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  1. the sooner the Polish no 8 rule is binned the better- Wroclaw had the equivalant of a Tac sub when leading !!!!!!
    3 points
  2. Starman, really? It was obvious he was talking about Dorset Knobs.
    3 points
  3. A big crowd at Stoke last night, but those who stayed away missed another Speedway Extravanganza at the Stadium of Wonky Light. A dodgy-awfully prepared track sent entertainment values soaring. If you blinked you might miss another faller. Stoke delivered on their aim to have fallers into double figures (10 at the last count). Where else in world speedway can you see 7 out of 15 heats awarded due to falls? Fantastic stuff. Why don't other clubs booby-trap the track in this way? Stoke convincingly won 8 falls to 2, which excited the crowd so much that they lifted the roof off the grandstand (at least I presume that's why parts of the bar ceiling are falling in). But despite winning on falls, Stoke lost by 7 submissions and numerous knockouts (mostly knockout blows to the credibility of the sport). Back to the beginning, Stoke started with a minute's silence for Roy Smallwood MBE (since he had worked at Stoke for over 40 years, an MBE seemed most insulting. He should have been given the George Cross for acts of heroism in extreme danger). I don't know if Roy was a good man or a bad man, but even if he is now in hell being tortured for all eternity, we can feel content that he is in a better place than Stoke. Roy was pictured in the programme in a 50s Teddy Boy suit. The picture was taken the last time the Stoke electrics didn't fail. Despite being dead, Roy was still in the programme's officials' list as the Pits Gate Manager. Then the announcer. It was his first time. Not just his first time announcing, but his first time at speedway (possibly his first time out of the house). He had no idea what was happening. Remember the taxi driver interviewed on BBC by mistake? It was far worse. The poor sod tried to hand over to a centre green presenter, but the presenter had no microphone. So the confused newbie had to read out Belle Vue names he'd never heard of all by himself, such as Ken Dicken and Joe Lola. The hapless announcer must have thought he had been duped into the Jeremy Beadle show, except for the fact that Beadle has been dead for 10 years, and is now presumably working as the Stoke Pits Marshal. Heat 1 and novice O'Keefe leads from the far better Clegg and Perry. He realises this is wrong and throws the bike at the fence to become first faller. SUN BREAK Heat 2 and O'Keefe becomes the first rider to cause an awarded race. Heat 4. O'Keefe retires and Shuttleworth inspects the "shale" to give BV an awarded 5-0 (Shuttleworth's first of 3 track inspections). SUN BREAK Heat 5 All 4 riders finish. This is to be an extreme rare occurance. Heat 7 Awarded again as the hungry Shuttleworth eats more "shale" Heat 10. Alcock falls, and Clegg goes an unexplained splat while in a comfortable lead. Awarded 5-0 Heat 13 Smith is the first BV faller, trying to use the outside on the first bend. (You can't do that). In the re-run tired Shuttleworth needs a third lie down on the track. Awarded Heat 14 Who else but O'Keefe falls. The ref puts on the red light and fuses the whole stadium. He's been over-using the red light. (Remember in the 70s when it got cold and you had to switch off the TV before you could put on the second bar of the electric fire, or else risk fusing the whole street? The City of Stoke still runs like this). The referee is warned that he must not use the red lights again. To do so would damage the flux-capacitor, destroy the space-time continuum, and we'd all be stuck here in 1955 with Biff Tattum, and Roy Smallwood playing Johnny B Goode whilst dressed as Stoke's answer to Showaddywaady..... Shoddyshoddy. The ref agrees that when the inevitable awarding of heat 15 happens, the race will be stopped by hand signals and the shouting of the moronic announcer, which will alert members of the track staff to wave red flags (the ones that are still alive anyway - Roy and Beadle are excused duty). Heat 15 and an actual race develops between Atkin and Lawlor. Perry is a distance back in 3rd, Clegg further back stone last. Lawlor chases Atkin and just gets ahead up the back straight. Atkin faces being moved into the outer part of the 3rd bend track (here be dragons) and tries to resist. The two collide and the race needs to be awarded. (the 3rd awarded race in a row, 7th of the night). The Announcer then announces Perry (who was minding his own business back in third) is excluded. The win awarded to Max Clegg (who was stone last). The announcer returns minutes later (possibly with a referees hands around his throat) to change the exclusion to Lawlor...but still has the awarded places wrong. After a further few minutes it is changed again. The MDL match is cancelled and everyone leaves, completely unsure on the final score or the final awarded decision of heat 15.
