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  1. Crescent Girl has cleared this up on the Berwick match thread this morning The compassionate grounds for the facility related to Mrs Lawson being admitted to hospital late Friday and therefore permission was granted for Richard to miss the meeting in order to be with her Seems perfectly reasonable to me and the ensuing debate wouldve been avoided with a better worded Lakeside press release Best wishes to the Lawsons - hope any scare is over and recovery is full and speedy
    11 points
  2. Let's end this one. Mrs Lawson was taken into hospital late on Friday night. Lakeside given a facility by MC to allow Richard Lawson to be with her. There was no complaint by Berwick about this, and with the lady now back home and resting, Richard can resume racing, as he did last night.
    9 points
  3. Its all in response to one or two very very smug Poole fans telling everyone before the season started how Poole were so much better than everyone else and would win the league easily. Sensible Poole fans knew not to get carried away as last season the same numptys said the same things only to get egg on their face. Poole can still turn it around.........but if you are going to dish out rubbish before a wheel is turned you have to expect a bit back when it goes wrong
    4 points
  4. From the Save Coventry Speedway website. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/ THE latest show of support for the campaign to bring speedway and stock car racing back to Brandon has come direct from Westminster.A group of eleven Members of Parliament/House of Lords have submitted a joint letter to Rugby Borough Council, urging rejection of the Brandon Estates planning application.This speculative application, on a site which is not part of the Rugby Local Plan, seeks to destroy decades of sporting heritage and includes no satisfactory provision for the two popular family sports to be relocated elsewhere in the area.The letter not only calls on the Council to reject the application; it also urges them to support efforts to bring the sports back to Brandon.It is signed by a number of local MPs as well as others who have shown solidarity with the unacceptable position all fans of motorsports at Coventry have been placed in, and has been brought about thanks to speedway’s All Party Parliamentary Group.The Campaign Group would like to sincerely thank all of the MPs and Lords who have taken such an interest in our fight, and who have signed the letter, and especially Mark Pawsey and his office for co-ordinating this response.
    4 points
  5. Harris never seems to blame himself it's always his bike or something else he's been around long enough now to work set ups out
    3 points
  6. If Lakeside had put out an accurate statement to start off with, none of this would have taken place.
    3 points
  7. Be madness to replace Schlein, even with Lindgren. Schlein is always consistent and very reliable. If Wolverhampton wants Lindgren back in it would have to be Thorsell that goes. Schlein adds so much more to the team than just being a rider scoring points. He puts his heart and soul into every club he represents.
    3 points
  8. you worry to much bless
    3 points
  9. I think it changed under Labour by Abbott.
    2 points
  10. We also pay their wages and forums are for people to express their feelings, whether others agree or not. I think if Chris hadn't reacted as he did, the whole thing would have blown over. If (as he claims) his personal life is put to one side while racing, why does he keep bringing it up? Anyway, hopefully he'll be back on form and things are forgotten.
    2 points
  11. I was at Wolverhampton a few weeks back and Scott struggled for set up also that night. You listen to riders during the gp's and even if unbeaten they want to tinker with something, I have little knowledge on how to set a speedway bike up but with the different size tracks, differently prepared tracks and riding style and even temperature i don't think its as easy as we would like to think it is. I don't agree with all of Bombers comments, i think riders do go through bad spells and when you can't start for toffee on a consistent basis you have got to have good equipment or equipment that's working well. KK looked unstoppable in some races and then others he just wasn't on it and that's another case of man and machine not being right. These bikes are not what they were 15-20 years ago, they look ready to launch one way or another and as much as we close our eyes i think anybody who rides one deserves the upmost respect, themselves or somebody else can finish their career or worse in an instant and it is worth remembering that we go home safe and we want all riders to do the same.
    2 points
  12. Ludvig Lindgren is flying away from home at the minute!!!
    2 points
  13. its not lakesides thing to inform other people of private lives of riders .
