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  1. What a joke that is and totally unfair on both KL and Leicester. We should stuck with Monday and Thursday and told the CL Thursday teams who wouldn't budge that the PL teams had priority on all riders all of the time.
    6 points
  2. At least this year it was only a mid meeting apology needed rather than sackings
    5 points
  3. The two over hyped Poles are doing no better than Joe Jacobs and Ellis Perks could have done with some encouragement. What a waste of money and British talent.
    5 points
  4. BACKTRACK Our sister publication specialising on speedway in the 70s & 80s pays in-depth tribute to IVAN MAUGER 48 full colour pages dedicated to the man we believe was The Greatest ISSUE 86 (MAY-JUNE, 2018) WHEN the sad news reached us that Ivan Mauger had died in a Gold Coast nursing home, aged 78, on April 16, 2018, we decided there and then that issue of Backtrack would be devoted entirely to the memory of the man we recognise as the greatest-ever speedway rider. The special commemorative collectors' edition is packed with tributes from many of his biggest friends and rivals, including Ronnie Moore, Barry Briggs, Ole Olsen, Peter Collins and Anders Michanek, plus Bruce Penhall, Hans Nielsen and many others. We hear from Guy Allott and Gordon Stobbs, two key members of Ivan's mechanical support team. Supporters from all over the globe also share their personal memories of the great man, who played a very influential role in winning league championships with Newcastle, Belle Vue (three) and Exeter before leading Hull to their best-ever top tier season. For the statistically minded, we have the Mauger Timeline, Ivan's British League season-by-season career record, from 1965 to 1984, as well as his 'British Track Tour', listing every UK venue at which he rode (excluding training schools). Drawing on his past interviews in the magazine, we reproduce some of Ivan's thoughts on key subjects that affected his time in the game. Martin Rogers and Tony Mac offer their personal take on the man who changed the face of speedway forever. Our coverage of Ivan's funeral includes comments of appreciation from Ivan's three children. ------------------------------------ To order this single edition for £4.00 (plus £2 P&P if ordering from overseas), or subscribe for a year for £22 (UK), £29 (Europe & Ireland) or £37 (Rest of World), visit www.retro-speedway.com or phone 01708 734 502.
    3 points
  5. Traditional race sheet for 2018 Warsaw Speedway Grand Prix of Poland:- https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/20911/gp-2018-1-pdf-39k?da=y
    3 points
  6. A rod was made for their own back. Thursdays should have been the race night. Top league should have had priority. Simple as that. It's amazing the clubs couldn't see this coming, but the fans - once again - could.
    3 points
  7. I normally come on here to have a moan... there's so much to moan about, but last night the unthinkable happened!! I actually quite enjoyed a Speedway meeting for the first time in a long time! A nice evening, a well prepared track, the meeting being kept running at a good pace, 20 heats of good competitive action with some good racing all done in under 2 hours for £16! Now, if only every meeting could be like this...
    3 points
  8. Monday’s are not ideal wedged between Poland Sunday Sweden Tuesday and stock cars most weekends at Lynn but what are the options? Lynn as a club will suffer by signing Danish riders - how can fans be expected to turn up each meeting when we don’t have our own 1-7 we’ve had one home meeting with our own team . The organisation of speedway in this country = couldn’t organise piss up in brewery
    3 points
  9. Too true, I feel these fixed race night (FRN) idea is about 10 yrs too late. This should have been introduced to help and assist the schedule of those top riders when they rode over here, not wait till they had all gone before implementing the idea. But as like most things the BSPA do, the FRN has now been done solely to safeguard the promoters, giving them the opportunity to sign the riders for both leagues.. The main reason clubs like Ipswich and Sheffield refused to join the Premiership was that their teams are made up of riders doing both leagues... The only people to benefit from FRN are the riders.....
    3 points
  10. Sorry about that - just a bit too out of shape nowadays!
    2 points
  11. A fantastic result for the Comets tonight with some stand out performances from Ty, Dan and BWD, but with everyone chipping in. Same again at Glasgow on Sunday would be good. Bring it on.
    2 points
  12. You can't get banned for speaking the truth
    2 points
  13. You chat absolute bollox
    2 points
  14. What about Buckowski again - he is due a decent performance for Poole. Better still - what about Miedzinski? If all else fails what about coaxing Bjarne back? I was led to believe by some Poole fans in the past that riders were lining up to race for Poole rather than any other team. How is Poole’s huge asset list doing - surely someone on that wants to ride for the mighty pie rats?
