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I can see both sides of this one but surely common sense would say it would have been easier to put Cook in the other semi bearing in mind this is the first GP of the season and it’s obviously a big deal for Craig. Somewhat ironic that GB are trying to get Woffinden back for the Speedway Nations and now appear to be trying to upset his obvious choice of partner. The words piss up and brewery spring to mind.9 points
He rides for King's Lynn, our home meetings are Wednesday. Denmark should not be priority over a British fixture for a British rider.8 points
Perhaps he was hoping that the BSPA would see sense and put him in the Leicester meeting. It's ok pointing out that it is possible for him to fly out on Friday but we should remember that Craig has been brave enough to talk openly about his anxiety problems. This is a new experience for Craig and maybe when he gets into the routine of traveling to GP's he will be less concerned but he had understandably decided that it would put less pressure on him, for this first GP, to travel on Thursday, with no worries about flight delays and then stay in a hotel and be fully rested before the practice on Friday. Those who have to fly to appointments or to catch connecting flights abroad will know that it always adds stress when you have little leeway for delays and can mean that you don't get a good night's sleep the night before. This is a very important career step for Craig and the least the BSPA could do is to help remove any obstacles in his path. Riders have often been switched between semi finals in similar meetings so it's not asking much for the BSPA to help a British rider have the best opportunity to prepare for a vitally important meeting. They will be quick enough to publicise his success if he does well.8 points
We've had discussions about Robert Lambert and last minute flights for them to only get cancelled and miss the Leicester meeting. People are now encouraging Cook to make the same mistake it's absurd. Yes, people have done it in the past bit they were seasoned GP rider's. This is the first GP of the series and Craig's first (and probably only) time at being a GP rider. Being the first meeting Craig will need the extra time (as all the GP guys will) to make sure all their ducks are in a row. It's irrelevant that last minute flights are available, or my mates got a helicopter, or my dad's got the fastest taxi in the world argument. The point is this is probably Craig's only crack at the GP's, if you can't see the fault of the SCB/BSPA in seeding him into British Semi on the Thursday then you're clearly as stupid as the SCB/BSPA7 points
Working out well, isn't it? This British Speedway riding on a Wednesday thing.6 points
Hi Everyone Thanks for all the very interesting views on this thread. As you know we are in a unique place which pretty much prevents us from being an attractive offer to the next 15 year old starlet unless we can find them ourselves. This is indeed one of the primary reasons for developing My First Skid, entering the Wizards into the SDL because we know we have to find our own and even when we do, we equally know we have to fend off the other clubs. However, we almost managed to get a starlet this year, even had a place for him at the local school that sponsors the club... but brighter lights pulled him away. But we do now have some prospects coming through, at all ages so now the work begins to develop them. Our other weakness is loyalty to or riders... we know that....... but its because Martin and I have a vision of speedway and we have really tried to stick to that. Jamie was probably the hardest (and possibly the best) decision we made. Jamie is family to us, but this year we had too many tough meetings perhaps too quickly and something had to change and Jamie was the person. But of course Jamie stays with the club, he will Captain the Wizards, be our number 8 and we want him back in the team - he is good enough once we iron out his one or two weaknesses we have discussed with him. He is working on them, with our support and this is why the decision was right. I am as disappointed with the results as the next person.... it hurts me, well it hurts us all. Few of you will really know what goes on in the build up to a speedway meeting, the preparation, the marketing, the track work, purchasing, printing, administration, coordination and so on.... it's no small task in fact its an enormous task and then when your side comes and you feel that hey...something isnt right, I cannot see the effort from them that I have given myself... why not...and then we lose.... it is a pain that rips everything out of you. We should have beaten both Plymouth and Eastbourne, but we didn't. The middle order have to step up and start delivering for us to achieve our goals and believe me we are never complacent, we perhaps care too much for our riders, but we never want to lose. All I want is a club that breaks even, provides great family fun, top racing and Martin, our staff and I are treated with respect for our efforts to make our club and both teams the best they can be. Right.... I am off to work out how we are going to stuff Coventry Always look forward and not back. See you trackside.5 points
