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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Star Lady, Haza and Bagpuss have all given you very good reasons why tonight’s meeting was called off early but you clearly either don’t understand what they are saying or you don’t believe them so I thought I would add my two pennies worth. Firstly I am a farmer something I’ve been doing for 45 years and I’m also a member of the local drainage board so I would like to think that I do know something about rain and the effects that it has on the ground. You said in an earlier post that if there was some rain in the morning of a meeting that it should still go ahead, well yes I agree with you there but only on the assumption that we hadn’t had a lot of rain say in the 4 or 5 days leading up to that meeting, the trouble here is that we have had heavy rain virtually everyday for the last 3 weeks. Even when it hasn’t rained much like today there has been no wind or sun to start drying the track which is most definitely well into the clay base by now. If we’d have had 10/15ml of rain only this morning Buster would have easily have prepared a good racing surface but we haven’t so it is what it is. We even had a stock car meeting called off last week something I’ve never heard of before. The weather for the weekend and next week appears to be more encouraging and in my opinion the track will only just be ready for the meeting against Belle Vue next week so tonight’s meeting, not in a million years so great decision by KL Speedway to call it off early.
    5 points
  2. tell that to Scunthorpe then . i cant see them wanting to use an out of work rider for stevie wozza !
    4 points
  3. A poor meeting and rubbish track at Poole and Rye meeting abandoned half way through. Justice served and great call Buster Chapman, not to mug of ya punters
    3 points
  4. Genuinely don't know how Batchelor get's guest bookings. He's mugged off so many clubs
    3 points
  5. I would expect Jacob to be the top five. He should finish with a higher average than Morris & Clegg!
    3 points
  6. Spot on GW... 2.5 MILLION potential fans reside in the Greater Manchester conurbation, all within a 45 min drive from the NSS, with good motorway links to get there off the M60 Motorway Ring Road... Aprrox 1500 of these 2.5M (at best) attend each week... The ONLY Speedway Track and Team within their area... With a potential 'reach' of that magnitude, something doesn't add up does it?... And as the racing is generally VERY GOOD indeed at the NSS the lack of support has to be down to the cost of admission.. And I quantify that by the fact that there are probably 3000 - 4000 or so actual people who would consider themselves BV fans who attend sporadically over the Season with varying degrees of regularity, but simply don't see paying out the current admission levels each week as within their ongoing capability fiscally.. On here, we often talk about how to engage new fans, and mention how poor the Sport is marketed both locally and nationally , however, within most catchment areas there are a huge amount of people who 'used to go', possibly to an even higher number than those who still attend.. Just getting those back each week would be an enormous leap forward.. But at current admission levels I would say it would be very difficult to do that... Just as a throwaway thought, I always think it 'interesting' that when you do see meetings advertised in local papers either through adverts or in the weeky 'piece' put together by the local journo, they often never mention the admission costs as part of the meeting info... Most businesses who want your business scream out about how much they charge don't they? Strange that Speedway doesn't..!
    3 points
  7. We sometimes go on about the good old days, the big crowds, the best riders in the world riding here, a home meeting virtually every week etc., but the promoters of the 70's do have much to answer for in not investing in the sport when most clubs were making healthy profits.
    3 points
  8. Yes not much overtaking but we should be grateful we had a meeting on despite all the rain . All Poole’s new riders improved as the meeting went on and they got dialled in . Batchelor and Lawson were not good guests but is pure speculation whether Cook and Worrall could’ve done a lot better. Probably I agree they would have done, but it was early season and the track was not easy. Let’s see what happens in the B fixture if both sides are similar as starting lineups In summary It was not a great meeting but after all the rain we have had it was just good to see some racing and the result in the end what’s the right one for the performances on the night
    2 points
  9. Conditions got a lot worse and if the referee had not stopped it when she did there could easily have been a very nasty crash. Full marks to the promotion for trying to get through the meeting, full marks to the riders for trying their hardest to race in bad conditions and full marks to the referee for stopping it before someone was hurt. I am now looking forward to the next meeting.
