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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2018 in all areas

  1. I cannot see why Dan should have let Rob Lambert win. Firstly, it is an individual competition when really your country counts for very little. Secondly, there is big competition now between the two youngsters as to who will get in the GB team and who will prove to be the better of the two on the world stage in the future, so why shouldn't Dan show he can beat Rob - it will do him no harm at all when it comes to future selections. Thirdly, as others have said, it would be cheating and we would roundly condemn it if riders from other countries did it, thereby knocking out one of our riders.
    4 points
  2. When you look at the Polish meetings on Sunday afternoons you understand the differences between their sharp presentation and that of ours . All their meetings are run like clock work. You get the first four races run to a tight schedule, While one race is being run the next is being got ready. The 2mins means 2 mins the riders don't do much gardening , like they do in the UK. After 4 races there is a mini interval where the track is graded and punters go to the stalls for food or drinks. Heat 5 and the cycle is repeated . Crisp presentation that keeps everybody happy. Why do we fine that so hard to do ????
    4 points
  3. Actually mate I think there are a lot of people that are loving speedway at lynn at the moment. I talk to a few people on the stands. There are very few negative oppinions. Problem is people on forums like a moan. The only problem the other night was the excessive grading but you definitely can't moan about racing or the team! I hope other fans don't think lynn is a bad place to be because of the comments of a few depressants. Many of whom don't even go often or if at all. Your oppinion is only worth 1. Much like mine and the other people who go. The only difference is you guys use the forum daily or hourly even. It taints the club and the sport in general! That's just 1 oppinion though. My 1, your 1 would disagree and I guess it's a free world. But I hope people who read know you are in the minority.
    3 points
  4. Awfully small crowd at the Abbey this evening. With 2 home meetings next week and the price of £17, people will pick their meetings. ITS A £10 SPORT!!!!
    3 points
  5. Ah, love Talking Heads ..... not quite sure you’ve nailed the lyrics though!
    3 points
  6. He rides some Motto Cross in Austria, so should be alright at Rough Park
    3 points
  7. You might want to ask yourself why only Wolves had a Monday race night when teams we free to choose. You might want to ask yourself why the entertainment industry regards Monday as the worst night of the week to get people to attend. You might want to ask yourself why crowds dropped at the dog track when we had to move from Friday to Monday. You might want to consider that attitudes to keeping children out late on school nights has changed since clubs like Wimbledon were operating. You might want to ask yourself why our previous promotion said there was no future for the Aces unless we could build a new stadium and change our race night to Friday You might want to ask yourself why crowds have dropped so significantly at the NSS this year when the only change is the race night. You might want to ask yourself if you want to put at risk the future of the NSS.
    3 points
  8. If i was to take a group of non-speedway people to speedway,i wouldn't even start to explain the rules etc,or these riders don't actually ride for them etc they don't need to know this especially for their first meeting.I would just let them see what speedway is about first and foremost and that's the actual racing.If they enjoy the racing that's half the battle done.And lets be honest Belle Vue is the place to take them to get good racing.
    3 points
  9. If it needs explaining, don’t. Just go along and enjoy the racing. Would you rather watch 15 heats of gate and go with two full teams or watch several top draw races where seven heats have guests in due to riders riding elsewhere? BTW when selling your house don’t spend all your time discussing its faults as you will drive the price down.
    3 points
  10. Nothing has changed apart from the advent of the Internet, when I was younger I stood with a great crowd and we had tons of banter and laughs, we never gave one iota of thought to the length of meetings, extra entertainment etc, we were there for a good night out Seems to me we all need to lighten up, laugh more, find some new friends and enjoy our nights
    3 points
  11. It's great that it works for you and some others but it hasn't worked for the missing thousands who have drifted away ( likely never to return ). Crisp presentation is certainly one of the factors that the disillusioned have reacted to. The job of the BSPA is to find out all of those reasons and work on the simplest and cheapest to fix and get on with those first. It is this that they have failed to do. And this laid back "it takes as long as it takes" approach certainly doesn't seem to appeal to new fans.
    3 points
  12. I seem to to recall Jack riding for us last season, not very well true but he was in the team.
    2 points
  13. Listened to WM for this match as away in Denia, Spain. Great win. This is what is needed to bring more fans back on board. roll on Sunday!
    2 points
  14. fine mate! then walk away! just don't bleat on about it and bringing down those that are left enjoying it! Find a hobby or something! the past is the past! unfortunately you can't turn the clocks back. Them days are gone. We should appreciate what we have while we still have it because the world has changed and will continue to change. live events are dying out. there used to be a great underground music scene in lynn and the surrounding areas. punk, metal, it was thriving. but time moved on and thats no longer the case. there is cheap fun to be had and its an expensive sport. bat and ball is cheap. moaning on a forum won't change anything
    2 points
  15. I`ve been called much worse, much worse.
    2 points
  16. Just what Craig needs what with a gp coming up this weekend. Hope he can carry the form forward.
    2 points
  17. God I was in a good mood until I see some of the moaning on here! I recon it will be a very entertaining meeting. Close racing on a good track. why is it the fair weather fans have the loudest voices on these forums. With the most moanin posts!!! You clearly have nothing better to do so why not go tonight. If the crowd last Monday was anything to go by then I think the team you support could probably do with your help. But do me a favour. Don't talk to anybody. You will kill the buzz for everybody Go on Kings Lynn !!!! clap clap clap!!!
    2 points
  18. That's where you're wrong though - the Premiership is MORE important as it's the top division in this Country. You wouldn't anybody in their right mind say the Championship is more important than the Premiership in football!