Same reasons why the PDC Darts is "booming" and the BDO darts is "on its arse"... Marketing and Hype! Two Governing Bodies in exactly the same sport, sometimes using the same competitors, but one is ran by an independent leadership team, made up of successful business people who bring in experts in sports administration and marketing to bring credibility, integrity and 'Brand awareness'. 'Brand awareness' that results in excellent TV coverage and sponsorship from National Companies, eager to be associated with it knowing that their target audience will be in attendance. This then allows admission charges to be set at a level that encourages rather than dissuades that attendance.. Whilst the other tries to 'self govern' and is led by (no doubt) well meaning people, who may be successful in their own field, but simply don't possess the necessary skill sets to administrate and effectively promote a National Sport, nor, it would appear to have the acumen to surround themselves with the people needed who can.... Which all results in 'cobbled together' Competitions, of very little worth, with very little TV presence, meaning hardly any major sponsorship is forthcoming as the demographic (and total numbers) of the audience doesnt justify the outlay... This then leads to admission costs which inhibit rather than attract followers as they have to be set at a level that tries to recover the costs involved from an ever dwindling fanbase.. The most concerning barometer of where the Sport is for me, is the simple fact that at many tracks kids are allowed in for free or just a nominal amount, yet there are hardly any of them there... "Even free Speedway isnt deemed to be worth attending", seems to be the clear feedback... It really now has to be time for the Sport to go "all in" and get itself a proper marketing company with a strong track record to promote it.. Redirect some of the millions it currently pays out to riders each season and see if it can be marketed or 'hyped' to get people in through its doors.. It is said that the definition of insanity is "Always doing the same thing over and over again, but each time you do it, you are expecting a different result".. If Speedway doesn't change, (and radically) soon, the men with the straight jackets might not be too far away... And maybe, sadly, followed closely behind by the undertakers..?5 points
Yes, it's Victor Meldrew time again. Well can you believe it? First we have the Stoke debacle against Belle Vue last Saturday (Furbar's match report on page 3 of the appropriate thread explains all) that doesn't even warrant an investigation... ...and yet James Cockle gets an instant 28 day ban for the crime of bringing the sport into disrepute for speaking his mind on social media. Now, I'm not going to defend Cockle, nor do I even know what he said. Maybe the punishment is fair. But the point is, how come Stoke don't get a 28 day ban for the same crime? Then, can you then believe the stupidity of the SCB / BSPA when they show their determination to score a hat-trick of absurdities? GB has one sole representive in the SGP series. Training for the Warsaw SGP begins on Friday 11th, so what do the SCB / BSPA do? Instead of working around the fixture by entering Cook into the Leicester Semi-Final on the 15th, they enter him into the British Semi-final at Sheffield on Thursday 10th, ensuring that Cook misses his flights to Poland and will only get to take part in SGP training if he gets an O'Christ Hundred Hours flight from East Midlands or London, that will get him to the stadium with an hour or two to spare, IF all goes well, and all that on zero quality sleep. What a way to treat your prized asset. Now I'm no fan of Cook but this is just plain stupidity on the part of the SCB / BSPA and shows sheer spite for anyone who dares to better their lives outside of the hallowed realm of British Speedway. The SCB / BSPA are shooting the sport in the foot with a machine gun. And who knows, there's plenty of time yet. Craig Cook may have his dilema resolved with a 28 day ban for blarting out on social media as well.4 points
My thoughts are with the injured riders tonight after two horrible crashes. Firstly to Mitchell Davey, it was horrible to witness that and to see riders pile into him when he was on the track is something you never want to see. I was a bit concerned when the track staff were asked to form a barrier around Mitchell when the paramedics were treating him on the track and Mitchells parents who had flown over were called out to the track. Thankfully they said he was conscious but I send all my best wishes to Mitch. Also Sam Bebee as well who himself was on the end of a serious crash a season or so back, he had to withdraw with a wrist injuries from the same crash, best wishes to him. Ive seen a few riders come off on bend 4 but Jordan Jenkins really hit the wooden fence hard. After some time down he got up and into the ambulance, so I hope he is okay. Its nights like tonight you realise what a superb job the paramedics do, I take my hat off to them. Once again I hope all the riders tonight make a full recovery.4 points
This is all a far cry from those heady days at Hyde road, when this meeting used to be one of the highlights of the season.4 points
That's not a deterioration that's a bonus, much rather see Adam Ellis ride.4 points
Totally meaningless meeting now needs to be run end of the season on a Saturday night4 points
4 points
