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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Most riders these days have "teams" with them in the pits, simply because they see GP riders and think they must have the same. Far too many riders now trying to make a full time career from speedway and the sport just cannot justify this on crowds of 500 to 1,000 a week. Costs have spiralled out of control and most riders have become involved in an arms race, spending ridiculous amounts of money to try and get that tenth of a second quicker. Undoubtedly speedway has become a much more professional sport, but the costs can only be justified if they are met by money coming into the sport, from TV, sponsors or more fans. None of which is happening. Unfortunately riders are killing it for themselves.
    6 points
  2. Embarrassing from Poole and Somerset. Should be made mandatory that all top flight sides must have team kevlars. Excuse of saving a few quid is pathetic. Show a bit of professionalism ffs. Makes the sport look pikeyish. The self proclaimed "Manchester United" of speedway looking like a rag tag bunch thrown together is a terrible look for the sport & that club. Looks like they've gone back to 1988. Somerset over paying Doyle as their excuse for no suits is dreadful. Team kevlars was one of the few professional things about the sport & now we have Ford being a t0sser & Somerset taking us back to the 80's.
    6 points
  3. Messaged you sue. I'll do it
    4 points
  4. I read with interest the stadium cross track that has appeared on the centre green at Rye House. The stadium, as in Len’s day, isn’t cheap to run and as many activities need to be run to enable to keep the stadium a viable proposition. Let’s not forget when Len sold the lease to Warren Scott that also included the go-karts, which must give a fairly good rental income. Was it a mistake to perhaps remove the dog racing? My personal view is Rye should have stayed second tier and therefore could have kept that Saturday night mantle. With more clubs in the second tier and a good crop of riders to, we could have had variety. But alas we have the boring top tier, but of course many will say Rye was brilliant last year, really? But let’s look at the reasons why staying in the Championship didn’t happen. When Len became involved with Central Park, Sittingbourne [Kent Kings] in 2013 it was a stone’s throw from where he lived. While he was running Rye House he would spend time sleeping in a caravan as well as being co-promoter at Kent, it was obvious he couldn’t do both. So Len decides to sell Rye House to Warren Scott. The stadium was, let’s be honest becoming very run down and new blood was needed. So the last year of Len’s reign, at the start of the season we were told there would be improvements you would see every week at the stadium. Well that never happened, a part from the flower bed by the turnstiles. Len leaves and Warren Scott and Steve Jenson take over. The bright lights of TV money, more exposure of the BMR brand could only be a good thing and of course the top league racing was what Scott wanted from the word go to promote team BMR. A new motorcycle outlet was being built [is it finished yet?] in place of the long bar and all would appear to be rosy! Well that’s what a lot of people thought and still do. All these people who have said the ‘wow’ factor was at Rye House must have been referring to the Rye House pub. The stadium was and probably still is a mess. The old wooden terracing by the start had to go, no question, but a farcical situation of putting the ref’s box back to the old box it spent many years in. Putting a temporary ref’s box for the TV match last year, exposed to the elements, the continual building work of the motorcycle dealership on the long bar and crap viewing, but two years before just to remind you we were told there would be improvements every week! I for one have not been impressed with the promotional team at Rye. It obvious all the changes have been made track side. Looking at the video the straights of the stadium cross track seem fairly high and as for the bends well………. Nicholls, Harris and Kasprzak will be on good deal financially which the club can probably ill afford. Can only assume Barker wanted more £ notes thats why he left? The Lakeside fans won’t bother with Rye as they have in my opinion a very good and exciting team. Crowds will drop considerably at Rye and especially being mid-week. I fear for speedway’s future at Rye. The general public seem to be the least of BMR’s concerns. Am I, along with other paying fans being taken for granted? Facilities are important for the paying public and making them feel comfortable. That I’m afraid hasn’t been the case at Rye in the last few years. No doubt this Monday’s meeting won’t take place as the winner will probably be Mother Nature, so we will all have to wait until Saturday week to find out if it's as bad as it looks!
    4 points
  5. Thing is Trees the 'good old days' are long gone and image & appearance is very important now, especially for a struggling sport like ours. Racesuits should be compulsory for our top two leagues IMO, and there is no reason why good racing can't be a priority regardless of this.