    2 points
  10. I'll await Shovlar's official match report.I'm sure he will come up with something like a great meeting with plenty of passing etc etc. But i prefer what you said as it seems unbiased.
    2 points
  11. BV defo missing Stevie As for Batch another Stevie wouldve been a better guest - Stevie Wonder!
    2 points
  12. Huge thanks to everyone at the group. That's a brilliant piece of work, and whatever the eventual outcome, the fans will appreciate you put up an excellent fight. Here's hoping for a positive outcome.
    2 points
  13. Whoops - shows how long it's been since the team was announced and actually seeing Wolves ride!
    2 points
  14. Having just returned home from King's Lynn and less than a mile from the stadium, nobody in there right mind would really get any pleasure out of standing around tonight for a few hours in a very open environment. It's currently quite foggy, damp with the odd bit of drizzle, and extremely cold. I don't think for one minute that Champions League football on TV (Who's playing anyway, and that's an honest question?) would have kept the public away, but today's weather certainly would have. So I'm with those who think the club have made the right decision to postpone, as have Birmingham for the same reasons, but nobody is having a pop at them, so what makes King's Lynn so different in the moaners eyes?
    2 points
  15. Well if there are no longer any rabbit droppings and the coffee now tastes like sh!t then you know whats happening
    2 points
  16. There is absolutely no dry in Norfolk today, nor was there yesterday. It is musty and murky, no wind to speak of and certainly no sunshine. Maybe he could have got the track sorted, maybe he couldn't but it seems after some bad experiences for supporters last year he doesn't want people wading through mud and puddles in the car park or to risk a rain off or poor conditions for racing for the first impression of this season. Being an outdoor worker I'm personally not convinced he could get the track sorted, everywhere is saturated meaning the drainage at the track must be overflowing and it is one thing relaying a circuit in the summer months compared to a wet and chilly April. A bad customer experience tonight after the farce of 2017 could do the club serious damage.
    2 points
  17. You put your Birmingham in You take your Birmingham out In, out, in, out, You shake it all about.... That does it, the "Hokey Kokey" should be the walk-on tune next Wednesday, with the Benny Hill theme tune to accompany any other parades etc. You can't make this up can you? #speedwayshambles
    2 points
  18. I travelled down overnight and came through some very heavy rain. As i got closer to where im staying in Bournemouth it was drying out pretty well. Bit cloudy but plenty of blue in the sky, so its the train to poole to sample some of the good real ale watering holes then at last speedway. Immeterial to the score lets hope for some good racing. Seems we brought that Manchester sun with us
    2 points
  19. Strange circular glowing disk seen in the sky above Poole. Throwing off some type of radiation which seems to be warming atmosphere. Seen it before but it seems a while ago.
    2 points
  20. Yes speedway is dangerous we all know that including those who choose to make their living that way. As for bangers being a hobby not a professional sport, if it brings in the crowds to the point where profits are made surely it's worth speedway looking at it as a business model, i.e. riders going semi-professional (as they were in days of old). At least that way the sport might just last into the 2020s
    2 points
  21. I don't think we need to go as far as 'Handicap' races, but we could sure make it more enjoyable. The first step has to be the costing. This has to be uniform across the board with specific help for families. The situation of the tail wagging the dog has all but destroyed our sport. We cannot have this situation of technicians governing the costs of what the fans have to pay, and that has all but killed the sport off. The sport has become too expensive at ground-root level, and subsequently that is passed on to the fans. The Bikes are far too technical now and far outweigh the costs of sustainability. The sport doesn't need this degree of expense and persueing cheaper options has to be the first priority. If we carry on this same avenue, come 2025, there will only be watched by a 100 fans paying £30 each for the privilege. And that's a crazy thought....... This is not a £18/ head sport. They expect fans to come in to watch 15 processional races, that last all-night. Even at £10/head it would be a hard sell. Until that is addressed it will never change...
