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You say you know the long term forecast is poor, but still moan it's called off early. Had it not been called off until 10.00am Sunday, you would have moaned that they knew all week what the weather was likely to be like. Just no pleasing some. P.S. I know there are some who have been inconvenienced, but hundreds of others haven't.6 points
Atmosphere makes so much difference to the overall experience Thats why some of us in the back straight stand at Foxhall got together and made a very conscious effort to make some noise - horns, bells, whistles, megaphones allsorts. It has grown and spread to other parts of the stadium and has made a noticeable difference It has also helped to reconnect the riders with the fans which itself has built on that difference to create something approaching a real buzz which had been missing for sometime5 points
To be honest I'm thankful we have Speedway. I know George has the club at heart but it was frustrating not hearing anything. I don't expect to know the club's business but a brief statement that was released yesterday is all we ask for. Onwards and Upwards now hopefully.4 points
I don't doubt your word, but its unusual that a meeting is called off the day before hand never mind 5 days before on the basis of a long term forecast - a forecast that becomes more unreliable the further it is in the future. Where would we be if that became common practice ?3 points
I think your asleep at the wheel. Fortunately as we both have watch our speedway at the same venue for many years we are able to make accurate comparisons. Do you honestly, I mean genuinely think the racing at Monmore is a patch on what it was 10 years ago. Nothing to do with less fans being there, its simply just not as good, that's why many are knocking it on the head. Its not " natural wastage " either, its people giving up on the sport for what they see as a poor product or not value for money, natural wastage is people who don't attend through circumstance not those who feel they have had enough of the sport. If all those who had left the sport in the last 10 years returned to the terraces the sport would not have the problems it has today, Wolves have been in the play off final the last 2 years and are currently operating on their lowest crowds I can remember.3 points
I agree there is not much wrong with the product its the same and as good now as its always been.Its the atmosphere that has now gone.The best meeting I have been to in years was a meeting my team lost it was the 2016 play off final 2nd leg against Wolves at belle vue.The atmosphere was electric the crowd were up on their feet chanting for the whole meeting.Like it or not but it got the crowed involved there was interaction between the crowd with on the night bad boy Woffinden. There was on track altercations between riders which got the crowd involved.Riders of both teams showed a lot of passion when they won or got a race advantage, the whole meeting seemed to cause the crowed to react and join in verbally, the whole meeting was awesome. Hard I know with the crowds we now get is to try and create some of the old atmosphere and get the crowed more involved. Bring back the bad boys who wind up the home fans,get the home riders to interact with the crowd more after race wins get them to cheer more etc.Get the announcer/mascot to try and wind up the crowd more get them to cheer even encourage them to boo it all gets the crowed to interact and causes more of an atmosphere.It has to be worth a try its got to be far better than just filling in your programme between races and getting bored waiting for the next race to begin. So for me the only way the sport can grow is if there is a way to get the crowed more involved and create a better atmosphere,fans will have a better night out if they join in more and any newbies or retuning fans are more likely to return and the larger the crowd the better atmosphere you will get.3 points
There is now a concession price for the 2018 season for OAPs and students at £10.2 points
Sensible decision given the recent conditions and the truly awful forecast for the weekend. May in the end work out for the best for event if the right replacement date can be found. Really feel for the likes of Paulco and Willie with pre booked travel and hotel - hope you manage to get refunds fellas.2 points
It's no wonder the sport is hemorrhaging supporters on a yearly basis with calamity cases like this. First the time change now cancelling 5 days before the event. I get it's a risk for the promotion by losing money however for those who have booked accommodation and no refund policy?? As usual it's the supporters that get treated like 2nd class citizens. Long term forecast is poor, I get that too. And what If forecast improves later in week?? I'm struggling to get excited about our great sport these days as it's obvious each year is going to be another one that alienates supporters further. We should all be excited about the start of a new season with some great line ups for individual meetings but I can't see many taking place whilst promoters won't take any risk running a meeting these days. I'll be saving my money for something that I know won't waste my money. Disappointing and predictable outcome.2 points
