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14 points
How do people know that TV has stopped people attending ?...I actually went to some meetings last year because I saw the NSS on TV and it made me go...I'd not been to a live meeting for years....sure I didn't go every week but that's circumstances...without TV I'd never have gone at all.....how do people know others haven't done the same....how do they do that crowds wouldn't have dwindled even more without TV....they wete dwinding before TV anyway...certainly less people would actually know about the product if it wasn't on TV... It's easy to blame TV for speedway's problems but that just papering over massive cracks...a sport needs TV and without it even less people will know anything about it and even less people will show up..7 points
5 points
In that case, one could take the view that the particular heat available to view is representative of the other 14 and not bother to 'purchase' the DVD, Far better to put a decent race up and hope the prospective DVD purchaser wants to see more of the same!4 points
Most tiny, minority sports with crowd levels similar to Speedway would kill to get the coverage British Speedway has enjoyed over the years. And given the opportunity you would also think that they would do a far better job in utilising this media vehicle to move their sport forwards.. I sometimes think those who run the sport in this country see it far differently than the general wider populace and in their eyes it is actually a bona fide 'proper' sport rather than a niche, cobbled together most nights, conduit, for riders to ride as many times as they can to earn enough money as possible to justify their outlay on machinery... The emotional connection to 'their team' , for many fans, is simply long gone due to the farcical way most meetings are now participated in by a 'whoever is available select team'. Therefore, not bothering to attend such a nonsense scenario, and keeping your hard earned in your pocket, is very much a distinct possibility (probability?) when you have an alternative to it by watching four lads in different coloured helmets compete in fifteen races on TV, regardless of whether 'your team' is being covered or not.. Watching racing on TV is now similar to watching it live when it comes to that emotional connection most weeks, therefore when you have paid for your subscription why pay more to attend something that isnt a true sporting contest and is also something you have very little emotional attachment too..? TV coverage isn't helping to 'kill' British Speedway, in fact it should have made it a big player given the tens of millions it has provided it with and the thousands of hours of coverage over the years.. Unfortunately those in charge haven't had a clue how to use either the money or the coverage to build Speedway in this country, and instead of haggling for 'how much' they want given, they should be very grateful TV are still interested in their tiny, insular, poorly ran Sport.. I attend Premier League football most weeks, with my team on live TV probably 80% of the time due to their pulling power in generating a TV audience. I pay a hell of lot more to watch them than I do BV... If however, my team allowed David De Gea to play for Arsenal one week, Chelsea the next and Liverpool the week after, do you think I and thousands of others would continue to pay to attend such nonsense? Of course not... Sort out the Sport by running it with integrity and credibility.. Until then no one can blame TV for reducing crowd levels...4 points
Well guys thought I would drop a cheeky message in to say hi etc . Been following from a distance as always . Like everyone else I'm looking forward to finding out who the last 2 names on the team sheet are ! . I' sure the promotion are looking at every option and configuration. Who ever the last 2 guys are I'm sure it will finish the team off a treat . I'e been looking along all other teams and I think we have a good shout there is a lot of untapped strength in our guys so far . I' sure we will bring the best out in each other 100% . Team building across the the championship is kind of the same far as I can see . Most teams have a plus and I can also see a weakness . Our team so far is quite solid our guys all have the capabiliy to excel at various times through the year and we have the strength throughout to help a team member that might be struggling once in a while . If we all click at the same time there is going to be a thrashing handed out once in a while lol . As for myself I can tell you I'm in a better place mentally and with fitness . With the help of some valued sponcers and new ones I've acuired since coming Newcastle again I'm super happy with how the bikes are coming on ! . Im Looking forward to a Stella year this season riding for Newcastle in hoping the club will be able to rely on me when needed on the track and in the pits . Helping out and supprt with the other guys when needed . Im sure George and everyone else are going to finish the team the best way possible for the club . Looking forward to seeing you all soon !4 points
