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Encouraging news from Brummies twitter feed " TEAM Manager Laurence Rogers has been to visit Mitchell Davey in hospital and the positive news is that Mitch is in high spirits and is talkative but understandably very tired. "8 points
8 points
Best wishes for speedy recoveries to Mitchell Davey, Sam Bebee and Jordan Jenkins. Mitchell's injuries have been listed above, but let's not forget Bebee's broken wrist and Jenkins's three broken vertebrae in his lower back. These lads paid a heavy price for our entertainment last night. Let it not be forgotten when the BEN Fund collections come round later in the year.6 points
My thoughts are with the injured riders tonight after two horrible crashes. Firstly to Mitchell Davey, it was horrible to witness that and to see riders pile into him when he was on the track is something you never want to see. I was a bit concerned when the track staff were asked to form a barrier around Mitchell when the paramedics were treating him on the track and Mitchells parents who had flown over were called out to the track. Thankfully they said he was conscious but I send all my best wishes to Mitch. Also Sam Bebee as well who himself was on the end of a serious crash a season or so back, he had to withdraw with a wrist injuries from the same crash, best wishes to him. Ive seen a few riders come off on bend 4 but Jordan Jenkins really hit the wooden fence hard. After some time down he got up and into the ambulance, so I hope he is okay. Its nights like tonight you realise what a superb job the paramedics do, I take my hat off to them. Once again I hope all the riders tonight make a full recovery.6 points
That's a very naive statement. Things have worked for you and that's pleasing. For me no amount of medication or therapy is working. Had all sorts of counselling and every antidepressants going to no avail, been out of work for 2yrs now through this, all started from a bang to the head. There is no 1 quick fix to everybody's evils, we're all different.5 points
He's a man of his word so he may well honour it. You might need to give him your name tho..4 points
Ford trying to reconstruct the all conquering Coventry team of 2007. Always been jealous. Next signing Billy Janniro.4 points
Just seen a messge from the Jenkins family stating that Jordan went back into to hospital earlier today and has now got confirmation of broken vertebrae too. Terrible news and all the best there too4 points
Quite right Danny. it doesnt always work for a lot of people, but you will find some who will say, oh its worked for me to save face. As you and a lot on here know, ive just had a major brain tumour op in the last five months, im still recovering slowly. and its still very scary. I also suffer from Tinitus, im finding it hard to get it back down to the level it was before the op, hopefully it will but its not going to happen in 5 minutes. Axniety comes in different forms, mine stemmed from my panic attacks concurrant with this operation, id go to bed worrying if i was going to have one that night, they are not nice. Depression lives here, this is very hard, although ive come out, fairing better than a lot do after this op, its still hard and worrying, believe me, ive heard some stories from people who have had this op, ive been very, very lucky and had a very, good surgeon. but you have to occupy your mind to take it away, go for a walk in my case look at some racing form and breding or go for a walk, go and look round the shops, put on a DVD you know, you will watch, do something to take your mind away from any negative thoughts, take on positive thoughts. Not easy but it can be done. Willpower. Sometimes its good to talk to somebody who doesnt know you, but it would be far better to talk to somebody who does, providing they are re-assuring have patience and helpful. We all know what a problem it is getting an appointment with YOUR GP, but if you have questions you must ask, and your Dr will listen. make an appointment to see him/her as many times as you like, dont feel guilty, but you have to ask, it wont get offered., the same as if you speak to a specialist. Its also good to speak to somebody that has been through the same thing that gives you an insight, to hopefully, deal with it better. fight or flight, it works, but you have to make it happen. I am now in a position to talk to anybody who's had this op, i can give them an insight as to what to expect.. re-assurance these panic attacks do subside, the titainium pins will not move, dont do to much, you do get fatigued its normal. try not to get stressed , very hard nowadays, enlist as much help as you can from reliatives and friends/neighbours. but in my case you have to do it all, by the book, you dont bugger about with the Brain. Everybody has a different reason for there Aniety and depression, you have to find a way of dealing with it. In the meantime, my ears are singing like bloody canaries, and the head fluid is driving me round the bend, 1 2 3 and four...4 points
Thats some list! No mention of head injury so hope that means initial fears with that have subsided. All the best to Mitchell and his family. Also need to acknowledge the fantastic work of medical team at the track (and indeed those all around the country)4 points
Best wishes to Mitchell, Donna and his parents, our thoughts are with you. It’s awful that his parents had to witness it but good they weren’t on the other side of the world Also best wishes to the other 2 lads4 points
