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7 points
Dudek found out that they couldn't afford race suits. Then when Matt Ford rang him up, he reversed the charges. It totally put Dudek off joining the Poundshop Pirates.6 points
Poole are over whelming favourites just like last season when it all went totally wrong. Last season we was told: KK is a far better option then Holder Kurtz and Holder jnr were the new turbo twins Hans would be a solid heat leader Kyle Newman is Mr Poole and will not let anyone down and up his scoring Nicolai Klindt is a number one at reserve and will score bucket loads James Shanes is one of the best young Brits Out of all of that only Kurtz, Hans and Shanes came out with any credit. So all this talk of what Poole will do this season can go so wrong again. Kurtz will be fine Holder and Sundstrom have doubts about them no question , and is Linus a better option then Hans? The 2 poles could be anything but thats exactly it...anything. Continental form doesnt always translate. Its all well and good being happy with your team and i can understand the excitement from Poole fans.....but some of the comments on here about how easy it will be and how much better they are than everyone else is just daft............pride comes before a fall3 points
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Crump only won more titles because Leigh was not ruthless enough in tight situations. He would never deliberately carve up another rider which might end up with a long injury. In many cases when they raced both riders were probably fairly equal on skill and riding ability.2 points
Personally I am just happy I get to buy another panthers team shirt and support the team for another year. Its become a bit of a tradition now in the winter, to visit the annual "will we / wont we debate at the showground - but so be it. Heres to Ged for securing at least one more year at the Showground - if it stops, we all loose. Sometimes its good to remember that. I enjoy winning as much as anyone else, but am quite happy to rock along and see some familiar faces drifting round the boards for my fix. Personally I prefer the likes of Ostergaard and Lambert coming back each year, instead of some random Dane who couldnt care less. Team continuity is important to me - I hate starting a season and thinking "Who the hell are these guys?", "my team" is just a list of riders, I dont like it. Seeing Ulrich and Simon rock up makes me feel like someone other than me cares about the result of this meeting, instead of just being another rider out for a paycheque. Anyway, I digest. Heres to another season!! Panthers!!!!2 points
Seymour Dix I am the daughter of Bob Hughes. He passed away 24th February peacefully in the arms of his daughters. Thank you for your post.2 points
I think your memory may be playing tricks with you!! I will ask Jason for his view of events past when I speak to him next. Earlier post: Dan Bewley in my 50+ plus years involvement in Speedway few others have made the impression on me that Dan Bewley already has. He has everything to become a major world force.2 points
DO you seriously think that the reason attendances have dropped is solely because of television coverage?1 point
Have you ever listened to him on radio? Sacked by at least one local station already. I only hope the stadium haven't upgraded the PA system yet.1 point
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its more of a way of making sure there is enough credit there to pay the bills if it all goes ** up thats what i was told years ago from a co promotor1 point
Yes I know but people where talking he was going to sign for this season in which I don't believe was correct1 point
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Don' know why anyone is even discussing this. If Poole don't win the league it will be the biggest shock since Wigan beat city last week EDIT# not sure why I've quoted you @poolebolton I never meant to1 point
That only involves direct discrimination Indirect discrimination can be for any other reason1 point
excellent piece of work webb,obviously there will some differences of opinion but overall very good interpretation of relative team strengths.also difficult to argue against bv72s post above1 point
Mark Loram finished above Leigh Adams in 5 consecutive gp seasons 1996-2000 Leigh Adams finished above Mark in the next 4 seasons 2001- 2004 Therefore if you include the fact Mark won a world crown its fair to say by your Crump v Adams logic that Mark was a better rider than Leigh?1 point
Comments regarding any individual are not relevant if they have no direct bearing on our desire to have a Coventry speedway team in Coventry. They are relevant, however, if the said individual has provided (questionable) financial information to Brandon Estates which they are using to "prove" speedway at Coventry Stadium is not viable. Any friend of my enemy, is also my enemy.1 point