Indeed, Belle Vue is almost the perfect shape and size for a speedway track and provides proper fast speedway racing like nowhere else in the UK.3 points
I have this book on my kindle and have read it several times. Kenny was not everyone's cup of tea and yes he had his demons. He also had a belief that he knew he could beat every other rider he came up against and second place to him in a race was like coming last. He also had an opinion on most things speedway and called it as he saw it and this alone turned many people against him, BUT to me all these things make a great speedway rider. One things for sure when he pulled on an England vest he was a proud man and in every race he had you could virtually see the red, white and blue pulsing through his veins.3 points
Shows your total lack of respect and certainly any knowledge of speedway, was Joe useless at Mildenall ? was he useless at Workington ? was he useless at Glasgow ? was he useless at Ipswich ? the answer is NO.Your club knows the numbers game better than anyone Newman bombed out Howarth bombed out Starke bombed out all Brits best you stick to selling your Steptoe/Son junk and comment on another sport.!!!!3 points
Why? The perfect opportunity to sell / market and promote the sport totally wasted. TV coverage could and should have been a real positive selling feature. It’s the product offering that has failed.2 points
THE Campaign Group have now submitted their representations to Rugby Borough Council regarding the Brandon Estates planning application. It has been necessary to prepare a lengthy submission in order to not only deal with the deficiencies of the application in technical terms, but also to correct numerous assertions made throughout the planning material which are either misleading or simply incorrect, and to also present an accurate timeline of the events of recent years. We have objected to the planning application on a total of eleven grounds. These are listed in the Executive Summary below. Each of those eleven grounds has its own section in our main document, and many give rise to other issues as the arguments are developed. We are particularly critical of the Turley Report on viability, and the Sustainability Appraisal, as neither present a fair or accurate appraisal of the position of the stadium when acquired by Brandon Estates – or at the end of 2016 – and both are entirely tailored to fit the applicant’s own criteria rather than providing an objective view or considering other suitable options. Other key sections refer to the damage done to the stadium since 2017; local and national policy concerning designated sports venues; the Green Belt status of the site; the negative impact of development on the area; and a wide range of other associated issues. The main document is backed up by further information in appendices as follows, many of which confirm that information in various parts of the planning application is seriously deficient or incorrect: - A brief introduction to the Campaign Group, our motives and our members. - Information previously published by the applicant which is directly contradictory to material in their planning application. - A 20-page document entitled ‘The Systematic Damage to the Iconic Brandon Stadium’ which is a full pictorial timeline of events since November 2016 and clearly shows how Brandon Estates have been seeking to benefit from their own lack of security on-site and the damage which has therefore been caused. Here we also include the outstanding response to our recent appeal for tradesmen/women. - Professional information relating to the business position of the stadium (staging speedway and stock car racing) under the previous owners. - Analysis and confirmation of the number of UK speedway venues over a 20-year period. - ‘Brandon Stadium – A Brief History’ – a 15-page document with pictures summarising the history of the stadium, the major events staged there for both speedway and stock cars, and its overwhelming importance to the local community. - The Campaign Group’s objections made to the local plan review. - Examples of major coverage in local, national and trade press. Our full submission, including appendices, runs to 80 pages, and provides a compelling argument not only for the rejection of the planning application but also for the stadium to be retained, re-furbished and re-opened. The timescale of the planning application is not known at this stage, but we have registered to speak at the official hearing. Our thanks to all speedway and stock car supporters from all over the world, official bodies and competitors of both sports, and the many local residents who have submitted their objections to this scheme to destroy one of the UK’s most famous oval motorsport venues. Below is the Executive Summary which forms the opening of our submission: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign is an umbrella grouping of people who wish to see the long heritage of Speedway and Stock Car Racing in Coventry / Rugby continue, and be returned to the iconic Brandon (aka Coventry) Stadium as soon as possible. The Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign wishes to place on record the strongest possible objections to Planning Application R18/0186, which would result in the loss and redevelopment of Brandon Stadium. The grounds of objections are as follows: 1. The proposals are directly contrary to the provisions of both the existing development plan (the Core Strategy, adopted 2011) and its emerging review (the Rugby Borough Local Plan, 2011-2031, Publication Draft, September 2016). 