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10 points
“ I don’t let BSF run my life” says the man who spends half his life trolling in it. Were you there last night ? ( I was). Did you speak to any of the riders or managers before or after the meeting ( I did) have you read Rosco’s statement? No ? You made up your mind because of something you read on the internet. Riders and managers had the chance to test or protest before heat 1 and no one chose to. They decided to get on with it for the fans who actually get off their ârses and go to meetings rather than the numpties who sit at home criticising. It didn’t work out and unfortunately some riders got injured. Still, some bloke who’s never been on a bike saw something on the internet and is more informed than anyone who was there. Thsts ok then. Sorry. You’re completely right.10 points
5 points
Belle Vue screen the post meeting Aces and Colts press conferences live on Facebook. It gives fans who don't want to or, can't stay after the meetings the opportunity to watch them whenever it suits them.4 points
SWINDON boss Alun Rossiter has hit back at the critics who have slammed the club for the events of the abandoned clash with Leicester. Social media went into overdrive with various characters voicing their opinions, many of whom weren’t in attendance and aware of the full facts. Rossiter said: “Before I go any further I just want to repeat this – everyone at Swindon Speedway would like to offer our sincere best wishes to Martin Vaculik for a quick recovery from his injury. Nobody wants to see that. Similarly Michael Palm Toft. “There are certain issues which need addressing here and I’m keen to point out the facts. Not just opinion gleaned from reading a timeline, facts. “I was stood with two top Leicester riders just minutes before the first race and at no time did either rider express any concerns about the track to me. “At no time did any rider express any concerns about the track to the referee, Chris Durno. “On the contrary, we were complimented for the way the track appeared after all the rain it had taken. “The biggest concern was the mist and the risk to visibility – not the track. “Our clerk of the course told riders we weren’t doing a normal parade but they were free to go out and try a lap on the track – nobody took him up on this offer. “Nobody was forced out there, nobody was told they must go out and ride, nobody said they wouldn’t, the consensus was simply get on with it. “I’ve read a broad spectrum of opinions and the truth is hindsight is a wonderful thing. Some riders involved have been on social media saying certain things, well why didn’t they say it to the referee, clerk of the course or myself? Anybody who knows me knows I’ll always listen, I’m a former rider remember, I want safety for the boys. “I feel for the injured boys and feel for our fans and sponsors, it was a bad night and the weather has made this the worst possible start for the sport across the country. Speedway in the UK is in desperate need of a break in the weather, more than ever before.”4 points
It' amazing ..after all these years and all the stupid names he still gets loads of people to bite .I bet he even he can't believe it .unreal3 points
One very ignorant comment regarding the current weather circumstances, then a much more realistic one. When will loads of speedway supporters who've followed the sport for donkey years finally grasp the basic fact that if the temperature's struggling to ever get above 11 or 12 celsius on a still day or (at a pinch) a blustery 9 or 10 celsius, it doesn't matter how gloriously dry or even sunny the weather is on the day, an already saturated track is going to be a devil of a job to dry out satisfactorily for a proper speedway meeting to be held ? !! I've been following the sport since 1988 and I can't recall any spring like the one we're currently enduring with the weather since late-February so overwhelmingly dominated by chilly winds from the east and north-east instead of the usual majority of helpful warmer breezes from the west and south-west. There are large parts of northern England and eastern Scotland where there's barely been any single day yet in 2018 reaching that all-important 12 degrees, albeit that should change tomorrow and Sunday judging by this weekend's forecast. Contrast that with 2012 when there was almost continuous 16-celsius sunshine for the last fortnight of March when a house I was having decorated was done in record time because the paint was drying beautifully quickly - it would probably have taken twice as long if that same work was being done now. Once we're consistently into mid-teens weather, then of course dry conditions on the day of the meeting should be enough to ensure it goes ahead even after a day or two of rain beforehand because there's enough warmth in the air for Mother Nature to be truly helpful. But that's nowhere near what we've got now or, even more importantly have had relentlessly for the past 6 weeks or so (the first and most vicious wave of the Beast From the East reached our shores on the evening of Tuesday 27th February). If Rob Godfrey and his crew at Scunthorpe, well known for running in just about any borderline conditions, can deem this evening's action worth a call-off with several hours to go, that should be seriously appreciated and understood rather than stupidly criticised.3 points
You have “evidence”, I have a son rode in the heat. I think I know who’s opinion I can count on. bye loser3 points
3 points
Conditions last night were very deceiving. Everyone was talking about the possibility of fog worsening during the evening but there was a lot of moisture in the air, my jacket was soaked as if it had been pouring with rain, and obviously the track surface was effected accordingly. Leicester had experienced similar conditions at Rye House the previous evening, where visibility was a huge issue. As for the first race carnage, it looked like two separate incidents to me, more a case of everyone hitting the same piece of track a little too fast for the unexpected conditions. A brief practice 15 minutes before start time in such situations gets a big YES from me...3 points
Living in Sheffield over the past three or four days has been like living in permanent low lying cloud. The air is saturated with moisture. The ground is saturated. And yet the promoters are to blame for this? Words fail me.3 points
Think it’s more to do with getting rid of the dead wood that’s been distracting him for a couple of years2 points
People are still biting......this unbelievable. Stop talking to him and he’ll only have himself to play with.2 points
I'm not playing any games. Just telling people that the Swindon statement is false which it is.2 points
A riders father has told you what is what. He was there, in the pits with the riders. I think his word is more conclusive than a twitter remark after the event.2 points
2 points