its very unusual at poole to have the words "pay" and "stadium owners" in the same sentence lol1 point
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https://www.gov.uk/discrimination-your-rights Types of discrimination ('protected characteristics') It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of: age being or becoming a transsexual person being married or in a civil partnership being pregnant or on maternity leave disability race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin religion, belief or lack of religion/belief sex sexual orientation So "home grown" is definitely illegal, but the law says nothing about having an average over 6.1 point
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A team manager recently said to me “It isn’t the team that starts the season that wins trophies it’s the team that it finishes with”1 point
In reality though, they’re only going to get 3 rides a meeting and based on previous Brummies teams he probably won’t last the season.1 point
So Wayne Bavin on the mic it is. Hope he does well. P.S Hope you don’t mind me linking your tweet Mr Long1 point
So because Adams never won world title, that makes M Loram a better rider than Adams. Adams is the best rider to never win a world title, but if the title was like it use to be (a 1 off meeting) Adams would probably of won more than 11 point
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Is that because its the only team place he has, atm ???,,, there's only Newcastle that could fit him in and, I hope we do,,, be a shame if we can't.1 point
The only way any up and coming Brit is going to make it on the International and GP scene is to ditch the comfort of the second division as soon as they can. They need to be riding top flight here and Europe. Dan maybe needs another year in the 2nd tier but I just hope he is able to concentrate on the insecurity of making it abroad and take the knocks and set backs that come with a foreign contract. He has more than enough natural ability to get noticed in the lower tier in Poland and should be looking for options ASAP. And that goes for any next generation rider. The minute you settle for doubling up here you have gone for the easier option of money security over ambition. Many knock Tai however he is on his way to being the our most decorated and celebrated British rider EVER. And he has earned it. Ditched the lower tiers as early as possible and toughed it out abroad until he made a breakthru in the World of Speedway. Might not be a popular decision however that's exactly what these next lot of boys need to be doing. With the 2 night racing it's now possible for Brits to still keep UK league in the future. Let's face it its only the ridiculous one 8 and over rule coupled with the barmy reassessed averages for him and Piotr (a coincidence both are Wolves assets??) that has prevented him riding here this season as he was known to be keen. Hopefully our sport in Britain will make it EASIER for ALL British riders to ride here from 2019 onwards. I too am genuinely excited at the current crop of next generation Brits, I just hope the BSPA don't alienate them in the future like others before them. Tai is just the latest in a long line of Brits they have messed about.1 point
It didn't apply to all riders, riders with a higher average were allowed to ride in the CL it discriminated against riders that didn't ride in the CL last season. the old rule was applied to all riders in what is now the PL with an average over 6, so didn't discriminate against anyone1 point
Think how many more he could achieve, if he too could earn from 2 leagues Just saying1 point
It is not the ambition thing that is the problem it is getting the package and finance to keep progressing with your aquipment.Bewley has come a long long way in a short amount of time i don't want to go overboard on him to early as the likes of Mel Taylor,Mark Courtney,Lewis Bridger a few examples who did not fulfil there potential.But i am pretty confident in Dan he will certainly be a regular in the World team cup team and i would love him to stay at Belle Vue for a long time as I can see him being a dominant home rider that track suits him down to the ground.As for Fricke/Kurtz i respect your view but i see Max at the Abbey at the end of the season and he slammed Doyle in one race and looking very fast a class act in my view both will be in the mix for a future GP spot.1 point
