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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2018 in all areas

  1. You have a big attitude problem. How about you get your head out of your arse!
    7 points
  2. Buxton Speedway have been in the 3 tear of British Speedway longer than any other club in this Country, They have produced many riders that now ride in the Top 2 Leagues Plus a GP rider, you don’t have that kind of History by conning the Public, For goodness sake get of there Backs, By the way I was at the meeting in Question there was no way that meeting should have been Cancelled, Keep up the excellent work Buxton,
    6 points
  3. But it wont Might as well have a two day world final in Amsterdam and hope for a Dutch speedway revival. This argument of stimulating interest in small nations is as false as it has always been. And I can't believe it is still being used.
    4 points
  4. Season not over we got 10 league 1 cup match at home to come yet plenty of speedway still to come as you dont go to poole it does not affect you
    3 points
  5. A meeting can not be called off because of a seriously weak team due to injuries or European commitments unless agreed by the promotions, which we agreed to last Saturday. This has been cancelled because of the weather! https://twitter.com/SpeedwayScunny http://www.metcheck.com/WEATHER/now_and_next.asp?zipcode=scunthorpe&locationID=56905&lat=53.6&lon=-0.7
    3 points
  6. I have no idea why he didn't turn up but will not make disparaging comments until I do. I just hope it wasn't because of illness or family crisis.
    3 points
  7. I said many years ago that the consistent dilution, annually, of the product on offer, combined with increases in price could only lead one way. More for less is great, but less for more? Now we arrive at a situation where my club is forced to run on either a Monday or a Wednesday (neither great nights) without even having a vote in the matter. The result - a considerable drop in attendance/revenue and history shows us that once fans are lost, very few return. But hey ho, all is fine and rosy with the BSPA - the sport is in great shape, attendances are on the rise, fans are happy to watch "select" teams racing each other, so no problems. We'll see come the end of the season.
    3 points
  8. Were not allowed to discuss it apparantly !!!!
    3 points
  9. BS. Its not like excuse me could I please check on my team mate who is lying there with a broken leg because the captain is unavailable right now. I won't get a ban or a fine will I? No excuses. Kurtz, Sundstrom and the Poles should have gone out and checked on Stefan too. There wouldn't be any repercussions for checking on Stefan. If that was a certain Rye House rider lying on the shale with a broken leg then you can bet your entire bank account on Harris and Nicholls checking up on the rider. And why would Harris and Nicholls check on the rider.......Well it's simple really isn't it........In case you didn't know it's because they are team players.
    3 points
  10. I don't think people, are misunderstanding, what you were saying. I think you are backtracking and changing your tune.
    2 points
  11. Good meeting , a bit rough on Bomber, he felt that he was taken out, should have been all 4 back and Mark Riss was a bit naughty with Claus Vissing. Some cracking racing , Erik Riss is becoming a very accomplished rider and his brother Mark is stepping up to the heat leader role, just needs a bit of consistency. For the Tiggers , Richie was immense , especially when the pressure was on. Nice to see young Jack get a point after his first 2 rides as he looked as though he was really struggling with the technical track. Didn't think we would have got a 5-1 in heat 14 , so well done Paul and James for stopping the momentum for the monarchs.
    2 points
  12. haven't you got a track record in being indiscrete? Rather inflammatory statement.
    2 points
  13. Traditional Race card for 2018 Czech GP http://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/view.php?id=20964&da=y
    2 points
  14. Oh dear that is a shame i was hoping you wouldn't stick by us!
    2 points
  15. Not surprised this has been called off regardless of possible weather problems,,with their seriously weak team due to injuries ,they were very likely to have lost to the rampant Hammers ....
    2 points
  16. Total nonsense i would never write Poole off you take the rough with the smooth then winning is even sweeter.
    2 points
  17. Where have all the we've got the worst reserves in the league brigade gone ??? Or have you realised that waj is in fact one of the league's best value riders and will put a nice amount on he's average now he's back up and fully fit ...
    2 points
  18. Surely putting Proctor at 5 & Klindt at 3 would make Workington much stronger?
    2 points
  19. I actually think bringing 'ex fans' back is a lot easier than generating new ones.. And let's face it, there are a big number of 'ex fans' on EVERY clubs' doorstep... There are many, many social media outlets to browse, not to mention the Speedway Stars letter pages over the past ten years or so if Promoters still need a clue... If each track could get just 500 of these 'ex fans' back it would make a huge difference to the Sport. (An incredible 'small' number in the grand scheme of things but that just shows how far the sport has regressed).. Listen to why they stopped going, lose the egotistical attitude of "we are right, they are wrong, and if it wasnt for us there would be no Speedway" and put fixes in place to correct what is wrong... As a starting point... Credibilty, integrity, with an evening of entertainment at a price point commensurate with what's actually on offer...
