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Both teams agreed to give it a try. If the riders wanted to give it a go who’s in the better position to judge, the guys putting their neck on the line of some bloke on the internet who’s probably never swung his leg over a bike?13 points
11 points
What an idiotic comment to make about suing Swindon. Both teams have to agree to race which they did. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out from.8 points
You are a piece of work! Is it a crime to mention he isn't Polish or because you were wrong? Obviously i hope the non-Polish Vaculik is ok!6 points
Let's Just wish all the fallen riders good health or speedy recovery, all this constant bickering needs to be toned down, too many keyboard warriors on here spoiling for an argument........pathetic.5 points
5 points
Despite having a bug I still dragged my arse out of bed and drove to support us. Thank God I did. No1 else bothered LOL It was a lovely summer's day down there but I diddnt expect the track to be great because they have had alot of rain the last 3 weeks. But I never expected It to be that bad. It was still a little bumpy AGAIN i thought. And it was very very spongy and patchy. All riders struggled with it. Especially bend 3&4. Maybe they should have postponed this meeting and gave the track more time. But then again I suppose 14 riders got through the meeting safe, JUST. We all know Poole are the best team assembled so it was always going to be hard. But we gave it a good go. The score really flattening us TBH, we got a little lucky to go 6 up and then the luck ran out and the guests just gave up. Pathetic from them. All the aces riders gave it there all in tricky conditions so just coming out of that meeting safe and well I will take. For them Kurtz was a class above. Love this kid. He's another one that's going to be special. The rest all chipped in for them BATCHELOR: we know he hates a dodgy track so in hindsight we should never have got him in. Very poor STARKE: did well. Battled hard. Well done LAWSON: made the gate in first while others were all over the place. He then went missing. Very poor TUNGATE: very poor, typical early season form for him. But we know he's only really here for his home form FRICKE: fast, very fast. Best I've seen him there. The only one to get near Kurtz and if track was better I think he could have passed him. He was captain to BEWLEY: a great performance great win in 14. We all love danny boy ETHERIDGE: Gifted his heat 2 win but did his job. Wasn't far of the pace. So the guests lost it us. We've been lucky with guests lately. Today not so lucky Onwards and upwards5 points
Welcome everyone to the 2018 s**t shovelling season from Mr S**t Shoveller himself5 points
A track does not go from being considered suitable to race on to a state of being unfit in less than one minute, but this is essentially what the Referee has admitted to. If the crash was down to rider error alone, then the meeting would have continued. The fact that the crash (involving injuries), seems to have been a wake up call is poor. Whilst the Swindon promotion should not be exempt from some criticism regarding track preparation, the Referee should be questioned here. They can hide behind the excuse that riders were willing to race but the riders did not abandon the meeting. If you have the authority to abandon the meeting, you are surely singularly responsible for giving it the go ahead (despite pressure from other parties).4 points
If everyone coming off was inevitable when racing at full speed, then you've rather proved that the track wasn't fit for racing.3 points
What a load of Ill informed s**t being spoken on here....nothing changes , the track was totally suitable to start on the pits bend looked greasy compared to the first corners but all 4 riders went into the 3rd corner at full pelt which resulted in the inevitable, despite what Hans typically says in hindsight everyone was keen for the meeting to commence so keep your bull***t opinions to yourself MattFordFan you total fanny3 points
3 points
3 points
No need for any of that. If both teams agreed to give it a go, it’s just an unfortunate racing accident.3 points
3 points
I suppose if it's rained off us Berwick fans can be proud that despite most people writing off our team,at least we'll have been unbeaten in our first three fixtures.3 points
Not actually correct Gavin said the averages last season said Morris was better than Brady3 points
Are you really sure that Cook and Worrall wouldn't of scored 12 or more points between them, cause that was all they would of had to do to beat Poole last night. Poole were lucky, end off.3 points