2. The housing proposals conflict with the Green Belt designation of the site. 3. The housing proposals are contrary to the provisions of national planning policy, which seeks to protect sports facilities from development. 4.'Fixing Our Broken Housing Market' and ‘Planning for Growth’ provide no grounds to support the housing proposals. 5. Brandon Stadium was, and remains, a viable use for the site. 6. Brandon Stadium remains the best site for Speedway and Stock Car Racing in Rugby Borough, and the failure of the owners in their obligations to secure the site is the only reason that has led to significant damage to the buildings since January 2017. 7. Brandon Stadium has a rich and long heritage reaching back to 1928 which should be treasured and protected. 8. The redevelopment of Brandon Stadium will result in the destruction of one of the most important tourist facilities in Rugby Borough. 9. The applicants have failed to demonstrate the viability of their proposals. 10. The proposals are premature and should be considered through the Development Plan process. 11. The Sustainability Appraisal and associated background material accompanying the planning application is deficient and does not provide sufficient basis to support the new housing proposals. In the following report and accompanying appendices we set out the reasoned and measured arguments in support of each of the above objections. We believe that the grounds of objection outlined above against Brandon Estates’ aggressive and predatory housing proposals are weighty, and present a compelling case for planning permission for the redevelopment of Brandon Stadium for new housing to be refused. The Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign accordingly and respectfully calls upon Rugby Borough Council to embrace the long and rich sporting heritage to reject the planning application which would lead to the loss of one of the most iconic sports stadiums in the country. In the – hopefully unlikely - event that Rugby Borough Council might be persuaded to look favourably on residential development on the site of Brandon Stadium, the Save Coventry Speedway and Stox Campaign would strongly urge the current planning application to be refused, with the applicant being advised that they should only re-apply subject to the obligation to provide an alternative replacement stadium of comparable quality being proposed for consideration in tandem. Finally, we note that Rugby Borough Council’s Corporate Strategy 2017-20 strapline is ‘Proud of our past, fit for the future.’ We respectfully call upon them to apply this principle when making their decision on this planning application. ENDS2 points
Baffling you say, yet the evidence is already there from the thousands who drifted away prior to TV coverage and were quite simply lost. It really isn't rocket science. If the customer was happy with the product they wouldn't be deciding to skip it to watch another team on TV instead. TV is just providing them with the excuse to break that 'habit'. It is also keeping that waning interest alive so they do attend some matches still. Without TV they'd have continued attending regularly for a little longer but those underlying issues would still have been there and the more regular exposure to them would have eventually caused them to stop entirely.. and with nothing on TV to rekindle the flame, they are lost to the sport. As said, the first thing people say as a reason for not buying something is very often not the real reason.2 points
Brandon Estates will spin any situation to try get houses on Brandon. The whole planning application and financial document shows that. That's been there tactic ever since they've bought the place.2 points
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No, I just know about general human nature. TV may have given them an excuse to stop going, but the reasons they stopped going lie elsewhere. Those reasons would have stopped them going altogether at some point.. tv is simply keeping their interest alive.2 points
Dave, (and others) re your comments on this year's Celebration of Speedway. Yes, the admission previously was £5 for the Speedway exhibition but fans could still wander round the excellent Wildlife Park too. There was a problem when non-Speedway people were visiting the Park and paying the full price of £15-£17 and when they found out that Speedway folk were getting in for £5 they were most upset as you can imagine and caused the staff a lot of grief. This year, the WSRA and the Wildlife Park agreed that we set a £10 entry fee across the board so that the regular Park visitors were not upset and that the entry money would be split between the WSRA and the Park. Despite what a few folk may think, the Speedway Museum is NOT a money-maker for Paradise Wildlife Park. On the contrary, the Museum costs the Park a lot of money subsidizing it throughout the year and without Peter Sampson and his family, there would be no Speedway Museum. The Museum, the Events Marque and the outdoor displays were packed all day but we don't get those numbers for Speedway every week! Yes, it would have been good to have something at High Beech but the Celebration is such a lot of hard work for the WSRA volunteers and the Park staff that it was physically impossible although I believe that Terry Stone had something at High Beech on the 19th February.2 points
