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  1. I don't see the problems with the laws we have already. I think too much is made of riders who take the gamble. The rules state if you touch the tapes your excluded . The riders know the rules, the Ref controls the tapes, where's the problem. ? What really gets up people backs, is when the red light comes on for the slightest infringement, riders goes back to the pits, mechanics come out, another 10mins of waiting about . If a rider anticipates the starts, and gets away with it, then good on him, The Ref will have to keep an eye on him.,, It brings added excitement back into proceedings....
    5 points
  2. You also need to serve up competitive and decent racing and let’s be fair most of what was served up last year just didn’t cut it. Borefests, riders struggling on difficult tracks and racing being shown in front of one man and his dog does nothing to promote the sport at all.
    4 points
  3. Problem being of course that we've nearly closed more times than I care to remember over the last 5 years and with what allegedly appears to be increasing uncertainty and problems running at the EoES I'd make the most of it while it's there. Coming back when it suits might not be an option. Having said that, it's also difficult to disagree with much of hans fan's logic.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Some fair points here. As I've explained previously, two main reasons for this. One: Size of the league. The bigger the league, the more 'heat leaders' there are. Two: Heat format. Back in the 70's and early 80's the big guns didn't meet that often. That meant they lost less, their averages were higher and there were far more of them with that 'superstar' appeal. I'm not knocking that, it's a good thing and makes it easy to promote. Although would I advocate a switch back to a 13 heat format and the big guns racing each other less, not sure I would, that wouldn't improve the racing either.
    2 points
  6. Ronnie made team riding an art form.
    2 points
  7. I thought there was a lot of processional racing last year due the Colts being a lot stronger than most of the opposition, there was some good racing but a lot of very strung out ones as well, having a side not as dominant I think will allow for better closer racing overall.
    2 points
  8. I actually feel sorry for you...if all you can do is put on here every 5 mins how s*** you think our team is..just don't go then and get another hobby instead.
    2 points
  9. That' the thing with Len Silver he shows loyalty to his riders when many others would make changes. At NL level that' s surely a benefit as you don' t know when a fall/ remounted rider is going to suddenly come good.
    1 point
  10. Think you need to look closer to home I need say no more than Grondal.... I wouldve loved Nathan back (even in the 1-5) and had he been replaced by some many time tried foreigner rather than an exciting young prospect I would be first up in protest. Haertel though I think could be a real asset to the league
    1 point
  11. I often thought Barry had slipped a bit in 72 his figures were still good but the odd slip up here and there and i know he had a couple of years with niggly aquipment issues which did not help.But the final in 72 if Olsen was unbeaten before meeting him who knows if Briggs had beat Persson and after Olsen had fell i am convinced Briggo could of won on 14 pts all hyphathetical i know still wrangles me even now.
    1 point
  12. Disagree personally. Hartel is a talented lad and was highly sought after when he burst on the scene as a 16 year old a couple of years back. He comes with a good pedigree at youth level and he reportedly has a very good set up and comes with top equipment which is half the battle. Now I could be vaulted in a month or two and look silly as he could always flop badly, but as it stands right now, I’d rather gamble on him than gamble on Nathan Greaves in the 1-5. We’ll soon find out.. edited to say I loved Greaves by the way. 100% trier who gave us a big boost at reserve last year after the blow of losing Hume.
    1 point
  13. Nicholls on the face of it is actually a poor signing. It’s not a question of IF he’ll drop his starting average, it’s a question of how much. I’d say around a point minimum. But having said that, I’m pretty sure Ged has a plan and there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Nicholls won’t be the only one to drop his average so I’m fully expecting a Kennett or another heat leader to replace a lower end rider after the first set of averages. Peterborough will then look a much better outfit and will challenge IMO. Will be interesting to see how much ground they’ll have to make up and if there’s time to do it with fewer fixtures. I wouldn’t rule them out though and like I’ve said before, trophies are handed out in October not March.
    1 point
  14. What we are seeing is last season's league champions made even stronger with the acquisition of Wright, Shanes and Smith. We were sorry to lose Josh G, but that will be more than compensated by more power at 6 & 7 and 3 genuine heat leaders any one of whom could finish the season at no. 1 (not to mention a captain who's in the habit of winning titles!)