    3 points
  4. Because with the 1-7 Poole started with the bookies made them favourites. Quite clearly that 1-7 are nowhere near good enough to have been deemed favourites...................therefore the bookies got the odds wrong
    3 points
  5. Sorry! You aren't allowed 'better options' even though they make total sense.
    3 points
  6. people are saying it looks pretty similar this season i always thought that what the managers job was as well ?
    3 points
  7. I think you're burying your head a little bit here, Back in the 70s the wage was around £50/60 a week, and petrol was 6 bob a gallon ( 30p), I could take the wife and the kiddies, buy 2 programmes, drinks and burgers all round for less than a tenner. The night was full of enjoyment and exciting races that kept everyone interested. Looking back at a 74 programme that cost 1 shilling (5p), here were 23 races starting a 7.30 pm on a Saturday night against Hackney, (we lost 36-42.) The tenner probably equalled a 1/6th of your weekly wage, but we had nearly 3hrs of enjoyment watching 23 races. The same day out now is very different, with considerably less to watch, A lesser program, perpetually drawn-out to make it last does nothing to enthral the fans. Everything you buy, you pay through the nose,. Petrol £ 7/ gallon, Admission £18 a head, Programmes £3 each Drinks £3/4 a throw. Before, it was excepted as a normal price for a night out and each believed they received VFM, not any more.... It would be wrong to pin all the blame on costs, for the sport was much different then, the Bike were slower and the competition was much closer. Missing the gate wasn't the be-all importance then as it created more excitement. Every race was competitive and closely fought. Today's super fast bikes, that cost the earth, produce a different race from the ones we use to watch. All the low torque engines have been replaced with high revving ones. Exhaust and tyres play their part . The throttles now are either open or closed, very little control how there once was. The emphasis has moved from the rider to the bikes, meaning far more follow the leader races, and these don't pull in the punters. You only have to look at the dwindling number over the years to see the effect it has had. But nobody takes any notice of these facts and continues in the same old pattern. Regardless of how you dress it up, the sport today is not working. and unless they address the important issues of Costs, VFM and excitement, the sport will continue to die ...
    3 points
  8. bloom89 - what are you on about lindgren was only beaten by schlein who is a class act around brough 3 reserves .... did you see pickering ........... hes about as much as reserve as Ashley morris is and riding at 4 is completely different to riding at 1and 5 ........... at 1 and 5 you face the opposition 1 and 5 twice !!! at four you only meet them once .......... if you think riding heat 14 against the opposition 4 and 6/7 is the same as riding heat 13 then that probably explains your other daft comments and as for our 'super number one' ........... beyond belief ........... everyone has commented he's not a number 1 AND he has never claimed to be .... the lad maybe be an enigma but hes riding out of position through no fault of his own
    2 points
  9. Really enjoyed that meeting. A special mention to Josh Pickering , edge of your seat stuff. He was superb
    2 points
  10. Honestly. Some people need to take a chill pill. Just because everyone doesn’t understand a turn of phrase, doesn’t make it offensive. Have you ever called someone a berk ? Cockney rhyming slang..... berkshire hunt ... cu you get the picture. Just relax. Stress isn’t good for the health.
    2 points
  11. Isn't the interval just an excuse to spin the meeting out longer so it implies the punters are getting more for their money. There are enough long gaps between races as it is, more than enough time to go to the loo or buy a hot dog.
    2 points
  12. Lol! More chance of Gavan being Middlos love child than that happening.
    2 points
  13. It’s been mentioned every year since the year dot and every year it gets worse I have mentioned several times that the BSPA and the SCB should state what they require for the season and leave it to someone like Tony Steele to write it, so here we are in May and we have already had 7 amendments not including the recent change to GSA which to date still hasn’t been amended, BSPA promoters sat round a table coming up with wonderful ideas each year isn’t the way to do it. On the R/R and IRR debate I think it should be one or the other not both, teams using RR should be made to use a no 8 who has the same standing as a reserve, the fact that teams using RR can and often do lose another rider during the meeting just highlights the shortcomings of the facility.
