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Ladies and gentlemen, if Justin Sedgmen is the answer, we are asking the wrong question.5 points
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No, nothing to do with cricket! Poole Riders Eqpt Fund host a unique evening on Wednesday night at the Stadium Champs Bar. SCB Co-ordinator, Neil Vatcher will be bringing a simulated Referee's Seminar to Wimborne Road giving what organisers describe as the most comprehensive insight into the duties of a speedway referee before, during and after a meeting. Christina Turnbull will also be attending to share some experiences and talk about the job description. The highlight of the evening may well be when the audience, as a whole, gets the chance to be the judge and vote on a selection of racing incidents on the big screen. After each race a slow motion replay will help everyone decide if their decision was correct. Presenter, Nigel Leahy, says it is sure to produce plenty of discussion and is one of the most dynamic and intriguing events that the R.E.F. Have staged. For anyone who would like to know just what the Referee's job entails, from the pitfalls to the pressure, it's a must see event. We are so grateful to Neil and Christina for giving up their time to take part and to Tony Steele for assisting in assembling some of the races. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 show, priced at £5 with a reduction to £4 for R.E.F. members.2 points
I actually believe Bewley having a great home track will help him when he moves up the levels and he rides the bigger tracks abroad.The biggest attributes he has are that i believe is he is a very level headed character he has a hell of a racing brain and has a very good temperment i look forward to supporting him through out his career.2 points
These are the questions I've submitted... Having read the Turley report, it is clear that you fully co-operated with the people that want to demolish Brandon. WHY when the rest of us are trying to save it? What is your long term plan for The Bees are there plans to build a new stadium and how will it be financed? Have you been involved in an agreement with Brandon Estates to lie about the viability of Brandon Stadium and gained financial reward..?2 points
Ive been going through a tough time but ive turned up for work everyday and given 100% and earnt my money. Holder was in my view rightly banned last season but that doesnt mean he cant have a good year this season. World class rider but not in the worlds top ten anymore but should improve his average to around 82 points
Haven't we all - I'm still expected to turn up to work everyday and my boss expects 100% and nothing less.2 points
The BSPA General Council is just waiting for the last delegate to arrive from the planet Incompetence. Just why they didn’t all come on the same bus we’ll never know.2 points
Would like to say thanks for a very positive report there . I think the stats you used were very fair and very true . It' nice to see a report look at the whole picture not just the short comings . Roll on 2018 and getting settled at my new home over the first few meetings Regards wilko2 points
2 points
Listen back to tonight’s Facebook Live via this link. The session lasted 90 mins until we exhausted all the questions https://www.facebook.com/360250631121927/videos/363492237464433/1 point
I remember seeing a 15yr old Lambert riding for Lynn starlets, scoring 21 points against Stoke and thinking this was indeed a privilege to be there and watch him ride. From the gate or from the back he was majestic. He was from another planet. it was a case of men versus boys, He was winning races by the country mile. Obviously people were making comparisons with some of the greats we had previously seen at Lynn, and Lambert was rightly compared with them all. What was so noticeable that night was his persona, he walked about the pits with a massive smile on his face and was so comfortable within and those around him. He appeared to be walking on cloud 9. How things have changed in those 5yrs. He cannot be happy with the small progress he makes each year,. Averaging just over 7.30 must be disappointing for someone with so much talent. I wont except there are 20 riders better than him riding in our league. You see him walking about and he appears to have all the troubles going. That big smile has gone and replaced with trepidation. although, some of his races are out of the top drawer, others are best forgotten. A top world class rider has to perform in every race.. I don't profess to know the answers, but something is definitely not working. I hope he can find the answers that will project him to the heights he should aim for, and to illustrate his capabilities of being a top 10 rider....1 point
correct me if I am wrong but didn't Len silver build teams at rye house leaving a couple of points to spare while he was there1 point
You would think there are more than enough spanners in and around Swindon to help him out - at least judging by this forum!!1 point
Hey Hodgy, thanks for the heads-up on the Alan Carter book. I sent for it a couple of days ago and have not been able to put it down! The Haslams and the Carters were knocking about in my younger day and I always remember getting lapped by young Ron on his TZ Yam after 7 laps of Mallory Park. Mal Carter always came across as something of a bully and Alan's book confirms this suspicion. With regard to Kenny he was a hell of a rider and his visits to Hyde Road were always hugely anticipated, Soldier Boy used to give him stick though and I'm not sure he had much of a sense of humour because he always looked pretty po faced about it. Clearly, his demons were never far away. Ta muchly, Hodgy.1 point
Nor can I. Who is going to foot the bill to bring the stadium up to scratch, for a sport that seldom makes a profit.1 point
While I agree that Bewley is a great talent has everyone forgotten that Robert Lambert is still only 19.1 point
If he is talented in which he is why not ? Got to keep away from injuries of coarse. I think he is the best young brit we have seen for a long time.1 point
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Been around for a while and difficult to get rid of, much like a deposit on the shoe. I blame the management team for not moving up last year because we'd have hopefully lost him then. Downside is that we'd have gained stevebrum but at least he's reasonably intelligent!1 point
This thread has lost it's meaning now ? Ps i still think dan bewley will be one of the most improved rider this season and he is a BRIT1 point
1 point
Wish I could attend this event sounds like it could be a very interesting night as meetings at various tracks I've been to there are usually vert differing opinions from the fans point of view to the decision made by the referee1 point
how has fb "picked up the wrong end of the stick" you wrote c holder had been ill and he asked you when was he ill1 point