Amen, very much so sid thank you. I met a girl at the brain injury group last friday who had the same op as me. She spent 11 days on ITU, then when she came out of hospital didnt leave the house for 5 mths. she had all the same post op symptoms concurrant with this op ie the panic attacks the extreme tiredness fatigue. She has half an eye on her right side . She could not believe i was sitting there like i am. I have so many people , poole fans coming up to me, shaking my hand and asking as to my welbeing, fans say they pray for me its humbling mate. I have OT's drs consultants my surgeon who is always, happy to talk if he's not in theatre. my GP who i have known sinse he was a medical student. As i have said before, the tumour was 2 inchs in diameter totally benign, it was a very deliacate operation. Some patients come out of this and not able to eat whole food, it has to be liquidised, i went straight on to solids without giving it a second thought. the following day i was up out of bed talking to the other patients My surgeon says it is highly, unlikely it will come back, they got it all out what they could see with the naked eyes, ie microscoped glasses, and the CT scan the following day backed that up. I have all my faculties i walk a lot, but have done no proper exercises for 5 mths, i have a physio coming to my house in 2 weeks time to work with me to sort out what i can do all arranged by the brain injury OT team. atm my nose is bunged up and my ears are going mad, the fluid sits then runs like a waterfall, you think its running down your face, but its not. Nothing is set in stone mate, so i want to do what i can, bucket list while i can, we are only here a short time in reality, so you have to do that, this has changed my life outlook big time, i will have MRI scans for the next 4 years, they will be a worry, everytime. But, i say to all those suffering from depression and axniety, ask yourself the question, why ? write it down if nessercary ask questions, believe me, ive been through hell and back but, there are a lot worse than me, and those that sadly dont make it. You are alive, you can go out you can do what you want to do. Theres a 43 yr old lad who comes to the headway group who is confined to a motorised wheelchair, his car was hit by a lorry 20 years ago whist the prat in the lorry was on his mobile, imagine what he went through, i wouldnt like to guess. There are many selfish people in this world, take a walk round the cancer wards or the Neuro surgical wards, they might just think differently. I owe my life to my surgeon, and a very dear friend of mine jayne, who i have known for 37 years who was before she retired senior Nursing coo- ordinator of poole maternity unit i went to see her before christmas she took me to cas, had she not been there, because she worked odd days gawd knows what might have happened to me. Whilst in poole general, i had a massive panic attack where my blood went wrong that was very scary, i lost hair in the op i have a numb righthandside of my head, but, im here im living walking talking seeing hearing and am very very greatful for that. It could have been oh so much worse. and i will always, remember that.3 points
3 points
Deary me what an appalling set of injuries to all concerned. Best wishes to all involved. Mitch is one of the nicest lads around. But has never had any good luck.3 points
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I might be a critic of the club but you are going way way over the top saying that .3 points
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My thoughts go out to Mitchell, our beloved sport can be so cruel at times. I hope that the lad can make a full recovery, never nice to read the full extent of the injuries.3 points
In which case surely you must get the reasoning behind starting at 19:45? I understand what you say about being bothered though....if you add into the mix the cost, often dodgy weather, teams turning up understrength, our team being understrength and other sport on telly it's often easier and less risk to stay at home whereas years ago people went come what may. In general speedway promotions need to do and offer more to get people out of their front door and to the stadium.3 points
attendance not great,track seemed good,initially racing somewhat processional but got much better,doyle rode and won like the world champion he is,overall an enjoyable meeting,though bloody cold3 points
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Smolinski is not a Pole and Woryna has not proved a dud yet, he will come good, Sundstrom is the one that needs to go .2 points
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Mind you Kildemand has been crap recently. Also worked as an agent for Swindon the other night. 28 day's will hopefully pass very quickly.2 points
It is a tad lopsided with Poole in 3 also, maybe they are giving those without playoff hopes a bit of exposure?2 points
I've also seen on social media that it could be a double change with Sundstrum out and David Stachyra coming back in. The 100k ear marked for Dudek will now be put aside to pay the Swindon riders when they visit 4 point road later in the season.2 points
Note Smoli just won long track. As a LT race is c.3 times longer than Speedway , maybe if he starts in Heat 1 (say) he might win Heat 3?! Just a (silly) thought....2 points
100k offer for Dudek. Pawlicki waiting in the wings. But its Smolinski to save the day!!!2 points
