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Perhaps they'll get rid of that stupid title "Team GB" and call it "Great Britain"5 points
So what happened to the fans must come first?. That didn't last very long. We haven't even started the season and start time changes are already on us, changing dates will follow followed by the normal shoddy organisation of the speedway promoters. When will they ever learn that Sunday nights is not a good night because people who travel have to get up and go to work the next day.5 points
5 points
Anybody criticising the new Belle Vue is suffering from one of two things; jealousy or stupidity. It is the best in this country by a mile, and we should create more tracks along similar lines.5 points
THE Campaign Group have now submitted their representations to Rugby Borough Council regarding the Brandon Estates planning application. It has been necessary to prepare a lengthy submission in order to not only deal with the deficiencies of the application in technical terms, but also to correct numerous assertions made throughout the planning material which are either misleading or simply incorrect, and to also present an accurate timeline of the events of recent years. We have objected to the planning application on a total of eleven grounds. These are listed in the Executive Summary below. Each of those eleven grounds has its own section in our main document, and many give rise to other issues as the arguments are developed. We are particularly critical of the Turley Report on viability, and the Sustainability Appraisal, as neither present a fair or accurate appraisal of the position of the stadium when acquired by Brandon Estates – or at the end of 2016 – and both are entirely tailored to fit the applicant’s own criteria rather than providing an objective view or considering other suitable options. Other key sections refer to the damage done to the stadium since 2017; local and national policy concerning designated sports venues; the Green Belt status of the site; the negative impact of development on the area; and a wide range of other associated issues. The main document is backed up by further information in appendices as follows, many of which confirm that information in various parts of the planning application is seriously deficient or incorrect: - A brief introduction to the Campaign Group, our motives and our members. - Information previously published by the applicant which is directly contradictory to material in their planning application. - A 20-page document entitled ‘The Systematic Damage to the Iconic Brandon Stadium’ which is a full pictorial timeline of events since November 2016 and clearly shows how Brandon Estates have been seeking to benefit from their own lack of security on-site and the damage which has therefore been caused. Here we also include the outstanding response to our recent appeal for tradesmen/women. - Professional information relating to the business position of the stadium (staging speedway and stock car racing) under the previous owners. - Analysis and confirmation of the number of UK speedway venues over a 20-year period. - ‘Brandon Stadium – A Brief History’ – a 15-page document with pictures summarising the history of the stadium, the major events staged there for both speedway and stock cars, and its overwhelming importance to the local community. - The Campaign Group’s objections made to the local plan review. - Examples of major coverage in local, national and trade press. Our full submission, including appendices, runs to 80 pages, and provides a compelling argument not only for the rejection of the planning application but also for the stadium to be retained, re-furbished and re-opened. The timescale of the planning application is not known at this stage, but we have registered to speak at the official hearing. Our thanks to all speedway and stock car supporters from all over the world, official bodies and competitors of both sports, and the many local residents who have submitted their objections to this scheme to destroy one of the UK’s most famous oval motorsport venues. Below is the Executive Summary which forms the opening of our submission: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign is an umbrella grouping of people who wish to see the long heritage of Speedway and Stock Car Racing in Coventry / Rugby continue, and be returned to the iconic Brandon (aka Coventry) Stadium as soon as possible. The Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign wishes to place on record the strongest possible objections to Planning Application R18/0186, which would result in the loss and redevelopment of Brandon Stadium. The grounds of objections are as follows: 1. The proposals are directly contrary to the provisions of both the existing development plan (the Core Strategy, adopted 2011) and its emerging review (the Rugby Borough Local Plan, 2011-2031, Publication Draft, September 2016). 2. The housing proposals conflict with the Green Belt designation of the site. 3. The housing proposals are contrary to the provisions of national planning policy, which seeks to protect sports facilities from development. 4.'Fixing Our Broken Housing Market' and ‘Planning for Growth’ provide no grounds to support the housing proposals. 5. Brandon Stadium was, and remains, a viable use for the site. 6. Brandon Stadium remains the best site for Speedway and Stock Car Racing in Rugby Borough, and the failure of the owners in their obligations to secure the site is the only reason that has led to significant damage to the buildings since January 2017. 7. Brandon Stadium has a rich and long heritage reaching back to 1928 which should be treasured and protected. 8. The redevelopment of Brandon Stadium will result in the destruction of one of the most important tourist facilities in Rugby Borough. 