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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2018 in all areas

  1. If Scott is allowed to race for the panthers, it's a win win situation for all. The Panthers get to track a better team, Scott can earn more money, fans of other teams will still get the pleasure of mocking the Panthers team and Ged, and the bspa keep intact their reputation of being incompetent. Everyone's a winner.
    7 points
  2. As an outsider, that is the way I saw it. No question that it weakened the team, but better to do that than allow a couple of prima donnas to ride rough shod over everyone at King's Lynn. For that reason - ie that 2017 was exceptional - there is a strong case for writing it off and moving on. Its not the same old, same old here.
    6 points
  3. Every Sky Speedway meeting cost over 35k a meeting and that does not include Sky staffing costs in Osterley or the actual airtime and satellite uplink capacity which Sky have long term lease via BT media & Broadcast. Obviously I am unable to go into every cost but can give you a few examples over £1000 a meeting for catering,£2500 for power,£1100 for scaffolding, £200+ for security, Temporary Internet circuits £1400 Most experienced cameraman on excess of £500 a day plus travel. BT did a very good job in 2017 in cutting the OB and production costs but in my opinion that did show on screen with less cameras and older OB equipment. Some of the savings were Made like on catering, security and less staffing, cranes In 2018 I I understand that the production budget has been increased so there will be some on screen benefits which is good. i read with great interest in the thoughts and comments about a highlight package and magazine style programme in the week. This very nearly happened in 2014 on Sky sports in addition to the live coverage it was all costed out but the BSPA were not happy about this and it never got off the ground as some clubs feared it would affect attendances and some put pressure on local video companies to not provide footage for this and also into live productions. It still shocks me that Speedway is not able to attract a TV programme sponsor as there are a number of high profile companies involved now with clubs but did hear that at one point that Go Speed were asking for unrealistic prices whether they would take less now who knows. Even if they only got 25k for these rights better than nothing
    4 points
  4. If only it was that simple !!.. An apology should be from the heart. you don't need someone to tell you he his sorry, you should be able to deduct how they feel that from their behaviour. Very few from Lynn came out with any credit from that Poole match, What a pity they didn't follow Poole's professional approach and conducted themselves in the right a proper way. I'm in no doubt who the main protagonists were, and yes I was pleased they were shown the door, Buster must take responsibility that day for a terrible prepared track. Don't forget, these loyal supporters had to stand about for over an hour waiting for that bloody tractor going round, That should never have happened.. After that fiasco, we then waited 3 weeks for another meeting,, Matches were called off on the strength of the weather forecast, when the night was actually rain free. The replacements were not of the quality one had hope for , but I understand the difficulty. These replacements became a problem when we had clashed meeting and they went missing, forcing us to ride half a team, Strange, it usual slipped their memory to inform their loyal fans of riders missing until they we had paid to get in. No one occasion, NPT was down to ride at No5, DWP then informed the forum , NPT was riding in Denmark with Porsing. Most of last year the supporters were kept in the dark, and treated like mushroom,,,, Non more so then those double headers. On both occasions we never had a full team for the first match, without adequate replacements or reserves to cover, any mishap would be catastrophic. Needless to say both second matches were an embarrassment, a pointless exercise. In that Wolves doubleheader 2nd meeting we attempted to compete with only 3 riders, we ran 8 heats with only one rider in and one without any rider at all. That's unforgivable.... We may have been offered a refund, but that was insulting . I felt offended by the offer. It would have been nice for someone to have seen the dire way the fans were treated and acknowledged the situation as it was. It would be nice to think it would never happen again, But as of yet, apart from bringing in Brundle, I don't see much change.. My one hope is that Brundle will be the Messiah, we desperately need....
    3 points
  5. I was there, it was a great night, plenty of support for our new no.7. Natalie Quirk was a brilliant compare and over £400.00 raised for charity to be split between Great North Air Ambulance and the Greg Mackie Trust , the young Speedway rider from Glasgow who passed away .
    3 points
  6. Maybe the fans would be more forgiving toward Buster if he had said.... I'm sorry for the fact that I signed those 2 Aussie A Holes, and I had to show them who they were dealing with. Nobody takes the Pee out of me and gets away with it....... I have learned a valueable lesson and one I will do my utmost not to repeat.... I'm sorry to all the loyal supporters but hope you will forgive the mistake's I have made this season and join me in looking to the future. Haza, Webby, would that have done the trick ? or would Buster have had to wine and dine you then tried to get you into bed ?