    2 points
  14. Maybe Lawson wanted to keep the matter private.
    2 points
  15. A few weeks ago Bomber was urging Coventry fans to boycott going to see them ride at Leicester. For the old fans who went to see him last night many would think that he would have trouble getting into the N l Bees team any way! He's been going downhill for more years than most. Perhaps now , after this pathetic performance he will keep his comments to himself. The Bees are fine without him!
    2 points
  16. If Kennett had started as badly as Harris then the knives would be out. There is no excuse for a number one to score a big fat zero. The same with Stuart Robson who hasn’t been go particularly well so far and is now injured. Sadly we can’t hang around for Robson and he should be replaced now. But of course if your face fit at Rye you will be ok. Made me laugh that some are calling for Freddie Lindgren when the promotion won’t fork out for race jackets let alone Kevlars. Sad state of affairs that the stadium is far worse now than under Len Silver with the club in the wrong league on a race night no one wants. Only one way this is going to end. And Leicester fans thought their past situation was bad
    2 points
  17. You and Scotty Fan need to have a catch up, you’d chat for hours about how bad Poole Pirates are. Its the 1st May, calm the chuff down!
    2 points
  18. Stal Gorzow - Unia Tarnow https://www.cda.pl/video/223378504?wersja=720p Wlokniarz Czestochowa - Sparta Wroclaw https://www.cda.pl/video/222941677?wersja=720p Apator Torun - GKM Grudziadz https://www.cda.pl/video/2229014e4?wersja=720p Unia Leszno - Falubaz ZG https://www.cda.pl/video/22251112b
    2 points
  19. Buxton have done a lot for British Speedway, I take my hat of to them.
    2 points
  20. I’m putting together some stats on Ivan Mauger’s remarkable 1969 season with Belle Vue, when he was almost unbeatable in races that he completed. I’m trying to get to the bottom of the five exclusions he suffered during the course of that season. According to the brilliant Speedway Researcher website: April 18: Hackney (A) Heat 11: Chris Pusey, Jimmy Gooch, Des Lukehurst, Norman Nevitt (fell), MAUGER (tapes) May 9: Glasgow (A) Heat 9: Oyvind Berg, Tommy Roper, Russ Dent, Eric Broadbelt, MAUGER (tapes) July 29: Leicester (A) Heat 11: 11: John Boulger, Chris Pusey, Malcolm Brown, Bill Powell, MAUGER (tapes) August 26: West Ham (A) Heat 1: Ken McKinlay, Steve Waplington, Eric Broadbelt, Stan Stevens, MAUGER (tapes) September 27: Wolverhampton (H) Excluded from Heat 1 (2 mins) However, according to a Peter Oakes article in Speedway Star in 2003, Mauger was excluded for tapes infringements against Hackney, West Ham and Wolverhampton. No mention of either Glasgow or Leicester. Speedway Star did not include tapes or two-minute exclusions in their heat details in 1969. Is anyone able to clarify the nature of Ivan’s exclusions from these 1969 meetings? It would be great if someone had original marked programmes. Thanks for any help that can be given.
    1 point
  21. This is one of the things that is my biggest gripe with British Speedway, which is shared by many others too - I highly expect the one over 8 has been sorted out amongst promotors but it isn't ever seen worth while spreading that knowledge with their paying customers. Neil Watson a promoter came on here earlier in the year and told everyone that the rolling averages were being reset and everyone would be issued new averages after 4H and 4A. It now seems that's been changed again and we are back to rolling averages with no explanation again or confirmation, other than new averages being published. Fans continue to be kept in the dark and treated like mugs... probably for fear of them understanding and knowing the rules better than themselves!
    1 point
  22. I say it as I see it. Obviously you’re happy to have a prestigious event on your home track, but there was hardly a pass of note and some pretty strung out racing. Not much to be positive about really.