No matter nationality, performance level or age - they are all 'stars' when it comes to reporting.1 point
1 point
Only a fool would doubt Holder's ability, but what we saw last year was a side of him few could have imagined. It really was an eye opener. For that reason my thoughts of him as a rider took a massive downward step. Up to that point we would have forgiven him for his substandard displays, hoping he would come good in the end. But after that sad day in July, It was obvious he was someone who forgot about the fans and only rode for this own being, to me he has lost all the respect that I and many others had for him. Its a shame really, cos' he will never ever get that respect back....1 point
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No chance will he be the top rider, 4th or 5th maybe, although I think 8th or 9th.1 point
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I think you could be right but my prediction will be closer than yours :01 point
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I predict Peterborough will announce meetings then change the date ,then the start time and then the team and not always in that order1 point
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I don't think it is wholly fair to compare Belle Vue's £10 admission price for National League matches with the prices that other tracks charge. With two teams to support, Belle Vue have to take into account that their supporters have to fork out £17-£18 for the Aces meetings so the prices for the Colts meetings have to be kept low and I would think it unlikely that there are many people in Manchester who support only the Colts. This isn't intended as a criticism of Belle Vue. Their new management have done a great job in restoring the club from the brink of extinction and they have to pitch their admission prices at a level that their fans can afford.1 point
While I can sympathise with Peterborough re fans emailing the stadium about the change of start time to the Ben Fund meeting us fans were looking forward to a good afternoon of speedway, track walks, riders signing autographs etc early start and reasonable finish time. Now we have been promised a prompt 6.30pm start with hopefully no hold ups and hopefully an 8.30pm finish. In other words instead of an enjoyable relaxed meeting with added extras we now have a rushed through meeting presumably with the extras axed and fans, especially those who have long journeys, who were looking forward to this meeting now deciding not to go. No wonder us supporters are fed up and deserting the sport in droves.1 point
There you go, speedway is a different kettle of fish to football. although football does seem to be mellowing a bit. Fans are now starting to comunicate better. The same as the Cheltenham festival, you cannot get near a toilet for love nor money if you go as a punter. If you do you need waterproof shoes... But i do feel the powers that be need to try and tap up a national newspaper to give cardiff some sponsorship and a bit of coverage.1 point
Thing is in those days Speedway was supported by the National news papers, they could do with getting involved with Cardiff.1 point
I hadn't seen those reports of the three millennials falling down and all within an hour. I hope there's an immediate and thorough Health and Safety investigation. Whoever is responsible must be publicly denounced.1 point
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I was at the 1981 final at Wembley and I am sure I remember the official attendance given as over 92,000! That was some atmosphere. The current Wembley stadium has a capacity of 90,000 whereas the 'old' Wembley had a capacity of 100,000 but was limited for evening events I seem to recall.1 point
Glad I ve not made my predictions so far as this probably pushes the Colts towards play off contenders. Bad luck for Lee I ve always considered moto x a risky hobby for riders/drivers of other motorsport diciplines1 point
The relationship between The EOES and Speedway is completely irrelevant to most supporters. The confirmed 2pm kick off, with this line up, would have seen the biggest Ben Fund attendance for years. If the venue date and time wasn’t guaranteed and now a driving school takes precedence over an essential fund raiser - it should never have been awarded.1 point
The animals at Paradise Wildlife Park are all very well looked after and loved by the staff and at least the animals don't have to worry about poachers or being eaten by another predator. As some one else said in a post, you can visit the Speedway Museum without having to ago round the Wildlife Park but you would miss seeing some beautiful lions, tigers, snow leopards, etc.1 point
It's very interesting that the guy who is fronting up the Save Coventry Group, who has probably put in hundreds & hundreds of hours of time and effort into trying to save the stadium for future use stated quite clearly on radio last night that he wouldn't be attending Leicester because he didn't believe that a team racing there & competing at the lowest level represented the Coventry Bees. i wonder if all the posters on this topic who keep telling those of us who have expressed the same opinions, that we are trying to " kill the club" would accuse Jeff of being of the same mind?1 point
Well guys thought I would drop a cheeky message in to say hi etc . Been following from a distance as always . Like everyone else I'm looking forward to finding out who the last 2 names on the team sheet are ! . I' sure the promotion are looking at every option and configuration. Who ever the last 2 guys are I'm sure it will finish the team off a treat . I'e been looking along all other teams and I think we have a good shout there is a lot of untapped strength in our guys so far . I' sure we will bring the best out in each other 100% . Team building across the the championship is kind of the same far as I can see . Most teams have a plus and I can also see a weakness . Our team so far is quite solid our guys all have the capabiliy to excel at various times through the year and we have the strength throughout to help a team member that might be struggling once in a while . If we all click at the same time there is going to be a thrashing handed out once in a while lol . As for myself I can tell you I'm in a better place mentally and with fitness . With the help of some valued sponcers and new ones I've acuired since coming Newcastle again I'm super happy with how the bikes are coming on ! . Im Looking forward to a Stella year this season riding for Newcastle in hoping the club will be able to rely on me when needed on the track and in the pits . Helping out and supprt with the other guys when needed . Im sure George and everyone else are going to finish the team the best way possible for the club . Looking forward to seeing you all soon !1 point
I DID NOT SAY HE IS I'l ITS AN EXAMPLE, everything goes out the window, you look after yourself, ITS an EXAMPLE, dear me, he's had a lot of propblems, please understand that..0 points