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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2018 in all areas

  1. I just wonder whether you have ever been to Redcar SP? The Track certainly isn't narrow, and I have seen some fantastic races there. I, for one, am very pleased that Redcar are staging the 4's. I am sure that they would not have been awarded them had assurances not been given regarding the size of the Crowd and viewing ability of said Crowd. Personally, I wish Redcar and the Promotion all the luck in the world with this endeavour. It is a feather in their cap to bring such a prominent Event to the North East.
    6 points
  2. New poster talking about Gavan loving Poole shock horror. Another multi alias.
    3 points
  3. I actually feel sorry for you...if all you can do is put on here every 5 mins how s*** you think our team is..just don't go then and get another hobby instead.
    2 points
  4. Looking forward to watching the youngsters with particular interest in Drew Kemp and Jordan Jenkins. Seen them do plenty of Foxhall laps already but not competitive racing so very much looking forward to seeing them.
    2 points
  5. I suppose if you pay peanuts then you can expect monkeys.
    2 points
  6. On 11th January you referred to Emil's average being 5.20, which I said was incorrect - which was correct! Emil was given an assessed average in 2017 of 3.88 as per the Green Sheets (http://www.speedwaygb.co/files/downloads/p17_issue_final_numerical.pdf). With the 1.3 conversion Emil's 2018 CL average will be 5.04.
    2 points
  7. At the beginning of last season they promised they would start at 7:30pm and to be fair they tried for a bit then went back to starting when they felt like it and tractor racing, I am like many others will see how it goes at the beginning of the season if no different will give it a miss and save my Money
    2 points
  8. No rider apart from Lunna & Lambert have any chance of improving their average, in my opinion. It's more likely we will make an early change when a few averages drop.
    2 points
  9. Discounting injuries which always play a major part... I see three mini leagues in one top 3 ipswich/Glasgow/Sheffield finishing in any order middle pack fighting for 4th lakeside/Scunthorpe/Edinburgh/Redcar/Workington bottom end fighting to avoid wooden spoon Newcastle/Peterborough/Berwick For me the top 3 are the clear strongest but then thereafter that it’s a bit harder to call - at Ipswich our success hinges a little on how quickly the German lad settles and the injury returnees... lots of people saying lakeside nailed on for top 4 - I think they have a long tail - never really rated Morley - and Ellis/Newman engine room looks somewhat inconsistent and prone to crashes/injuries - but one of the biggest Home advantage track in the league!
    2 points
  10. I've said before when I moved into my house opposite a school I knew I would have cars and people in the street for about 15 minutes in a morning and afternoon but it would be quiet at other times especially weekends and evenings plus it's a newish school so very unlikely anything else will be built there in my lifetime.I would never complain to the school about it because I knew what would happen. You get idiots parking illegally and I even had one park on my drive because he thought no one was in!!!!! He hasn't done it since. Lol. You have to weigh things up when you move somewhere
    2 points
  11. Top post put perfectly and I hope Buster reads this -and I hope those who go on about positivity and glasses half full and time to move on realise how let down some fans feel by the actions of two riders and the promotion the only man I think who came out of that night with any credit was Gavin Cainey who stood up and said enough is enough and walked away . 2018 is a massive season for speedway and Kings Lynn more so -another season like last season and there won’t be much left to talk about -As for Brundle we shall see hopefully he will be allowed to try and bring in new ideas but as others have found out it’s not that simple .
    2 points
  12. You insinuated that he had been given a ban ! Best of luck Gavan..
    2 points
  13. Being out of season i have just finished filling out most of Belle Vue's 1972 fixtures. Ivan Mauger his stats are unreal the programmes i have ( maybe a few missing..?) In home and away and individual meeting's he posted 19 - full maximums and plus 4 - paid maximums. In that 23 he won the Northern riders Championship, The Derek Warbuton trophy scored a 15 max in the Australia v New Zealand. International and - A 15 max in a WC round. : N.Boocock 2). - E.Boocock 1) - Olsen2). - Persson 1) - Moore 1) - T. Johansson2) - Kilby 1) - Humphrey's 1) - B.Jansson 2) - Nordin 1 ) Thomas 1 ) they were the only riders to beat him on merit in amongst my programmes. Also he had 21 other rides scoring 45 points out of a possible 63 having lost 18 points through engine failures a brilliant season.What astounds me was i always thought 1968/71 was by far his real peak years but how wrong i was a total legend. The greatest.!!!