    3 points
  7. Aw well at least some good has come from it (joke)
    3 points
  8. so why wasn't the Poole track sorted years ago?
    3 points
  9. Isn't what you're suggesting been the problem in Speedway? From 1 bad year to the next we're always told to move on, it will get better. So, while the crowds continue to dwindle, admissions go up and quality on offer deteriorate every Speedway fan should just suck it up? I still love Speedway, I still love the King's Lynn Stars even more but my breaking point has been reached by the mentioned above. No more am I willing to put ££'s into the club until I feel there's 'Value For Money' on offer. For me, there's no more 'time to move on'. The way the club is run has to be encouraging and so far this winter it's still been very poor from a fans point of view. No genuine heartfelt apologies for last season. No apology for the crass ripping off of season ticket holders. So no, I ain't just gonna move on. I feel justified in not doing so. It's up to the club to make me feel positive and so far regarding 2018 I feel they're still trying to rip off fans with a cheap poor team and increased admission costs to the many.
    3 points
  10. I don't know if everyone on this forum is aware, the BBC screened a six part serial about a speedway rider and his girlfriend against a criminal gang running an extortion racket run by a nasty leader and hells Angel in a South Coast fictional Seaside Town. Episodes were screened back in 1977. Listed in order as follows:- The Barons, Todd, Spiders Web, Speedway, HomeTruths and On the track.I have tried my utmost to obtain these episodes. The Speedway racing was incidentally filmed at the Rye House stadium.I am at the moment in contact with the bbc and have mentioned that there is large speedway community out there whom I'm sure would purchase the DVD if it was to be released.I have a reference number with them and am awaiting a further response. So if everyone could register support for this post in great numbers, it will help me push the case. As you all may be aware it's about sales and revenue. Please support, many thanks to all that does in advance. Also please feel free to respond in any way you feel. All the best, from Rearing- to - Go.
    2 points
  11. Gav, i cant find you post, but im sure its a very stressful time for you. Hope things work out, first and formost sort yourself out..
    2 points
  12. You insinuated that he had been given a ban ! Best of luck Gavan..
    2 points
  13. good luck gav sorry to hear you have been having a difficult time
    2 points
  14. Max Dilger for the final spot.
    2 points
  15. Yeah, I'm sure they're really disappointed to now have a Premiership No.1 in their side instead.
    2 points
  16. 'Everyone's a winner',,, apart from Lakeside of course
    2 points
  17. What i cant understand is that a few King's Lynn fans have ridiculed some for voicing there opinion they insinuate they are moaning for the sake of it.Some of these are long serving supporters who only want what is best for King's Lynn speedway.Every supporter is important whether you have been going for 50 years or 5 years but if you think about it if clubs lose there diehard supporters the clubs will be knackered not anough of the new blood supporter is coming in to replace these Oldies.
    2 points
  18. I understand and agree with everything you wrote. The contempt, that the promotion showed towards their fans last year was beyond reproach, and any promotion worth its salt, should have placed the recovery and rectifying of any damaged done, the first jobs on their lists. To brush it under the carpet only compounds the damage that was done. Some of the posts persecuting your views are not worthy of a comment, they ought to know what you were referring too. . If they wish to bury their heads than so be it. But to me I live in the real world that can voice an opinion, without being ridiculed for it. I will still go to watch speedway for my own enjoyment. I under no pretence that I am a valued Stars supporter anymore, that elusion was killed off last year...
    2 points
  19. irrelevant to my enjoyment
    2 points
  20. Great to see a full team of riders and management all enjoying themselves ,having a good team sprit is a big thing for any winning team especially in Speedway
    2 points
  21. No Haza isn't wrong in what he says. But all he does on here is moan about the Kings Lynn speedway club, and how last season was a shambles. It's time to move on.
    2 points
  22. Full marks once again to the facennas. The Tigers official facebook page https://www.facebook.com/glasgowtigersspeedway/ over the past few days is full of photos and stories about the team all decked out in team jackets/polos/and t shirts. All the team have been up for a few days at boot camp/go ape training days, a fun go kart day including fans; and finishing with a big meet the riders night last night organised by the supporters group at Ibrox. The place was packed. A lot of money has been raised - the supporters Group donated £5,000 towards additional medics/ambulance. I suppose every club is doing this and we just don't here about it?