9. The applicants have failed to demonstrate the viability of their proposals. 10. The proposals are premature and should be considered through the Development Plan process. 11. The Sustainability Appraisal and associated background material accompanying the planning application is deficient and does not provide sufficient basis to support the new housing proposals. In the following report and accompanying appendices we set out the reasoned and measured arguments in support of each of the above objections. We believe that the grounds of objection outlined above against Brandon Estates’ aggressive and predatory housing proposals are weighty, and present a compelling case for planning permission for the redevelopment of Brandon Stadium for new housing to be refused. The Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign accordingly and respectfully calls upon Rugby Borough Council to embrace the long and rich sporting heritage to reject the planning application which would lead to the loss of one of the most iconic sports stadiums in the country. In the – hopefully unlikely - event that Rugby Borough Council might be persuaded to look favourably on residential development on the site of Brandon Stadium, the Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign would strongly urge the current planning application to be refused, with the applicant being advised that they should only re-apply subject to the obligation to provide an alternative replacement stadium of comparable quality being proposed for consideration in tandem. Finally, we note that Rugby Borough Council’s Corporate Strategy 2017-20 strapline is ‘Proud of our past, fit for the future.’ We respectfully call upon them to apply this principle when making their decision on this planning application. ENDS5 points
As a matter of interest Starman have you been able to get to the NSS yet? Thequality of the racing come across well on TV but there is nothing to compare with watching it live where you are so close to the track. Yes, we need more fans, like every other track but the new owners are in it for the long haul. Another benefit never mentioned is that the shape and width of the track means that there are very few falls and fewer restarts. Riders know that taking a risk at the tapes is not so important as it is at many other tracks because of the many passing lines. The result is that there are fewer of the delays which so many fans complain about. I was priveledged to have watched Speedway at Hyde Road for 30 years. It was a brilliant race track but no track can produce good racing in every race or even every match. When Ivan Mauger was first out of the tapes, which he invariably was, very few riders could get close enough to challenge him. What I can say is that in my opinion the NSS produces racing every bit as good. What it lacks is the atmosphere created by the crowds we had at Hyde Road but that is a much more difficult problem to resolve.4 points
I find it quite emotional that so many tradesmen are offering their valuable services to get the stadium fit for purpose again. It is a clear demonstration that shows the kind of people who support Speedway and is certainly one of the factors which has kept me as an avid fan for most of my life. The Save Coventry appeal deserves to succeed and fans from all over the country are praying for success.4 points
To big a strange comment ? this track is in the top four tracks in the World now and we should be proud of it.As a supporter i loved Hyde Rd in a way like the Abbey at Swindon a bit shabby and tired but the track was awesome to have another track to rival Hyde Rd is awesome great for British speedway.4 points
In the case of Kennett you can understand, if the money isn't right. Did I half read in the International section that one of the top German(?) ice racers has moved to Newcastle??? Get him signed, he'll be a revelation in this weather! It'll probably be September before this lot melts!!!3 points
I can't see the issue with British riders riding in both leagues in their own country. Other countries do it. It's called looking after your own. Couldn't care less if the French or other nationalities can't double up as well.3 points
I Am 100 percent sure he's not working there all season just while d they doing the changes. And before you ask I Am in the know.3 points
Indeed, Belle Vue is almost the perfect shape and size for a speedway track and provides proper fast speedway racing like nowhere else in the UK.3 points
2 points
Surely the Showground agreed to the original start time and then changed their minds? Can't see why those running the meeting are getting it in the neck to be honest.2 points
2 points
Exactly. What we need in Britain is more big tracks like the NSS to compete with the Polish scene. We've now got one which competes with the Polish tracks and is even better than quite a lot of them (Though the NSS is some 35 metres shorter than the old Hyde Road, which was considered the best track in the world). Most supporters (even the majority of Poole supporters) recognise that the NSS is world class and far and away the best track in Britain. As someone said, you've got to be stupid or jealous to say otherwise.2 points
Starman, some of the biggest tracks are in Poland, we constantly get reminded of how good the racing is over there. We now have a track in the UK to rival any Polish track. As you rightly say, some races are from the gate, but the racing is still fast and close when it's FRG as riders trust the track and space and lines are plentiful.2 points
2 points
so the fours are going to redcar, and it's been voted track of the year 2017 so maybe it may just stop a few from knocking it?...2 points
2 points
