AGAIN when the heat was on the riders didnt do the biz as in the final races. Look at the Wolves match - This match and no doubt others to see the point.Not just this season but last season and even the season before, Poole threw potentially match winning positions away. Its incredible they pulled a point out of this one considering the rider let downs and missing out in important end of meeting races. As for Brady - He has hit a bad spell as his performances in POL & Swe the last week or so not so clever - Josh G ?? well he is paying the price for choosing to ride in POL his new Citizenship nation. So much travelling each week between POL & UK even when not guaranteed a meeting and missing out on what he has spent his whole long career doing i.e both UK leagues has come back to bite him. Dont care what some may say about Sundstrom he will always be a nearly man. 9 Plus 2 from 6 rides is not heat leader material. Yes again was not good enough in the last race. As for Spaniak - He was signed not to score 3/4 in line with his actual GSA but as another heat leader which Matt got sucked into based on last season's POL Nice form which he has got nowhere near this season and has struggled to even get in at time into Rybnik. Not getting carried away with this result as its a defeat by 6 BUT it was against Somerset not BV/WOL or Swindon. If I am wrong come season end I will happily put my hands up and say I was wrong. However like many Poole supporters who have been around the block a few times in this sport, one can spot when it doesn't look good. This is one of those times.2 points
Vissing is going to be the worst signing in the top flight since toby jo donned the skull n crossbones many moons ago. It defies belief how the rebs have slung wright out tbh2 points
2 points
I’ve been against a big league for quite some time but am coming round to the idea more and more as time passes. 19 teams means 18 home fixtures, a different opponent each week too which keeps people interested. The bit about part-time riders is spot on too. Half the trouble with doubling up is that it is now just a tool so that riders can earn a living from racing, if you can’t make one club pay then it proves the sport can’t sustain full time racing. Who is being short changed by doubling up now? Us the fans.2 points
Am I the only Lynn fan who is getting totally hacked off at the Stars fielding an "All Stars" team at most matches? (pardon the pun) We hardly ever get the team we were promised at the start of the season, there is always somebody, riding in Denmark, or riding for their Championship Club or R/R I can accept having a rider injured, its unfortunate and can't be planned for, but there really is no excuse for what has been happening lately with riders missing. I started this season full of enthusiasm, but that soon went down the toilet!2 points
Time to give one big league another go. More fixtures. No doubling up/down. Part time riders.2 points
Whatever the reason it seems clear that nobody from EOES deemed it necessary to inform Speedway. Seems fairly simple to say either we forgot to book in the catering or we could not get anyone to come given the amount we charge for the privilege . Speedway been totally wrong footed by either incompetence or arrogance. Again I ask why Speedway no longer allowed to use proper car park and turnstiles and why Bar (even the building) is opened at last moment and is understaffed.2 points
With a few weeks off already I don't think they wanted to leave it nearly a month til the next home meeting and being a foregone conclusion that Aces were going through it was best to run it this night. The Karlsson Corridor is a very misleading term used at Monmore. It has nothing to do with Peter Karlsson who usually exited turn two out wide but it came from his brother, Mikael Max who was previously Karlsson. Mikael was the first to master hitting the kerb out of turn two where there is a soft patch and spring forward down the straight. David Howe then managed to use it regular as did Freddie Lindgren but never PK so in reality it should be the Max Move, the Howe Hot Spot or the Lindgren Leap but Mr Tatum and Pearson used it once and it's stuck ever since. As they say ..... Speedway out of the top draw2 points
not very professional by any employer to get rid of one person by text and another by a facebook message,when the majority of employers in this country will not accept an absence at work via text, tut tut somerset.2 points
2 points
All new to British speedway riders start with 4.00 average x 1.3 for championship =5.20 would be the figure you are looking for . Unfortunately ypu have to make allowances for some people who just think it's funny to be sarcastic towards other users rather than be helpful2 points
Back from sunny Tenerife to the usual p*sh from you I see. Thing is I am not holding you, so I currently don't have a tool in my hand.2 points
Averages 10+in the top Swedish league and would join Edinburgh on a 3 point average.2 points
Czestochowa v Gorzow Sunday June 17th all heats short version https://www.cda.pl/video/23814930c?wersja=720p Grudziadz v Tarnow Sunday June 17th all heats short version https://www.cda.pl/video/238164687?wersja=720p2 points
Turning to the current scene, sadly my planned trips back to Rye House have been scuppered so far by health so my chance to comment on actual sightings hasn't happened. But I've watched TV and video clips, read carefully the reports of others and yes, I'm worried. Knowing a little about losing money at Rye House (thankfully as an onlooker only) I suspect it's haemmorrhaging again. Like it or not, Rye House's history lies in weekend racing and has since Dicky Case ran it as Wembley's training track prewar. It grieves me to think of the place dead at weekends just so the promoters can run in the 'big time', or at least as 'big' as Britain can get these days. It was ambitious of BMR to take the Rockets up. It might have been more sensible to mix the ambition with knowledge and experience. I suspect it might have been cheaper. I've heard of last years figures and they were frightening enough without running without the TV money this year. Have there been demoralising pay cuts? Something's wrong. I will not speculate on reliability of payment - I have no evidence and that would be wrong. I want to see a stable Rye House running at weekends and whatever league it takes to achieve that then go for it. Steve Ribbons evokes the days of the Infradex team. Is what we've got now really better than a thrilling team of home-developed talent who were always free for a chat after racing? No it's not about 'rosy glasses', it's knowing what does or doesn't work at Rye House.2 points