    2 points
  20. That is what Rosco is good at he backs his judgement on a rider and installs confidence in them.Adam and Zach are two prime examples Adam really has come on well and he will keep impoving the same with Zach he had a nasty injury last year so it has took him time but i see him getting his average above 4 by the end of the season.Another thing that has never been mentioned Rosco naming young Anders Rowe at number 8 ok he wont get many opportunities but how good was that for Anders being there at the pressday gaining experience and being shown that he is part of a longterm plan. Rosco was a young Sprocket at one time he had to work hard to come through the system and was given a chance so he understands the ins/ outs of the sport. Swindon as a club are going in the right direction i just hope the crowds hold up the club deserve that.
    2 points
  21. Utter Nonsense.
    2 points
  22. Were you there? It happened right in front of me. The medics were on the case. Riders are told not to get in the way of medics. Let the medics do their jobs, if you are lying there in pain you don’t want riders gathered around you asking if you are alright. You want medics attending to you. You really are clueless, as are your multitudes of other aliases. Now go and bother the Swindon fans with your Reading alias.
    2 points
  23. One of the biggest problems this sport has got and as had for a long time is no regulation on equipment , if GM were to make a new super short stroke 100mm piston 60stroke engine and it proved to be faster but it doubled the cost, every rider would get one and speedway would allow it because it fits in with the vague regulation we have now, so it doubles the cost overnight but has no benifit to the sport at all, it doesn’t bring one person through the turnstiles and this has been happening since the street engine in the 70s and not just with engines, there should be a technical committee that looks at new products and that product should have 3 questions asked of it. 1. is it a safety benefit . 2. Does it do anything to improve the sport,. 3 does it reduce costs for the competitor ,if it doesn’t tick at least 1 box its get thrown out
    2 points
  24. What a bit of business to sign Adam and Zach on full time deals. Zach getting better every week and Ellis gotta be the most improved rider in both leagues this season.
    2 points
  25. What a genius discovering the unheard of Josh Auty. Matt we bow down to you.
    2 points
  26. Those who believe that "all is well" and only praise the hard work and commitment of speedway promoters are looking through rose tinted glasses. Emperors New Clothes syndrome. Only by looking at how the sport is run in the UK objectively and taking on a wide range of points of view, about what is wrong and how that can be improved, will positive change ever happen. With that could come a new generation of fans ( and the return of some of those who have walked away ). What ailing business would ignore feedback and not find a way to use that information to change for the better? Look at how things change in the High Street or with any retail operation. Burying heads in the sand and "carrying on regardless" is the way to extinction.
    2 points
  27. I guess it gives someone the opening to voice an opinion and while it may relate to a general theme regarding the state of speedway in the U.K. the idea of the forum is generally provide a platform to make point. Many other threads are from disgruntled, disappointed or disillusioned supporters and the one common factor is that on this side of the fence many fans old and new are not happy with the direction things are going and on the other side you have those who are merely custodians at a point in time, totally disregarding the swell of opinion. All the hot air that the BSPA come out with re FRN and top riders coming back etc and a minority believing that it will happen one day are both wide of the mark. Possibly a waste of time but I guess the point will be proven one way or another when we see who comes to the tapes in 2019 What is not in doubt is that Speedway in the U.K. cannot financially support top riders of GP standard. U.K. speedway needs to find its own level and stop pretending that it can compete at the highest level at this point in time. It cannot and the sooner that the realisation hits home and that financially and tactically team building does not need to revolve around top GP riders or the Danes, Swedes and Poles. U.K. is probably more on a level with Germany, Italy, Czech, France and other lesser nations so why not accept it. Rebuild using British and other European options, reinstate test matches home and abroad, introduce North and South Leagues with the chance of more travelling support to away matches and put the sport back to being weekly fixtures between say May and September. Either side of this period clubs can run whatever fixtures they want. Introduce standard bikes which could mean rider skills are improved rather than the gate and go merchants that grace the tracks today. This not turning the clock back but trying to build for a future which ensures clubs survive. The fact that some believe less meetings are better as it reduces the potential losses beggars belief. That is only putting off the inevitable. The only way perhaps those in charge might listen is to receive a written petition from the fans delivered in person to BSPA HQ with as much publicity as one can muster. Will the sport survive across the country as it stands, probably not but it does have a chance if they stop looking at it through rose tinted glasses and hanging on to the very few good points such as the young talent coming through and start looking at trying to entertain the fans. As has been said so many times, it is a spectacle if the racing is close and good, but it is simple, four riders, four laps on equal machinery. Why complicate it when the reality is it is dangerous, fast and furious the riders put their lives at risk. Sell it as it is. One final point, if only they could try and promote the racing in a a similar vein to the FIM and its trailers for Ice Speedway. The film, music etc is very good and gets across, the cut, thrust, speed and danger.