    2 points
  14. SS gave you some good advice the other day. I suggest you listen to him and take a break because you are stressing yourself over nothing. Trust me, the poster was referring to Dorset Knobs - there was no bad language or ill-feeling intended
    2 points
  15. Put ya foot down bruv like me but only when our lass aint in the house ha ha ha
    2 points
  16. I’d have thought one of them at least will be a shoe in. Both local lads, club mascots and regular second halfers. Whether we include both may depend on how successful this season is. If we fall short again, maybe they’ll try a different strategy and go with one of them and a stronger reserve partner to take the pressure off them in their first season next year. We went with two 2 pointers again this year to pack in a stronger top 5 and it remains to be seen if that’s successful or not. Personally im a big fan of building a team that way and it’s the way I’d go again next year regardless of what happens this season. Especially when you have two terrific talents as those two waiting in the wings. It would also be a shame to lose one of them to a rival. It would benefit the club in the future to get them both on the clubs books so I’m hoping that will be the case. Looking forward to watching both them, and the other British youngsters in the under 19 final a week on Thursday. I hope it’s well supported!
    2 points
  17. Against my better judgement I found myself at Loomer Road last night and was disheartened to see that the place was even more dilapidated than when I last visited a couple of years ago. Surely somebody can at least work a lawn mower? It took the best part of an hour to get the first 4 heats away due to the sun being in the wrong place but at least we were able to marvel at Mr Tattum's tractor driving skills. Sadly, the centre green announcer couldn't make it last night so instead he sent his brother whose knowledge of speedway seemed a tad sparse. When it was announced that Ken Dicken was coming out for the Belle Vue Aces in heat 2 it kind of signalled that the guy perhaps wasn't a great follower of NL speedway. It could have been worse, he could have announced that it was Ken Dodd who would be riding in white. We had a minute's silence for Roy Smallwood who had apparently gone to a better place . Happy to say that they didn't bother playing music through the period of silence as they did when Mr Plinge witnessed a similar "mark of respect" at a previous extravaganza at Gloomy Road. Interesting to see that the deceased was still listed in the programme as being the evening's Pits Gate Manager so perhaps they were hoping that he would be there in spirit at least. Moving on from the depressing and farcical to rather more serious matters. I think it must have been heat 14 when William O'Keefe once more carried out a close inspection of the air fence. The referee switched on the red lights and immediately all the track and stadium lights went out. Fortunately, the riders survived being plunged into a diminished light situation without incident. After a few minutes, the lights flickered back into life and no mention was made of this failure by the commentator. As the riders were approaching the gate for heat 15, the commentator puts out an urgent call for the clerk of the course to contact the ref. Whether he did contact him, I know not. The race gets under way and Lawlor and Atkin come down heavily at turn 3. No red lights come on but the commentator is shouting at the the corner marshals to put the red flags out which they do after a few seconds delay. Now my questions are these:- Were the red lights not turned on because the referee knew that if he pushed the switch then the track lights would probably go out again? Did the referee know before he started the heat that there was a fault with the warning lights hence the urgent call out to the C of C? If the referee was aware that the safety systems were not in place then why was the race allowed to start? Perhaps there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for these events but I would be interested to know what it might be. Electrical failures appear to be a common occurrence at Loomer Road but the referees and the SCB seem to take no heed of these potentially catastrophic defects. I just hope that it does not take a rider getting seriously hurt before action is taken to remedy the situation. I see no mention in Stoke's own match report of any of these failings and it is shame that they didn't take the opportunity to apologize to the customers for last night's failings and give an assurance that they would get things sorted out. A win for the Colts but numerous crashes, interminable delays and some genuinely frightening incidents mean that it wasn't one of my most enjoyable speedway jaunts. I spoke to a family (grandfather through to grandchildren) on the terraces who were attending speedway for the first time and asked them if they would be likely to come back again. Unsurprisingly, they indicated that they would not be returning and after last night's show you can understand why. Speedway is a better sport than this.
    2 points
  18. Forgettable meeting kept alive by the closeness of the scores and a couple of controversial refereeing decisions. Dust was flying about from the first heat. John Lindman can’t have long left in this side. He only beat Kyle Bickley. Seen him a few times and not impressed.
    2 points
  19. The result of a totally nonsense operating model which benefits no one.... Running any business which shares employees with others, and whose availabilty dictates to their employer when the operation can 'open for business', is pretty much doomed to failure I would suggest..
    2 points
  20. Phil, everyone knew Denmark had priority for Wednesdays... It's their night... Hence British Speedway was granted Monday and Thursdays as theirs... Then they changed.. Why? Well, once again, the tail wagged the dog...
    2 points
  21. The problem with British speedway is its a professional sport being run by amateurs.
    2 points
  22. As Ric Frost said before he quit in exasperation BSPA not even competent to operate a burger van
    2 points
  23. Have been impressed with Dany this season,he has saved us most matches this season.
    1 point
  24. I see it as 2 gained rather than 1 or 2 dropped Newcy have strongest reserve pair in the league and could give their No 1 a full 7 rides - you dont expect to win away up against that scenario
    1 point
  25. Perhaps the shale blowing up from the track got in the refs eyes on a couple of occasions. 2 howlers by her yet again!!! John Lindman has been a disaster just hope now that he is In reserve he doesn't start costing us points as a low scoring one! Well done to the Gap following his move into the main body of the team.
