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Really mate? Not sure I have but always happy to be proved wrong. In fact I called out the KLSSC on Twitter over some of their comments after the Swindon meeting when it clashed with a big play-off game for the Linnets. I choose football over speedway so would be hypocritical of me to then criticise others for doing the same. At the end of the day, it's totally down to the individual whether they choose to attend or not. For what it's worth I quite enjoyed last night's meeting. Wasn't a classic by any means but there were some good races and I'm really warming to this side. At the start of the season I didn't think we were in with a sniff of the play-offs but there are plenty of promising signs and more to come from Iversen, Palm Toft, Jorgensen and Andersen. Best thing for me is that it's a team of real triers, last night chasing hard for every point which after last season is a refreshing change. What I would say is that I totally agree with IainB when he said some of the stuff on this thread has been hysterical. Not everything at Lynn is perfect but I don't think it's half as bad as being made out on here at times. I honestly do think they are making efforts to improve across all areas and things aren't always as black and white as some on here are making out. I know, like and respect many of the Stars posters on here who are at different ends of the spectrum when it comes to Lynn. Sometimes I agree with them, sometimes I don't. You get positive posters who can see no wrong and negative ones who can see no right. I do find the constant slagging off of the club across here, Twitter and Facebook tiresome and that's with people's opinions that I actually agree with at times. There are ways and means of critcising and continually banging the same drum just means people eventually switch off to it. Invariably for me, the truth lies on a scale somewhere in between depending on what the topic is. Taking yesterday's meeting into account: Should the team news be out earlier? - IMHO yes but appreciate that there were things going on behind the scenes regarding the line-up. It should have been communicated better especially as it was common knowledge that riders would be missing. However, if they'd released that Cook was guesting and it was R/R for Palm Toft then it all changed, they'd get criticised for releasing the wrong info. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Should the meeting have been completed quicker? - Again yes but the break for track grading after heat 4 improved the racing in my mind. Track was quite slick early on but they pulled some of the material back down and racing improved straight away. It's also up to the referee to keep things moving. Also as I'm doing twitter updates, I find it hard enough already to tweet the result, any changes for the next heat and have some kind of social interaction with the people I go with as it is, so delays don't bother me. However I appreciate for some, they want to get it done and dusted as soon as possible. Fundamentally all of us want the same but it's nigh on impossible for the club to please everyone all of the time.7 points
7 points
From Middlesbrough, so I would have thought he was permanently on something. Chemical waste most likely.5 points
Grateful thanks to the supporters at Berwick from all at Birmingham for their generosity in holding a collection to help Mitchell Davey even though he is not one of their riders. Delighted to report that the overall amount raised is now touching £7,000 -twice the original target. Thanks again to everyone at Berwick. Wonderfully caring people.5 points
Not confirmed but over £3200 raised at Swindon tonight for Mitch. Looks like the GP pit passes both Cookie & Greg donated went for £1000 a piece. Looks well over £10k raised for Mitch, maybe even closer to £15k.....excellent work from all involved & a special mention must go to Lee Kilby who I spoke too at the abbey, sss still walking round at 9pm...how he was able too I’ve no idea!!!4 points
Bewley oozed class - whilst he was expected to win relatively easily the way he went about it was still impressive Brennan very much deserved 2nd Thomas battled hard and was unlucky not to get a chance to race the run off breaking down just a few yards from the gate I was a litle disappointed in Bickley but perhaps thats because I had very high expectations - certainly a superb talent A shame Drew's fall cost him a place on the podium. His track knowledge gave him a valuable advantage but he wouldve deserved that spot Liked the look of Lawlor too Last but not least my personal star of the night - Leon Flint. There is something that little bit extra special about him. Whilst others looked competant and talented riders he was the one (Bewley aside) that looked a real racer. Id expect him to rise rapidly through the ranks All in all it showed that British speedway is starting to give itself half a chance of a future by having a set up to give these talented youngsters a solid training base4 points
Sorry, I forgot about Jordan Stewart and Theo Pijper, who are both clearly far beyond the levels of anything the Diamonds have to offer And just because Aarnio has a higher average, doesn't mean he's the better rider, is Rasmus Jensen (no offence) better than Bewley? Not really...4 points
Do the BSPA recognise Czech rain though - is it on the list of approved weather?4 points