    2 points
  15. Of course you want as many British lads in the top league as possible, but you can understand why promoters have gone for other alternatives ahead of Garrity and Auty. Garrity can't seem to do a full season without an injury somewhere along the line and Auty has been around for over ten years and averages under five in the top league mainly due to poor gating. Both are good to watch and for me would add something to the Premiership but you can see why clubs might see other riders as more reliable options.
    2 points
  16. the whole team is abysmal on shale. league champs on paper tho.
    2 points
  17. Reckon they know which visa is needed. As the article says stumbling blocks have been put in the way .
    2 points
  18. To be fair to SS, in a poor team it is easily possible to be the second best rider and still be abysmal.
    2 points
  19. If - as it seems - it is proving too difficult to get the 'top speedway riders' riding over here in this country despite moving to almost fixed day racing ( possibly because British Tracks cannot afford them ? ) ... then cannot be too far away from having one large League in GB surely ?
    2 points
  20. Kildermand had good scores in his first 3 meetings and Poole fans all wanted him to stay , now you fickle lot want him gone! He has been far from abysmal and dont forget he is riding in a poor team which will drain confidence to. Smolinski for Kildemand is quite simply shocking. He was awful in 2013 and he hardly getting better. If you think he is a better option than PK im astounded. The Holder issue is destroying Pooles season...............will he ever ride over here this year?
    2 points
  21. It's only below the Danish league because it voted itself to be.
    2 points
  22. Once the BSPA agreed to run on Wednesdays, this was always going to be the case. Teams like Leicester and Lynn, by their inclusion of Danish riders would always suffer the most. I cant believe the mentality of a committee that would agree to run on Wednesdays, knowing full well the Danes have priority on that day. To compound the situation, the Stars now have 4 Danish riders in their team. This could always be a stumbling block if we continue racing Wednesday meetings.. Also, because we have these FRN now, the chances of adequate replacement are slim. 2 other matches on that same night, leaving only Wolves or Belle Vue riders would be the only options available . So, by allowing the clubs to choose their race night, the BSPA has destroyed any chance of the Premiership running as a sustainable option. They've made a real 'Pigs Ear' of the whole mess, just to satisfy CL teams who race on Thursday. Once the UK had been given the priority on Thursdays, that had to be our FRN. Those clubs still wanting to retain those Thursdays should have been told it was a Premiership FRD. Either they race in the PL or choose another day. NB A few days back , I and a few others, were discussing the idea of the Stars doing well, and that each time we sense we could be in with a shout , something crops up, rules get changed, someone gets injured, too swarth our chances. it was said it happens everytime. A poster from Swindon even said they felt the same when they went years without success, but keep faith and it will come. It seems our chances this year could be destroyed before it has even begun. This will be our third home meeting of the season, and the second without a full team. What chances have we got to succeed when we cant even guarantee what the team will be.....
    2 points
  23. I've been a Poole supporter since the Sixties. I read this forum quite often, and get cheesed off at some attacking the poster. Gavan always comes in for a lot of criticism, as he chooses to make his opinions known about Poole. That is his choice, and I respect that. A "forum" means discussion. He raises many valid points, the majority of which have merit. If he gets his facts wrong, he admits it. I value his contributions, although it is apparent that many don't. As for Matt Ford Fan, I don't care who he is. I am interested in his contributions. Similarly, he raises many valuable points that I find worthy of discussion. gav
    2 points
  24. And they say that exercise is good for you!
    2 points
  25. Quite right Danny. it doesnt always work for a lot of people, but you will find some who will say, oh its worked for me to save face. As you and a lot on here know, ive just had a major brain tumour op in the last five months, im still recovering slowly. and its still very scary. I also suffer from Tinitus, im finding it hard to get it back down to the level it was before the op, hopefully it will but its not going to happen in 5 minutes. Axniety comes in different forms, mine stemmed from my panic attacks concurrant with this operation, id go to bed worrying if i was going to have one that night, they are not nice. Depression lives here, this is very hard, although ive come out, fairing better than a lot do after this op, its still hard and worrying, believe me, ive heard some stories from people who have had this op, ive been very, very lucky and had a very, good surgeon. but you have to occupy your mind to take it away, go for a walk in my case look at some racing form and breding or go for a walk, go and look round the shops, put on a DVD you know, you will watch, do something to take your mind away from any negative thoughts, take on positive thoughts. Not easy but it can be done. Willpower. Sometimes its good to talk to somebody who doesnt know you, but it would be far better to talk to somebody who does, providing they are re-assuring have patience and helpful. We all know what a problem it is getting an appointment with YOUR GP, but if you have questions you must ask, and your Dr will listen. make an appointment to see him/her as many times as you like, dont feel guilty, but you have to ask, it wont get offered., the same as if you speak to a specialist. Its also good to speak to somebody that has been through the same thing that gives you an insight, to hopefully, deal with it better. fight or flight, it works, but you have to make it happen. I am now in a position to talk to anybody who's had this op, i can give them an insight as to what to expect.. re-assurance these panic attacks do subside, the titainium pins will not move, dont do to much, you do get fatigued its normal. try not to get stressed , very hard nowadays, enlist as much help as you can from reliatives and friends/neighbours. but in my case you have to do it all, by the book, you dont bugger about with the Brain. Everybody has a different reason for there Aniety and depression, you have to find a way of dealing with it. In the meantime, my ears are singing like bloody canaries, and the head fluid is driving me round the bend, 1 2 3 and four...