    2 points
  23. To me all these ingredients are important; good racing, a competitive team if not one who always wins and the feeling of being valued as a customer. I didn't personally see last year's actions as 'throwing in the towel', but more taking a stand against a couple of disruptive team members who weren't interested in giving 100% an replacing them with much weaker riders but with some who did give maximum effort. The promotion were partly to blame for the whole mess so although there were apologies and statements I think more could have been done to admit that mistakes had been made. I think this probably went a fair way to getting Brundle on board. Hopefully we will get a rallying call before April to appease people and reassure them that their concerns are being fully considered.
    2 points
  24. Some might say always trying,,, very trying
    2 points
  25. Top post put perfectly and I hope Buster reads this -and I hope those who go on about positivity and glasses half full and time to move on realise how let down some fans feel by the actions of two riders and the promotion the only man I think who came out of that night with any credit was Gavin Cainey who stood up and said enough is enough and walked away . 2018 is a massive season for speedway and Kings Lynn more so -another season like last season and there won’t be much left to talk about -As for Brundle we shall see hopefully he will be allowed to try and bring in new ideas but as others have found out it’s not that simple .
    1 point
  26. A meal is available for the staff at about 6pm because they are at the track till about 11pm, I am not sure, as I am not at the track midday, if the catering also provides a lunch as well for all the crew who are on site all day as they have to set up the towers, cables around the stadium etc. But to travel from their base and provide a choice of hot food for the number of people there are, £1000 seems a reasonable price.
    1 point
  27. Grand Central- I would like to see what caterers you can find to come to site with Kitchen and canteen truck to seat upto 30 people to offer choice of two hot meals and a dessert then offer a choice of cobs/Sandwiches for later on. Need to be on site from 12:30- 18:30 This company have to be prepared to travel U.K. wide if you can find somebody let me know as have lots of work to throw their way.
    1 point
  28. Found this when looking for King Cinder !
    1 point
  29. It was also featured in a recent edition of the 'Backtrack' magazine with an interview with Peter Duncan.
    1 point
  30. Good luck all the best you still have two kids to focus on for the future.
    1 point
  31. Sorry to hear that fella.All the best going farward.
    1 point
  32. try Goldvod.tv which is offering nSport+ as well all Eleven Sport channels and PolSat Sport all in HD. The subscription vouchers are available on e bay and the live stream is excellent. so for a weekend Polish speedway feast plus live Swedish league on Eleven sport every Tuesday this streaming company seems the best. I also get replies to questions when I e mail them unlike wizja tv which ignores any contact.
    1 point
  33. MAYBE because you got exactly what it said on the tin which is more than be said for many speedway meetings these days!
    1 point
  34. Good day yesterday – excellent turn-out and so many familiar faces. One thing, though. What’s gone wrong with speedway, when more people will turn up for a celebration of speedway’s past, than an actual speedway meeting with the sport’s current stars? Yesterday’s attendance will put most meetings this year to shame.
    1 point
  35. SPOKE to Middlo at Paradise Park yesterday and he confirmed significant work on the Poole track has been done. Has always been a good shape and like the improvements also undertaken at Glasgow, Ipswich and Leicester should haver a profound effect on the racing there.
    1 point
  36. I was joking, just like this latest speedway farce. Everyone knows old engine oil should be used to cook chips in.
    1 point
  37. It seemed relevant in your earlier post.I take it you don't really know how cheap the team is.Like me and about 99.9% of the supporters we don't exactly know how much the riders are costing the club.
    1 point
  38. Moving goalposts eh......................... "cheap poor team" appeared to be relevant in your earlier post! As usual .......................so many of the "Neggys" base the majority of their yesteryear gripes on subjective and non-quantifiable issues! Maybe someone can explain what VFM actually is in speedway terms ................... maybe 5 laps in each race or 10 extra wheelies or even a mandatory 12 passes in each lap or howzabout 19 heats in a match. So come-on ...........so that we may all understand ................. please lets have "something" that we can actually "nail it to" ! "Ya know somebody really should do something about it"
    1 point
  39. Reading between the lines I can see Danny Phillips getting the No7 spot. He was unlucky last year with injury; Newcastles track review in the Star reports how they expected good things of him but for this. Last week he was back on the bike for the first time at the Isle of Wight and Steve Worrall overlooked him whilst there. I know Robs indicated a sort of "X Factor" "roll up and show us what you can do" competition for the No7. But finding someone who can be pitched straight in at Championship level from a training school is asking a lot. Thats why a rider of Danny Phillips 'experience' and on just over 2.00CMA to me has to be a bit of a "give me". So long as we dont go in expecting loads from him at the start. The way we are set up (Gino Manzeres starts at reserve) should give the 2.00 pointer a bit of breathing space to get on the pace for his programmed heats ?. Agree Danny Phillips is probably the stand out choice.