I believe Dave Jones is making statements of truths not assumptions. He understands the larger picture that is being played out between BE and slippery Mick . Good luck to the riders ,but this just doesn’t sit right with me ,equally I do understand BE will spin the situation as they seem fit . i prefer to defer support to the Save Coventry Speedway campaign and their diligent efforts to restore the Bees back to Brandon, this NL dalliance will only exist for one season i am sure the campaign group can keep the Bees name prominent for the same period of time. As for bomber slagging off Mick Horton maybe he is a mardy sod ,but he does have first hand knowledge of him. Flip this around where have you seen anyone praise Mick Horton in the recent past. up the Bees2 points
So, a slow day at work....: Belle Vue I think the side has a much better look to it than last year, even if not quite so strong in the big heats. Whilst I would prefer a Brit to be named @ 7, I think Etheridge is a decent capture and I expect he will surprise a fair few people, and should take some of the pressure away from Bewley. Bewley is the key man; if he can kick on, they are strong. If not, it does look like they have a long tail away from home on some tracks. Bewley struggled on some away tracks, Etheridge going to many places for the first time, Tungate not always being a great traveller, Drozdz will likely find some tracks a challenge, etc. Will also be interesting to see how Cook deals with being in the GPs too. The side should be terrific at home, but question marks over the away form. Prediction: Play-Offs + a change mid-season to increase away potency. Key Man: Dan Bewley King's Lynn Despite the Whingeathon on the KL thread, I think the side looks okay. I don't think Iversen will be quite the force as he has been, but if Lambert gets his head down and stops whinging they have a top 2 as strong as any - on their day, at least! Kerr/Rose/Proctor will also ensure there's plenty of strength at reserve allowing Andersen time to settle. It'll be most interesting to see how Andersen settles in, reports I have heard from Denmark suggest he is even more forceful than Nicki used to be - can't wait to see what Trees will make of him! For me, it's Jørgensen who will make or break their play-off aspirations. They need him to make the next step up to make the third heat leader position his, and if he can do that, they may sneak into the Top 4, if not, I reckon about 6th is likely. Prediction: 6th Key Man: Thomas Jørgensen Leicester It's great to see Leicester put together an attractive side, but they do often appear to be one of those clubs who struggle to convert good sides into points. Not entirely sure what to expect. They have the sort of side that I think could go to Poole and nearly pull off a shock win, but at the same time go to Somerset a few nights later and struggle to get over 30. May well be part of their charm. Vaculik is a great addition to the league, but @ 1, there's a fair bit of pressure on him to hit the ground running. If he performs well, and if KP takes to British Speedway, they look very strong and will probably be Poole's biggest challenges. If they struggle for whatever reason, they could struggle to make the play-offs. Prediction: Scrape into the play-offs. Key Man: Martin Vaculik Poole Ford has put together bit of a surprising side, but a very, very strong side nonetheless. The 2 new Poles may not replicate their contentional form, but have no doubt they will still make a mockery over their dubious starting averages. A well-balanced side with no major weak links. Will probably become stronger as the season goes on; think Holder being @ 1 would give the side a more natural look. As things stand, can only see injuries standing in the way, unless another side has a major improver in their ranks. Prediction: Top by about 18 points! Key Man: Chris Holder Rye House I liked the Rye side of '17, they didn't really shine as I expected, but am going to back them again! KK will make or break their season. If he can get anywhere close to his best, KK @ 1 with Harris and Nicholls the other heat-leaders look a bloody potent spearhead. They're also guaranteed pretty much to have an awesome option at reserve all year too. But they're a bit like Leicester. If everything goes well for them, I expect they will be right up there, but can also see them struggling if things don't quite work out. Prediction: Sneaking the final play-off spot Key Man: KK Somerset Top #1 and solid at reserve all year long. Will be very tough to beat at home, although far from less impossible as most riders tend to take to the track quite well. Away form could be a struggle though. They are very similar to KL in many ways, and like KL they will require someone to make the next step up (to support Doyle). My gut feeling is that Holder is the best bet, but any of the "Others" could potentially do it. Think they'll be in the mix with KL and Rye House for the final play-off spot, but ultimately finishing just short. Prediction: 5th Key Man: Jack Holder Swindon I like Mitchell, but there is no way in hell he is a Premiership rider. Waj should be, and would be a decent #7, but will find it tough @ 6. They are going to struggle in the reserve heats. Nor do I think they are anywhere near as strong at the top end. Batchelor can be hit and miss (last I heard he was without a mechanic for the year, as last year's is helping Hans Andersen), Bellego struggled badly towards the end of last season so quite what to expect of him is anyone's guess, Musielak was excellent last year but see limited improvement from him, and think Morris overperformed for Swindon last year. If, and it's a big if, they change the track mid-season, any HTA will be gone too, although like many I am not convinced it will ever happen. That being said, you just know that 7 won't last the season. When Morris' average takes a dive, and they can get a better reserve in for Davey, they will be a completly different side. One change can completly turn a side's fortunes - like last year. Prediction: 8th Key Man: David Bellego - he needs to bring the Frenchman that started the season, not the one at the end of the season. Wolverhampton Wolves are in much the same boat as Swindon, but are a bit stronger. I can't see that side lasting too long. Wolves have made changes in recent seasons to change their fortunes around, and am expecting much the same this year. Good to see Morris back in the Premiership, where he needs to be but think either himself or Heeps could be in a vulnerable position if they don't score well early on. Prediction: 7th Key Man: Jacob Thorsell - he's excellent round Monmore but returning from a big injury & @ #1 is a tough ask. Poole, aside, I think this year could be one of the closest yet for the play-off places. Heck, if Swindon and Wolves make the odd change here and there, I can imagine a scenario where there's not a lot between 2nd and 8th place. Should be a good year. Hopefully.2 points
To big a strange comment ? this track is in the top four tracks in the World now and we should be proud of it.As a supporter i loved Hyde Rd in a way like the Abbey at Swindon a bit shabby and tired but the track was awesome to have another track to rival Hyde Rd is awesome great for British speedway.1 point
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I’d go with Lawson at 5, he’s sussed the OTA now, Jack needs a few laps before he takes on that responsibility.1 point
I think the majority understand that , whatever the outcome it has been a massive effort by all concerned to get so much support for retaining the stadium.1 point
Belle Vue have had the glory years and a long period where we were bottom of the league or thereabouts. I've followed them throughout even though for many years I have lived much closer to other teams that have been or, still are in the top league. I could never imagine changing my allegiance to the Aces and very rarely miss a home meeting.1 point
Absolutely! Over 100 trademen and women have put their names forward to help get the stadium back in working order. Fantastic response including replacing Windows, doors, armco, safety fence and air fence.1 point
Typical negative attitude instead of thinking about the benefits it could have. You could take the best 10 or so races every week and BT could show them in a 30 minute programme before/after live meetings, you'd even have time to show the fixtures for the week ahead across the country. Easy enough to show a few repeats of that throughout the week as well.1 point
My point was not the cost of the suit for the rider as his clubs pay for them 100%. It was, that I can understand Matt Ford not doing team suits as he has to pay for them. Actually in Poland/Denmark/Sweden more like 15/20x worn. UK speedway needs to find cost cutting measures and race suits is one way of making a saving.1 point
Not really! Its a hell of a lot of money when they all there own suits anyway. 12K might have been spent on the track and that will reduce far more injuries than a Kevlar will. Think it’s a sensible decision.1 point
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The thing is Geoff he tries to come across as the Poole speedway spokesman and that does most of the Poole fans a disservice the Poole fans i have met are all decent chaps.The thing i could never get my head around was that he was once a Swindon fan then changed his mind and changed clubs if Swindon finished bottom every year they will always be my club.1 point
