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To be fair, I think SS was 100% correct with his forecast.. It can only be presumed therefore that it was the weather that was wrong....10 points
It shouldn't be rained off , I'm here at home 160 miles away from Wimborne Rd and i can say there's no reason to call this off.9 points
Can't be off surely? My wonderful thing called technology (copyright Steve Shovlar) says Poole is currently experiencing a 30 degree heatwave & is being assessed to be classed as a desert.8 points
I’m hundreds of miles away and the weather is fine. It’s ridiculous this meeting has been called off6 points
We have had heavy rain this morning but sunny and dry now in the West Midlands. Disgrace that Poole have called this off so early. Perhaps they are running scared?5 points
Certainly an abundant supply of hot air down there. I take it the weather radar's been switched off5 points
4 points
What's happened to freedom of speech your democratic right ?. Thought it was just Scotland that has Sturgeons nanny state with her storm troopers kicking doors in if you say something she doesn't like. Looks like it's spreading.4 points
Scandalous!! There's a good 8 hours of 'drying time' remaining.4 points
3 points
And I am right there as well. Anyone with any savvy knows Brexit is a disaster for every UK citizen. If anyone actually believes Boris and Farage they are mentaly deranged!3 points
One of the most comical threads on Poole for a long time. Shovlar completely showing himself up on here over about 6 pages makes for very comical reading. Firstly telling everyone that the meeting at Wolves should have gone ahead because from his home in Dorset he knew the weather in Wolverhampton Secondly then telling everyone that this meeting would be on because guess what 'technology' said it would be Thirdly the meeting is off because guess what...'technology' got it wrong. Shovlar can tell what the weather is in Wolverhampton form 180 miles away but cant get it right when its outside his front door!! Surely he must be sick of everyone laughing at him on here3 points
I appreciate and understand what you are saying GRW but I just think clubs nowadays can ill afford to risk incurring the cost of a rain off or a low crowd through dodgy weather. As improved as the weather has been over the last couple of days there is still an awful lot of water and saturation around and with heavy possibly thundery showers forecast for this afternoon it would only take one of those to knock things on the head even if the track could have been sorted for tonight. Factor into that the reluctance of modern day riders and machinery to get stuck in on a wet track and Liverpool v Man City on telly I think it was the only sensible decision really, as frustrating as it is.3 points
Kevin Long on the Mic tomorrow as Wayne Bavin is “unavailable”.3 points
Good morning Rob, Time to get realistic, the promoters have load a shed load of cash with the new TV deal and as the attendance at Speedway is not sufficient to pay for the stadium other revenues are needed or its Brandon/Hackney Wick time. As an old traditionalist I like a grass centre green but if the choice is Bumps and Speedway or Grass and new housing estate then its the first every time.3 points
Pretty much. In a world where the women make up more than 50% of the population, the number of women involved involved in speedway, and in the hands-on end of the sport is tiny. Yes we know about Marta in Poland, like we know that Peterborough, Buxton and Somerset have (or had) a female involvement in the promotion, and we know of 3 or 4 female referees. Add them all up and you still have some spare fingers on your two hands. The place where women are most visible are on the start lines. Take them away and to the untrained eye, speedway becomes a big boys club. where the only women you'll see to do with the running of the show will be those selling 50-50 tickets, those serving behind the bar, and those cleaning the loos. Charming. I've heard from some ladies for whom "promotion" is a job and a way of life that they actually enjoy. They earn good money, get to travel to places that you and I can only dream about, and live in some comfort. Has anyone ever asked them how they would feel about being handed their P45's because someone elses socio-political values deems their work to be non-grata any more?3 points
Isn't the first, won't be the last time he makes an idiot of himself on this forum2 points
Not a wind up he's only repeating same lines certain Poole fans were spouting on Monday.2 points
No he's right surely, saw the weather forecast yesterday for today and said there's no way it would be on. You been going by the same radar as Shovlar?2 points
2 points