But it complies with the law. Were you also proposing that Nick Morris, Chris Harris, Danny King, Steve Worrall, Rory Schlein, Richard Lawson, Kyle Howarth and Charles Wright, all with PL averages >6 be stopped from riding CL, because that would at least have been fair? Yep, the discrimination was disgusting, hence the swift action from the SCB. In years gone by 1st Div averages were doubled when riders went to the 2nd division (halved if going the other way) and therefore it was impossible to go above 6 as that would make it over 12 in the 2nd div. The fact that riders who now ride in both demonstrate a much lower conversion is the reality says a lot about the strength of the leagues. Not long before an amalgamation I think as Mon/Weds will be financial ruin for some of the top division clubs.1 point
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Not all will agree with your last comment AO as some won't believe 'true fans' would ever miss a chance to see their team in action, but it is definitely true, as I do it now.. 'Iffy' weather has a huge bearing as you know deep in your heart that attending on a 'dodgy track' will often see you short changed from either the racing quality or simply the amount of races you get to see, (thirty times bitten, thirty one times shy). I find though at present that I miss more BV meetings to stay in and watch another match on TV, when the BV match has zero credibility due to it being another 'guestfest'... The irony is the match on TV has probably as much credibility as the one at the NSS however the difference is I am not forking out £30 for two people to attend it, instead paying BT £5.00 a month... Add in the fact that every meeting is now just a play off qualifier and for me it's not the TV being there that reduces the crowds (as proof, play off crowds are usually the best crowds of the year) it's the fact that what is served up doesn't justify paying out money to watch it when you can get your 'speedway fix' from the comfort of your armchair... Invariably now most matches are made up of an eclectic mix of competitors, from various random teams, cobbled together for 'one night only', so when you are prepared to take that for what it is, and are quite content to watch 'anyone' in the red, blue, white and yellow helmets go round, then you might as well do it in front of your TV, cold beverage in hand, snug in your own comfy armchair.... Simply, it's not TV coverage that reduces crowds, it's the way the Sport is ran...1 point
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What a load of absolute horsesh!t!! so i will be the first one to bite. Riders this riders that? What about the fans?Where is the respect for them? Who without them there is no speedway!! Fans are treat with utter contempt the length and breadth of the country man, They are shafted for value for money in everyway imaginable yet still pay their monies, people are sick of paying over inflated prices to watch substandard racing on ill prepared tracks, with poxy made up rules and short handed teams. they are treat like mushrooms and drip fed information when it suits. If you pay your money you are entitled to an opinion both good and bad surely?? Speedway riders are not gods imo and to suggest they do it for our entertainment is both futile and ridiculous, if that was the case they would do it for free or basic expenses.... they dont and no one forces them to ride either... our armed forces, police force, fire fighters put themselves in danger for us ffs not bloody speedway riders!! You will be telling us jockeys are the same no doubt? Yes its a dangerous sport but its their choice to ride ours to watch. Speedway fans are far too passive in accepting sh!te and being told to be thankful like promoters, riders and the bspa are doing us a favor. Wake up and smell the coffee man because without or after this generation of fans there will be no speedway because society today wont accept or support the current shambles that is speedway in the UK. Ive been going to Newcastle for 40 years, it was a passion, it was part a massive part of my life it was a drug.. I loved it. Now i couldnt give a monkeys if i go or not... so where are the next lot of die hards coming from?? Who is going to stand up for the fans? Etc.. id rather voice my opinion and how i feel rather than sit apathetic creaming my self thinking a bloke in kevlars is a god or a hero... and told to be thankful!! Thankful for what?. Says something when you couldnt care a less about something you once lived for... and im not alone.1 point
Podium - Woffinden, Zmarzlik, Doyle. Top 8 - Sayfutdinov, Lindgren, Dudek, Janowski, Zagar Close but... - Hancock, Vaculik Also rans - Pedersen, Pawlicki, Laguta, Holder, Cook.1 point
So the fans say they want transparency, they want rules kept to, they want riders to stop taking the p. So buster sorted out Chris holder and got slated, they sorted out holder/rathbone and got slated, they uphold the over 6 rule and get slated, they uphold the visa rules and get slated. What do some of you want? You have to start somewhere, and painful as it is for some clubs, I am all for this making rules and sticking to them. Let's move forward with this1 point