    4 points
  6. Time for Chris Harris to get a 9-5 job by the looks of his whining on Twitter. Completely understand the desire to spend time with his newborn, but to make reference to his wife's birthday, and it being Easter is pathetic. Better check for any family milestones, next time it's a bit wet on a Friday.
    3 points
  7. Enjoyed watching a couple of the Colts "lesser lights" today, Ben Woodhull & Joe Lawlor. Ben's limited opportunities in BV colours last season triggered many a debate about who was the better of the twins. Great to see him back on board, imo the kid has plenty of ticker & not afraid to get stuck in. Sure to improve with a run in the side. Good to see Joe Lawlor back, got steadily better as the match went on. Look forward to watching him develop this season. For the Bees, Danny Phillips was excellent early doors, good style & lines. Jamie Halder impressed too. Happy to have the Bees back in town, it's a crying shame & a disgrace what's happened, hope to see Cov back in the top league taking on the Aces ASAP.
    3 points
  8. Season should always start no earlier than mid-April, whilst the weather is unpredictable all year round starting in March is asking for trouble. We were fortunate we got a small window were it was reasonably dry last week.
    3 points
  9. Good Friday, 28th March 1975 was the start of something very Special. 43 yrs ago was when Michael Lee made his debut for the Stars against Leicester Lions. The weather was just as bad then as it is now, as it snowed that morning.... but the meeting still went ahead.... Lynn won 46 -32. God it makes one feel old....
    3 points
  10. Ah! days gone by...the Easter 3TT involving Oxford, Swindon and Reading. Oxford on Good Friday, Swindon on the Saturday and Reading Easter Monday. Those were the days!
    3 points
  11. No one forces a Speedway rider to ride, they do it because they enjoy riding a bike and getting payed for it, and believe me it’s much better than a 9 to 5 job, if they don’t think they don’t get paid enough, simple get a normal job
    2 points
  12. Hahaha, you probably know yourself that rainfall statistics for Glasgow are at the higher end for any place in the UK where speedway takes place. So, with that in mind, is Chris going to cancel his journey every time he checks the met office forecast and sees rain on the horizon? Let's hope not, or you guys ain't gonna see much of him. I'll repeat. Plonker. Utter plonker. He's contracted to attend meetings and race. Not whine like a baby on Twitter.
    2 points
  13. You are 100% right, toilets should be near the top of to-do list. When arriving referees should check: 1. Track, 2. Toilets, 3. General state of the stadium (litter & easily achievable task). If ANY are bad cancel the meeting, if any are not good - reprimand & get fixed for following meeting. Long time supporters will accept almost any conditions, our life-blood "protential new fans" will expect reasonable facilities & definitely CLEAN TOILETS!
    2 points
  14. No they haven't - ask Richie Worrall!
    2 points
  15. That's another big and cheap to do sponsor opportunity for teams - the front fork covers. I think Kings Lynn did it a few years back and gives companies a much more prominent place than just the chest of a racesuit.
    2 points
  16. If there is a 28 day facility then it is madness not to use it. Rushing back after 17 days and being behind fitness wise or using facility and JB coming back fitter after 28 days . What is best for team is to utilise facility. What is best for JB is to use facility. USE THE FACILITY. Only issue is keeping finances in JB 's pocket.....
    2 points
  17. Which is why, in my opinion, the rule should be "ready to race within the two minutes," rather than "on the track."
    2 points
  18. I thought Kus was in a squad team in Poland so as they race on Sunday he could not ride for us or was that not the case.
    2 points
  19. This clamour for race Suits so it looks professional is quite bizarre when you look at the majority of the stadia we race in. Most are pretty awful tbh.