    1 point
  14. I’d heard something about it a fair while ago but nobody seemed to know just what was going to happen so I asked Dale at the fans forum and he told me what was going to happen this year.
    1 point
  15. Apparently riders can move at the start without being penalised and races will only be called back if a rider touches or breaks the tapes.
    1 point
  16. I don't know about that. For starters they'd put a set of traffic lights on the back straight, install a new right turn into the pits via the hospitality viewing area and cone off half of the track on turns 3 & 4 to make it single file and safer. Then they'd cock up the team building before putting the admission up to cover admin costs. I think getting it wrong is called running on a tight budget whereas Rick Frost called it Kenneth Bjerre and Poles who generally scored naff all away from the EoES.
    1 point
  17. Me too AS - with the local interest hopefully a decent crowd turns up to back the promotion in bringing a meeting like this to Foxhall
    1 point
  18. Most certainly is, kings Lynn on a Saturday night Boston on a Sunday night, great times
    1 point
  19. I think we're actually agreeing - if the core product is decent then you don't need the sideshows. The problem is the core product - the actual racing - is rarely good enough. The first problem to solve is make the racing more entertaining more of the time.
    1 point
  20. ...and far more serious accidents on Polish tracks (and Swedish) than on British tracks!!
    1 point
  21. You've basically said what others have said Steve. Crowds are down come Sky/BT meetings, thats why you have to dangle a carrot, in the shape of cheaper admission. The sky money went to all the clubs that participated, unless you know differently, i have also said and somebody else also said you will not attract new fans unless the product is good you give the sport more exposure, our local paper does a brilliant job of promoting the sport in poole, and a highlights slot on TV wouldnt go amiss. But first and formost you need to dangle that carrot to get people in..
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. All FMN’s can request for a wc and ccp or ccp bureau makes the final call. So if FMI applies one for Luca (or has applied already) it can be given to him. EDIT: its the bureau. Page 126 in the appendices
    1 point
  24. Well it appears Grondal has improved his average already!!!!!
    1 point
  25. Kyle howarth stepped up last year and with no s.worrall/josh g/cook/masters in the league this year will easily hold his own stepping up to number 1 lasse and wright are very good heat leaders and both will be formidable at home. bates frankly has the ability to go as far as he wants in the sport - just needs to get his head right consistently - showed signs of that last year so potential to improve kurtz is fantastic at Sheffield and has become more and more solid at number 2 year on year shanes could be one of the leagues biggest improvers this year smith has bags of potential just waiting to be unlocked - nevertheless he’s improved every year in his short career so far...... im an Ipswich fan so no tinted specs - I really can’t see the weak link here....
    1 point
  26. The original poster for the 1973 film "The Sting" reads: "...all it takes is a little Confidence."
    1 point
  27. Totally agree with you Semion, I also jacked it in after "Holdergate" but I'm prepared to give it a go again this year and hope that lessons have been learnt. I think the team looks competitive, and with the right attitude and given a decent track, could renew my enthusiasm. We also need prompt starts, slick presentation and a huge reduction in tractor racing, gardening and bike fiddling! If it all comes together, then I'm sure the "oldies" like me will return to the terraces, but if it doesn't, then I'm sorry but like you I'll be saving my money and the two hours driving for other things. My glass is half full at the moment, lets just hope it doesn't spring a leak!