Not much sympathy for the travelling fans here is there? Anyone remember the travelling fan? Those fans who followed their favourite team or riders all over the country and who organised their lives around the fixture list? Speedway used to have some of those in the olden days, before promoters made being a travelling fan into a hellish experience. Yeah, that endangered species...Those who booked time off work to go to the original fixture, who may have booked a hotel if they didn't fancy the drive back afterwards, who then had their day off work wasted, and who had to cancel their hotel booking possibly losing their money in the process, not to mention needing to book more time off work, now that the fixture is on a Wednesday, possibly needing another hotel booking... Who cares about messing fans about? Not the BSPA / SCB, that's for sure, and not by the looks of it, those whose idea of "going to the speedway" means sitting at the computer "watching" the Speedway Updates site. No wonder the sport is losing it's fanbase. #speedwayshambles3 points
To right, why don’t we have this here. I can’t see any reason why this practice should not take place before every meeting. It gives both home and away team an idea of track conditions re set up. Correct set ups gives better racing. But f..k it - promoters don’t want fans to go home having seen good racing. They might return and British speedway hasn’t got anymore room to fit all the fans in.2 points
Then the ref should have postponed the meeting alongside the captains. To blame Swindon is unfair IMO2 points
Both teams agreed to race....Do I think it should have started, no. But to make your ridiculous comment about suing is just that, ridiculous. We all know you sit at home when meetings are on so I can’t take anything you say seriously.2 points
Batch only cares about Batch..But is no match for Buster2 points
Sounds like you tar all Poole fans with the same brush. You do realise there is childish gloating and wind ups carried out on this forum by supporters from all clubs right? I stand by the fact that Matt Ford runs Poole Speedway the way he does because its his main income and his passion. Poole do bend the rules to breaking point at times, but that's because we're run by a man who wants to win. If other clubs were run by people as ambitious and dedicated to the cause as Matt Ford, then speedway would be in a better place. I'm well aware other will disagree, and that's their prerogative. As for the boasting about being champions, who doesn't celebrate their club's successes? How many times will people bring up Poole losing to Coventry in the final that one year? Are they boasting/gloating? This forum is an incredibly toxic place. Yet I can't think of a single heated argument I've had with opposing fans at any live speedway match I've been to in the 28 years I have been going. Strange that. How about people take some responsibility for their actions and words and consider what they are saying before posting? Posts like yours continue to fuel ill will. We all see the sport struggling, so why don't we try and act like adults with a common interest and start playing nice. Cut out the name calling. Be a bigger man/woman!2 points
Never read a truer post Fact is it’s only morons like Shovlar and 1 or 2 others who are the issue most of the Poole fans are decent enough2 points
I'm not usually one to make negative comments (so now you know one is coming) - we all realise no-one is making money from speedway in this country, we should be grateful for any track continuing to run, etc...but... RH have achieved something that I wouldn't have believed possible. They have actually made the 'stadium' worse. That monstrosity of wooden planks held together with iron bars near the start line has to be a late April Fool joke, surely? And I do hope the ArenaCross(?) track in the middle brings in some decent money, because from a speedway fan's point of view, it makes the place look dreadful.2 points
No you get the stick because of your arrogance and complacency and seeming inability to realise that childish gloating only offends those with a brain. You hide behind "prove it" and try to comfort yourselves that "the haters are just jealous". No, there are serious concerns about Poole's role in the current collapse of British Speedway. The sport has lost credibility here and the never-ending 'pure coincidence' of rules being changed to suit Poole's needs is a root cause. You boast about being champions. Try behaving like champions and you might finally get some respect. Blind faith isn't supporting your club or sport.2 points
Your comment about Steve Worrall tells us everything about you very childish to be honest . And who has ever bigged up Steve ? i haven't all i have said was that Steve was going to be a huge loss but for you to have a big downer on Worrall is so weird as you could not wish to meet a more level headed modest professional rider.2 points