Or at the very start of the season before Poland and Sweden kick off as the end of the season often sees a few unexpected 'illnesses and injuries'..! In fact, launch the Speedway Season on the back of it... Run it at the NSS, no better place to 'showcase' the Sport than watching the best riders in domestic speedway riding on such a fantastic race track with modern stadium facilities... Do a fan zone in Mcr City Centre on the Friday and Saturday with all tracks in attendance.... Maybe even run the Championship Riders the day after and make a Speedway Weekend out of it...? (Wouldnt cost too much in hotels for the riders to stay over on Saturday night too as many will have 'qualified' for both meetings!)..3 points
Denmark has priority on a Wednesday. It was agreed. Britain has priority on Monday and Thursday.3 points
Probably not but on a Saturday night under lights at end of September- this meeting has so much history and deserves more respect from riders and promotions .3 points
That's a question that has been asked many times in the past couple of years, but the fact is the 'guy' is a serial misser of meetings ....3 points
3 points
Brutal, but accurate assessment of where we are. Hardly any new blood coming through the turnstiles, not surprising given a product that hardly anyone recognises. Weekday (school day) meetings not good for B.V. as no kids often means no adults too. The actual racing at B.V. is on the whole really good and our Promotion tries hard, but B.V. had no vote in something that has fundamentally altered its' business model - how can this be right?3 points
There should be an easy way for CC to make the Friday practice on an early flight but it would have been so easy for the British authorities to have smoothed his passage on his first appearance as a fully fledged SGP rider. Most other nations would probably have given him that extra assistance. Rather than all the flim-flam of airy-fairy promises from the new GB set up .... I would have thought to be a much more effective role for them to play in helping the riders. I imagine getting to the GP a little earlier to settle would be far more useful for a nervy character like Cook than an army of back room staff at a centre of excellence fannying around in matching polo shirts. But that is not their remit.3 points
Blimey a post about speedway that appears informed and based on fact and some opinion from someone who is a fan rather than a travel agent.3 points
Thought the meeting was quite good, it's always difficult to get the water into the base of a track in +24c and a warm breeze.... I would also like to say that I have watched all the Polish meetings this season on freesport, and OK, the presentation, crowd levels are at a different level, the racing is very much processional, at least until the dirt is moved out, which seems to take until heats 7 to 9, then there's some passing, pretty much seems standard, wherever or whatever league you watch.... Its definitely not as good as some state on this forum, or any other social media...3 points
3 points
So your telling us speedway riders book several flights for just 1 journey no dougt Robert had several options, an chose an airport nearest to Leicester landing in at 1.30 allowed him plenty of time, common sense I heard he even tried to get onto the Flight into Luton but was fully booked saying he should publicly apologise I think he have on his racing page but honestly why should he, when it wasn’t his fault, think he did put a picture up on twitter showing his flight was delayed3 points
So no riders have ever ridden Thursday nights in the UK before the Friday GP practice ?? Maybe we should try and organise a collection to see if we can raise £110 for his flight.3 points
I would like the governing body to carry out a safety audit at Loomer Road to ensure that the facility is fit for purpose. This would include testing of all electrical installations by a correctly qualified and registered electrician. The eventual outcome would be that the necessary work is carried out and the venue can be brought up to an acceptable standard whereby nobody's health, safety or well-being is detrimented by any factor which might be reasonably foreseen to cause such detriment. That's pretty reasonable don't you think, Adonis?3 points
A big crowd at Stoke last night, but those who stayed away missed another Speedway Extravanganza at the Stadium of Wonky Light. A dodgy-awfully prepared track sent entertainment values soaring. If you blinked you might miss another faller. Stoke delivered on their aim to have fallers into double figures (10 at the last count). Where else in world speedway can you see 7 out of 15 heats awarded due to falls? Fantastic stuff. Why don't other clubs booby-trap the track in this way? Stoke convincingly won 8 falls to 2, which excited the crowd so much that they lifted the roof off the grandstand (at least I presume that's why parts of the bar ceiling are falling in). But despite winning on falls, Stoke lost by 7 submissions and numerous knockouts (mostly knockout blows to the credibility of the sport). Back to the beginning, Stoke started with a minute's silence for Roy Smallwood MBE (since he had worked at Stoke for over 40 years, an MBE seemed most insulting. He should have been given the George Cross for acts of heroism in extreme danger). I don't know if Roy was a good man or a bad man, but even if he is now in hell being tortured for all eternity, we can feel content that he is in a better place than Stoke. Roy was pictured in the programme in a 50s Teddy Boy suit. The picture was taken the last time the Stoke electrics didn't fail. Despite being dead, Roy was still in the programme's officials' list as the Pits Gate Manager. Then the announcer. It was his