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  1. Each stadium / track will have it's own for's and those that are against , at the end of the day it's another speedway track that is still open for business , like it or like it not , which we should all be grateful for with the sport as a whole in decline and very little chance of seeing new stadium development anywhere .
    8 points
  2. Relieved to read JD’s tweet.
    5 points
  3. rode last season for us i do believe. so guest i know the rules are complicated, but how do you get your reserve to drop down onto the body of the team and dan move up . we are not peterborough ya know .
    4 points
  4. Will be interesting to see who the other new riders registered will be Could it signal an intent to move up to the top league in the not too distant future? Whatever his faults (real or imagined) Ged is certainly positive and proactive in looking to develop his club - you have to applaud him for that.
    4 points
  5. As many fans now can read you like a book.The usual and expected comments from you. Poole must be the unluckiest team in the league to have to face teams at when they are at their strongest at any time in their league campaigns. Funnily enough when Poole have to use R/R or a guest they are weakened. Nice one SS same old bulls**t
    3 points
  6. The rule in which Campton has a lower average?
    3 points
  7. Yep probably on par with What Mick Horton said was break even, you can add a few more to that when weather improves. Decent meeting despite the conditions, if it was a premiership meeting I doubt it wouldve got that far. Fair play to all the riders for keeping it going.
    3 points
  8. About 350 I would guess, which considering the weather (rained all the way through) is pretty good and it will only get better once the sun starts shining and word gets around about how good the racing is. Really enjoyed it and all credit to the lads who got stuck in despite the rain and tricky track to produce some great racing which was on a par to any PL match I've been to.
    3 points
  9. He has had a racing neck brace put on so is probably out of the meeting
    3 points
  10. Kyle is a difficult one to predict. At times he looks rather ordinary, but one the other hand he popped out of the gate in heat 9 on Friday and beat the previously unbeaten Ulrich Ostergaard, and if he can pull that sort of thing off against an opposing heat leader once a meeting its the sort of thing that wins matches, and he didn't have any last places which is exactly what you want from a No 4. There is a long way to go yet but my guess is he'll stay at No4 all season , maybe with a small increase on his average . I like him though, glad we have him in the team and hope he does well. He is certainly not short of enthusiasm .
    3 points
  11. To be fair, Jonas had just drove across Stevie on the 4th corner, so Stevie would have been trying to get around him when Jonas tried it again.
    3 points
  12. Such is the strength of this Poole side, it has ridiculed the league as a competition. In there blinded wisdom of allowing out of date averages, the BSPA has all but destroyed the equality a league needs to be respectable. My plan for the coming season is to accept Poole's dominance and forget about them. In my mind the competition is about the remaining 7 teams. These are all of a similar standard where the results will be based on the racing seen on the track and not some out of date ruling that only provides loopholes for those looking to pull a fast one..
    3 points
  13. Only made it for the last 5 races, but impressed with what I saw from both sides. Really like the centre green presenter there and Neville is great. It's not just a speedway meeting there its an event for the family. Very much in the mould of the Warrior Way.
    3 points
  14. And they also have around 100 tradesmen who have offered their services to restore the stadium.
    3 points
  15. Come on people, don't feed the troll.
    2 points
  16. Excellent news. Very lucky indeed.
    2 points
  17. Most if not all neutrals are waiting with baited breath praying that Leicester beat Poole, just to throw it back to SS about his Poole team being streets ahead of any other. Leicester to sneak it 46-44
    2 points
  18. If I was a Wolves fan I'd be cringing at picking Thorssell as their No1. Terrific meeting though, Poland hardly let you down
    2 points
  19. They need to listen to constructive criticism. Some do tend to sneer at advice.
    2 points
  20. bring back Dave Goddard- all is forgiven !!!! Kai Huckenbeck wasn`t even in the race
    2 points
  21. Not feeling the british commentator, think I will swap to polish coverage on NC+
    2 points
  22. I'm sure even stevie will watch that and retract his statement about the other rider.
    2 points
  23. It’s live on YouTube for anyone who struggling to get a stream
    2 points
  24. I think we lack that at Poole I'm afraid just my opinion we never get young lads going around after the meeting anymore
    2 points
  25. Are they affiliated to the Freemasons by any chance?
    2 points
  26. To be fair I don’t see a lot of fault anywhere, just a racing incident between two riders giving it everything.
    2 points
  27. What a daft comment. What is a club supposed to do, hire riders who are no good on their home track ? Lol. More like you are just a poor loser. Get over it.
    2 points
  28. All clubs have the same chance to sign riders as any other clubs if they chose not to do so for whatever reason that’s up to them it’s not Poole fault that rider want to ride for them surely? ask any young footballers that doesn’t want to play for Man United for instance. I’m perhaps missing something but are Poole really that much stronger than the rest of the league ? as for someone saying they could do an Ipswich what they did in 98 I’d be amazed if they did - yes Poole have a good side as they do most years I’d expect nothing less .
    2 points
  29. Not at all. As with most things in life if you approach a situation looking for the positives you’ll find them, and if you go in looking for the negatives you’ll find them. The glass that’s half empty is the same glass that’s half full. I spent Friday night enjoying the meeting -both teams. I really don’t get why people spend £17 to spend the evening moaning . Maybe you ought just not go to Lakeside, not think about it, and not follow the threads. Unless of course being miserable is what makes you happy, but it seems a strange attitude to me . Life’s a bit short to go round moaning about everything all the time.
