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Unfortunately until the human race discontinues to decimate the natural world and ivory, for example (whatever the date it was exploited) is totally banned and deemed worthless, there will be a continual need for animals to be held within some sort of controlled environment...whether it zoos, wildlife parks and reservations otherwise we will continue to see the gradual (albeit increasing) extinction of many species. I grew up when zoos were less than satisfactory (concrete pens with bars) but things have moved on dramatically and there are some superb collections where conservation programmes are the norm.4 points
Only averaged 8.44. Given the choice he would be the first name on the team sheet for me, utter box office, a class act and an out and out racer and a bloody nice chap to boot.4 points
You might like it but hundreds will not, so you can go back to the doing something else when the sport is dead.3 points
My take on Chris is that 99 per cent of us do not know what problems Chris has had to deal with over the last few years.For me he has been a great servant to speedway and this year hopefully people will wipe his slate clean and give him another chance.The talent the guy has is unreal and he now is back at his home Poole that he feels most comfortable at he is at the right place.I for one would love to see Chris bulldoze his way back to the top echoleon's of the sport he is capable can he do it ? we shall see.3 points
The Speedway Museum and the stalls, displays of bikes etc. are totally separate from the Wildlife Park. You can choose not to visit the animal enclosures if you so wish but still make use of the facilities, restaurant etc. The car parking is free. The speedway activities and the museum are still good value at £10.2 points
1969 King's Lynn Red flag Simmons/Featherby got a 5/1 against Ivan and believe it not 1970 at Wimbledon Hedge/Tebby Moore/ Maidment got two consecutive 5.1 s against Ivan in heats 1 and 5.2 points
Premier League football is a perfect example of the same thing. People are prepared to pay up to £60 for a ticket if it's something they really want to see. People on this forum talk about presentation, music, interviews and so on, but the bottom line is that the sport itself has to stand on its own two feet as an event. It doesn't matter how cheap the tickets are one week, what music you play, how many sweets you give the kids, how many furry mascots are dancing on the centre green, how many chubby 16-year-old girls are on the start line or how much inane babble comes from the bloke with the mic - if the racing isn't any good or if there isn't enough of it people are not going to part with enough cash to make the whole exercise worthwhile.2 points
I see Danny Phillips tweeted videos of him back on a bike for this first time since his crash. Good Luck to the lad.2 points
Even the telegraph have reported about needing trades people. Hopefully they are finally on board.2 points
Cancelled my Speedway Star Subscription , all i need to do is log in here read Jengas post's all the hot topics you need save money sorted.2 points
Being out of season i have just finished filling out most of Belle Vue's 1972 fixtures. Ivan Mauger his stats are unreal the programmes i have ( maybe a few missing..?) In home and away and individual meeting's he posted 19 - full maximums and plus 4 - paid maximums. In that 23 he won the Northern riders Championship, The Derek Warbuton trophy scored a 15 max in the Australia v New Zealand. International and - A 15 max in a WC round. : N.Boocock 2). - E.Boocock 1) - Olsen2). - Persson 1) - Moore 1) - T. Johansson2) - Kilby 1) - Humphrey's 1) - B.Jansson 2) - Nordin 1 ) Thomas 1 ) they were the only riders to beat him on merit in amongst my programmes. Also he had 21 other rides scoring 45 points out of a possible 63 having lost 18 points through engine failures a brilliant season.What astounds me was i always thought 1968/71 was by far his real peak years but how wrong i was a total legend. The greatest.!!!1 point
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The power characteristics will be interesting though, less of a throttle or voltage controller - more of an on / off switch. I 'like', in one sense, the Formula E series: when it comes to pit stops they simply change cars. Electric vehicles may, just may, be the future but there is still a very long way to go. It would take 3 days and many re-charges to get from Hull to, say, Scotland or Cornwall by electric vehicle. No thanks....1 point
No its not, very hard to keep that section of track rut free, thats probably the most used part of the track. be interesting to see how a longer run to turn one goes.1 point
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God he was not always flavour of the month at Swindon Steve, one incident with Kilby comes to mind but all fans had to sit back and admire him.He was booed but fans stood up and realised just how good he was. I can always remember someone asking Mike Tyson was he hurt when he was booed badly at the Holyfield 1 fight he answered no i take it all as a compliment i believe Ivan felt the same he shrived on pressure.1 point
Was that the year he went about 2 months unbeaten until he got 5-1'd at Kings Lynn by I think Betts and Featherby?1 point
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I agree. Those two you tube clips were cringeworthy - no power in those machines at all and it looked like they had bald tyres as well to make then try to slide easier. No thanks.1 point
Personally I think giving the captaincy to Chris Holder would be a mistake, he has had a lot to deal with and I don't think the burden of captaincy would do him or the team any favours, Hans was a good captain and I think Josh could do just as good a job, leaving Chris to concentrate on his riding.1 point
Similar could be said of riders being too good for the CL that ride in the PL, depriving riders of CL spots. If they had kept the "2 Brits per CL team", it might have helped. The adding & removing of certain rules, this year, will not help British Speedway.1 point
Agree, it would not be as good as tge SWC. Has there been a speedway event in history which delivered such consistently good racing and exciting meetings as the SWC..its bewildering that its been ditched.1 point