There is no doubt Somerset speedway have hit crisis point with their track. Once again the crowd were kept waiting for a significant length of time whilst surgery was applied to the track. Again we watched as the riders fairly trundled around for the first 4 heats. This time I noticed dissent from the local support in the shape of angry shouts towards the promotion. Indeed, Ez Curtis the former curator often received criticism for his poor communication, especially with the riders, but there is now a growing feeling from Rebels fans that he should be brought back A healthy crowd eventually witnessed some good racing and by mid meeting Swindon were looking threatening although Bellego consistently missed the gate, hampering his efforts to get to the front That said, he did look quick but left himself far too much to do Troy Batchelor looked once again in fine form However, after winning his tactical substitute ride and previously easily beating Jason Doyle, he let his lead slip by carelessly allowing both BWD and Charles Wright past him , for which in my opinion was a crucial moment in Somerset taking the points. sure, both Rebels riders deserve great credit for their terrific and courageous passes, but Batchelor should have closed the door on them both and it would have been race won, keeping the Robins still dangerously close The 5-1 reverse ultimately gave the Rebels the momentum to which they never looked back. Musielak and Morris also left their gating gloves at Blunsdon and Ellis apart, who put in a reasonable performance, there was simply no real fire power amongst the Robins. The Rebels truly look a fantastic outfit around the OTA, and once the track is sorted out, I am sure there is going to be some amazing speedway served up this year. The potential within this side is breathtaking. BWD at reserve and Jack Holder in the engine room provide Somerset with blistering pace, and with the never say die efforts of both Jake Allen and Charles Wright, it’s hard to imagine the team being beaten at home this season. Finally, good to hear that referee Ronnie Allen is to stay on for a further 3 years and not retiring as expected. In difficult circumstances this evening, I thought he managed the situation well, and although the meeting did finish later than normal, the experienced Scotsman did his best to speed the meeting through whilst constantly communicating with the riders and track staff, especially in the early part of the meeting when at one point it appeared the meeting could have been abandoned.4 points
Why start yet another item of fake news ? I assume your happy if you managed to stop a few attending, you really won’t be happy until KL speedway is no more, ok we get it you no longer attend but those that do have enjoyed 3 good meetings this year....oh the absent Auty was exceptional tonight.4 points
Although we lost , that was a cracking meeting . Obviously the difference was at reserve and Jordan Stewart - wow what a prospect. Retire to the bar now , well done Bears3 points
Just came across this on youtube.... Now if there was EVER a lesson in promoting the sport, and yourself, THIS IS IT ! Others may want to take note ? (!)3 points
Nothing to do with commitment in my opinion- more about bikes and him getting to practice.- BWD has probably only got kit here which he will need to get to Denmark for practice at 10.10am Saturday morning local time- afternoon meeting 2.30pm local start, whereas Aarnio obviously has other kit other than what he uses over here, which can be in lonigo for practice which starts at 2pm local with the meeting Saturday evening at 9pm local. I think you owe BWD an apology !!3 points
Yes, to all of you tuning in for Panthers chat, try plan b. Nothing to see here3 points
https://coventryobserver.co.uk/news/protections-for-historic-coventry-bees-stadium-at-brandon-ordered-by-inspector-6359/3 points
3 points
We have already been stung with riders declaring themselves fit when they are clearly not. To be honest its only May and I am past caring.3 points
No big surprise with the result really. Considering Leicester didn't have their 3 heat leaders, I thought it might be a little closer than it turned out, but just a ridiculous situation all in all. Does the UK actually have any priority over any other league in the world, apart from Uganda that is? The way that Speedway has been run, and continues to be, has ruined what was one a fantastic sport.3 points
People cheering when someone crashes out happens a lot in motorsports. Most of Italy cheers if MM93 crashes out, as would Spain if VR46 crashes..it's the same with Vettel and Hamilton. And it's been going on for years and will always do.3 points
Not the meeting I had expected it to be . After 4 winners in the first 5 heats, Leicester were then totally overcome and never won another heat. Was that because the Stars were that good, or was it that Leicester wasn't up for a fight. It was hard to tell. Guests Schlein and Wells battled hard but the rest were disappointing. Robert Lambert is really benefitting from his new gating prowess. But for a wicked lift coming out of L4B2 he would have secured another maximum. It would be wrong to pick out individuals as all the Stars gave a creditable display that will only benefit them as a team. I am in no doubt Leicester suffered more than the Stars with top riders missing. and although on another day they would have been a tougher nut to crack, I still believe the Stars would have won with the determination they showed last night. It was my intention to go to the after show meet in the bar, but the meeting dragged on.. and on. The attendance was down from the start, but when its that cold we need to press on. After 4 heats we have long track grade. It felt like the tractor took as long as the racing. After ht 8 we have another track grade. Probably lasting another 10 /15 mins. After another 2 heats and we then have an interval. I looked at the watch, it was 9-15 and we have had only 10 races. The Royal Box was now half empty, same with the Car park. It was that cold people were leaving early to get warm... But the progress was that slow. By the time I got to the Car at the end it was 10 o clock. Some will say I'm always moaning, but do these meetings need to be so drawn out, Do we need a track grade after ht 8 and then an interval 2 races later. Why not have the track grade and interval together after heat 8. In the end the terrific performance by the riders was overshadowed by the long meeting and the freezing conditions.3 points