Some feel that not going to Leicester can help Bees long term. Its tough for Bees fans and i think we all should respect whatever choices we all make. I know some Bees fans that are planning on going to some away matches. I'll be there on the 28th.1 point
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That's true.We know all the clubs are struggling, and despite what some on here say that Poole are better off this year than in the 5 previous seasons.. I think they are feeling it now,the same as every club.No shame in that at all..Lets hope the crowds at least stabilise, if not increase in 2018.1 point
Ahh, there it is: will the real Steve Shovlar please stand up! No wonder everyone hates Poole.1 point
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Poland won the SWC with what could have been an Under 23 team last year. Apart from the "Poland Legacy" team. (KK, PP1, Kołodziej, Hampel etc) you have that SWC winning generation of Bartosz, Dudek, PP2, PP3, and Magic who could form the backbone of a dominant team for many years to come. Behind them you have the likes of Szymon Woźniak and PP4, not to mention the 4 musketeers mentioned in the original post. Bright days ahead for Poland on the international front, and plenty enough riders there who can mount a serious challenge for world championship honours. But as history shows, it only takes one "freak" rider from an unexpected country, indeed the only rider from a country of the required quality (e.g. Tai, Hancock etc) and the whole equation is altered. Indeed Poland with Jerzy Szczakiel did exactly that when British and New Zealand riders were back then, just as dominant as Polish riders are today.1 point
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To be honest I understand fans frustrations. It's 30 miles from Coventry, it's not the league fans are used to and fans don't trust anyone involved in the situation at Brandon. However for me the name Coventry Bees must try and live on, no matter what division no matter what situation. I feel it's very important further down the line that the name can run as long as possible. We have a huge opportunity here to have a constant place for peaceful protest about our situation, we should make the most of that as it would make the press and social media and continue to highlight the issue on a regular basis.1 point
Pleased to see that Kyle Bickley, who is 16 today, has signed as an asset following signing a letter of intent 2 years ago. Bewley and Bickley are two of the best British prospects and we are fortunate to have been able to sign them both.1 point
ch958 makes a very good point. If the Championship were of a slightly lower standard it would do three good things. Probably lower their rider costs....make it easier for National League riders to move up and also make what I see as a beneficial bigger differential to the Premier League which would then look much more Premier !1 point
It’s so basic, All Speedway riders are Self Employed they agree to ride for a club until the end of a season, Due to the fact they are Self Employed they can ride for any other club in the world excluding the UK, His UK club do not deduct Income Tax or NI Contributions,but yet they are assets of a Company, Any Accountancy would tell you the system is completely illegal never mind a Legal Expert.1 point
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Great to see he's finally got a proper job. It would explain the fear in his eyes on Sunday - I thought it was just seeing me again after twenty years...1 point
MAYBE because you got exactly what it said on the tin which is more than be said for many speedway meetings these days!1 point
I thoroughly enjoyed the Jim Airey Article. I saw Jim at Sunderland when he came, with Gordon Guasco, over from Australia to ride for us. It was obvious even then that he was potentially, a great talent as was Gordon. I look forward to reading the piece in 'Classic Speedway' when it comes out. salty - I subscribe to both 'BackTrack' and 'Classic Speedway', that way you don't miss anything.1 point
Another excellent issue. Will definitely get the sister publication to read more about Jim Airey. However, was shocked to read in the article on Norwegians that my comments about Reidar Eide and Odd Fossengen were attributed to "Sidney the Robin" rather than myself. Can't say too much as the matter is in the hands of my legal team, but Sidney getting the credit!!!!!1 point
Quite the opposite. Those hoisting the white flag and saying "Yes sir, we'll meekly shuffle off to Leicester and not cause any trouble for Brandon Estates" are the ones who are signing the death warrant for Brandon Stadium. They'll have plenty of time as the bulldozers and houses move in to say "I wish we'd put up a fight and not allowed Coventry Speedway to die". The only chance to save Coventry is to say "We won't be shunted off to Leicester. Coventry speedway belongs in Coventry". Make enough fuss so that the council daren't allow a change of use for the Coventry Stadium land, or at least force an agreement for a new stadium to be built before a change of use is granted. Maybe those fighting for Brandon won't win in the end, but at least they will be able to say "I tried, and I wasn't a Leicester quitter"1 point