    1 point
  23. Shambolic, you seem surprised.
    1 point
  24. To prevent sudden large changes in CL averages the Rolling Average matches reduces gradually (to 20) during this season. Last season's Green Sheets were based on up to 36 matches. To drop to 20 immediately would have wiped out almost half a season's stats. May's RA is based on 30 matches and the figure will reduce by 2 matches each month.
    1 point
  25. You don't honestly believe this do you? There were plenty who didn't agree with certain aspects of how the club and how certain riders performed and would post saying as much when we were in the Premier League. The bit in bold is bonkers. The club earns money through fans attending meetings. Granted every penny of Rider X's wages isn't paid directly by one fan but, newsflash, no fans = no money = no wages for the riders. Or even more bluntly, no fans = no speedway. It isn't a pathetic excuse, it is the truth. It isn't the fault of fans that Speedway is in the state it is in either, so if promotions are having to subsidise their riders from their own, non-speedway cashflow, who should they be looking at to find a reason as to why they're having to do so? That is sport wide, not just in relation to Rye. In fairness to our promotion, the seeds for the state the sport is now in were sown many years before they were even involved in the sport. Your definition of being a supporter is incredibly off the mark. Fans should have patience, yes, but they also have a right to comment on things, otherwise what is the point of a forum? Calls to sack riders may not help, but they also shouldn't hinder when they are in a place that frankly, a rider should not be looking if he doesn't want to see criticism directed towards his performances. It doesn't make people unintelligent if their opinion and yours are different.
    1 point
  26. Their has been a further GSA today (issue 2 dated 1/5/18) which supercedes Issue 1dated 30/4/18. This has changed completely a lot of the averages for the fixtures at the end of the week. Its clear that the GSA now include Championship Shield matches, which is of course completely contrary to the current SCB regulations. The words utter shambles spring to mind.
    1 point
  27. To be fair, Chris, 99% of speedway fans know you’re a great bloke who gives 100%. Best of luck with turning it around.
    1 point
  28. That would be down to the home promotion i would assume.
    1 point
  29. Hopefully you can access the file, a scan of the Glasgow programme https://app.box.com/s/s6bpe7s5xnwjm2bz1ukjxfpbfbj85bw5
    1 point
  30. It was a problem that irritated fans when doubling up riders were missing to ride for their other team but that problem has largely been eradicated by the fixed nights. Fans are more concerned about being able to identify with their riders and a lack of continuity is a bigger reason for fans to lose interest than being concerned about doubling up. I think that most Belle Vue fans see Bewley riding for Workington or, Fricke riding in Poland, as something that will help make them better riders but that in no way makes them any less Belle Vue riders.
    1 point
  31. This is from Dave Goddards Twitter feed last Thursday. Right, as I've had people asking for months about the live Speedway coverage on Premier Sports/Freesports, I think it's finally time to respond. The reason I have not been commentating on the live Polish League meetings so far this year is because, due to them now being covered live, I am unable to travel to the studio and commentate due to my various car racing commitments. Therefore a new commentator has had to be brought in to cover them, and he is learning the job as he goes as he is new to speedway. I will however be covering the Swedish Elitserien live on Tuesday evenings this summer, beginning on May 8th (my birthday) and when the new commentator is not available will cover some of the Polish matches delayed. So international speedway has not lost my services!
    1 point
  32. Thank you for the update and very sorry to hear of the personal and professional issues, its hard though as a passionate fan when we hear absolutely nothing from the club whats going on so we naturally jump to our own conclusions. Lessons to be learned for everyone. Lets hope you can return to the form we all know you are capable of asap.
    1 point
  33. You look at Poole's website,it makes you laugh because they are trying to paint a better picture of the league table.It has Poole in 5th.Strange as they have the same points as Lynn and Somerset but an inferior points difference.
    1 point
  34. Eleven Sports 1 programme starts at 4.45pm UK time Should be on here http://www.maniak.tv/kanal-1 and here http://v4.ustreamix.com/stream.php?id=eleven-sports-polska&v=1524484509 and here http://tele-wizja.ru/player/zapaseleven.html
    1 point
  35. People involved in the sport need to stop using the term "keyboard warrior(s)." Not going to get people on side at all.