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I hope its not cancelled , me and Willie are coming from the Arctic north and have spent a fortune on train tickets . Not too bothered about the later start time as we're staying in the Holiday inn overnight anyway , the only issue i have is how i keep Willie soberish until half 6 .2 points
There was a certain amount of the novelty factor for us both times the SKY cameras were at our place , top league clubs don't have that2 points
Remember it well sat on the wall just behind starting gate interesting last night in late october these days season over end of august .2 points
Whilst clubs should obviously honour the deals agreed, these numbers do highlight the type of unsustainable money riders are taking out that the sport can ill-afford to pay.2 points
Good luck to the Diamonds in their quest to complete the team. Fingers crossed they can pull a couple of rabbits out of the hat and look competitive at the very least.2 points
Good to read the freshly published statement this morning on Diamonds website. As Winiton comments, thats all that was asked for. Excellent response from the promotion team and thats certainly a "thank you" from me!2 points
I think most of us do especially after the dog track. You could get good racing there but it was entirely different, not fast and close with many racing lines but usually dependent on riders making mistakes or home track advantage. Nowhere near so exciting to watch and far fewer good races. A track like the NSS proves that racing can be as good today as it ever was.2 points
It’s no trade secret - Nicolai Klindt, I just asked him how many suits did Poole supply you with in 2016. He said one, same with all the team. The Danish rider I manage, rode in Uk 2013-2016 and the 2 teams he rode for only supplied him with one suit per season.2 points
Must not exceed 4 minutes from finish of one heat to start of next including the 2 min time allowance. At starting gate, riders may prepare their gate but must remain astride their bike in the direction of travel. The averages are back to monthly rolling with dates up to & inc 23rd being effective from the 1st of the following month. No tem changes after 12th August effective from 15th August. If riders are sick or carrying non speedway injury receives mandatory 7 day suspension. The 6th & 7th riders (by CMA) may ride at either #6 or #7.1 point
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Vaclav was as about as hard and single minded on the track as would anyone from the "old Eastern Europe" However a nicer, more friendly amusing and warm human being it would be hard to find He was at Peterborough with us at one stage and was universally popular. Vaclav was a wonderful friend and i for one will miss that huge smile. James1 point
They certainly did, but what’s that got to do with a British Club owing a rider a good bit of Wonga from 15/16. Indicates that as Kim is owned money from 3 countries the Boy might be seen as a soft touch1 point
This is the guy who said Speight was in line for a C spot ?? a total wind up merchant Scunny to have a good season will do better than Sheffield i believe.!!!!!1 point
1998 was the year of the lycra oversuits. They were terrible and riders hated them. I was up in Manchester at the Belle Vue press day with a rider that year. Riders hated them, and they'd barely finished the team photos before Andy Smith had taken a pair of scissors to his, cut the arms off, and was threatening to cut the legs off to leave just a bib. John Perrin was not best pleased. Within a few months most riders had had their own team suits made to the same design and dispensed with the lyrca monstrosities.1 point
It was so obvious that Championship clubs and fans made a huge effort for the TV, I think Premiership clubs need to do something similar...1 point
I loved it when riders were easy to recognise by their personal, rather than team coloured suits. Plus, when you have a guest, or introduce a new rider to the team after the start of the season, all that is needed is to hand him a race-jacket, and the team still looks like a team. Race jackets for me every time -- unless a major team sponsor makes the promotion an offer they can't refuse.1 point
Interesting new rule. 15.8.1 If the Referee stops a heat, following an incident or accident, where the rider causing the stoppage and his team partner were in third and fourth place and a re-run is called with one of those riders excluded, the Referee has the sole discretion to order that the remaining team partner will start on a 15 metre handicap in gate position c or d (the opposing team does not change positions). I guess this is an effort to stop riders staying down to get a rerun & gain an extra chance in the rerun.1 point
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Not really I respect Sugarray with facts and figures but who really knows what Debbie is thinking but hey if i'm wrong and he has connections then I will admit i'm wrong, as I said I don't really care if we have suits or not. I like the different colours of the riders kevlars.1 point