    2 points
  22. I do think that is is the central part of the lack of public support in the UK. The product needs a lot of change and improvement before new fans are likely to embrace it and support it with their cash. It is not going to happen though, because those who currently control it believe they are selling something terrific and worth 5,000+ people turning up for a match. Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. 75% of speedway races are boring after the first lap 2nd bend. It is things like standardised bikes with handicap racing that might, just might , bring in new fans. But it is not speedway "as we know it" and so it will not happen. You have to look at why stock cars / banger racing pulls in so many more people around the country. It represents chaos and mayhem and the unexpected / unbelievable things happening and "going wrong". Speedway offers three riders chasing after the race leader with , in most cases, nothing happening. Only the die hard purists understand and appreciate the techniques involved. Newbies in the UK do not and are therefore hardly likely to join the tribal fan base with any passion.
    2 points
  23. But that’s the point, he would have been in charge of world speedway. He would have made himself in charge, his billions would/could have controlled every aspect worldwide.
    2 points
  24. Unbelievable. Every club is so scared of Poole that they’re even calling rain offs for matches that don’t involve the Pirates.
    2 points
  25. Details here: http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/_mobile/news.php?extend.143.1
    1 point
  26. I guess you can only have that opinion if you were there!!
    1 point
  27. The track was wet before the start, and visibility was deteriorating all the time. The decision to have a tractor break after heat 4 probably scuppered any chance of getting a result.
    1 point
  28. think you got wrong man pal i have never slagged Leicester promoter off just dont like British riders being dumped for forien ones
    1 point
  29. I think we can conclude from the evidence available that the racing was poor and Belle Vue probably would have won the meeting with their declared 1-7 and no guests, regardless of what propaganda is forthcoming.
    1 point
  30. Glad to read that the track is poor and the meetings very gate and go and boring. Well deserved after Buster being criticised for calling ours off.
    1 point
  31. And what's wrong with a Norfolk dumpling Hope it's a safe meeting for all with some good racing.The fans and riders have waited long enough.
    1 point
  32. Some of the team have retired
    1 point
  33. And bringing them in on their 7 point plus averages just like Poole were allowed to do with Kildemand.
    1 point
  34. Looks like Paul Starke rather than R/R at 2 for the Lions. Should be a decent meeting, looking forward to seeing how Vaculik goes. Expect this to be a close one, Robins win by 4-6. Online ticket bought, looking forward to some racing finally!
    1 point
  35. I really wonder at the common sense existing in some of the brains of contributors to this column. The Under 21 FINAL had to be on a Tuesday and it seems that David Mason was not aware that he could run on that day and, quite rightly informed the BSPA who, naturally had to find another venue ( Now Berwick...not a great choice IMO, but they may have had no reasonable alternatives). THEN the semi-final at Newcastle was rained off and, once again the BSPA had to find an alternative....and very quickly...Birmingham, it seems , applied and were successful. So tell me, all you Clever Dicks, what is to be criticised in that ?
    1 point
  36. We still have a sweet stall. It's just one of the many many spectator facilities the Arena boasts, along with the car parking and errr did I mention the sweet stall?.
    1 point
  37. Absolutely agree! I find the coverage of the overseas scene first class. Thanks to the Star I can hold a half decent conversation about Finnish speedway! And for those few people who don't want the grasstrack news (I am not among them) you should be grateful that you aren't buying it back in the 50's when it included pages of ice hockey (!) news.
    1 point
  38. Scott Autrey coming over in 1973 for me put the Yanks on the map Rick Woods quit. Sumner McKnight not up to it yet Scott went on to have a really good debut season.I first see Scott ride in the 1973 Silver Plume meeting at Swindon and he impressed right away he then went on to become a world class rider and arguably was good anough to be a World Champion in 1978 or 79 a real class act.