One big league at approx 35 point Championship level No more big boys Development league/s level to continue below3 points
I'm not sure but I thought the FRN was brought in not to attract GP riders back but to combat the effects of DU, or why then limit clubs to 1 rider over 8 points? But who knows with the BSPA!! Agree with everything else though. Most things I find, don't look too great when you put them under scrutiny and start trying to apply fixes. Look at Football and the VAR thing, a lot of your die hards are up in arms about it, a lot of your floaters (me included) couldn't really give a toss about it as long as we see a good game... but start piling fix upon fix upon fix and the product starts to look less and less attractive. In the last week I have been to Sheffield, Peterborough (Twice), Leicester and watched the GP on TV... and there was not a lot wrong with any of them, nice weather, good racing (Leicester the exception, obviously!) on well prepared tracks, with full line-ups but in front of woeful crowds (not GP). Having watched the sport deteriorate over the last 40 years I once wanted to see the top GP riders back in the BL, I've now come to terms that that's not going to happen in the foreseeable future, what I've realised was bothering me more recently was the DU of riders, the authorities have put actions in place to remedy this and from what I can see so far this season it seems to be working, yes you can question the FRN that they picked but I believe the concept is right while DU is in place, all they need to do now is choose the correct FRN's. I see Rory Schlein is running a pole on Twitter suggesting Friday and Saturday, which does seem to make more sense than Monday and Wednesday. 15 heats, 4 riders, 4 laps, settled 7 man teams, riding Friday & Saturday on a well prepared track, all done in 90 minutes, with 3 points for a win and an aggregate bonus point and a TS whenever 6 down... it really should be that simple!3 points
Wow some of these young lads are going to be stars, a few really stood out, and what impressed me the most about Kemp Brennan and Flint is that they were very much in control of their bikes, changing lines mid corner and so on. Even some very established top riders sometimes come to Foxhall and struggle to hold a line in the corners. In 5 years time Britain really could be big players on the world scene again if these lads improve at their current rate.2 points
If you could just strip away the politics surrounding the sport , the crazy rules that make it look daft , just watch something like that tonight , and speedway isn' so bad2 points
2 points
How on earth people think we can bring Freddie Lindgren in on a 9.29 (2017) average I just don''t know!!2 points
Really looking forward to this as something a bit different with "unknown" riders. Dan Bewley should walk this but who knows? Cant believe people are complaining about the price.. oh well their loss. Nice sunny evening but will be cold later no doubt!2 points
Yes not an easy decision in a sport which is arguably dropping further in fan support looking at some of the comments coming from BV Fans etc BV etc. If the all singing and all dancing NSS is struggling to attract over 1000 then maybe some harsh and tough decisions need to be taken at the end of this season. Poole arguably have not been hit so bad as they kept their Wed night as not reliant on Danish League racers so dont lose out. What has hit their crowds imo is a combination of the rain offs/poor weather - poor start for the team as not lived up to what many expected (incl myself). Even last night had an element of doubt with rain soaked track delaying the start and even then RH took better to it. Or was it because RH had so many experts of the Poole track - or maybe Poole riders were poor (as shown in most meetings so far) - Maybe the truth is a combo of all of those factors. Another 300 souls per meeting would bring in say £5.5K plus extra's. Is it enough ?? or would sponsors also plug part of that cost. Who knows. The fact remains that if Matt leaves it as is we may well see a continuance of falling crowds if the team under perform. You are kind of damned if you do and damned if you dont. If Matts main source of personal income is from Poole Speedway then surely he has to do something in what supposed to be (and was well reported and advertised) a very special season. Let's be honest even if you look on the BSF Forum the amount of posting is hardly inspiring in general. Poole themselves by far take up the biggest content and even on here the input is at times slow to poor in contributors. Its like real interest in sensible dialogue and opinion is on the wain. Thats no dig at those who contribute as we need as many as possible, but we need more constructive contribution and less of what some call trolling/digging for the sake of having a pop.2 points
Nobody can miss your purple chinos. Was that you stood next to Lord Lucan and Shergar at the burger van?2 points
The sport is in the same shambolic situation as last year,now add in lack of regular meetings.!!2 points
Coventry: Star Performer - Ole Olsen - Mr dependable Most improved - Greg Hancock - this kid could go all the way Must do better - Brian Yarrow - Ave manipulation?2 points