    1 point
  26. So Nick Morris should easily outscore him
    1 point
  27. DESPITE his injury another paid 16 from six for Nicki who dropped two points in one race.
    1 point
  28. - we meet again in the championship next season- just
    1 point
  29. 2 posts ago i said i didn`t and was asking if anyone did !!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Solid start for cookie 3+2 from his first 2 rides
    1 point
  32. Got to be one of the ways forward, as rider's names ( whoever ) on the team sheets seems to do little to "bring them in". Standardised 250cc bikes and handicap races should also be tried in an effort to make the sport more interesting and attractive to new supporters.
    1 point
  33. You're right even I enjoyed it . But it was enjoyment from a pretty low baseline so far this season. I was fortunate enough to attend the new BV for a season while I was working away for a while and it saddens me to see what can be done with a blank canvass and how whoever designed the track at Leicester got it so badly wrong! Anyway we move on to Monday night... where I think we can almost guarantee a sun delay but at least KL fans will be well used to that ... I've just seen on Twitter they're promoting it as "Sunshine Speedway"... that's just taking the mick!
    1 point
  34. Polish people obviously have a different opinion of speedway riders, more like the UK years ago where riders were revered, admired, put on a pedestal, but why? Not saying fans don’t admire riders today but they certainly don’t treat them as Polish people do. Polish people are generally more passionate about their cities/towns, I put that down to their history and I guess it follows that they are passionate about their sports clubs too? I’m convinced that if our stadiums were in the centre of our cities like Polish stadiums are so that locals could walk to their club they would be more popular, all our city centre clubs have disappeared, built on ........ I’ve been to Polish speedway and there was nothing extra regards promotion on the day, no extras, apart from providing flags I guess, but the fans were totally up for a great Sunday afternoon, it may be because they are young and enthusiastic, it is, definitely is, as we get older our outlook changes, we generally become grumpy, miserable, cynical, old farts who have no energy, who’ve been there, done it all before lol
    1 point
  35. Stand by my 50-40 Swindon win!
    1 point
  36. You make many good points... But one of the major issues the Sport has is exactly that it does all the 'Promotion' at such a very low level... All well meaning I am sure, but visiting Schools or standing in a Supermarket lobby with club memorabilia on a folding table is miles away from a 21st Century advertising plan.. Instead of all doing their own advertising 'small time' at a local level, the Sport finally needs to run a properly executed National Marketing plan to see if that will change its fortunes.. The Nineteen Prem and Championship clubs should all have a directive to put £50k into a fund to hire a Company to advertise the Sport nationally.. To deliver the money, it would mean that over the 28 matches in the Prem you would need to trim your costs by less than £2k a match so I would suggest doable.. That would release £950k to hire a marketing company... With crowds so low and so many people who 'used to go' living on the doorstep of so many tracks it surely would be a huge opportunity for some 'proper' marketing Company to make plenty of money on a commission basis.... They grow crowds and income, and get a share of the spoils... Instead of paying almost a Million quid to todays riders who, with the greatest of respect, have little impact to crowd levels, it surely now is the time to invest that money in a Company that could increase those crowds..
    1 point
  37. Maybe he was carrying an injury but I find it hard to believe that BWD hurt his knee colliding withJye as he just seemed to take his leg away with his front wheel he never got out of shape or even looked like pulling up when the ref stopped the race!!! Still that's speedway.Tonights racing was poor IMO most races sorted out by back strait,will give Ref benefit of doubt regarding NJB,but how she excluded Jye is beyond me and probably 99% of the crowd terrible decision IMO.
    1 point
  38. Sarj was meant to replace jack in ht 14 but because starky pulled out jack was back in and the confusion was who was replacing who but between the manager and the COC who tells the ref what’s happening with rider changes could or should have sorted it before both riders went on track
    1 point
  39. Of course if you're a regular Monday or Wednesday night track then the new arrangement's great. That takes care of three tracks, while Swindon have mainly kept their Thursdays. Now what about the other half of the league? The argument to adopt fixed race nights was to avoid guests caused by fixture clashes. The situation with Denmark blows that straight out of the water.