    1 point
  15. I also like matches that are not done and dusted by heat 5, close matches or those where it’s a definite possible that the away team has a good chance of winning is surely the better spectacle, watching the bottom side getting a complete pasting at one of the better teams is like watching paint dry.
    1 point
  16. That is certainly one thing that does get my back up. I thought / hoped that mechanics coming out etc etc and causing delays could very simply be dealt with, IF the sport is committed to it.
    1 point
  17. To think Addio he had a six year lay off from Britain from 1963 ( only aged 30 maybe entering his peak? ) to 1969 .Could he have won more titles who knows he was in two tough eras the 50s and the 60s i think the likes of Ronnie and Bjorn Knutsson often go unheralded both GREAT riders people like Norbold ( etc) will back that up.Perssonally i only see Ronnie ride five times but I remember him as a rider who rode great racing lines the Wimbledon DVD shows that showing Ronnie beating Ivan at Plough lane poetry in motion.
    1 point
  18. If the rider is excluded, no bringing in a better rider on the night(reserve), no 15m, rider suffers, team suffers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  19. How about the idea of a count down clock. green light tapes up at the same time or count down lights to green........ If a rider aint ready, sod him, his problem. Riders would soon know what gives. Might even build the excitement for the fans
    1 point
  20. To be fair Tom Gavan shouldnt be putting his personal issues on this forum, nevermind the poole thread. As you read, many, sympathise with him, its not an enviable position to be in, causes all sorts of backlash. But as i say, most sympathise with him, yes i know, ive been through a very rough scary time, and still have a way to go, and thanked everybody for there messages of support but theres was a separate thread for that which i appreciated everybodys concern, but speedway should win the day on here. on this part of the forum.
    1 point
  21. Nobody is living in denial with regards to tv meets being shown in front of sparse crowds being damaging. The issue with folk living in denial is the continued false claim that racing was so much better in years gone by. There is no denial needed, the evidence is readily available on Youtube. I just went there, first meeting I found, decided to watch it through... ONE Pass in 13 heats. Riders spread out in some races more than you ever saw last season.. in fact I think two of them still haven't finished heat 3. Commentator Dave Lanning several times tells us that it's the very best of British League Racing we are seeing... things really don't change do they? Of course, it all looks much better because of the big crowd, which proves the point I've been making since TV coverage first began.
    1 point
  22. Ronnie Moore posted an impressive 10.34 average in his last full season for Wimbledon in 1972. Mirac was a real hero of mine, in my youth!
    1 point
  23. Things change over the years. Speedway for speedway sake doesn't appeal to me and it may not others
    1 point
  24. I tried to get BT sport from sky and couldn't last year. It's stupid that I have BT sport through my sky box but I had to go to BT to get it.
    1 point
  25. Also note that when sky turned up there were two vehicles, one preparing, cooking and serving the food and a second with seats and tables for them to use as a canteen.
    1 point
  26. Why not have the chuck wagon but make the staff pay for their food? Most people don't expect their employer to feed them for free.
    1 point
  27. It won't be long before one of those happy clappers tells you, you should support your team though thick and thin as that's what real fans do. I hate happy clappers.
    1 point
  28. the team what is likely to line up is 5h1te , after the holdergate fiasco I never went another meeting , no doubt the happy clappers will be saying how good team is but winning the wooden spoon won't be good enough to bring crowds in It's all well and good ged and carl saying we sign riders who want to ride for club but look at riders whos signed lunna looks like he'll Improve , toft is not even a decent 2nd string round showground cant gate for stink poor signing , can see why they signed lambert IF he stays injury free he'll win them matches at home , grondal was cack the last time he rode for us has he got any better riding abroad ??? poor signing as for oystercard they kept hiding at no4 last season because he couldn't cut the mustard at 5 he maybe mr peterboro but nobody likes riding with him , bacon can't ride showground he will improve his average at a different club but not at showground all in all looks worse line up since I've been going and at over 50 quid a meet for my household I won't be paying to watch the likely dross whats gonna be served up
    1 point
  29. Agree.. Only the tapes actually going up starts races so all the riders can only 'go' when that happens anyway.. If you go too early you risk the chance of touching the tapes and face possible exclusion... The only area of the start that requires fixing if you want to allow rides to move is that they can't be allowed to 'drop back' from the white line at the tapes as some do now so as to give themselves more space between the front wheel and the tapes, allowing them to roll forward more. But that is where the starting marshal and referee come in to ensure that doesn't happen and have strong consequence for any rider doing it.. It would give 'lesser riders' in particular a chance to get out in front in races that they would usually feel they didn't stand a chance in, and on the back of that it could possibly mean more passing as that races 'obvious favourite' would have to come from the back to win.. It would also add another psychological edge to the riders (and team managers) tactics as risks will be instructed to be taken as the meeting reaches conclusion and you need points. Also the crowd enagement it would engender as riders move, roll back, move again etc etc to seek an advantage, would deliver some much needed noise and atmosphere...
