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  1. Steve Worrall absence weakens the Aces, anybody argues otherwise is either on a wind up or an idiot Simple as that really
    6 points
  2. To be fair you can only beat what's put in front of you. Records will show Swindon won, anything else is only opinion. So it doesn't really matter.
    4 points
  3. whos name is on the trophy end of
    4 points
  4. All these BV fans and all of their wind ups are hilarious, all we need now is Gavan saying we will win by 35 points and we'll have the full package! Brilliant, keep it coming.
    4 points
  5. Quite simple. The countdown clock is for 2 mins. Riders must be in position waiting for green light at zero. At zero the green light comes on. If a riders front wheel isn’t in position and rider ready to drop clutch, they are out.
    3 points
  6. easy people , its been a good review so far . dont spoil it with east and west fighting talk (txt)
    3 points
  7. Didn't it occur to you that the UK border agency might be at fault here. Thing is you don't know why , how can you point the finger at anyone, you lost get over it s* it happens.
    3 points
  8. You're only jealous. We were far away the best side in the league last season. The unbeaten winning streak showed that. Why don't you admit, you keep saying that Gavin is a troll when you are no better. Your problem is that you can't see the bigger picture, all you you see is Poole.
    3 points
  9. What type of protest were they riding under. Did they have placards attached to there bikes saying we are protesting. Ffs ride or dont ride simple not say we will ride but have a good whinge about it in the process. But thats Edinburgh for you they Whinge more than my b*tch sorry meant to say wife for any female viewers looking in.
    3 points
  10. RIP to a true sporting legend.
    2 points
  11. After watching another NUFC win Mr Tsusami was probably delirious so i think we can forgive him this time.
    2 points
  12. I'd rather scoop my eyes out with a rusty spoon than suffer him.
    2 points
  13. Sour and bitter when we lose? I don’t think so. I am quite gracious in defeat. Not that it happens very often over the last 15 years.
    2 points
  14. Don't you mean Green light? Bit worrying really if you think the red light means go when driving.
    2 points
  15. Agreed. I think you guys should stand up for your right to be stupid.
    2 points
  16. Zielona Gora v Grudziadz - 1st race 3.30pm UK time
    2 points
  17. I thought rene rode a captains race in ht 13 sure mr riss would have done the same the throttle works both ways !
    2 points
  18. That's just farcical. If it rains for the meeting in 3 weeks time it means your fans won't have seen speedway for 6 weeks! Whatever the problems, rationing the sport is not the answer.
    2 points
  19. Different track and different promotion unlike the Poole v Lakeside meeting. Sometimes it's better for people in glass houses not to throw stones.
    2 points
  20. Without knowing the law and how visas work, shouldn’t proctor of sorted this out months ago?
    2 points
  21. I'd have thought it's common sense to allow a guest when the situation is out of the rider and club's control. Not sure teams riding under protest does the sport any good to be honest.
    2 points
  22. Bearing in mind the number of cancelled meetings we have had since the introduction of the fixtures list I would've thought it would be imperative to amend the list now instead of waiting till the end of the season, like last year, when clubs needed to play 3 or 4 meetings in a week just to get them in.. Surely, we are not going to do that fiasco again...... It needs to be sorted NOW.......
    2 points
  23. Since 2014 Worrall has progressed from being a National League rider, through the fast track reserve system to his present position where he has the second highest average in the CL, only Nicholls, on an assessed average, is above him and the third highest average in the Belle Vue team. There is nothing in that history to indicate that he has achieved his level and that he will not progress further. Those who have actually watched him at the NSS this year have seen performances which showed that he has made a further step up the ladder and that is why we shall be weaker without him on Monday. It also shows the paucity of an argument when those making it feel the need to exaggerate what has been said. Nobody has claimed that that he is going to be a big star or, that he is going to score double figures every week. What we are talking about is his immediate form and a meeting on Monday, not what might or might not be the situation in months to come. Time will tell how far he progresses but there is no doubt in my mind that we have not yet by any means seen the end of his development.
    2 points
  24. Meetings between these two rarely disappoint and this was another cracker watched by a huge crowd with plenty of travelling support , from Ht1 that saw Doolan and Worrall passing and re-passing right up to Ht15 that saw a typically spectacular ride from Chris Harris there was value for money in every race. Big crowd, great racing, close score, value for money and a meeting done and dusted in good time, more of the same each week please, the speedway season has started.
    2 points
  25. Just caught up with the last few heats of this on YouTube after going out earlier. Gotta be said the Polish league do most things better than the UK but which imbecile came up with the rule about not being able to award a race? Wroclaw were robbed of a draw there. Woffy and Drabik a mile in front of Doyle entering bend 3 on the last lap and cos the Torun junior had fallen it got re-run!!! Pathetic decision and a 5-1 turned into a 3-3 and they were robbed of a draw. Surely now if you’re last and out of contention you just need to drop it to get a re-run for your team?? Scandalous
    2 points
  26. Sad news. Having watched Speedway for over 60 years Ivan was, without doubt, the best rider I have seen and his record speaks for itself. My thoughts are with his family and those closest to him.