Couldn't agree more with this, but opening the doors last season has led to this situation. Re Bellego, I am sure if he took legal action the rule would be dropped, seems the BSPA don't learn, but no surprise there2 points
Surely the Ben fund meetings are about raising money, change in time now means less money, so change the venue, I'm sure another venue could be easily found at short notice.2 points
I think a lot will be there. It's getting them to Leicester with admission fee going to Mick Horton that seems to be the problem.2 points
I got the 2017 ELRC DVD for Christmas god there was some great racing in that meeting and by all accounts there was even better meetings than that through out the season.The track is built along the lines of Torun/ Hyde Rd a great shape just a shame about not being able to have bigger crowds as to have that track hosting GPS would of been awesome.2 points
Speedway used to be after football as most supported sport in this country - it was certainly in the top 3! Where is it now? What steps are being taken to stop its decline and dropping crowds? Speedway is dying a slow, painful death in this country and without positive steps being implemented, it's decline will continue with only the few diehards left to support it. Unfortunately, the BSPAs solutions have been less than positive : annual dilution of the product, increase in prices, poor schedule planning leaving big gaps between meetings and then many meetings in the same week, too many "guest" riders, long drawn out meetings, too many race restarts and less value for money. The product is great but not enough "bigger picture" long term solutions and too much short term "fixes" as a result of self interest within the BSPA.2 points
2 points
I think the majority understand that , whatever the outcome it has been a massive effort by all concerned to get so much support for retaining the stadium.2 points
2 points
2 points
I just wonder whether you have ever been to Redcar SP? The Track certainly isn't narrow, and I have seen some fantastic races there. I, for one, am very pleased that Redcar are staging the 4's. I am sure that they would not have been awarded them had assurances not been given regarding the size of the Crowd and viewing ability of said Crowd. Personally, I wish Redcar and the Promotion all the luck in the world with this endeavour. It is a feather in their cap to bring such a prominent Event to the North East.2 points
1 point
I think Danny will struggle big time. He's just came back from a serious injury and reserves this season are much stronger than last. I think he needs a season in the National League. Just my opinion. Don't shoot me down.1 point
1 point
Will Great Britain or England be riding in Test Matches again ? Otherwise there is only the "Speedway of Nations", now that there is no Speedway World Cup anymore.1 point
In the Star article, they say 'its out of our control'. Please can someone explain what that is? Be open and simply tell us the truth.1 point
1 point
If they did then I guess that what's on the club website fixtures page also comes with the territory these days: "Please note that the fixtures and dates below are subject to change at short notice."1 point
Why? What's the point of dragging on the announcement of the 7th rider any more? Cut out the messing and the guessing. It's only a #7 FFS, it's not like everyone's holding their breath for a new world beating superstar #1 to be announced. Let's just have the announcement and let's get on with it.1 point
1 point
The new BV track is frankly, superb. I have been up several times and the only bad meeting I witnessed was the SWC semi. The final the following day was brilliant. I have gone up for the Poole meetings and all have been top notch racing. As for the Poole track, we are lucky to have such a good race track. Hopefully the dusting of snow we have had should effect the work that’s been done. A rider was seen playing on it last night. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dwoiot1fbr90ex/Video 28-02-2018%2C 19 31 44.mov?dl=01 point
Speedway should have used TV coverage to promote itself ... that word is the ultimate problem!! It didnt. The opportunity was there for those in charge at the time to give it a re imaging, it should have taken a hard look at sports such as darts and especially Rugby League who just about gave a rebirth to their sports image. Unfortunately Speedway plodded along with the old, tired meeting format from a wandering amble of centre green staff to the tune of Fanfare for the Common Man or similar soundtrack to endless gaps in racing for numerous reasons. The chance for reviving the sport has now, unfortunately, IMO, gone.1 point
Have I missed it ? Has the new tv deal been announced? If so how many meetings are BT covering ?1 point
1 point
if you are looking for weed ,i am sure some able bodied person up there can supply (ooopps) you with some . remind us all again who owns the Cashfield track as we actually dont own Derwent Park , its on lease from the council . the weed patch will grow on the back straight due to it not being used . taylorj is an ardent supporter of the sport . so you really must read her post properly and not make up post to suit yourself . HAPPY BUFFDAA . Kyle Bickley , or was it Dan Bewley ? heard he was booking a table @ ashfield for his birthday treat .1 point
I think that's because he club's don't take the fa cup serious any more so why should the supporters ?1 point
I dont think holder will reproduce his best days again either don't think he wil be no 1 either we shall see1 point
The are the bookies favourites and with no less than 3 ringers in the team (4 if you include Noddy) - it would be the biggest choke in speedway history if they don't win!1 point
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1 point