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Badge I am a Poole fan and go every week and some away meetings and sometimes lately this forum has gone over the top re insults to Poole and some of its fans but your reply to Lisa is a funny one that would cause no insult to anyone which surely is the way to go when we have banter between fans2 points
2 points
Unfortunately, the precedent has been set with the signing of MS and Sundstrom on historic averages. Surely, not even the BSPA could apply different rules for Smolinski. I can't see this being true.2 points
This series needs knocking on the head, abysmal. When the rider's are asked what they like about the series they're fumbling around trying hard to think of an answer accept for the real reason, it pays well. To be constantly asking that question to the rider's I get the impression they're getting desperate to sell the product to tv companies and the paying public.2 points
I'm going to leave it there because with all due respect it's difficult to reason with somebody who is only interesed in running the club down at any opportunity.2 points
I think that’s unfair tbh as the two things are unrelated but now isn’t the time to debate it. Those are significant injuries and I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.2 points
Out of £10 the VAT would be £1.66, but that is neither here nor there. Each to his own, and each makes a call on what they're willing to pay out of their disposable income. That said, it's crazy to think that to attend at Kent with a programme would cost £16, whilst I can go an watch the Premiership Champions for £17 including a programme. I know which I would see as better VFM2 points
They did it last year in not telling us riders were missing until we got through the gate. I believe if Lambert & or Iversen is missing due to riding in Denmark it will hit the attendances quite hard.2 points
Dave Gifford , Ross Gilbertson,Graeme Smith,Barney Kennett,Kelvin Mullarkey all great servants to speedway and were all real characters.2 points
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Not sure he did not ride for the reasons he stated ..not sure he's back because of the investment but more likely that the final is l at his home track ..it's amazing that people just take in everything he tells them2 points
What is the preferred option at Rye House? According to the SGB website the Rye House riders were born in 76, 78, 82, 84, 86, 88 and 97 (usual line up after injury). The Berwick riders were born in 80, 82, 88, 91, 94, 94 and 95. I would say the Berwick team is younger than the Rye team.2 points
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Hi Everyone Thanks for all the very interesting views on this thread. As you know we are in a unique place which pretty much prevents us from being an attractive offer to the next 15 year old starlet unless we can find them ourselves. This is indeed one of the primary reasons for developing My First Skid, entering the Wizards into the SDL because we know we have to find our own and even when we do, we equally know we have to fend off the other clubs. However, we almost managed to get a starlet this year, even had a place for him at the local school that sponsors the club... but brighter lights pulled him away. But we do now have some prospects coming through, at all ages so now the work begins to develop them. Our other weakness is loyalty to or riders... we know that....... but its because Martin and I have a vision of speedway and we have really tried to stick to that. Jamie was probably the hardest (and possibly the best) decision we made. Jamie is family to us, but this year we had too many tough meetings perhaps too quickly and something had to change and Jamie was the person. But of course Jamie stays with the club, he will Captain the Wizards, be our number 8 and we want him back in the team - he is good enough once we iron out his one or two weaknesses we have discussed with him. He is working on them, with our support and this is why the decision was right. I am as disappointed with the results as the next person.... it hurts me, well it hurts us all. Few of you will really know what goes on in the build up to a speedway meeting, the preparation, the marketing, the track work, purchasing, printing, administration, coordination and so on.... it's no small task in fact its an enormous task and then when your side comes and you feel that hey...something isnt right, I cannot see the effort from them that I have given myself... why not...and then we lose.... it is a pain that rips everything out of you. We should have beaten both Plymouth and Eastbourne, but we didn't. The middle order have to step up and start delivering for us to achieve our goals and believe me we are never complacent, we perhaps care too much for our riders, but we never want to lose. All I want is a club that breaks even, provides great family fun, top racing and Martin, our staff and I are treated with respect for our efforts to make our club and both teams the best they can be. Right.... I am off to work out how we are going to stuff Coventry Always look forward and not back. See you trackside.2 points
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I don't think racing is much different now to 50 years ago. Just lower crowds, less atmosphere, for whatever reason, cost, non Saturday's, no local riders etc., I still enjoy my nights at The Abbey, and a few new fans family and friends are attending after not having been for years1 point