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  1. Sometimes it might be best to simply not post at all Starman. There is no possible sensible defence of what Ford is complaining about here so best to simply remain quiet.
    12 points
  2. ASSETS are a nonsense. Unless a rider is under contract he should be free to go wherever he pleases. Works everywhere else.
    12 points
  3. Speedway just showing once again how Amateur it really is. Any nation that doesnt have 3 riders present shouldn't be there
    10 points
  4. Absolute rubbishe camera work and direction
    8 points
  5. I think they should be considering a change to teams of 4 plus 1 under 21 rider next year...maybe only have 4 Nations per meeting to keep the standard up! They could call it the World Cup or something like that. This was a terrible idea, badly implemented. It needs to be shelved after this year.
    7 points
  6. This idea that you only need to be a throttle jockey with a fast bike to excel on the big tracks is utter rubbish. Those who have watched Dan at the NSS not just beating good riders but beating them from the back, have seen that he has done it not by having the fastest bike but through using his skill and ability to choose the right racing lines and waiting for the best opportunity. So far this year he has, amongst others, passed and beaten Batchelor, Andersen, Masters and Kasprzak and I'm not talking about passes on the first two bends. All of the those are very good riders who have bikes just as fast as Bewley and who are more than capable of getting the right set ups. Tracks like Lakeside and Wolverhampton do require different but also important skills but they are tracks that by their nature give riders who race there regularly a big advantage.
    7 points
  7. But they're doing their jobs wrong aren't they - or Nigel is anyway. Telling us before Heat 21 that Slovenia and Latvia were both out and Ukraine were in Heat 22. Keeping the score correct shouldn't be beyond the capabilities of the commentator should it?
    5 points
  8. it was actually Gatwick so further than Stansted, and the flight was 6.05 .. i got him to the airport at 4.45am though, exactly 7 hours drive
    5 points
  9. Yes i agree to moan about assets like Hans riding elsewhere when he could have used them its his own fault for not using them. Crazy not using Hans.
    5 points
  10. Totally agree - the tides play havoc at Leicester
    5 points
  11. The guy's terminology may not be strictly correct in that points are not actually awarded 4320. But he is correct about the outcome for a shared heat. The FIM regulations part 9.3 subsection 2 makes it plain that in the event of a 3-3 in the final races of each meeting it is the second and third places men that WIN. That has exactly the same effect as scoring what would be a 4-5 under the 4320 format. So he IS right about the principal, which is what he said. Whatever. The losers win. A farce for an event with 'world championship' style protentions.
    5 points
  12. I thought Glasgow was the place to get in for free well looks like some Workington riders tried hard to let Glasgow take the win but a draw was all they could manage track wasn't good tonight but a couple of riders gave it a go while others spent more time looking over there shoulder making sure they left room on the right side to be passed
    4 points
  13. Lord help if this old bag gets to ref a GP
    4 points
  14. How does this dump get this meeting & a GP?? With all the top tracks about in Europe it really is an absolute travesty.
    4 points
  15. Feel sorry for Kyle cause the rules for this season have worked against him always been up against strong experienced hardened reserves and no so called weak links in the opposition but he's trying his best and that's all you can ask and in time he will start to pick up some pts to build his confidence with a bit of luck.lets be honest this season is a learning curve for the lad.
    3 points
  16. kyle was always going to find it hard at first its not him that's letting the side down theres 2 heat leaders that arnt interested
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. For Slovenia to win, Matej will need to get in front and whilst the Danes team ride 150 yards behind, holding the other Slovenian in fourth, he stops, takes out a piece of elastic and tie it across the track... Then wait for the Danes to eventually come by and try and take one of them out at head high level.. It could work...
    3 points
  19. I’m watching on polish so no idea what Kelvin and Nigel are saying
    3 points
  20. That doesn't really work as an advertising slogan... " Come on Tuesday ... it will be better than steaming poo."
    3 points
  21. Surely not? If so, Starry can replace him as he seems to have been talking track preparation for most of the season
    3 points
  22. What a load of tosh excluding Karpov. He did nothing wrong there in heat 19.
    3 points
  23. Looks like they need Len Silver running training schools in Slovenia. He wouldn' let you race unless you could lay it down.
    3 points
  24. I realise the racing being far from exciting makes commentating more difficult but the crap coming from their mouths tonight is ridiculous
    3 points
  25. Once again Furber you have opened your mouth before engaging your brain, the match is postponed anyway but the reason Josh has been brought in is because Will is not fit after Dislocating his shoulder at the last meeting and you can only replace a 3 pointer with a 3 pointer but what does that matter to people like you who like to have a go at Stoke wether its true or not and you wont be missed at Loomer Road so Bye
    3 points
  26. Easy to forget how young and inexperienced he is, riders who have been round the block many more times than him find Arena difficult. If he does turn out to ne just a 'throttle jockey' then great, that' what he will need to be to succeed in Poland, Sweden and the GP's. Given the choice its far better to be good on the big tracks than the small ones.
