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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2018 in all areas

  1. people should not judge riders just because they are missing . we all get ill at some point during the year . on the other hand, richard has elderly grandparents and maybe a this time he is required to be around . so until you know for deffo whats going on , its better to keep quiet instead of speculating .
    4 points
  2. From what I remember, quite the contrary! Injury wrecked what looked like being his best season, can't recall what year off the top of my head. Always liked Ty, passionate rider and a very funny, dry sense of humour. Pleased to see him making a good start to the current campaign.
    4 points
  3. Well another good reason to call it off. KingsLynn Football Club will have the play off semi final at home now on Wednesday evening since they won 3-1 today. so a lot of people will be attending this instead of the speedway. So fingers crossed they will call the speedway off aa the weather is looking about as crap as the team assembled for Wednesday. it’s stupid having the two major teams in Lynn playing at home on the same evening
    3 points
  4. looks like our favourite speedway uploader has moved to cda after youtube blocked him. Motor - ROW available here - https://www.cda.pl/video/22227324c you're welcome
    2 points
  5. And perhaps if we give Wayne a chance he may too. He is different to anyone we've had recently, more on stirring up the crowd, than possibly the speedway info etc., which he obviously lacks, especially someone like Kev who has been and is a lifelong Witches fan, and his knowledge is immense, and Rob, equally as good, who has been on the mike in previous years. The alternative could likely be "zzzzzzzz" TBF at the moment, you seem to have a down on the team and now the presenter, early days for all really.
    2 points
  6. To get UK and Polish speedway in perspective, that is about two weeks worth of premiership fixtures ( in fine weather ).
    2 points
  7. I'm new to watching Polish Speedway and I must say I was expecting better racing than what I've seen so far. I was expecting it to be more up to GP standard with the quality of riders on view but it's closer to gate and go British Speedway I've said many times that British Speedway should market itself as an extreme sport and not continue with the family sport promotion. The old codgers (myself included) will continue to turn up come what may. Look at the divide between the ages of those in the pits to those on the terraces!! I watched a virtual race on Coral.co.uk the other day and it was far more entertaining than anything I've seen so far this season at Leicester! And the race was only 2 laps... perhaps that's the way to go
    2 points
  8. I think all talk of covers is an unnecessary expense and not required. If the rain continues to fall the meeting would never be on any way. If the raining had stopped, our track is as good as at other when it comes to draining the water. When the track was sodden, I have witnessed Buster and his gang, scrape the top off and relay new shale and have it racable within an hour. That situation is probably unique to Lynn because of the concrete infield, allowing the old wet shale to be bladed off the track to dry out. Buster has all the equipment required to lay a new track , whereas others are not that fortunate. The main issues with the weather is not the track conditions , but the lack of spectator numbers that turn up , making the meeting a financial disaster. Track covers would not make any difference to that problem....
    2 points
  9. I spoke to Dave Younghusband at Brough last Sunday and told him that you thought it was him and not me. He said something like "how can anybody like you with your looks get mistaken for me". I think it was a compliment ?
    2 points
  10. This looks to me to speed up the decline in Speedway.
    1 point
  11. Prince Berry, nah I don't like it.
    1 point
  12. And neither did Philip Rising
    1 point
  13. Probably this rule was brought in, the same as the 4 min rule I suspect, as the majority have to suffer for the minority who take the pi$$
    1 point
  14. I think I just pm you
    1 point
  15. I am in favour of this seven day rule, if that means we have to go against Ipswich without Richard then so be it, the rule just proves that riders are not missing from meetings at a whim because it has bigger implications than just one match, in fact in Richard's case he will also miss both of Somerset's meetings next week too so he has had to sacrifice another four meetings as a result of missing tonight's.
    1 point
  16. Thanks Badge, but there was no need. I know my English and grammar is not the best. Most of the time I don't even know what I'm going on about.
    1 point
  17. But if he now not ill how can Lakeside have a guest for a non speedway injury?
    1 point
  18. Why do I have a down on the presenter? I thought he was okay, it's Fozz I don't like. And I don't have a problem with the team either. It should be a title chasing team. Oh back to the presenter, you said he has a hard task following Kevin and all I said was Kevin had a hard task following John but he did okay, meaning there is no reason why the new presenter shouldn't do okay. Hope that explains my thoughts. Maybe my grasp of basic English isn't very good.
    1 point
  19. How is it a stupid rule? Last season there were lots of riders racing 1 night, ill another night and racing the next night. The rules have been changed to stop this as it's the fans who loose out when the riders pick what meetings they race in (the riders caused the rule change). The way they can get round it is you get away with your first illness and then get 7 days off for other times you are ill.