    2 points
  19. Years ago the whole concept of going to speedway meeting was entirely different than it is today. Firstly there were far more in attendance that created a better atmosphere, The evening was usually 22 or more races. that was pushed through with little or no breaks. The riders were not in a hurry to leave and would often mingle with the fans in the bars. This created much more belonging that the fans felt they had. Yes, the internet has made a tremendous difference to everyone's life and has to take some of the blame for falling attendances. But it would be wrong to proportion all of the falling numbers to that alone. The promoters and the governing body have not helped the sport progress with their reluctance to put the sport first. They don't address the problems on a united front. Its as if everyclub has their own agenda. You say we all need to lighten up and laugh more, I agree, life has become far to serious these days. When I'm standing in the freezing cold, waiting for the racing to start, I can assure you I don't find anything to laugh at... Sweeping deficiencies under the carpet doesn't solve any problems, they need to be addressed, so more people will be able to laugh and enjoy their speedway night out.
    2 points
  20. Rosco said last Thursday the team will not be changed this season and i am 100 per cent behind him on that loyalty means a lot.Some of the names mentioned to come in if anything makes us look weaker.
    2 points
  21. Emil Grondal is riding for Rye House not Stefan Nielsen
    2 points
  22. Because one is a dedicated speedway rider and the other has yet to make his mind up.
    2 points
  23. Went to Mildy today. I know it’s Drew’s home track but he was on a different planet to Brennan today. After his good showing at Foxhall I was disappointed with Brennan. Failed to win a race. Kemp 20+1 max. The boy was different gravy.
    2 points
  24. Have you seen the new No Limits initiative Rory Schlein, Tai and others have put together?? I know a load of the potential talent talked about above have been on that programme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMl-i2otwvk good video this
    2 points
  25. So the aces lost serves Lemo right for continuing to ignore Josh Auty who goes better than Garrity at N S S . Hope Jason is ok after his crash ,but the lad never as a good meeting at N S S. TOLD YOU pHILL IT HAS COME AND BIT HIM ON THE BUM
    1 point
  26. it was a good meeting with passing and plenty of effort by all but 1 brough park is a technical track and its about attitude of mind any decent away rider will always score if he attacks the track those that arrive believing they cant ride the track .... don't ...... but perhaps they should watch how their teammates ride rather than just trundling around the track
    1 point
  27. You must have - you enjoyed it TWICE.
    1 point
  28. Who'd of thought it eh!!
    1 point
  29. I don't think John is racing in Sweden tomorrow night either so he must be "ill".
    1 point
  30. Yet again after years of ok on Mondays why it somehow a problem now ..really odd mind set from Belle vue fans .its not working on a Monday for them so now wolves poor crowds after about 33 years are now because of Mondays.
    1 point
  31. Welll..................... I might be forced to put in an appearance since the Bad nits look to have their best chance ever of nicking a point!!
    1 point
  32. you wouldn't of been congratulating if they had been in this seasons Poole team and you no it
    1 point
  33. Thanks. There are others who are also doing their bit too whether it be attending or volunteering. I do my best for the fans that want to go and the riders that wear the Bees racejacket, nothing else.
    1 point
  34. Maybe we're waiting for the new gsa's coming out and, we might get to find we have more points to play with.
    1 point
  35. Yes I agree it was very bumpy going into the 1st and 3rd bends, and at times when Ludde was riding the kerb, he would be flung off. I think it was down to the sun and heat not allowing water to go into the base. I heard than Jonny was watering continuousley late in the afternoon, but presumable the water just ended up as vapour and not into the base. Surprised that the Water bowser was lined up to come out about heat 9, but not used. Maybe it would have made it even more dangerous. As it happened the dirt on the outside was there to be ridden and Ludde didn't disappoint, did he. I thought it was a decent meeting with a lower crowd as expected, and an even more surprising result. Funny this year how the Diamonds have had some surprising results against some fancied teams. Like everyone else I hope a signing or two can be made soon so we can get a settled term for the rest of the season. Riders have got to be available of course, some forget that, but as the slogan on here said in December "in George we trust".
    1 point
  36. Here are our photos from the FIM SGP Qualification Round 2 in Slangerup 19.05.18 https://photos.app.goo.gl/EitX5WMPaIhPgKR43
    1 point
  37. Rye House report has Emil Grondal as guest but Swindons report has Stefan Nielsen so we wait to see who turns up for Rye House.
    1 point
  38. Balakovo v Togliatti Thursday 16th May Gdansk v Daugavpils Sunday 20th May
    1 point
  39. It's not just Chapman to blame,don't think there is any trust among Present Promoters.Like others have said it need Independant body to sort things out.Unfortunately that will never happen IMO .
    1 point
  40. Ahh ... That makes a lot more sense. Not the 'wrong colour' really. Yes a silly mistake and almost a 'technicality' rather than being idiotic as it first seemed. But the FIM rules are crystal clear and I suppose to the continentals it probably looked downright weird as they use the plain yellow everywhere. Pity not a single person was able to give the lad the nod before it was too late. i thought green or white thing mentioned sounded stupid and couldn't be the reason.
    1 point
  41. How do you ever get to the place where you have the wrong helmet cover for your first ride in a individual meeting ?
    1 point
  42. Are you ok? You come across as a little bit mentally disturbed. You could just ignore them and do something productive
    1 point
  43. According to Roy Clarke last night he would be missing for 10 days.Mind ,he also asked Nathan Greaves if he would ride as a guest next Saturday if asked.He might be a wee bit lonely if he does come up seeing as there's no meeting.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Don’t think he’d tarnish his reputation by riding for this Poole side.
    1 point
  46. I suggest you look up the definition of the words sport and sporting. Sport can be charitable but sadly much has become a cynical, ruthless, money-grabbing business.
    1 point
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