2 points
Everyone is entitled to have an opinion about going or not going ( luckily we don't live in Russia or China and be told to go ). I looked at the updates and I am not blaming them, but if you read " from the gate" it very likely means no passing after the second bend. It's a whole package called sporting entertainment and I want a crisp well run match with a full team and certainly without excessive grading and extensive delays ( as there were no on track holdups ). We can't do anything about the weather other than dress appropriately for it. It is still not being run "for the fans" at KLS - but that is just my opinion ( which I am entitled to as are other to voice theirs that may be different).2 points
Which Swindon fans are on Bellego's back? All I can see is a Reading fan on Bellego's back. Bellego is on 5.92 for this year. He's had some relatively poor meetings by last year's standards, but he's had some excellent ones too.2 points
Well I also went and enjoyed the racing. The night started off giving me a massive 'fix'. Them 16 bikes all starting off after the presentation give off a intoxicating smell. When I breathe that I'm on cloud 9. You gave a pretty good account of the races . If only they put more urgency into the evening instead of dragging it out it would appease far more fans... 15min track grading is enough to cheese most people off, even on a warm night2 points
Raving during the 30 minute track grading is the only way to keep occupied/warm LOL2 points
According to what I was told last night , Curtis became a moaning nightmare. They were scared to even go near him in the end up . You can't work with someone like that. Hope this is just a temporary blip because it's still one of the best venues in the country .2 points
Bewley should destroy this field by half a lap in all his races, he is that much better currently than the rest, even if he doesn't like the track, the best riders adapt, and I'm sure Bewley will. After that though it's a pretty open field with possibly Thomas and Brennan taking the other podium spots. Obviously I will be rooting for Drew Kemp, but although I'm sure he will do pretty good, maybe a year to early to get on the podium. I don't think they have over priced it, and I'm sure it will be a very good meeting with all these young riders trying to showcase their current talent and obvious talent for the future. A lot of Ipswich fans have asked for meetings like this to be held at Foxhall for years, so now we have one, let's support it well.2 points
20 heats for less than a 15 heat league meeting with kids going free and a very competitive lineup.....decent weather forecast too - should get a good crowd I would think - especially as we’ve crashed out of he shield and ko cup already not many meetings at Foxhall this year so I’m sure plenty will be happy to part with some pennies for this!! bewley obvs the favourite but never gone especially well around Foxhall so a bit of a leveller - shame Jenkins is out injured he’s done a lot of laps around Foxhall now - hoping young drew Kemp will keep his head and not try too hard in front of his home fans - if he does could be a contender for a surprise podium - he’s quick around Foxhall!2 points
Thanks for telling it as it is webby. That is not moaning. I did't go on principle because of the missing Danish riders even though I missed a great performance by Robert. But other factors like the meeting dragging on and on don't appeal to me much either. As for the lack of information until 24 hours before the match - nothing has changed with the approach of KLS to keeping fans in the loop. With the return of Iversen much heralded I want to see him in the team. Of course congratulations are due to the overall team effort.2 points
Shouldn't be lasting for over two hours. The cynic in me would suggest that after a slickly run first meeting food and drink takings were down Pleasantly surprised by the winning margin, assuming we can stay clear of injury this team could be dark horses for top four and beyond, great to see. Some really positive feedback from paying customers on Twitter which is pleasing, just need to tweak the PR a bit and minimise those Danish clashes and this could be a very good year.2 points
Too much time can be spent on fannying around with the young guys and 'not too quickly' thinking. Woffinden and Lambert are the obvious choice. And let Dan Bewley explode on the scene at the NSS, if he can. If he doesn't so be it; but the experience of being there will be well worth it. tbh no one will know which CC could turn up on the day, no matter what his 'form' the week before. Bewley is actually less of a risk and there is so much more to gain long term.2 points
Who's crowds ? Belle Vue have a had a bad start after moving but who else have these fixed race nights effected so badly ? plus we are only a few season into the season ..so to early to judge anyhow . The bottom line fans were moaning about riders missing etc so they done something about it .2 points
2 points
Hopefully the fixed nights are here to stay. Much better with fewer riders having to be in one league or the other.2 points
Did a couple of Swindon riders tag team your girlfriend? You seem to spend 95% of your time trolling robins threads2 points
Exactly that, it was designed to prevent the doubling up clashes left right and centre, and to that end it is working2 points
Seems to be working just fine. Hardly any guests because of no fixture clashes. Never was designed to bring back GP riders.2 points
FIVE of the top six riders from King's Lynn and Leicester missing tonight ... so perhaps it isn't working2 points