    2 points
  28. To be fair, he is entitled to do it if the audience are not respectful, and don't want to listen. If someone has a go at me when I have agreed to give them my night I would walk, the least the audience can do is be respectful.
    2 points
  29. Possibly the Scorpions toughest test at home this season.. Josh and Gino raring to go (apparently)...
    1 point
  30. I'll tell you what. Paypal me £100 and if Poole don't finish in the top 4 I will return £200.. Offers is until midnight tonight.
    1 point
  31. A convenient use of R/R here...
    1 point
  32. I think the NOT!!! added to the thread title with three exclamation marks suggests they were let down without good reason, at the last moment. The post saying it's off would more likely have said unless it was something very private.
    1 point
  33. Unfortunately we are heading down the same road as last season so similar. ?
    1 point
  34. Forgetting of course the trauma that the club has gone through before Xmas to be in a position to open this year, and the published statements about this year is realistically a year of consolidation. No number 1's left, so strength in depth team was the only alternative, and the team has had some great results and decent racing especially at Brough. A hiccup unfortunately with Rose finally signing but now having time out, but some good news could be around the corner about his replacement. What was the phrase at Xmas, "in George we trust".
    1 point
  35. Well I did say that he lost control, which infers that his going in the right direction wasn't deliberate. There have been other incidents and several riders last season were unhappy about certain events, it might just be that he's riding beyond his ability.
    1 point
  36. As far as I was aware Klindt was off to another premiership club that wasn't Poole. But I suppose Poole.own him so could have blocked it and retained him themselves
    1 point
  37. Actually I am! Whilst Campton was a surprise package last night, I think the result might well have been different if BWD had been in the team (he's already won two matches on Worky's behalf and last night might have been the third if he'd still been in the team). Either way, Worky played their part in one of the most exciting matches of recent years at Owlerton and well-deserved their point- Sheffield were lucky to get away with it. We urgently need strengthening in the engine room of the team. Jan is clearly not the answer and I don't think we should wait any longer for JB to recover. Who knows what state he'll be in if and when he gets back on a bike. He hasn't sat on a bike since October, retired in November, made a comeback in December, broke a vertebrae in January, had spinal surgery in February and has suffered nerve damage ever since. We urgently need a permanent signing to strengthen the middle-order. If JB puts in an appearance he should be loaned out to prove his fitness.
    1 point
  38. Jonas Andersen lost control of his bike and turned right on Ben. These things happen but certain riders seem to be gaining a reputation for them.
    1 point
  39. He has a passport - presumably an Aussie one - but to get a UK visa or UK work permit he has to have a job as his employer would need to support/sponsor the application, which Poole did, but bear in mind the application process could not be started until his BSPA/ACU ban had ended, then he's just another in the long queue with no more clout than any other eg Roman Abrahmavich?! I doubt whether Motorcycling Australia (MA) would have been on the case despite any best efforts by Mark Lemon!! His other personal issues, some of which have legal ramifications (probably why there has been no official public comment), are progressing as far as I understand but have also been a serious distraction and possibly even affecting the visa process?! As for the Cardiff GP, a specific visa may have been 'sponsored' and obtained by BSI. (Not sure about the latter but it has been mentioned as such?!)
    1 point
  40. I think with a clear run Hume should be number 1 come the end of the season his away form doing that for him.Flint i have been told by a source who i respect bigtime said he has excellent aquipment and has a fair bit of experience on the continent.I have followed his progress over the last few years and the main thing that comes across is what a polite and friendly lad he is having that and a good temprement is a massive plus.Was looking at the fixtures i will go to Belle Vue on the 22nd with a bit of luck an awesome track and to see Danyon, Leon, Jack around there should be terrific.
    1 point
  41. Poland and Czech Republic are both part of Schengen so no passport needed to cross from one to the other.
    1 point
  42. I think the expression “gating tart” was invented based on Klindt, although he isn’t the only rider by a long way that can’t even pass wind on occasion.
    1 point
  43. Should've let him go to Somerset then when he had the chance. Wouldn't have been his problem.
    1 point
  44. Not holding any hope now that Holder will be riding in the UK this season, and that includes the Cardiff GP.
    1 point
  45. only going by what the so called experts were saying pre season . you never get to be a good singer if you sing the same songs over and over again !
    1 point
  46. So what special parts were in lindgren’s engine ?? It was the chrome coming off the big end pin , we have been through all this before and you just ignore the facts and only hear what you want to hear, still waiting for your ideas as a way forward , you just keep burying your head in the sand like the others
    1 point
  47. I went to see Piotr at the end of the season one year at Poole against Lakeside he got a paid max worth the entrance fee to see him.
    1 point
  48. It won a GP and as shown in my last post and proved by lindgren was reliable and cost effective, it’s down side was getting it to perform (set up), what else did you expect it to do ?
    1 point
  49. it should be easier going from Berwick to Mll hole , as its down hill all the way .
    1 point
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