    2 points
  26. Bloody hell, i agree It's Pooles engine room that haven't been firing. Stats don't lie..
    1 point
  27. Yesterday it was an ex Swindon rider. Today its the Finn. All winter it was a different team every week and then all this season its been constant updates of Daveys scores. Posts for attention only.
    1 point
  28. I have said before how lang can we wait for chris surely there got to be a deadline sometime. before matt says enough a enough otherwise will be also rans ?
    1 point
  29. So put the prices up and alienate more fans. Then to make a profit there will need to be another price hike to make the sport pay, but guess what? That price hike is driving more fans away too. There's only so many times you can put prices up. Speedway, literally a vicious circle in many ways.
    1 point
  30. Unless those boys' Danish clubs have chosen their teams for all matches in advance right through to end of season, how can their UK employers know how many Wednesdays they will be missing especially when Wenesday is the internationally agreed priority day for Denmark? Sounds like complete horsesh**te to me if a UK promoter claims to know
    1 point
  31. if you are still in the comp for round 2 could you edit the original bet rather than having 2 different bets.
    1 point
  32. Not great Geoff, feel sorry for Laura and Jacko must be a nightmare sorting guests out !! We are without Dan Bewley and BWD I think next weekend for our Scunny fixtures , hopefully we can field our 1-7 for Sheffield away on 24th May. From what I can see we don't have another Home meeting until Saturday 23rd June which is 5 weeks after next Saturday !!
    1 point
  33. Oh how low have Poole’s ambitions sunk.
    1 point
  34. Hope it doesn't affect his GP summarising with Natalie on Saturday?!
    1 point
  35. This has now gone past the joke stage why are we at peterborough on there off night with yet again without a full team.3 months into the season and we have yet to field a full team after allmost 48 yrs being a sppedway fanatic its time to walk away .
    1 point
  36. So now the reality is dawning. The flagship UK league, now below the Danish league in the pecking order and most likely also below the Polish second division too. And shafted by a couple of clubs from the lower UK league. It's doomed, I tell ye.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Bjerre and MPT obviously signed after fixtures were scheduled but even so this match should never have been planned on a night when three others were missing. As others have said if there aren't suitable Wednesdays it should have been on a Monday, even if riders don't like flying back to the UK in between Poland and Sweden.
    1 point
  39. If that’s the case count me out of this one as well - whoever had the brainwave to race on a Wednesday? Absolutely clueless- should definitely have been Monday and Thursday - Think you have to question why KL doesn’t race Monday’s not an ideal night but we just might see our full team and visiting team .
    1 point
  40. Rawicz v Poznan Saturday May 5th
    1 point
  41. We will see tomorrow he’s only had one great meeting! Hopefully he can continue on from Sunday
    1 point
  42. Looks like this could be another tight meeting, we'll need all 7 riders to be scoring points if we're looking to win , Starke is a decent choice as guest & and I'm sure Ben will be as good value as he usually is , always entertaining to watch
    1 point
  43. Timo Lahti next
    1 point
  44. Unfortunately, the precedent has been set with the signing of MS and Sundstrom on historic averages. Surely, not even the BSPA could apply different rules for Smolinski. I can't see this being true.
    1 point
  45. The club keeps on giving for people to criticise.
    1 point
  46. That's a very naive statement. Things have worked for you and that's pleasing. For me no amount of medication or therapy is working. Had all sorts of counselling and every antidepressants going to no avail, been out of work for 2yrs now through this, all started from a bang to the head. There is no 1 quick fix to everybody's evils, we're all different.
    1 point
  47. The key is overseas rider ..Woffy is not a overseas rider ..most riders no matter what ride in there own league ...most people can live with the fact he can make more money in Poland and Sweden and does not ride here that is fair enough, but not turning up for the world cup and the British Title is not in most people's eyes .
    1 point
  48. Most of them have been missing every meeting so far!!
    1 point
  49. But its fine for posts suggesting Peterborough dont pay there riders
    1 point
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