    1 point
  20. Think we should get a point here at least with the Aces weakened with Bjerre for Worrall and it being Drodz's first meeting back, so he could score anything! Wright is scoring well everywhere for us so think we could sneak something.
    1 point
  21. Is this one from the Chris Neath book of excuses?
    1 point
  22. It shouldn't matter. If the rulebook says you should be off for 7 days you should be missing for 7 days. Was it not brought in to stop riders picking and choosing their meetings (Lakeside are receiving a facility for him).
    1 point
  23. In that case, Richard will not be eligible for the KO Cup legs against Ipswich next Thursday and Friday. 16.5.1(h) is sick or carrying a non-speedway injury for which a Medical Certificate must be supplied to the SCB within 48 hours of the sickness / injury occurring in which case the Rider will receive a mandatory 7 days suspension of his SCB Registration from the day of the meeting.
    1 point
  24. From the official Newcastle Diamonds website: " Team building for the Newcastle "Boiler Technical Services" Diamonds over the latter part of the winter came in for a bit of a bashing it has to be aid, but the managerial plan seems to be falling into place." I suspect we need to go back to the drawing board. Might be the rather embarassing situation where the no 7 ends up being no 1 after the first official averages come into effect.
    1 point
  25. That weakens Lakeside IMO ,but will add to entertainment value.
    1 point
  26. Good to hear some positive comments about Wayne, Kevin was going to be a hard act to follow
    1 point
  27. Think we need to drop Szczepaniak. Riding awful even lost to Alfie Bowtell. Does Klindt fit when the new averages are released.
    1 point
  28. Thing is if Shanes' German commitment was in the diary before the BSPA got their act together with a date for this I can't blame him at all, especially if it's decent money over there.
    1 point
  29. A 15 point maximum in fact. An opportunity exists to completely revamp this side. Out go Harris, Kennett, Robson and Clegg. In come Richie Worrall, Ricky Wells, Paul Starke and Ben Morley. Very harsh but possible and fits.
    1 point
  30. Thats a good post mate. I defy all the mouthy people on here to spend a day lying covers then taking them up, in the pouring rain. it is not, a 10 minute job. they would run for the hills. You can beat most conditions, but sometimes even with all the equipment its nigh on imposible. Thats our lovely British weather for you..
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Don't think it will look pretty.
    1 point
  33. The sound system has had some teething problems with complete failure for a number of heats on opening night and some intermitent volume levels at other times so far. It is a significant improvement and seemed almost there on Thursday. Well done to the club for taking the action they have. Wayne has been confident, enthusiastic and engaging. Any errors have been minor and few. You can tell such a task is his profession. Well done Wayne for a really good start in the role.
    1 point
  34. Would solve alot of problems for speedway....or create more.
    1 point
  35. I was able to watch Ivan's funeral from Australia from a livestream 90 minutes. Emotional, very interesting, great pics and clips and so great to be watch! When the bagpipes play New Zealand's national anthem went Ivan's coffin was driven away .. l had a few tears. I hope that the livestream has now recorded and is still to watch. Really wonderful watch. (There is right through the flicking film was very poignant). https://livestream.com/FuneralLivestreamingAustralia/events/8173657/videos/174019226
    1 point
  36. Obviously want Robert to win this as a Lynn fan but part of me would like to see Bewley win it as it could help take his career and development to the next level.
    1 point
    1 point
  38. I buy £19 tickets, use a free app instead of a programme & eat before we go into the stadium (with a voucher if I can find one). Pretty cheap if you want it to be. Hotels I agree can be pricey but I've never paid more than £90 a night in all the years I've been going.
    1 point
  39. What a joke !! The fact that Lynn agreed to this meeting tells me all that we need to be know. We cancel meetings because of the effect the weather would have on the crowd and then arrange to run a meeting when half a team is missing . You couldn't make this up...... Why not switch this fixture to Thursday when all the riders could've rode, or just give Swindon the points without bothering to race, it would save the embarrassment, it cuts-out the financial outlay, it would save hours of work and let the sport be left to die quicker...... You can add me to the list of those not bothering to go ....... .
    1 point
  40. Congratulations to Paulco and Elaine on their wedding today.
    1 point
  41. It will not NOT be shown on a live stream as they said they haven't got the resources after extensive technical research Are they for real this lot in charge??????
    1 point
  42. It's the Monster girls going around on bikes in just their bikinis
    1 point
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