    1 point
  39. One thing that is undeniable is the touch of glamour and the showmanship the Americans brought with them; something I feel there is too little of in the sport today. Kelly Moran hanging off the bike was a sight to behold. They were box office and the media and fans loved it. I remember being at Cradley the night Bruce Penhall was saying his farewells. There was a long line of teenage girls in various degrees of tearful distress waiting for their few moments with their idol. They were all heartbroken he was quitting. To be honest, I was too. I'll never forget that amazing night at Wembley when he pipped Olsen and Knudsen on the line from behind. He was on a mission that night and nothing was going to stop him being world champion.
    1 point
  40. they past the test with flying colours
    1 point
  41. Maybe Buster realises he has mugged the punters off once to often with his 'Its Defo on' claim, only for the poor sods to turn up and watch him blade off X tonnes of slope from the track and people standing about watching while drinking and eating his over priced food.
    1 point
  42. I accept that many speedway stadia and tracks no longer provide the facilities and good racing required if we are to attract significant numbers of new fans, let alone retain those we already have. What I don't accept is that it is impossible to get new stadia built. It was far from easy to get the NSS built and I accept that many councils will not contemplate doing what Manchester Council has done. However, I don't believe that Manchester are the only council that can be persuaded to provide a modern facility for a sport which has an important place in the history of its town or city and brings revenue and provides jobs for the local community. What is needed is the determination and ability required to persuade councils and local businesses to get behind such projects. Include whatever community facilities may encourage and enable councils to justify the project to their constituents and to help sell the proposal. However, a new stadium is no guarantee of success. It is a slow process to convince people that Speedway is a sport they will enjoy and want to support but a modern stadium and good race track is an excellent base from which to start. At the NSS we have much of what they have in Poland. A new modern stadium, not on the scale of some in Poland but nonetheless a stadium with modern facilities and a brilliant race track. Riders give 100% because the track is wide with many racing lines and because they feel confident and safe. Racing is generally of the highest standard and meetings usually completed in under 2 hours but despite all of that the crowds have not come flocking back. The numbers are up compared to the dog track but last year we averaged 1500, less than the numbers required to break even. There is no magic potion that will increase the crowds overnight but as more people see the quality of the product on offer and enjoy their night out they will in turn encourage others to attend and the more fans you have the more the atmosphere improves and fans enjoy it more. It's a cycle of getting new fans, they enjoy it, they sell it to their friends and it mushrooms. Clearly, many other things also need to be done to improve the overall speedway experience and vital to that is presenting a credible and professionally run sport. The BSPA have failed miserably and must have the courage and foresight to see that the current management model doesn't now work. Some had hopes that the Chapman era might change things for the better but unfortunately we still have no openness or transparency, rules which are not applied consistently and new back of a fag packet rules which last no longer than a pack of cigarettes. We shall never attract and retain new fans so long as the too obvious incompetence of the BSPA to regulate the sport sensibly and consistently continues.
    1 point
  43. 18 point max for Fast Freddie away from home in Poland. Bollox dropped there from Wolves instead going with a seriously injured wobbler
    1 point
  44. All helps to get a bigger than average crowd when Batchelor visits with Swindon so well done Troy on that one .
    1 point
  45. Troy has always been the same, will never change. As you say Buster has to take a large part of the blame for last year but we all know what Batchelor is like, these comments still come as no surprise to anybody and he is entitled to his say.
    1 point
  46. Matej was always going to ride in Poland and there is a greater chance of him actually getting a ride before his ex-teammate Rose. Anyway I think Marej will do well for Redcar under the new promotion. So Matej gets a ride, we get a loan fee and Redcar get a decent rider, everyone’s a winner. In the case of BWD , I think his Peterborough actions late on last season could have done him. Remember if a decent rider is still without a team spot there will always be a reason. Have faith in the promotion, as if they wanted a good rider, and he was available, I am sure they would have went after them. There is also another decent rider not fixed up yet, but that situation will change soon and we will then know why we did not signed him.
    1 point
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