    1 point
  40. If true all speedway fans should be fuming because it highlights once again we have a so called governing body that dosnt know whether it’s on its base or its apex and hasn’t got a clue what it’s doing. This situation would just about be acceptable if it were sorted within a week of the AGM but to dither around for three months in each case puts it beyond farce.
    1 point
  41. Surely this is the reason why, whether rule was right or wrong, it should never be overturned
    1 point
  42. Haza. All you ever do is keep saying the club haven't done anything to make you support them again. If you don't want to go to the speedway , then stop at home. No one is going to knock on your door and beg you to go.
    1 point
  43. Thanks for remembering. It was a very long time ago. That show came about after we'd set up the deal to show a prerecorded match once a week. I offered to contribute speedway news to the station's news department (mainly ex-Piccadilly Radio journos who at least knew of Belle Vue) to be read by one of the presenters as part of their new bulletins. I phoned in the first set to the programme controller, Chris Fear (ex-Westward TV and a speedway man) whose response was to invite me up to the studios the following Saturday to present the news myself, initially with him interviewing me then after a couple of weeks 'solo'. Resources were minimal - we couldn't even afford a shoestring. What we did have was the recording of the match to be shown the following night so we took a heat from that as a preview. The whole speedway project was initially run by K.M.Video on their own who recorded several matches for video each week, normally at places like Hackney, Wimbledon and Reading. At each meeting we would record interviews to insert into the weekly news review. We weren't allowed to show any action. So we would only be able to show the one race and the few video companies also making speedway tapes at the time simply weren't producing material technically good enough to broadcast. Indeed KM's equipment wasn't up to the job and after the first match at Hackney an outside firm, Video Anglia was brought in to provide better, vision-mixed cameras working from an admittedly tiny 'scanner' truck (a Renault Trafic where I did the commentary from the front passenger seat). I usually managed to find a guest to help me through the Saturday half hour, starting with Chris Morton. So the format was one race, a couple of interviews, possibly a guest, a comprehensive listing of fixtures for the night and week ahead. The rest was me, working from notes perched on my knee, with slide inserts to relieve the viewer's agony ;-) No, we couldn't run to autocue. No, none exist as far as I can ascertain. We ran weekly through the main season and monthly through the winter so there were over thirty shows a year. We tried. The only feedback we got from the BSPA was "Canterbury are complaining that you're hitting their crowd". Our programme was over by 6 every Saturday... Depressingly it comes as no surprise that some BSPA members are still stupid enough to believe that TV isn't a help. After 30+ years you would hope they'd learned. People wonder why I get frustrated with certain people in speedway? .
    1 point
  44. But will it have any shale on it ?
    1 point
  45. The ones top left are almost in the pits, they could sell teas in the interval from their kitchen.
    1 point
  46. They seemed a lot happier paying for it when Terry was involved. People can comment all they like about Terry Russell, but when he was negotiating TV deals there was regular speedway on the box from the start of the season to the finish and very few doubts about whether or not there would be.
    1 point
  47. Or in other words....it’s all a load of bollocks.
    1 point
  48. This is what CCFC did. They gave out vouchers to the schools, which had to be filled in with contact details to claim the free ticket. This ends up with more records in the "supporter database" so more promotion/marketing can be directed at a bigger audience. Simply having a free for all in terms of attendance will only work for one week (and that's only if you get the additional benefit of extra spending e.g food/merchandise)
    1 point
  49. It has been said before, but it is well worth repeating....the cost of admission is only part of the reason why people choose (or choose not to) attend an event. Wasps Rugby use the Ricoh, and average 18,000...with their highest attendance this season just short of 27,000. They charge up to £56 a seat, and don't have to give tickets away to get a decent crowd. The lesson to learn is to produce a package of entertainment that fires the public's imagination and makes it a "must see event" each and every time. Then the price of admission is not so important!!
    1 point
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