    2 points
  20. Not everyone will be able to do that if the crowds are anything like last year. Those who can't see very well will think twice about attending again. Other riders could have been used indeed and forums are a place to discuss that. People are allowed to have an opinion on these things. If the reasons we haven't got X rider in the team is he is too expensive, it is not wrong to say so, if he is an arrogant git, making too many demands, or just a plain arse then it is absolutely fine to say so. It is 2018. We don't need censorship. The majority of fans will appreciate being told rather than speculating. This isn't Rye specific but speedway fans tend to be like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed s*** and yet some happily accept it because that is the way it has always been. The attitude of 'at least we have speedway to watch' is a big part of the reason the sport is dying. Just because the BSPA were there on Thursday it doesn't mean much in this sport. The rules change on a weekly basis at times, one was literally changed within the last week. You should know that by now Sid.
    2 points
  21. If team kevlars can't be afforded then that's that, forget them, we went donkeys years without them, never thought about them, they don't affect the racing, that's the number one priority for our sport imo!
    2 points
  22. Couldn't agree more. There are NL teams with professional team suits. All very embarrassing to have the so called best team looking like a 2nd hand rag-tag and bobtail outfit. Poor.
    2 points
  23. I suggest that you watch Debbie's interview on the Somerset twitter where she explains about her decision rather than posting about something you clearly know nothing about.
    2 points
  24. Sure is, Shows what can be done with plenty of hours in the gym, a winning mentality and being a fast gater, and his loyalty to British speedway is to be respected.
    2 points
  25. Team suits do look more professional in a photograph or for promotional work. However...for me, I find it harder to distinguish who is who in a race, unless I look at the helmet colours and remember who's in the programmed ride. I found it much easier to instantly work out which rider was who, when they wore individual leathers. The individual colours stood out more. Riding styles were also easier to see for some reason. For example riders like Simon Wigg and Leigh Adams instantly stood out because of their colours and style. I'd personally prefer to see riders in their own style and distinctive Kevlars/Leathers with Club race jacket. The Race Jacket being distinctive, and not a small symbol surrounded by massive sponser's name. Birminghams big red 'B' on yellow, and Belle Vue's Large 'Ace' really stand out. Swindons robin and somersets just get lost somehow. Perhaps instead of team kevlars, team bike covers and fork covers would be better?
    2 points
  26. When I saw the title of the thread I feared Philip Rising had fallen on hard times.
    2 points
  27. Adam Portwood is the first name on the team sheet on a 3.83 average.
    1 point
  28. I'm sorry that William appears to be taken on and then discarded whenever the wind changes direction. Whilst he may not have set the world alight, the lad does seem a genuine trier and I really do hope that, as seems to happen with so many of these youngsters, he doesn't get booted out before he gets the chance to make some kind of a mark. Hope it works out for the young man.
    1 point
  29. I remember Mike the bike making his debut. Speedway at Lynn was never the same again.
    1 point
  30. Just got an email from Neil Meldrum that Poole are getting a new website soon as well.
    1 point
  31. Lambert impressive in Poland today.
    1 point
  32. Surely all the money that Matt’s saved on team suits could go towards encouraging the kids ?
    1 point
  33. You're right, can't wait for the Polish season to start, so I can sit in the house and watch two teams nobody else around me has an interest in, rather than watching live sport and having a night out with friends.
    1 point
  34. I have mentioned this before, Glasgow have sacked their whole 2017 team, that now includes the team manager! Does anyone know if this has ever happened in speedway before anywhere else? remembering it's the same owners in charge. The Facennas are obviously very successful outside of speedway, are they trying to buy success like many "well-to-doos" try to do with football, could be a dangerous ploy if success doesn't come their way what will become of the Tigers?
    1 point
  35. Imo, it would make more sense if teams supplied Race jackets, Fork covers and Bike covers, rather than team Kevlars. Have the team colours and emblem on the race jacket and covers, with club sponsers names. Have the riders wear and provide their own kevlars, with their sponsers names on. That way you get the best of both worlds. Crazy sport though...more worried about looks rather than running it properly. Team Kevlars aren't going to make the public come flocking back. As Gary May said in this weeks Star...'Crowds across the sport are dropping, yet costs are just the same'. That's got to be looked at, rather than focusing on team kevlars, because lets face it, it's just 'team' in name, not nature. As for the comments about looking professional in this thread...and regardless of what I've said before in this post...how do Speedway bikes look 'Professional' with bits of plastic bike covers flapping about on them? As Speedway fans, we've all got accustomed to them, but to the person outside the sport, you often get cries of derision on how stupid they look. How many other forms of motor sport have such like? Looks cheap and tacky.