    1 point
  28. Zmarzlik and Tai for me Emil could be good each way value at 16/1 I think the prices for Lindgren, Laguta and Holder are to short and no value at all
    1 point
  29. Ipswich will host the U19 final Thursday May 17th .
    1 point
  30. Agree with you, but think the last 2 riders are Nichols & Bacon. Bottom 3 for us if that is the team.
    1 point
  31. A Good analysis Steve Roberts from speedway's point of view. The reason Sky put speedway on TV was for none of the reasons you put forward of course. They wanted more people to sign up for their subscription services and increase their income. But would any of us have refused to have speedway on TV though? But did we make the most of putting our league sport in the shop window alongside the GPs and SWC? It has taken us many seasons to realise that it's important to have a good crowd at televised meetings and take actions to make this happen. Of course, this season we have a much bigger problem. With fixed racing nights, any televised meetings are inevitably competing with other live meetings impacting the attendance of several meetings not just one. Another need for fixture planning (err, what's that)?
    1 point
  32. Probably because Bacon is at least likely to improve whilst Boxall isn’t.
    1 point
  33. last season I downloaded the Goldvod.TV add on to Kodi (instructions are online) and purchased viewing subscription code on e bay and viewed all televised Polish speedway meetings which included all divisions and all individual meetings. Goldvod TV offer live streaming in SD for poor internet connections or in HD which is perfect when viewing on television. I have recently subscribed for this coming season but before doing so I sent Goldvod.TV an e mail to confirm that the relevant sports channels would be available for 2018 and they replied within a day confirming the "zuzel" sports channels are available. I subscribed and received the viewing code within 10 minutes on ebay and was viewing Polish sports channels in HD a few minutes later. I have recently been watching the repeat of last seasons Extra League matches on nSport+ which they have been screening early evenings during the last week or so as well as doing a 15 minute program regarding this years line ups and interviews with individual riders..... so at present Goldvod TV assured me that the speedway sports channels......nSport, Eleven Sport and PolSat sport are available to stream for the 2018 season for those wishing to go the whole hog there is a Polish TV shop in Rugby that will supply the hot bird dish and decoder box for about £60 plus fitting for about £40. they are also the UK distributors for Canal+ viewing cards......prices vary as to the content required more or less like Sky but much more cheaper. website is TEHWIZ.co.uk I hope this information has been some help to those wanting a feast of Polish speedway at weekends
    1 point
  34. I think people should just wait and see. If Brundle cant turn buster around then its game over for me. I jacked it in after Holdergate, but still hold out hope that come April its a fresh start with fresh hopes. It will soon become clear IF anything has changed. Whichever way it goes its win won for me. If everything is back as it should be then, then great, if not I save myself £30/40 and 2 hours driving. At This moment in time I'm not fussed, but I'll give it a go.
    1 point
  35. It would need to be The Messiah ( for those who do believe in Him ) because I suspect that no-one else can work the necessary miracle and turn around Buster's way of doing things, I fervently hope that I am wrong but Buster let so much slide last year and no one else stood up to the plate ( as far as we know or were told ). Autocratic decisions were made so many times ( call offs, double headers, track prep. etc ). It all brought home to me that despite the spin the BSPA put on SGB, it is very much like a non league soccer operation.
    1 point
  36. time to close this subject i think and get back to talking speedway
    1 point
  37. It's sad really when you consider that they knew what was there when they were purchasing the place isn't it!
    1 point
  38. I'm sure gavan will soon be talking about his beloved poole team again soon.
    1 point
  39. Been through it all pal and stand by my comments
    1 point
  40. If only it was that simple !!.. An apology should be from the heart. you don't need someone to tell you he his sorry, you should be able to deduct how they feel that from their behaviour. Very few from Lynn came out with any credit from that Poole match, What a pity they didn't follow Poole's professional approach and conducted themselves in the right a proper way. I'm in no doubt who the main protagonists were, and yes I was pleased they were shown the door, Buster must take responsibility that day for a terrible prepared track. Don't forget, these loyal supporters had to stand about for over an hour waiting for that bloody tractor going round, That should never have happened.. After that fiasco, we then waited 3 weeks for another meeting,, Matches were called off on the strength of the weather forecast, when the night was actually rain free. The replacements were not of the quality one had hope for , but I understand the difficulty. These replacements became a problem when we had clashed meeting and they went missing, forcing us to ride half a team, Strange, it usual slipped their memory to inform their loyal fans of riders missing until they we had paid to get in. No one occasion, NPT was down to ride at No5, DWP then informed the forum , NPT was riding in Denmark with Porsing. Most of last year the supporters were kept in the dark, and treated like mushroom,,,, Non more so then those double headers. On both occasions we never had a full team for the first match, without adequate replacements or reserves to cover, any mishap would be catastrophic. Needless to say both second matches were an embarrassment, a pointless exercise. In that Wolves doubleheader 2nd meeting we attempted to compete with only 3 riders, we ran 8 heats with only one rider in and one without any rider at all. That's unforgivable.... We may have been offered a refund, but that was insulting . I felt offended by the offer. It would have been nice for someone to have seen the dire way the fans were treated and acknowledged the situation as it was. It would be nice to think it would never happen again, But as of yet, apart from bringing in Brundle, I don't see much change.. My one hope is that Brundle will be the Messiah, we desperately need....