Looking on the Glasgow website the meeting is shown as 7.30pm start. If you look at the FIM regulations for the meeting it has parade 7pm, first race 7.10pm. Can anyone confirm if and when the right hand will connect with the left hand? Also interesting is the increase in admission from £17 for a Glasgow meeting to £20 for the under 21. I would have thought a price reduction might have been in order to pull a crowd in, not an increase.1 point
Credit to BV for the win, it was deserved. Drozdz looked impressive tonight as did Garrity and Tungate sometimes. Hats off to Kasprzak who rode his socks off as did Nicholls (tonight didn't go his away but he gave his all and credit to him for that). In truth we have been walking a tightrope at home all season and this time our luck run out. Time to look hard at the team "and the budget" whilst anyone will want fantasy signings my first consideration is to have speedway at Rye House next year.1 point
Strange that , because he seems to be improving both home and away in the UK.1 point
You might be interested to note that Drozdz, while being named weekly in the Wroclaw side is hardly getting a ride over there, being replaced by the number eight each time.1 point
no rene @ the fours for us then . dont know if i should pass a comment or not , i dont think the management would have picked him anyhow1 point
It's just as well this forum exists, otherwise Comets fans like myself who don't do Facebook or Twitter would not have a clue what is going on. What exactly is the point of our website when it is always so far behind. As for Dan of course we should keep him and be proud he is doing so well, both for himself and for Cumbria. As to the fixtures, frustration does not even begin to describe the situation we find ourselves in.1 point
You got a point away from home..Would'nt you take a point in every away meeting.1 point
Poole continue to underachieve as a septet. Pretty baffling as on paper they looked outstanding pre season. Bet Holder enjoyed that tonight.1 point
good points but unlikely that anyone involved in gp would not also be on Polish contracts. I think many would prefer guaranteed meetings in the UK than be part of a squad in Poland and no guarantees. Big decisions need to be made and they will not be popular1 point
1 point
And how many Robert Lambert`s are there out there. Many tracks now run junior teams, and all of those deserve full credit for playing their part in trying to get young British riders on the road to hopefully a glittering career.1 point
A very interesting thread on here "Away points vs Home Points" ..basically reading the last post if we can win all our Home meetings, based on the 5 points we have gained so far with no Home meetings and other teams losing at Home we could finish Top of League !! Any points on the road will keep us on track for keeping above so an added bonus . Mmmm food for thought1 point
One of British speedway's little quirks I suspect. I can't even blame the promoter over this one because the venue is so strictly controlled. In a niche sport, anything can and does happen.1 point
1 point
1 point
Offft!!! Imagine Robert Lambert in that scenario!!! Best way to being on British riders is through quality training facilities, and lots of junior league meetings. Now who is doing that...1 point
when i was on a bike i was living the dream, the money side of it really wasn't an issue, and when i rode in the first team i didn't have a clue what money i was on i just wanted to get out there and ride. when i was at Canterbury they rode Saturdays so i just didn't work that day, and when at Exeter (3 hrs each way) i just took half day holiday from work on a Monday (BT) and took the bike in to work on the back of the car and left it in the BT yard ready to drive straight down. away meetings were holiday from work unless it was Wimbledon which was 10 minutes from me. at times i'd take 2 bikes on the trailer but it was very rare. basically what i'm saying is that now it just seems to be nowhere near that, even for MDL or whatever, it's all moved into being a business and self-employed and not about getting out on the bike1 point
Another way of looking at this table is:- If all teams win all their remaining home matches and pick up no points away from home, this is the order in which they will finish in the League. However, in general terms, losing at home will drop them down this order but gaining points away from home will lift them up the table. So, as Neil Watson said, it is a good way of comparing teams with varying numbers of home and away matches remaining.1 point
Yes but the system I think would/could be manipulated by some. How would you decide who gets first pick if that is the route taken or would players be drafted to certain clubs? You may also find some NL riders will not wanted to be based with Northern clubs and if you allow the clubs to determine who gets which riders, some clubs will offer silly money to get the better NL riders and the others will be left with slim pickings (no disrespect meant to any of the NL riders). I think it is a great idea in principle and a way to develop younger or less experienced riders but, I can't see it working or happening.1 point
I think if you are being replaced by the World Champion as a tac sub you just have to suck it up. However being sacked by text is pretty poor.1 point
Well, JJ, I'm not sure that I agree with your view that a top NL heat leader is a "struggling" 3 point reserve in the next league above. True talent will always shine through and there are loads of ex-NL riders who have made it in the top leagues. None the less, it is my view that the present NL is at a lower standard than it should be because of the intervention of the BSPA in setting pre-season points limits at a low level. If they had the nouse to understand that it would be far better for the sport if the NL was as strong as possible, thus training riders to a better level.1 point
the big names haven't come back because of £££. And don't say if you bring them back crowds will rise because there's no guarantee and people will go bust finding out.1 point