    1 point
  30. Poor form. You are lauded (probably quite rightly) as a reliable Poole fan who puts his money where his mouth is re sponsorship etc. You insinuated he had served a ban, and yeh i agree, he shouldn't have to put his family issues on the forum, but, with respect, you perhaps have put him in the place where he needs to. He's a proper you-know-what but anyway, i thought better of you to be honest. Tom
    1 point
  31. I was going to say you can bet Bombers at Coventry was around the fence for 4 laps.
    1 point
  32. Its the same for every motorsport.Do none of them count then ..It's worked out from the shortest way around.You can keep on the line and be slower than the rider riding mid track.Geeez
    1 point
  33. Me too AS - with the local interest hopefully a decent crowd turns up to back the promotion in bringing a meeting like this to Foxhall
    1 point
  34. Looking forward to watching the youngsters with particular interest in Drew Kemp and Jordan Jenkins. Seen them do plenty of Foxhall laps already but not competitive racing so very much looking forward to seeing them.
    1 point
  35. The problem is speedway is unprofessional. I accept that some delays can't be helped ,like waiting for the sun to go down or riders getting hurt. But many times after long delays there is an interval later on which really pisses me off. I will start the season with high hopes and enthusiasm but if nothing has changed from last year I will stop attending.
    1 point
  36. ...and far more serious accidents on Polish tracks (and Swedish) than on British tracks!!
    1 point
  37. Well it appears Grondal has improved his average already!!!!!
    1 point
  38. I just wonder whether you have ever been to Redcar SP? The Track certainly isn't narrow, and I have seen some fantastic races there. I, for one, am very pleased that Redcar are staging the 4's. I am sure that they would not have been awarded them had assurances not been given regarding the size of the Crowd and viewing ability of said Crowd. Personally, I wish Redcar and the Promotion all the luck in the world with this endeavour. It is a feather in their cap to bring such a prominent Event to the North East.
    1 point
  39. I reckon you got it in one !!!
    1 point
  40. Grand Central- I would like to see what caterers you can find to come to site with Kitchen and canteen truck to seat upto 30 people to offer choice of two hot meals and a dessert then offer a choice of cobs/Sandwiches for later on. Need to be on site from 12:30- 18:30 This company have to be prepared to travel U.K. wide if you can find somebody let me know as have lots of work to throw their way.
    1 point
  41. I think Williamson is a great signing, so should have 2 good reserves all year at least!
    1 point
  42. If true all speedway fans should be fuming because it highlights once again we have a so called governing body that dosnt know whether it’s on its base or its apex and hasn’t got a clue what it’s doing. This situation would just about be acceptable if it were sorted within a week of the AGM but to dither around for three months in each case puts it beyond farce.
    1 point
  43. don't make a meal of it
    1 point
  44. I see from the website that celeb Chef Ken Hom is now on board the Pirates ship having played host to the Management and some of the clubs many sponsors!! At least that should mean we are very strong at fortress Wimborne Road and should win all our HOM meetings. (I'll get my coat.....)
    1 point
  45. I don't know the whole story, but from what I can see, this is how it is. Edinburgh tried to get a rider who doesn't fit in with the requirements. They must have known this? They asked the mc for approval. No harm in asking, right? They were told that he doesn't fit the criteria. That's the end of it, surely. I see no problem in how the BSPA have acted here. If Edinburgh want to keep this going, they should contact their local MP and get him to persue the case. It worked for Swindon with Jimmy Nilsen all those years ago, when you needed to be a 6 pointer to get a work permit. Don't blame the BSPA here. Their sponsorship license is at risk if they let someone slip through the net.
    1 point
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