That track pic is exactly how Paulco and Willie see it towards the end of the evening2 points
2 points
Also, don't forget the engine tuners, who are raking it in from riders income.2 points
This, and talk of gaps, reminds me how times have changed. Just been digging through some old programmes from the 70s. Here's one: 'Meeting No.34' - the 34th home meeting of the season, running every single week from mid-March to the end of October. Count them. More than twice what you get now. And of course you had second halfs then, too. I recall it raining on occasion, but not that many rain-offs. Back to 2018, and I was really hoping to travel to several meetings over the past week. All postponed!2 points
2 points
What a crap weekend it has been for speedway in the UK in general. Teams have missed out of potential good crowds over the Easter period2 points
Should be a walk in the park for the magnificent 7 really. Pooles 1 and 2 should outscore Leicesters and although Poole look weaker at the number 3 spot they have a superstar Pole in reserve who should easily outscore Newman. Could depend on how Sundstrom goes against Palm Toft. You would think this should be Poole by 102 points
2 points
I do think there is interest with this being Craig's first time as a GP rider. It well known he suffers from depression too so if things fail in Poland and a poor GP showing it could see him throw it all in. Last season he went AWOL with his issues. There will be fears things could become to much for him and affect his position with Belle Vue.2 points
2 points
You are so predictable Steve get it all wrong and still argue black is white lol2 points
It is also possible that the car park is waterlogged, if not flooded. I'm not that much in favour of early call offs but think this one is justified.2 points
Stick to the Telly pal, never mind the tellytubbies. Any Sport Live cannot be beaten.2 points
That's a cracking pic of the car park...probably the best I've ever seen in all my time as a speedway fan.2 points
The water table is currently very high which means that ground is already very waterlogged and only a small amount of rain will just sit on top and not drain away. It's about sensible risk management2 points
Rybnik can`t put a team out today - so it`s Leszno v Torun start time 4pm UK time- might be shown here https://www.youtube.com/user/unialesznotv2 points
Horns will have to be extra loud then...and have to get more involved2 points
New system is all around and also zonal so individual area volumes can be adjusted. I popped in stadium and had a chat with the guy who just happened to be installing them that day.2 points
2 points
THANKS to everyone for their comments here. I speak as someone who (other than sanctioning the cost!) had nothing to do with its production. I'm very proud of the of the people who did the hard graft and know they appreciate how well it is both perceived and received.2 points
Really have to check with Chris Harris how he wants to play this. Last week he wasn't too keen to travel north on a wet day due to a family birthday and a religious festival. I have no knowledge of birthday's in his family, but I do know that orthodox Christians consider this Friday to be Good Friday, so that could be a sticking point. Best play safe with an early call off I should think.1 point
So SteveBrum predicts it will be off. He then returns to boast that he was right. But you say he wasn't right. So you must think it's still on? You really don't help yourself in the silly stakes.1 point
we are so popular, that's why we get the biggest crowds, and the most popular post's on here, we are the giants of speedway1 point
And the chance to win a new BMW motor cycle just for buying a programme - WOW!1 point
1 point
1 point
I'm sure there are reasons for the fixture distribution. What concerns me is that we still offer a fractured fixture list. Weekly continuity from March to October has been shattered.1 point
I bet Kevin Long is a bit peeved! For years he’s been battling away with an ever degrading sound system and campaigning for improvements, and the very second he’s forced to give up presenting duties due to other work commitments, we install a brand new sound system!1 point
A sample of the summer surrender due to football's World Cup and BSI events: Jun/July scheduled SGBP/KOC meetings: Belle Vue: - 3x SGBP - + Britishb Final & Speedway of Nations (World Pairs) qualifier King's Lynn: 4 (3 July, only 1 in June) Leicester: 4 (+ 4 reserved dates) Poole: 5 Rye House: 4 (+1 junior championship) Somerset: 6 (+ SGBC Pairs) Swindon: 6 (+1 reserved date) Wolverhampton: 3 Given that the survey covers about 9 weeks in many cases it's grim reading. Then we get the rush in August/early September so that four tracks can close nearly two months before the official end of the season.1 point
1 point