first time. Not just his first time announcing, but his first time at speedway (possibly his first time out of the house). He had no idea what was happening. Remember the taxi driver interviewed on BBC by mistake? It was far worse. The poor sod tried to hand over to a centre green presenter, but the presenter had no microphone. So the confused newbie had to read out Belle Vue names he'd never heard of all by himself, such as Ken Dicken and Joe Lola. The hapless announcer must have thought he had been duped into the Jeremy Beadle show, except for the fact that Beadle has been dead for 10 years, and is now presumably working as the Stoke Pits Marshal. Heat 1 and novice O'Keefe leads from the far better Clegg and Perry. He realises this is wrong and throws the bike at the fence to become first faller. SUN BREAK Heat 2 and O'Keefe becomes the first rider to cause an awarded race. Heat 4. O'Keefe retires and Shuttleworth inspects the "shale" to give BV an awarded 5-0 (Shuttleworth's first of 3 track inspections). SUN BREAK Heat 5 All 4 riders finish. This is to be an extreme rare occurance. Heat 7 Awarded again as the hungry Shuttleworth eats more "shale" Heat 10. Alcock falls, and Clegg goes an unexplained splat while in a comfortable lead. Awarded 5-0 Heat 13 Smith is the first BV faller, trying to use the outside on the first bend. (You can't do that). In the re-run tired Shuttleworth needs a third lie down on the track. Awarded Heat 14 Who else but O'Keefe falls. The ref puts on the red light and fuses the whole stadium. He's been over-using the red light. (Remember in the 70s when it got cold and you had to switch off the TV before you could put on the second bar of the electric fire, or else risk fusing the whole street? The City of Stoke still runs like this). The referee is warned that he must not use the red lights again. To do so would damage the flux-capacitor, destroy the space-time continuum, and we'd all be stuck here in 1955 with Biff Tattum, and Roy Smallwood playing Johnny B Goode whilst dressed as Stoke's answer to Showaddywaady..... Shoddyshoddy. The ref agrees that when the inevitable awarding of heat 15 happens, the race will be stopped by hand signals and the shouting of the moronic announcer, which will alert members of the track staff to wave red flags (the ones that are still alive anyway - Roy and Beadle are excused duty). Heat 15 and an actual race develops between Atkin and Lawlor. Perry is a distance back in 3rd, Clegg further back stone last. Lawlor chases Atkin and just gets ahead up the back straight. Atkin faces being moved into the outer part of the 3rd bend track (here be dragons) and tries to resist. The two collide and the race needs to be awarded. (the 3rd awarded race in a row, 7th of the night). The Announcer then announces Perry (who was minding his own business back in third) is excluded. The win awarded to Max Clegg (who was stone last). The announcer returns minutes later (possibly with a referees hands around his throat) to change the exclusion to Lawlor...but still has the awarded places wrong. After a further few minutes it is changed again. The MDL match is cancelled and everyone leaves, completely unsure on the final score or the final awarded decision of heat 15.3 points
Not sure he did not ride for the reasons he stated ..not sure he's back because of the investment but more likely that the final is l at his home track ..it's amazing that people just take in everything he tells them2 points
Described by the doctor on scene as a 'massive head injury'. Riders crying and the management in complete shock. Let's hope it isn't as bad as feared for Davey. Thoughts are with Mitch and his family tho. It's not a night I can say I feel happy about being part of and one of the dreadful things staff have to witness up close.2 points
2 dreadful crashes marred what was looking like a good meeting. The heat 5 crash was one of the worst I've seen in a long while. Well wishes to Jordan Jenkins (heat 12), Sam Bebee and of course Mitchell Davey. Paramedics, riders and staff showed major concern for Mitch who was described as having a 'massive head trauma' by the doctor on scene. Fingers crossed all riders recover well.2 points
It was at Belle Vue every year for decades. It was never a problem, it was brilliant. It's HOME is Belle Vue. The new Belle Vue stadium and track offered a fantastic opportunity to build this event back up towards the level of prestige it once held.. that's been ruined. As usual!2 points
For me.... The NSS should become 'Speedway's Wembley'... Modern facilities which followers of other sports would expect should they attend a meeting, AND a fantastic race track on which to showcase Speedway racing at its very, very best.. All done approx 1 mile away from city centre Manchester (which is quite probably the Sporting Capital of Britain)... The Sport desperately needs a 'hub', and with the office facilities there as well, making the NSS the administration centre would also make sense.. Very Central too with excellent motorway, rail and coach route links... I personally don't attend every meeting there, and wouldn't attend all the 'big ones' so it doesn't really bother me either way, however the Sport needs a big profile boost and where better than gaining it at the home of the Belle Vue Aces (one of very few Speedway teams non followers can name) in a vibrant, major city renowned for Sporting success? It won't happen of course as there will be plenty wanting their own little slice of the action, however tiny that action in reality is...2 points