    1 point
  36. It's time we start using r/r or get a permanent rider in. Eric Riss would be decent. But so would wozniak
    1 point
  37. I am glad that common sense has been used here as it’s ridiculous to ban every rider for 7 days if they are ill or have family problems. All the best to Mrs Lawson.
    1 point
  38. As previously stated anyone with an admission ticket from yesterday can either use it at any Buxton meeting this season or apply in writing for a refund. This is standard policy at all tracks that are members of the BSPA. Belle Vue's policy has been quoted in an earlier post and applauded as being correct, this is the same policy that we all have to adhere to - Buxton included. I think I have made it very clear that we didn't agree with how things were handled yesterday and yes I was very unhappy as I still am. I have not said that I would not issue refunds although I did say that refunds weren't given on the day which again is standard procedure. I don't have a problem with a meeting being called off ( I have been to plenty of them myself both as a supporter and an official) providing it is done in the correct manner. I have also been to meetings where there has been a delay either before the start or during it for track work. Unfortunately neither the referee or certain parties within the Birmingham camp were prepared to allow this to happen. The saddest thing about the whole affair is that there was little or no interest in this meeting until it was cancelled.
    1 point
  39. An entertaining and enjoyable meeting with some very good racing and both teams deserved the league points they gained. Bewley continued his remarkable form, 14 paid 16 from 6 rides, Drozdz looked fast and impressive in his race one win but then had mechanical problems but was still on the pace and Tungate showed he has got over his early season problems. Bjerre had a night to forget but everyone else put in a solid performance. For Somerset, Doyle and Holder were outstanding and Jeppersen was impressive on his NSS debut. Wright, normally good at Belle Vue, had a night to forget. Good to see that a few Rebels fans made the journey to support their team..
    1 point
  40. This is the main reason for the decline of the sport in the UK (in my opinion). Seriously, would you have seen Kings Lynn as 'your team' back in the day if Terry Betts had ridden for Peterborough the following night and Malcolm Simmons was representing Ipswich the following day?
    1 point
  41. The official reason for Lawson and Howarth missing recent meetings were Howarth -" Speedway injury (bruised thigh) supported by medical certificate" Lawson - "Family commitment (Management Committee approved)"
    1 point
  42. Or maybe the Lakeside statement wasn't quite correct?
    1 point
  43. Not sure about if the average thing is to do with my post earlier.. It was aimed at MFF who likes to wield the axe once a week I cant remember any other Poole fan calling for Spanner and Shanes to get the chop. Just pointing out there are several Poole riders dropping a lot more off of their ave at this early stage.
    1 point
  44. I think the expectations on King are too high. He's an adequate third heat leader and actually pretty consistent season to season. He's not going to make the jump to international standard or win many heat 15s, but can do a job.
    1 point
  45. If sundstrom was the direct replacement for Hans can't see what the advantage was personally I'm sure someone will tell me .Hans for me every time
    1 point
  46. How can you have an adult debate with somebody calling themselves Mr Blobby. Debate finished right there.
    1 point
  47. From the official Newcastle Diamonds website: " Team building for the Newcastle "Boiler Technical Services" Diamonds over the latter part of the winter came in for a bit of a bashing it has to be aid, but the managerial plan seems to be falling into place." I suspect we need to go back to the drawing board. Might be the rather embarassing situation where the no 7 ends up being no 1 after the first official averages come into effect.
    1 point
  48. Great to read an interview with one of my favourite riders, Mike Sampson, in the latest edition of 'Backtrack' A very under-rated rider in my opinion but in my view was very instrumental in helping 'The Rebels' to league success in 1977. Won numerous team honours not only with White City but for Eastbourne and his home town team Exeter of which he had a love/hate relationship. He comes across as a very modest man but without riders like Mike speedway would have been the the poorer.
    1 point
  49. Received my copy today. Excellent as ever.
    1 point
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