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Its the 70th anniversary and what do we have fkn crap race bibs like are we actually riding back in the 70's as well.5 points
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Crazy isn't it,but i think all GP riders were given that average.Even more crazy when you think Poole have a couple of riders with even more out of date averages but they can keep them.3 points
Around 1800 respondents made their voices heard, 99.4% objected to the planning application with only SEVEN applications in support! The campaign group would like to sincerely thank everyone who sent in emails/letters of objection, including representations made by the BSPA, SCB and ACU. Find out more here: http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.136.1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter2 points
You can't make someone captain who doesn't want to be there so there was no chance Holder would ever be skipper2 points
Some good news from BT Sport. They struck a deal with Dorna for Moto GP TV rights until end 2021, thats a 3 year extension to the contract that would have ended at end of 2018. Also for Moto GP fans that dont know yet, Valentino Rossi has agreed a 2 year extension to his Yamaha contract so he will be riding until end of 2020 at least - that will make him 41, which is pretty good going for a Moto GP rider at the top end if the field. I think the BT-Moto GP deal till end of 2021 is good for Speedway GP. It keeps BT well and truly into top line motor cycle racing and therefore its my opinion makes them want a Speedway GP deal stronger. editted the date Rossi will be in Yamaha contract from 2010 to 20202 points
The only time Sam was ever owed money it was only a small amount for a CL guest booking and I was told by everybody to just forget about it as it would cause him problems. Everybody except Tim Stone who said chase it up, I tried to contact the promoter several times with no luck so wrote to the SCB saying that it was a matter of principal and I would put it through the small claims court if I hadn't received the money in 30 days. Cheque in the post within the week! I do think riders don't chase money as they should because they fear that word will get around and they won't get rides in future. I would suggest the only promoters who wouldn't employ a rider because he asked for his due money wouldn't be worth riding for anyway. On the other hand you have riders who will sign for clubs who are known to pay late for extra points money over those who do pay on the nail, makes no sense to me but it happens. It is interesting that the promoters who are accused of being too tight with their money by the fans are often the ones who settle the wage bill.2 points
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customers/fans have a right to be informed when there is something to impart. Would you like an hour by hour update on phone calls, etc. Negotiations are often very delicate and sometimes you have to be discrete. For example, if a rider thinks Newcastle are desperate his demands may increase beyond affordability. I think its reasonable that information is on a need to know basis at the moment2 points
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Steve, do you not think the paying customers have a right to be concerned? We are supporters first and foremost but time is now very short, not only to P & P but the actual start of competitive racing, and your constant 'It'll be alright' attitude is getting a little irritating. If you know what's happening then please pass on the information, we don't need to know chapter and verse, but confirmation that there are riders in the frame would be helpful, If you in fact have no information then stop telling everyone that It's going to be allright and stop telling us to be quiet2 points
Hardly by 'default' if you follow MF's reasoning in the Echo. Josh is the obvious choice.2 points
I know a lot of it doesn't make sense.I assume because Cook,Holder and Doyle rode GB last season they would obviously keep their averages.As Iversen is above the average it doesn't seem to apply.Vaculik,i don't know.It's all a bit of a balls up really.2 points
It's clearly been done to affect teams who have low averaged riders ie Wolves and belle Vue. All GP standard riders with an average less than 8 who didnt ride here in 2017 were regraded to a 9, yet Vaculik is given an 8 which surely is the benchmark to treat all teams and riders fairly?? Another example of the blind leading the blind. Pawlicki (Wolves asset who if not wanted by Wolves seemed destined for Poole), Woffy (Wolves asset had spoken to CVS about a return due to fixed night racing) and Zagar (Aces rider who was keen to come back but another vetoed by the establishment) all targeted by the governing body. You have to feel if it was a promoters vote then both Wolves and Aces can feel victimised.2 points
Josh was a good captain at Somerset so think it's a good decision. The best riders don't always make best captains.2 points
"I am passionate about defending British Speedway. This is a major blow to the sport in the UK and the blame is very firmly at the door of Kings Lynn Speedway."2 points
Very sad to see yesterday that the demolition of Wimbledon stadium has started. I have spent so many happy days there supporting the Dons. An important venue in the history of speedway is being lost and I doubt we will see a new stadium for speedway in London. A sad day1 point
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On the announcement the other day it seems the Newcastle promotion were damned which ever way they went, say nothing and let the criticism continue, or put out a statement giving an update and face criticism should anything not happen, which seems to have been the case. One thing is clear the Newcastle promotion will need to get these two signings right, which could be one reason for the delay, because it looks like some Championship teams averages wont change until early July and with no signings after August 12th its gives a very small window of opportunity to strengthen.1 point
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The only flaw in your argument is the said rider is one of the junior riders in the Lublin team behind Robert Lanbert, and has been with them on there winter training, It’s a complete cock up by the Birmingham Promoters, P&P this Wednesday, but let’s not forget they are new to the Promoting game and I’m sure they will learn by these mistakes1 point