I too struggle to comment on certain posts.I even start to write a reply sometimes and delete it,thinking i'm just banging my head against a brick wall.1 point
It may not be a "Circus" but certainly it isbeing ruled by the Clowns!1 point
It’s very very difficult to not be negative isn’t it Star Lady ? I’m really struggling not to comment on certain posts .1 point
Whilst i love the NL it is also a divisive league. Riders like Clegg & Davey are either hanging around for the easy money or keeping sharp to aid their development in higher leagues? Bowen & Roynon dropping down because they cannot cut it in the higher leagues or increasing the standard and providing invaluable advice? Verge & Wooley no genuine progression chances to the higher leagues or just slow burners? Its very difficult to make sweeping changes as there will always be riders /clubs who suffer as the NL serves such a wide purpose.1 point
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This is what CCFC did. They gave out vouchers to the schools, which had to be filled in with contact details to claim the free ticket. This ends up with more records in the "supporter database" so more promotion/marketing can be directed at a bigger audience. Simply having a free for all in terms of attendance will only work for one week (and that's only if you get the additional benefit of extra spending e.g food/merchandise)1 point
Trying hard not to be negative here. It would seem Lynn are not one of the clubs that do monitor the BSF as they have not reacted. Perhaps the addition of Robin Brundle might change that.1 point
All evidence I have is that the BSPA monitor a lot of what’s posted on here and clearly react sometimes to it as their own PR,s often suggest, some even post under their own names, a lot more do it under obscure user names.1 point
I emailed Robin Brundle yesterday, with the suggestion about the rain-off texting service as a positive suggestion to help fans from having a wasted journey. I will let this forum know when (and IF) I receive a reply from him. Oh, and I wasn't bitching, simply stating a fact. I received no reply.1 point
I would have thought that with a new promoter and a media person appointment, one of the initiatives for 2018 would have been an open channel of feedback so that the new promoter could hear of the ideas and opinions of fans re why a number of them of them felt disenchanted. Sweeping "bad years" under the carpet and merely urging fans to "move on", serves no purpose whatsoever. Hearing from any disillusioned fans should be seen as helpful as the KLS promotion could then address some of those issues, ready for the start of the 2018 season. Another lost opportunity?1 point
Dont think Chris would be a good chose , has a lot of things to prove this year and not really sure he is a great leader and motivator. Like to give him a year first to show his true form and prove to everyone that he really has Poole at heart.1 point
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I'l get it right in a minute it should have read 10% not 1% so £1 donation per entry - never mind sure we'l enjoy the day as long as the weather stays dry1 point
Have to agree I thought Williamson was a strange signing but all in all a decent team depending on who the 7th rider is, big fan of Erik and as a gater Ricky will be fine as a top 2 and with 2 more cracking talents in Andersson and Pickering they should do well I think, can actually see them getting top 4.1 point
Hugely unfair on the Cov Observer. They've done a lot for the campaign and one of the journalists ( just recently left) is/was part of the SCS group.1 point
They barely had enough power to get a proper slid on. Please let me be dead before that ever happens.1 point
I would like to comment but under the terms of my bail I have to remain positive with my glass half full rather than half empty- so I’m sure everything will be rosy and the texting service will return ASAP So no need to worry .1 point
As I said early, both Coventry papers should be 100% behind their city’s sports teams but neither are really making any effort at all to help a campaign bring back either sport. Two words for both Coventry papers. Utterly useless.1 point
We higher beings practice thought transference. At least I think we do because my wife always seems to know when I think I might sit down for five minutes or decide not to listen when she is issuing instructions.1 point
Just need some-one to do some 'sounds' tapes to play during the races,,,, and then find a firm to come up with 'Speedway air freshener',,, job done...1 point
The Championship lost Lambert , Cook , Masters , and Grajczonek. it is ludicrous to leave Newcastle and Peterborough without a good no1 Hope the rumours are correct and the Scb have overruled the decision1 point
This would be a great chance for speedway to make national news for good reasons for a change if they came out and said that the Grid Girls remain.1 point
I have known Noddy ever since 1969 when Ipswich re-opened on The Heath. Indeed he was an amazing character, often drove riders and promoters mad, but he was so engaging and enthusiastic that in fact he was so much part of the sport. I was in the party to Ukraine in 1990 and Neil MacFarlane would always relate an hilarious tale about Noddy. I will miss his smile, his regular requests for lifts, and indeed if I ever wanted the inside story of a team or rider, Noddy always knew. We have lost some great names from Ipswich..JB John Earrey, Joe Thurley, Billy, etc..etc....Noddy old son, you were so much part of the Foxhall set up.....RIP old son1 point
A great character who you'd bump into all over the place at various speedway tracks especially his beloved Ipswich and nearby Mildenhall! One of his greatest achievements was hitchiking to the Ukraine in 1990 for the World U21 Final fittingly won by Ipswich's own Chris Louis! Yes at one time he was a cobbler amongst other things. I believe he often worked at shops where he knew that someone, either a rider, promoter or a fan lived nearby so he could hitch a lift to the speedway! He can't have been any older than late 60's? Speedway's much the worse without this one- off character!1 point
The only reason i don't go and have never been to the speedway museum is that i would never visit a zoo or a wildlife park.0 points