I tell you something Aces what a performance that was to keep it as close as you did i feared it could of been a big home win.Fricke has scored 36 points from three meetings and fingers crossed he can push on Max and Kurtz are both knocking on the door of the GP series but Cook/ Worrall were both huge misses tonight.Poole will be mighty hard to beat at home but away it won't be a cakewalk at certain tracks interesting times ahead the Robins at least beat a full strength Aces team at home that augers well for us.2 points
Only you would consider this - can't say that I'm surprised1 point
He beat his fair share of no 1's, let's just agree to disagree but just give the guy a chance before you slate him1 point
Claus Vissing received a red card last Sunday riding for Krakow at Gdansk- he was excluded for not having the correct helmet cover and when told he was excluded rode through the tapes earning the penalty of a 1 match ban.1 point
1 point
That would be the same Tungate you now say we're carrying that you claimed in the Aces v Poole thread, when trying again to claim r/r wouldn't weaken us, would win his race when taking a r/r for Worrall on Monday. You can't even be consistent in your opinions made on the same day. Any speedway fan capable of being objective would have anticipated Cook and Worrall scoring a combined total of at least 15 to 20.1 point
1 point
No he would not Stevie would be the bees knees because he would be a pirate .as for last night on a track which was a gaters paradise with Craig and Steve there it just may have been a different story . We will never know happy days1 point
Don't set off - it's POST-PONED! (http://www.sheffieldspeedway.co/news.php?extend.2516)1 point
I think Wolves will be in real trouble if Schlein turns out to be your best rider. He's a good rider but will do well to maintain his current average. I hope Howarth does have a good season. He has been a steady improver during his career and has the ability to continue to do so.1 point
1 point
Lol thick or trolling again. So Belle Vue won’t have a better chance lol deluded. Cook and Worrall 26 at Poole last time and their replacements got 4! What warped planet you on1 point
Well done to Poole on their victory. Those who thought we were not weaker with a Lawson or r/r for Worrall can now see how wrong they were. In the circumstances, a remarkable away performance against the team predicted to top the league. We only needed 6 more points for a win and I can't see that Cook and Worrall wouldn't have achieved that.1 point
Yer exactly. Its like this if we had this guy we would have won. Like saying if we had KK we wanted last season we would have won the title. Massively invalid argument.1 point
A poor meeting and rubbish track at Poole and Rye meeting abandoned half way through. Justice served and great call Buster Chapman, not to mug of ya punters1 point
The poles did there job that’s what you would get from them about 6 a meeting. Poole can only beat what’s in front of them and a Belle Vue with no Cook and Worrall plus Holder missing proved a huge advantage for Poole. Belle Vue did well to keep it to 10 and shouldn’t have any fears going back to Poole with a full 1-7.1 point
Genuinely don't know how Batchelor get's guest bookings. He's mugged off so many clubs1 point
1 point
Quite correct. Seems to me to be a very amicable rearrangement. All those folks saying they couldn't go to Berwick cos it was too far away, now have a chance to go to Birmingham. Let's see them all flood the place out with their presence. Some of course wouldn't be able to get out of a box, never mind rearrange fixtures so quickly and so amicably.1 point
I do think that is is the central part of the lack of public support in the UK. The product needs a lot of change and improvement before new fans are likely to embrace it and support it with their cash. It is not going to happen though, because those who currently control it believe they are selling something terrific and worth 5,000+ people turning up for a match. Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. 75% of speedway races are boring after the first lap 2nd bend. It is things like standardised bikes with handicap racing that might, just might , bring in new fans. But it is not speedway "as we know it" and so it will not happen. You have to look at why stock cars / banger racing pulls in so many more people around the country. It represents chaos and mayhem and the unexpected / unbelievable things happening and "going wrong". Speedway offers three riders chasing after the race leader with , in most cases, nothing happening. Only the die hard purists understand and appreciate the techniques involved. Newbies in the UK do not and are therefore hardly likely to join the tribal fan base with any passion.1 point
Nutters? By the way you have never seen me shout abuse at riders. Yet more buffonery from you! Madder than a box of frogs comes to mind!1 point
1 - no changes to 2017 prices (website will be updated accordingly) 2 - Student, Disabled and 65+ (with proof of entitlement) 3 - Thought it had been changed to be honest but will have to investigate1 point