    1 point
  27. 100% incorrect. The appeal has to and was placed prior to the start of the match as per the procedures for this kind of thing.
    1 point
  28. Blame their team manager then, not the ref. And there was no need to destroy the tapes, pure petulance.
    1 point
  29. I think your reserves were a big part of the problem tonight.
    1 point
  30. Seems utterly bizarre to give your number two his first outing half way through the meeting, why not get it out of the way in heat one?
    1 point
  31. 300-350 is break even. I guess the Cradley meeting in a couple of weeks will bump up the average attendance. A decent weather forecast will help, I woke up this morning and seen the forecast. I thought it had no chance of being on at that point.
    1 point
  32. There lies the problem SS is on a windup and everyone keeps biting the bait.
    1 point
  33. We are weakened with PK standing in for the former World Champion. Belle Vue are strengthened with Bjerre guesting. Huge opportunity for the Aces to beat the 2018 Premiership Champions.
    1 point
  34. https://goo.gl/images/aSnLvV The DKW bike ridden by Fritz Niemeck and Stewie St.George.Niemeck worked for the company as far as I know
    1 point
  35. Yep just decided, first trip to watch Speedway at Newcastle.... wouldnt have dreamed of doing this last year but finally we have a decent team and a chance, although we dont go well round Newcastle, you never know Oops just seen the weather forecast .... damn ... not worth risking it from North Lincolnshire
    1 point
  36. Speedway has never been able to make up its mind about whether it's a team sport or a circus for daredevil showmen. For my money, they should drop the pairs, the fours, the league riders' championships and all the other window-dressing events (which are just meaningless dross). They should concentrate on a single league of 18 - 20 teams and a regionalised cup competition. League play-offs should be consigned to the dustbin, and the simplified structure of a single league and a cup competition could guarantee all teams a solid programme of 25 home matches per season, potentially a few more for teams with a good cup run. Speedway could learn a lot from those other "dying sports" of cricket and rugby. Through sharpening up the presentation and encouraging greater partisanship they have turned around their fortunes and crowd numbers have gone through the roof. I remember as a lad going to Bramall Lane to watch Geoffrey Boycott bat for a day and a half. By the third day of the match there was no-one left in the ground. Compare that to a Twenty/20 match last summer at Headingley when the terraces were packed, alive and buzzing. Speedway needs to ask itself what its own version of that looks like. Trust me - there are solutions, but it needs people with vision and ideas. Rationing the sport to reduce financial losses is a losers' charter and, if that's the best the promoters can offer, they should be hounded out of the sport.
    1 point
  37. Another thing needs pointed out is that anybody can enter through the " consessions gate "at speedway" it appears to me the it is only relevant to football.If this correct perhaps they need another sign up.
    1 point
  38. From what has been said elsewhere, Proctor has the correct paperwork to race in the Premiership, it's just the paperwork for the Championship that he is still waiting on. Also worth noting that Workington DID get a guest facility for Proctor for their meeting tonight against Edinburgh...presumably because he DOES have a visa, it's some extra piece of documentation that is still missing.
    1 point
  39. Just back and the enjoyable away day's to Berwick never let you down. On the night we just fell short and the Bandits on the night just shaded it and well done to them, but has already been said it was a fantastic advert for the sport with both teams not giving an inch but also raced in mutual respect to there opponent. Not too dissapointed as we were royally entertained and will take the point and move on to next week, looking forward to my next trip to Bandit territory already.
    1 point
  40. sold out and this is Nice 1 Liga match we're talking about, not a season inauguration and against Start Gniezno... too bad I can't be in Lublin tomorrow but I'm flying to Gdansk next week to watch my team live for the first time this season
    1 point
  41. And too small to say his 7 point home average from last season is a truer reflection. 2nd in the Open meeting (a star studded one at that) and top scoring on 13 plus 13+1 and one dropped point in the home match gives a much truer picture of his scoring capabilities at home so far this season. Seems evident to anyone watching him that he looked to have taken a bit step up this year. Completely unreplaceable and RR is way to weakening.
    1 point
  42. And his home average this year?? Near unbeatable. RR won't cover him and weakens the Aces significantly home and away. You would have to know very little about speedway to to not see that.
    1 point
  43. Looking the best team of ultimate athletes with the best equipment isn’t going to mean jack unless you get results
    1 point
  44. Over the years you learn to take the majority of UKM's rantings with a pinch of salt .
    1 point
  45. If we have a 'National Speedway Stadium' then why is this not utilised for the use of The National U'21 title ?
    1 point
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