    3 points
  27. Poland v Sweden Thursday May 31st from Poznan all heats short version
    3 points
  28. Why do you keep saying this? The FIM regulations for the event say that you do. Please read them.
    3 points
  29. It is not easy to do it on a big track like Belle Vue and to come from the back regularly which Bewley has done also Bewley is not good at every big venue he is still learning his trade.Lakeside is not an easy track to ride but Bewley generally has done ok on the little tracks Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leicester, (etc) today put it down to another learning day for Bewley.People sometimes forget just how inexperienced he is plenty of riders have had nightmare meetings at Lakeside in the past and plenty more will do in the future.
    3 points
  30. It’s so contrived when a team could go unbeaten on Friday and Saturday and be top scorers by 20 points or even more ahead of second place and still not be the champions.
    2 points
  31. I was so nearly right tonight- i just didn`t think of a steel shoe scenario
    2 points
  32. I've never understood this rule going back to the World Cup... don't the Under 21s have a competition of their own? So why compulsory in the senior version?
    2 points
  33. Speedway of Nations? Can’t see it lasting long and not as good as World Team Cup. Total borefest packed with lesser riders!
    2 points
  34. Nigel Pearson has had Ukraine score wrong all night- heat 21 is all important.
    2 points
  35. Valid points about the big boys calling it a day here...however Ford was whinging about assets already riding here. You reap what you sow... very apt in this situation i would say.
    2 points
  36. Team riding now consists of looking over your shoulder coming off last bend
    2 points
  37. Not unexpectedly very uninspiring so far, team riding is dead, compare to Collins Morton, the Morans etc.
    2 points
  38. Rossiter being hung out to dry there by Scott Nicholls, rightly so if the reports of how events panned out are correct, embarrassing example of British Speedway again, hopefully they will get rid at the earliest opportunity.
    2 points
  39. Hahahaha, serves Matt right for not being loyal to riders!
    2 points
  40. Said racing improved at the GP never said it was poor. Even the first half the racing better than most other meetings Iv seen this year. Yes Sunday was poor but I had good company and enjoyed a few beers. If I say I'm going for just a holiday the wife might want to tag along and why would I do that!!
    2 points
  41. So Hancock's gracing this event then? I thought he was all about giving the youngers a chance? Guess it suits him to ride tonight to try and find some form.
    2 points
  42. Poole own the registrations - the use of the term asset is a misnomer It simply gives them first chance to offer the rider a contract for the season and to collect a loan fee if they dont This is exactly what Ford gas done so cant see why he is whinging An 'asset' just waiting around to be used may well expect a retainer (possibly £50k+ each) As Poole cant see the value in racesuits I dont expect Ford would fancy the retainer situation too much!
    2 points
  43. You speak to your brother? Just found out today after a chat, my sister no longer works at Woolworths.
    2 points
  44. THEN some FIM officials like me don't know their arse from their elbow. A nonsense in my view. The onus should always be on winning a race. As Billy Bremner entitled his autobiography: You get nought for being second.
    2 points
  45. Because it’s a “ made for TV “ competition and for that we need single race drama for it to be successful - building up to a climax. However it’s bound to end in tears with an exclusion in the final !!!
    2 points
  46. Poor meeting tonight but what can you expect against a team that only had two riders trying,Procter and Campton......Worky should really think about some changes especially at the top end...Hammers continue to impress as a really solid outfit that look like they are really enjoying themselves home ,and away,, the track was in excellent condition and there can be no excuses for Workys poor performance tonight.......
    2 points
  47. trouble is you can't be flexible or use common sense because there's too many that cheat and bend rules - don't blame the rule makers they're dealing with some slippery characters. We could fill a full thread with the flankers that have been pulled over the years.
    2 points
  48. It seemed rather strange management from Workington. Only Proctor and Campton were in the points but no tactical substitution used and I expected Campton to have his full seven outings. He may have declined I suppose as only just back from injury but a case in point was heat 9, Workington off 1 and 3 with programmed riders Klindt and Bickley which would have been an ideal opportunity for TS (Proctor) and change of reserve
    2 points
  49. GETTING the track right would help. Still the subject of much criticism from those who ride there.
    2 points
  50. Esbjerg v Holsterbo Wednesday May 30th
    2 points
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