    2 points
  30. Just caught up with the Wroclaw match which I really enjoyed- massive crowd. Tomorrow we start with the Nice Polska league match on Polsat sport Lublin v Lodz teams https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/84925/speed-car-motor-lublin-orzel-odz start time 1.45 pm UK time, 2nd up is Grudziadz v Czestochowa on N Sport and FREESPORTS IN UK teams https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/84317/gkm-grudziadz-wlokniarz-czestochowa start time N sport 3pm UK time 1st race and FREESPORTS 3.30pm UK time 3rd up is Gorzow v Torun N sport teams https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/relacja/84318/cash-broker-stal-gorzow-get-well-torun programme starts 5.30pm UK time 1st race 6pm UK time Lovely warm sunny day forecast for Poland tomorrow 20/21 C http://www.soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport https://www.meczyki.pl/
    2 points
  31. It is slightly ironic of R Worrall though... Best wishes to Stevie, hard but not dirty imo from JBA.
    1 point
  32. 12474 the official attendance at Wroclaw yesterday.
    1 point
  33. Thought I'd do a bit of analysis on which riders are being picked most often. Not surprisingly, the highly rated 3.00 riders are most popular and fill 3 of the top 4 places. (Kyle Bickley being the only non-3.00 rider in the top 4 picks). Adam Roynon is the highest averaged rider to be picked. chosen by 2 people on 9.67. (Max Clegg, Luke Bowen and Ben Morley are other 9+ riders to be picked twice). 23 teams entered means 161 places available (160, as one person picked a rider who isn't in a NL team). But out of those 160 place, only 32 riders have been chosen. They are (with number of times chosen) :- 21 Drew Kemp 18 Jason Edwards 17 Kyle Bickley 17 Leon Flint 10 Jack Smith 9 Danyon Hume 8 Mitchell Davey 7 Jack Thomas 6 Danny Phillips 6 Jordan Jenkins 4 Jamie Halder 3 Tom Brennan 3 Georgie Wood 3 Henry Atkins 3 Danny Ayres 3 Taylor Hampshire 2 Ben Morley 2 Matt Marson 2 Max Clegg 2 Charlie Brooks 2 Luke Bowen 2 Adam Roynon 1 Josh Bailey 1 Alex Spooner 1 Layne Cupitt 1 Tom Perry 1 Richard Andrews 1 Connor Coles 1 David Wallinger 1 Anders Rowe 1 Joe Lawlor 1 Ben Woodhull
    1 point
  34. The commentator seems to be getting a wee bit better as we go along . Can't be easy commentating on a sport that you're not familiar with . I certainly wouldn't fancy trying to cover hurling or Gaelic football , some of the Irish names are harder to pronounce that the Poles and Eastern European names are
    1 point
  35. How can you not be enjoying this commentator? He didn't even realise they'd stopped the race then and then talked about a sudden decelleration when they showed a replay. Much more entertaining then listening in Polish.
    1 point
  36. Wouldn’t be good to see crowds like this in British speedway. I know the commentary is not as you might be used to but I suspect he is working off a feed and perhaps on Polish t v they have commentary in between races. I just think that is great that you have live Speedway from Poland and on a Sunday afternoon when the weather is miserable. It will get better as the season goes on I am sure.
    1 point
  37. I swapped to polish coverage, I listened to the british guy for 3 heats but he was killing my enjoyment, I don’t understand polish but it’s just better
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. really struggling to find anything- got this http://v4.ustreamix.com/stream.php?id=polsat-sport
    1 point
  40. At Swindon you could see the improvement in the youngsters as they were led round by Leigh Adams, who would sometimes slow down to ride with them during a race, and in after the meeting rides with them as well showing them how to position themselves on the track. So a team or national mentor is what is needed for the youngsters.
    1 point
  41. Tactical Substitute rule does not apply in any competition which is played out over two legs.
    1 point
  42. Jba had a little nibble coming of 4th bend but gave him room. Then lots of space on outside for Worrall going into 1. He choose to try and clamp. Just a broken leg seems he got off lightly... Speaking of lights... they no very good
    1 point
  43. I'm pretty sure that's what I said Thank you for the confirmation. It's not expected to appear on Freeview due to space/cost considerations and they are reported to be still negotiating with VM over cable carriage.
    1 point
  44. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how many more knives have you got left for the rest of the season?
    1 point
  45. Cook will get it right. He has alot of new machinery. Once he's ironed out his problems he will be fine. Touch wood anyway
    1 point
  46. Best wishes to Stevie. Was in for a big season imo. Hougaard or Lasse Bjerre as the replacement.
    1 point
  47. Not sure about the match ups - as the riding order will be different? Think the teams will line up as follows .... ?? correct me if I am wrong .... Vaculik v Kurtz - Has to be Kurtz given his form around BP 0-1 Palm Toft v Woryna - Palm Toft given his form and BP 1-1 King v Grajzconek - Not much in it so 1 pt each 2-2 Pieszczek v Sundstrom - KP flying last week Sundstrom never been to BP ? 3-2 Andersen v Kildemand - HA shades it given experience at BP 4-2 Sarjeant v Shanes - Shanes for me as not sure about Sarj yet 4-3 Newman v Szczepaniak - Should be Newman at BP 5-3 Pooles match depends upon the two Poles Woryna who can go well and Saucepan who if he goes well can score from reserve Lions win for me though by 6 points on the night. Cheers
    1 point
  48. Developers have to prove to RBC that there is no longer a clear and identifiable need to stage motorsports events at the site. Their case has been universally rejected from all quarters. The draft local plan details posted above also dismisses the developers planning application and is very likely to be incorporated within the Rugby Borough Council local plan in due course. What the developers now know is that everything they've tried so far to persuade all parties to look favourably on their planning application has failed. If their planning application is thrown out by RBC planning committee at the end of May, then no doubt they will appeal to a government inspector to make a decision. The campaign group is now making plans to counter this scenario.
    1 point
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