Sorry but if he can’t control his nerves he shouldn’t be a speedway rider- lining up for his 1st race on Saturday night in front of 50000 cheering Poles will be the ultimate test(straight through the tapes i wouldn’t wonder)2 points
If he's as fast as he was on Monday he could be up there with the leaders.2 points
It was quite simple wasn't it? Monday - Britain Tuesday - Sweden Wednesday - Denmark Thursday - Britain Friday - Poland Saturday - Poland Sunday - Poland.. Everyone leaves the meetings with agreed proposals.. Cannot think how it all went wrong.. (Amazed Poland didn't fight for Monday's and give up one of their weekend days)..2 points
Another one who has history of pulling out of these meetings, hope he has a doctor's note this time2 points
amazing how these meetings seem to always deteriorate as start time approaches2 points
Maybe his contract with Denmark was signed when it was declared that GB Speedway would be Monday & Thursday?2 points
Apparently riding in the Danish league which takes priority, it takes something beginning with P but priority isn't it !!!!2 points
Total embarrassment for those of us that care about U.K. Speedway - the in-form rider of the moment Robert Lambert misses this meant to be prestigious event. Is there no one in U.K. speedway capable of fixture planning?2 points
The PDC and BDO do 'share' competitors for various events through the year, (now where have we seen that before?) with The Grand Slam Of Darts being the most well known... And to be fair, several BDO lads do hold their own in that competition, usually until the later stages when the matches get longer.. Although there is an obvious difference in the overall standard between the two, that difference in the competitors capabilites is no where near as wide as the HUGE gulf in how both sports are promoted, marketed and, at the event, presented to the fans by their respective controlling bodies... Truly is 'chalk and cheese'... One tries to deliver a night of noise, colour, excitement and encourages audience participation, where you come away from it very content that you got value for your money, and (probably more importantly), will attend again.. The other is sat in a time warp that has never even reached the end of the 20th Century, never mind being fit for purpose to be successful well into the 21st.... Spookily similar to Poland and Britain's philosophy on how they run their Speedway I would suggest...2 points
2 points
Changed the rules in the winter then no doubt changed them back again not telling anyone, then change them back again not telling anyone again, go for a ploughmans lunch have a few beers arse about with the averages over several bottles of wine in the beer garden and change the rules again hoping we all have ESP in order to know whats going on. Do you think i am being overly sarcastic or have i got it just about right.2 points
2 points
Knee jerk - anyone who thinks this side is not destined for the wooden spoon unless changes are made, is delusional - at least three of the side should be worried. It would be four with Barker in the firing line if anyone decent was out there to come in, but as it stands he will get off with his poor start which seems to be machinery related - but he needs to sort it out, and quick. As it stands - Busch clearly stays, and the BA brothers are good second stringers if not a bit better but that aside the rest have been woeful and none could complain about being dropped.2 points
It's certainly good news, we just want Cookie back to his best and Robert Lambert as our under 21 reserve and that would be a pretty good team.2 points
Blimey !!! I thought no one would stumble across how i do the spreads !!!!2 points
2 points
Love all these comments from those who may book one flight a year to Ibiza. Riders look at their and airline schedules. Riga to East Midlands was perfect for Robert, he probably booked it 10 days ago having seen it arriving in very good time to get to Leicester. Masters was racing in Manchester so naturally he booked a Manchester flight. Without Ryanair riders would not be able to ride Uk, Poland, Sweden and Denmark. No other airline flies to so many speedway cities. Ryanair (whether you like or dislike) are very efficient and major delays are very infrequent. If Ryanair didn’t fly to so many Polish cities, well I know where the riders would be living for those who have Polish teams and UK speedway would not be feasible. Unfortunately Robert chose a flight a 12.30 flight (10.30 UK time ) which got delayed - not for a couple hours but I believe 7 hours. I’m more surprised more riders don’t miss meetings due to flight delays. Someone suggested he missed flight on purpose as could take ferry to Stockholm from Riga for tonight’s Rospiggarna away meeting. Those who have spoken to Robert, know his mechanics dropped him at Riga airport and caught ferry. Having paid for flight to EMidlands and then flight to Skanska Sweden today. He lost both those flight costs, points earnings and had to buy a flight from Riga to Skanska to catch up with his van. So get over it, he missed a meeting. C’est la vie !2 points
Team manager should always ensure the basics ie correct helmet colour this is a basic requirement. I do agree with Manse in that the rider should always know what gate he is on programmed ride or not before leaving the pits, was a pretty ameturish occurrence hopefully never to be repeated.2 points