    1 point
  36. I'm not surprised there are no 'standardised' admission prices, as each club will have its own distinct costs, not least depending on whether they own or rent their stadia and what other revenue comes to them rather than to the stadium owners?!
    1 point
  37. Your opinion and one that I disagree with entirely. I see nothing wrong with them or the concept and have every sympathy for those losing jobs that they love.
    1 point
  38. I think there will be enough room for 500-1000 fans to get a view of the entire race. That’s all that is needed these days - unfortunately.
    1 point
  39. It's all very well saying you moved to somewhere else after a few minutes and then had a perfectly good view of the track but how can everyone move to somewhere else if other fans are already standing there so its obvious not everyone is going to get a decent view of the track. It's a shame the practice you attended on Sunday wasnt made common knowledge on the Rye website then we could all have gone and seen for ourselves what is ahead. As for the rules they state essential equipment should be placed as near to the centre of the inner green as possible, as a meeting cannot take place without paramedics in attendance I assume their medical equipment comes under that ruling so are they expected to sit on top of a pile of mud. I love my speedway and will be at Rye for the first meeting and will decide from there whether I will be giving them my hard earned cash after that.
    1 point
  40. I had tipped the office wallahs off that you were coming up the cobbled motorway from the Mudlands and suggested that since you were a known trouble-maker that you should be put in isolation in the south stand. We'll give you a cheery wave from the heated seats in the luxurious main stand, Have a great meeting!
    1 point
  41. It was a mistake on belle vues part. Your ticket will be transferred to the grandstand. They will explain it all to you when you pick up the ticket. They are aware of there mistake
    1 point
  42. The world is far too politically correct. If a girl wants to earn money as a grid girl then why stop her. No one is forcing her to do the job, it's her choice to earn an honest sum of money. Those that are 'offended' should get more to do in there life. Too many people find offence at the slightest thing and it means the small minority rule for the majoritry because they are offended and something has to be done as a result. I'm grossly offended by those who find offence. Tell them to go forth
    1 point
  43. An exclusion should only be if a rider touches or breaks the tapes , riders will always chance it (James Sargent a prime example)but sometimes a rider makes a perfect start and is penalised for it by having a re start . Let’s make it a black and white decision with no in between
    1 point
  44. So you have a decent holiday crowd in who have paid full price to watch 15 heats of speedway. "Okay, folks, the weather's beaten us. Hope you didn't mind the riders' problems in staying on their bikes. Don't worry, if you're new to speedway the racing's usually far better. No, you don't get any money back, but hey, we GOT A RESULT!" See you next week!" Too many people believe getting to heat 10 makes it all worthwhile. You get the points and the cash, but what about next time? Isn't it time that giving the paying public value for money counts more than getting a result while we still have a paying public left?
    1 point
  45. "Rule 01.04.2018: Riders will not be permitted to straddle their machines and will be required to race sidesaddle without the use of the handlebars".
    1 point
  46. This team is set up points wise very much like the team I rode in for Berwick. I recall we lost the league by one sole point on the last day of the season against rye house . This was at there track and a reall climax to the season . . One hell of a year for Berwick that season and there fans as most of there fans wrote us off that year to . The bandits had no number 1 or a strong one and we constantly were swapping team positions through the year with the green sheets . But beleave me there is always someone that pops up and smashed a good score and the rest support . Might not be the same rider every week but A rider will always have a good night . Then all the rest have to just do there job . Shame no press day but a chalange at home to get some laps on the track and bikes settled . Might take a few meeting for us to settle but I think we could surrise a few people . So have faith guys and girls might just be the under dog team you could enjoy watching the most for a long time . Catch ya soon people
    1 point
  47. Quality number 1 👍🏻
    1 point
  48. Wow didn't see that one coming ever! Ben is a great club man, a great number 1 but big track rider he is not. Hopefully its beneficial for both Ben & IOW but certainly good to see intent from the Warriors this season.
    1 point
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