    1 point
  40. There are various conversion web sites that use prices and incomes history to give the historic value of money. The main one I use http://inflation.iamkate.com/ shows £1 in 1980 being worth just under £5 today. So, a £17 admission today would convert to about £3.50 back in 1980. I seem to remember admissions were about £1 in 1980 so on that basis in real terms speedway is well over three times as expensive now.
    1 point
  41. Fixed race nights arevOK as long as they are the right nights for the club. The way it is set up now is simply putting a sticking plaster over what is so wrong with speedway in this country. Currently pandering and be dictated to by other European nations it really is time to think about what is good for British Speedway and get on with it. As it stands you still have doubling up, race nights that do not appeal to many, no weekly speedway fixtures for many clubs and with irregular meetings the likelihood of more fans drifting away. When will the custodians of this sport start to think about what they are doing. If those clubs that voted for less meetings were making losses with home and away twice, the chances are they will be out of business by the end of this season. I could see a situation where a few clubs find it no longer viable to continue and in 2019 they may have no option but to have just one league plus the NL in order for clubs to cover the stadium rental.
    1 point
  42. The big problem with speedway and it’s difficult for us to understand is that people don’t like speedway. We’ve all had the “is that still going” chat and even with that they don’t come again. Similarly I have mates that I keep asking to come along without success. Belle Vue have done school visits, work visits, radio adverts, city wide posters, been on both local evening news channels, been on Sky, ran cheap entrance meetings both Aces and Colts, we’ve been in shops, we’ve had posters for fans to give out, the list goes on and on but people just look and think it’s not for them. The demographic of fans is and has always been the most precarious as once money gets tight then speedway or similar is the first to go. Multi channel tv and the screen society has diverted their attention way from a night at the speedway. Dont get me wrong though the powers that be have done a great job of turning away fans, a mind boggling achievement in my eyes. 2000-3000 crowds are still possible as we had only two decades or so ago, if the current group of promoters stop being dicks.
    1 point
  43. Last Monday's racing was much better than the previous two matches so hopefully that's how it will be from now on. I think even ianb enjoyed the Rye House one.
    1 point
  44. The price to attend vs. The standard on offer is the biggest stumbling block. £17 for 15 x 1 minute races no matter what way you look at it isn't great value for money. As a comparison it makes the 2nd division even more of a rip off as they're getting a lot less of a standard for around £15. In answer to the original question though of how is fixed race nights working out, I think it will benefit Somerset. Whilst it was nice to end the week at Speedway instead of mid week, the traffic and surrounding areas on a Friday as a nightmare at the best of times. I can't see any reason why crowds would drop at Somerset, they should only prosper.
    1 point
  45. From most reports the signs have been encouraging. Shame our league went with Monday's & Wednesday. Had it of been Thursday's I'm sure Belle Vue would have gone with that and would of been less damaging. Having said that, Belle Vue is proof that a state of the art stadium still can't pull in punters to make it pay. There's far more wrong with the sport than just a clean and tidy seat. Promoting is evidently void for almost every club. It still amazes me that huge city clubs are pulling similar or smaller attendances than small town clubs though. Belle Vue, Wolverhampton etc should be double the likes of King's Lynn, Poole etc but these promotions are failing the club's.
    1 point
  46. Should have kept Hans.
    1 point
  47. Teams for tomorrow Rybnik v Gdansk https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/84943/row-rybnik-zdunek-wybrzeze-gdansk - Cook listed. Tarnow v Wroclaw https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/84333/grupa-azoty-unia-tarnow-betard-sparta-wroclaw Leszno v Czestochowa https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/84332/fogo-unia-leszno-forbet-wlokniarz-czestochowa
    1 point
  48. Clearly you are right, however on first reading (and without comparing it to the original rule) my interpretation was OR rather than AND. Why didn't they write the rule as: Does anyone else find the way the supplementary rules are issued incredibly complex? Why not simply update the main regulations and what a "Changes and Amendment" section at the front to track the updates?
    1 point
  49. They can't drop him and bring him back, there is a rule to stop that, but there again this is Poole
    1 point
  50. I just wonder whether, to any newcomers to the sport, those in the top photo - when they've donned their helmets and goggles - all look too much the same I remember the individuality of the appearance of riders like Mauger, Wigg, Boocock, Broadbanks, Silver, Cowland, etc, which somehow added to the experience as they were so immediately recognisable from the terraces and stands Particularly in these days of so many journeyman riders, making them all so anonymous is detrimental - race jackets (bibs) did us well enough for so long - and anyway, in team racing, it's helmet colours which are the easy way to identify the team members on track
    1 point
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