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Just had conversation with a 2016 Poole rider. Each rider was supplied with ONE set of Club kevlars. As he said “ why would I need 2 sets”1 point
That one boils down to riders staying down, hoping to seek an advantage in a re-run after his team mate was in third.1 point
Rule book here http://www.britishspeedway.co/2018_speedway_regulations_online.pdf1 point
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There is a huge difference between riding and racing standards. The dedicated speedway fan may find a great ride by someone way out in front absorbing and impressive, but I suspect most are more interested in seeing a race. They're the ones we need to get back and please.1 point
Id disagree with that 100%, in my opinion the riding standard today is the highest I have seen since I first watched in the 60's. Modern day riders do things on the bike that their forebears couldn't have imagined doing, some of that is down to bikes and tracks but they still have to be the ones doing it. Not only the that but the commitment of the majority riders to each race is higher as well in my opinion.1 point
Being a tad mentally challenged, I had booked a totally inappropriate seat for this meeting - I can't get my bent and twisted body up steps. I contacted the ticket office at Belle Vue to see if they could sort out my self-inflicted mess. I can say without any hesitation that Christine and the staff are SUPERSTARS. My ticket problem was sorted out in flash and the level of customer service was superb. So, thank you Belle Vue and it is such a refreshing change for the humble customer to be treated with dignity and understanding rather than as at some alternative venues where you feel that you are tolerated rather than appreciated. Can't wait!1 point
A big yes to team race suits from me.I support the Belle vue aces with a passion and I like the club I support to look like a team.Just like any other team sport I can think of. Like most supporters of any team in any sport the teams colours and logo are a big part of sport.Seeing my team dressed in red white and black with a big ace of clubs on their chest gives me a buzz even before the 1st race begins.1 point
I don't like either team suits or race jackets. There's no scope for merchandise. i.e. joe public wouldn't wear either out and about as people tend to with football/rugby/cricket/ice hockey/basketball/NFL/baseball kits. The kevlars should be considered as safety kit worn under a team shirt, that supporters could buy replicas of. I seem to remember Boro Bears (and others) trying these in the 90's but the designs were awful, they were baggy and the riders used to cut the arms off to display more sponsors so they looked shabby. Designed correctly they would be relatively inexpensive and could be made available to supporters. Got to be better than those god ugly wulfsport anoraks. Guaranteed to make any new supporter run a mile.1 point
Team suits all day long for me Not having them now would be a big backward step Cost is a red herring too - each suit is the equivalent of a routine service for an engine1 point
In any walk of life where teams are involved its a must that they ALL have the team suit / uniform on. Its part of having pride in the team you are representing. It also makes it easier for members of the public to differentiate between the teams. A long time ago Brian Clough evicted one of his players from the team coach whilst on the way to the airport because he did not have his club uniform on. Its a backward step to do away with team suits.1 point
It's not really a professional league is it with all the changes and it worked allright for 70 odd years so can't be that bad1 point
That's about the right mentality of British Speedway, the sort of thing you'd expect to hear in a year 4 art class - not a professional league full of different teams. Massive marketing opportunities missed by not having team suits and a complete amateurish feel. Teamsuits are an absolute must. I think it's poor that even some National League teams have them and they aren't being considered by some teams in the Premier League.1 point
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I'm usually hopeless at predictions but just for the fun of taking part here goes:- 1-Ipswich 2-Glasgow 3-Lakeside 4-Workington 5-Peterborough 6-Sheffield 7-Berwick 8-Scunthorpe 9-Redcar 10-Edinburgh Newcastle ?1 point
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You surely have to be closely related to Horton to spout the continual bile and lies on here in support of Horton. The only fact on here is the vast majority of Bees supporters do not rightly so trust Horton and will not be giving him any of their money. Whatever the consequences then so be it but he is the kind of person Brandon Estates need to drag us to oblivion and they will succeed. Jeff and David have always shown passion and integrity to save Coventry stadium and the Bees, all of this is alien to Horton. However you just keep showing your support for that perpetual liar and loser.1 point
I thought the rarity factor added to its value begs the question what is rarer a Loomer season ticket or a smile from the woman on the gate?1 point