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Does Rugby Borough Council have a local plan and more importantly are they delivering on it? That is effectively what the planning decision will hinge on.1 point
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I fancy a ten point or more home win for the Aces, the sides look closely matched but the Aces have a big advantage at reserve.For Swindon i believe Zach and Adam can improve and i actually think Nick can add more consistency to his performances.For the home side Fricke /Bewley/Tungate can all improve and i believe Etheridge will chip in as well with points i hope it is a entertaining meeting i can't wait for the return match on Thursday.1 point
could go either way, 1st match of the season, cobwebs still to be blown off,like for like I think it's pretty even other than the reserves, this is where Belle Vue are notably better. I'll put my neck on the line and say a narrow home win. 4-6 points.1 point
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Having Damian and Rohan paired together at home should work, away it will leave us weak in those heats. Craig and Steve are our two best away riders going off last years averages so pairing them together away is a waste imo. Maybe we will have a different home and away line up or the numbers on the race suit were there before positions have been sorted. Steve should be placed in a HL position in a season when he needs to step up consistently at that level. With regards the result it should be comfortable for The Aces but early season meetings can often throw up odd results.1 point
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Agreed think Matt has made the right decision here taking pressure off Chris so he has no excuses this yr to perform like a no1 that he is.1 point
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He’s been in England several years now, so if he’s willing to become British and commit to British speedway then it’s a decent prospect being added to our ranks. The thing is, he can be ‘British’ to get a ride at Birmingham but then represent his home Polish nation internationally. Surely there should be some binding agreement like in other sports.1 point
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Holder is not in the same class as Rickardsson, Tony wouldn't of cried like a big baby over track conditions or being a bit greasy he would of got on with it and tackled it like a man.1 point
Same here. I honestly expected a few hundred at most, it really is a staggering number.1 point
http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.136.1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter The latest update on the efforts to save Brandon.1 point
I think you're asking why are Somerset having race bibs like Poole? If so, I can't answer that as it well and truly baffles me. Somerset has always been a professionally run club and I see this move as a complete oversight, missed opportunity and just simply unprofessional. We've got the World Champion turning up at the Oak Tree Arena racing in a mix and match. Imagine the selling point to sponsors that the sports world champion could carry your logo under the Somerset Speedway umbrella on all marketing, advertising, promotions, on BT sports, within the local community, social media and websites to name just a few. If you can't sell that you're in the wrong trade!1 point
Its beautifully ironic. Stand together in Sun and Rain.........of we Stand together in the Sun (waiting for it to set) and Rain (getting cold and wet while the shower passes until the riders wander out the pit gate, kick a bit of shale around then abandon the meeting). Biggest alarm bell should be Always the same.........not sure Lynn fans can take much more of the same after recent years.1 point
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There is now a concession price for the 2018 season for OAPs and students at £10.1 point
I don't like either team suits or race jackets. There's no scope for merchandise. i.e. joe public wouldn't wear either out and about as people tend to with football/rugby/cricket/ice hockey/basketball/NFL/baseball kits. The kevlars should be considered as safety kit worn under a team shirt, that supporters could buy replicas of. I seem to remember Boro Bears (and others) trying these in the 90's but the designs were awful, they were baggy and the riders used to cut the arms off to display more sponsors so they looked shabby. Designed correctly they would be relatively inexpensive and could be made available to supporters. Got to be better than those god ugly wulfsport anoraks. Guaranteed to make any new supporter run a mile.1 point
Let’s hope it isn’t long before Adonis gets owned like speedibee did on the Coventry thread!!No wonder he went off into hiding.Adonis seems to have the same twatty views,so I don’t think it will be long lol1 point
You surely have to be closely related to Horton to spout the continual bile and lies on here in support of Horton. The only fact on here is the vast majority of Bees supporters do not rightly so trust Horton and will not be giving him any of their money. Whatever the consequences then so be it but he is the kind of person Brandon Estates need to drag us to oblivion and they will succeed. Jeff and David have always shown passion and integrity to save Coventry stadium and the Bees, all of this is alien to Horton. However you just keep showing your support for that perpetual liar and loser.1 point
Its great to have British speedway back on BT, i don,t know what topic i saw it on but i have just read this, i will use it as i always try to watch the Swedish League (No mention of the Polish League though) YOU JUST MAKE YOURSELF A FREE ACCOUNT!!! LINK BELOW https://tvplayer.com/watch/freesports 8th March 2018 ADVERTISEMENT TVPlayer are delighted to announce that FreeSports, the only dedicated free to air sports channel in the UK will be now available completely free to UK viewers on their streaming service.1 point
Makes me laugh at how many fortune tellers there is on here. Why not just wait and see what the plans are from Redcar you never know plans might just be something you haven't guessed about yet.1 point