Fixed racenights will reduce guests for double-up riders, but guests for injury victims will always be part of our sport....2 points
The only thing that’s important in all of this is surely that a rider has been seriously injured. Plus another rider pretty bruised up too. And perhaps it’s lucky it wasn’t worse than that. All this ‘my dads bigger than your dad’ stuff on here is cringing and missing the point. British speedway needs to learn from this..2 points
I was down at the pits at 7 o'clock and the mist and the moisture in the air was really deceiving, the track looked decent for the amount of rain it had taken in the week.I was more worried about the fog than the track but heat 1 was bad but it could of been a lot worse i wish Martin a speedy recovery and hope he gets back soon.One thing that did hit home to me last night was how much the riders risk everytime to race to entertain us all2 points
2 points
For those of us that were there, that's exactly how it seemed. Unfortunately, the blame culture in and around speedway leads to all and sundry weighing in without full facts.2 points
2 points
Again. Interviewed AFTER the event you tool. 14 riders before the event were quite happy for it to go ahead. Two have said after that it probably shouldn’t have. That doesnt make you right, it makes you either a troll or a complete twunt. Before the the event I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But with hindsight i’m going with both actually. See he what I did there ?2 points
I would have thought it’s easy, K Bjerre he only lives an hour away, big mate of Hans as well2 points
Yes. AFTER the event. Willa grown up please explain the concept of hindsight to MFF and put him to bed for his afternoon nap ?2 points
I'm right end of story. Not even debateable. You lot can make as many excuses as you like it doesn't bother me.2 points
I think it's time to stop apportioning blame, riders got injured, no one wants to see that. Alan Rossiter has put out a statement on the Swindon website and apparently riders were offered the chance to try out the track by the Clerk of the Course but no one took up the offer. What we should be doing is wishing the injured riders a speedy recovery and hope this awful weather that is causing havoc to the sport we love improves so that riders, promoters and referees don't get put in the no win situation they were in last night.2 points
Or as in Poland, in discussion with riders the manager selects 2 riders to have 2x 1 minute practice laps. Pit gate opens, 2 riders from away team take to track. One minute practice then red flag out, riders return to the pits and home team 2 riders go out. This is then repeated with same 4 riders. Not rocket science2 points
Looking forward to this one. Always had a soft spot for Workington as my 'second team' since my early speedway days watching Schott/Carr vs Stonehewer/Stead at Armadale and Derwent Park. Fancy Edinburgh to win this but it will be closer than most expect I think. Max looked impressive last week, hopefully he can carry that on tonight but it will be a real test against a solid Comets side. Erik has had a scorching start to the season and we will need him and Ricky to be on form against potentially weaker Workington heat leaders. A lot also depends on the return from BWD at #7, hopefully Josh can keep him subdued. I'll go Edinburgh 49-41 Workington2 points
The track "looked good" last night at Swindon too, look what happened. Buster will be in his ivory tower with a bit of smugness on his face. I personally hope that this way of thinking continues, a bit of trust is being regained just by correctly calling these meetings off. Everybody is fed up with the "track conditions are perfect, look forward to a great night of Speedway" only to watch Buster blading the track for a couple of hours.2 points
Rain due to go off by noon latest then receeding chance of rain with cloud all day. Lets avoid another late call off ....please. Think we should sign Noah and his crew at this stage...I`m getting webbed feet. Makes you wonder why water is not our No1 export.......2 points
Regarding the suggestion that riders should be allowed to "test ride" the track before the meeting - on many occasions in televised meetings one hears the comment "the track will come to the riders later in the meeting" Therefore, wouldn't everyone - riders, mechanics and spectators - benefit from there being a practice session immediately prior to every meeting? The bikes would be correctly set up, track conditions and (to the visiting riders) size and shape would be experienced, and the track itself would "come to the riders" earlier in the meeting - all this would improve the spectators' experience2 points
Hes the biggest joke on here. Changed teams once and never attends a live meeting. As biased as Shovlar and Starman are at least they go and support the team.2 points
2 points
Or some fans have got it wrong, and forgot to look outside on speedway nights and blaming the wrong people for the rain.2 points
Both teams agreed to give it a try. If the riders wanted to give it a go who’s in the better position to judge, the guys putting their neck on the line of some bloke on the internet who’s probably never swung his leg over a bike?2 points
Let's Just wish all the fallen riders good health or speedy recovery, all this constant bickering needs to be toned down, too many keyboard warriors on here spoiling for an argument........pathetic.2 points
1 point
Meeting starts at 8pm local- so we will see a short item covering the parade and probably 1st race off at 7.20pm UK time- Dave and Sam are commentating from the track.1 point
Over the years you learn to take the majority of UKM's rantings with a pinch of salt .1 point
1 point
1 point
With Vaculik now out for a period, Kildemand will be finished at Poole by next week. Could make a good replacement.1 point
Why can there be practice laps at 7pm for both teams... 5 mins each. That then leaves 15 mins of track time so sort any issues, not that there will be any most weeks.1 point
I think I’ve got to the point where I’m not really bothered about if this Great Britain venture works or not but one thing I am curious about is how is it going to be funded ? All the ideas talked about cost money and mr painter says it will be self funded ,so where is the income coming from ?1 point
1 point
Are you coming next week to sit in front of us again so we can all have a laugh?1 point
Im not saying it's the wrong decision to call it off. But you can't be telling me its got loads worse in the last hour because of the lightest misty rain. They have let everyone in and took their cash. Should have been off mid afternoon.1 point
I suppose if it's rained off us Berwick fans can be proud that despite most people writing off our team,at least we'll have been unbeaten in our first three fixtures.1 point
I thought he hasn't got a visa for the UK at the moment which is why he went to Poland.1 point