    1 point
  41. And you could put an icelolly stick into the spokes to make a noise.
    1 point
  42. I was there, it was a great night, plenty of support for our new no.7. Natalie Quirk was a brilliant compare and over £400.00 raised for charity to be split between Great North Air Ambulance and the Greg Mackie Trust , the young Speedway rider from Glasgow who passed away .
    1 point
  43. Maybe the fans would be more forgiving toward Buster if he had said.... I'm sorry for the fact that I signed those 2 Aussie A Holes, and I had to show them who they were dealing with. Nobody takes the Pee out of me and gets away with it....... I have learned a valueable lesson and one I will do my utmost not to repeat.... I'm sorry to all the loyal supporters but hope you will forgive the mistake's I have made this season and join me in looking to the future. Haza, Webby, would that have done the trick ? or would Buster have had to wine and dine you then tried to get you into bed ?
    1 point
  44. so why wasn't the Poole track sorted years ago?
    1 point
  45. Every Sky Speedway meeting cost over 35k a meeting and that does not include Sky staffing costs in Osterley or the actual airtime and satellite uplink capacity which Sky have long term lease via BT media & Broadcast. Obviously I am unable to go into every cost but can give you a few examples over £1000 a meeting for catering,£2500 for power,£1100 for scaffolding, £200+ for security, Temporary Internet circuits £1400 Most experienced cameraman on excess of £500 a day plus travel. BT did a very good job in 2017 in cutting the OB and production costs but in my opinion that did show on screen with less cameras and older OB equipment. Some of the savings were Made like on catering, security and less staffing, cranes In 2018 I I understand that the production budget has been increased so there will be some on screen benefits which is good. i read with great interest in the thoughts and comments about a highlight package and magazine style programme in the week. This very nearly happened in 2014 on Sky sports in addition to the live coverage it was all costed out but the BSPA were not happy about this and it never got off the ground as some clubs feared it would affect attendances and some put pressure on local video companies to not provide footage for this and also into live productions. It still shocks me that Speedway is not able to attract a TV programme sponsor as there are a number of high profile companies involved now with clubs but did hear that at one point that Go Speed were asking for unrealistic prices whether they would take less now who knows. Even if they only got 25k for these rights better than nothing
    1 point
  46. Disagree, speedway in the UK has its issues but think it will continue for a good few more years yet....
    1 point
  47. Objection sent, despite the attitude of some like D. Jones who, thankfully, is no relation.
    1 point
  48. Don't bother then, there are plenty of others that will. You won't be missed. This is nothing to do with Mick Horton he's just" an aside", it's a fight to save the Stadium.
    1 point
  49. Depends on exactly what he is prepared to do about it but it’s high time the BSPA were taken to task for some of the awful decisions they make. How on earth can it be right that riders like Morris, Cook, Masters, Schlein and Harris etc can ride Championship but Nicholls & Kennett cannot despite having Premiership Averages lower than the aforementioned. Either you stop riders with a Premiership Average in excess of 6.00 from riding Championship or scrap the rule entirely and allow all with the appropriate conversion.
    1 point
  50. You really do need to take a little water with it.....and perhaps seek some anger management therapy!!! For those who REALLY DO ENJOY THE SPORT, I repeat you can watch the movie whenever you choose on Terrarium TV. No egos required for that!!!!
    1 point
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