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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2018 in all areas

  1. We higher beings practice thought transference. At least I think we do because my wife always seems to know when I think I might sit down for five minutes or decide not to listen when she is issuing instructions.
    3 points
  2. Can't argue with the facts and that was entertaining
    2 points
  3. Living south of Norwich, with a 100 mile round trip for home meetings, I'm one of those who won't risk it if the weather looks dodgy. I emailed the AFA last year, and asked if they were still doing the rain-off texting service. (I was told on this forum it was still in operation) I was subscribed years ago, but suddenly the texts stopped coming? Did I get a reply to my query....Nope, totally ignored. So this season, if it looks like rain, or there are strong winds or any other possible reason the meeting may be off, I'll stay at home. So if you are reading this Mr Brundle, get the texting service back in operation, advertise it on the Club web site, make sure it works properly and once you have a database of fans mobile numbers, if they approve, use those numbers for match day updates and such like. Not rocket science is it?
    2 points
  4. Definitely an interesting subject and could certainly spawn many more debates such as club bikes / pool of bikes etc. Seen quoted figures of 20 x 1 minute races for high end moto x so even if ratio's were fiddled with, bikes ridden flat out non stop it is easily conceivable that 10 speedway races could be achieved per charge. I also guess they could be charged via a generator so there are no excuses for any riders heading to Stoke The riders excuses would change a bit though. "My best engine is still at the tuners" would change to "My partner unplugged my bike to charge their iphone"
    2 points
  5. Jenga,,, What happens if there is a power cut ???
    2 points
  6. Just need some-one to do some 'sounds' tapes to play during the races,,,, and then find a firm to come up with 'Speedway air freshener',,, job done...
    2 points
  7. The negative stuff is disproportionate to the rosy garden stuff I'm afraid.
    2 points
  8. Let's just keep the criticisms at the post not the poster. You can be sure positive, negative or somewhere in between the people posting on here must have an interest in Kings Lynn Speedway.
    2 points
  9. Agree, the same few have made their feelings known over and over again over the last few months, not sure what their motives are but to continually repeat the same old same old is getting really tedious, we get it, you have all made the same points, many, many times but is it not time to look ward and not back and to get behind the Stars for the new season ?
    2 points
  10. just when will this sport turn to the electric speedway bike to continue the sport in the uk ? it will become a plug n play sport , like it or not . no more warming bikes up , changing carbs/fuel . changing oil . emissions will be zero, noise will be a bonus when it comes to running the sport next to a housing/built up area . plug in yer laptop , charge her up and off you go . everybody on the same gear .no more fancy carbs /clutches and a million oil changes . think of the planet they have mx bikes and i think they run an electric race in the T.T. its coming , so get ready for it . any thoughts people . ohh , by the way the electric mx times v fuel bike time ! the electric was quicker in the tests . yes , you can slide em .
    1 point
  11. It looks like a year of struggle ahead, the team certainly looks weaker than those with out and out heat leaders. But you have to live within your means and I can understand the promotion not wishing to mortgage the future of the club. Hopefully they can continue the way they ended last season. I think this is what the promotion are banking on. I really hope Leon Flint is a success. It would be a great boost the profile of the sport in the area. It would also be great to see him ride for his local club at some point. Again this would raise the profile of the club and hopefully act as an inspiration for other local youngsters to take up the sport.
    1 point
  12. I would like to comment but under the terms of my bail I have to remain positive with my glass half full rather than half empty- so I’m sure everything will be rosy and the texting service will return ASAP So no need to worry .
    1 point
  13. Lack of a weekly meeting is a bigger problem than most Promoters would admit too.Its a catch 22 IMO.Looking at the fixture lists ,lack of meetings in high season( June and July) will affect attendances at most tracks.ONE league would have been a better solution IMO.
    1 point
  14. You're such an old cynic Jenga .
    1 point
  15. In years gone by Len Silver would have run an anniversary meeting at Rye House as it's probably the nearest track to High Beech. It's a shame the current Rye promoters didn’t have a meeting the night before the Celebration of Speedway at Rye. Yes the weather could be iffy but it couldn’t be as cold as in 1978 although of course rain may be an issue, but that can cause mayhem during the summer. But no doubt the BSPA would want a fortune to run from Rye House [or any other track] to hold a meeting out of season. But surely this would have been great PR to run a meeting close to that original date/venue and support the event. But I'm afraid in my view the sport is run by pot-bellied old men, with little or no interest in promoting speedway other than that of their own track, but what do I know!
    1 point
  16. Is Giles Hartwell still involved at Poole Speedway?
    1 point
  17. Halfords have been doing this for years but they just cant get the sales right.
    1 point
  18. I'm sure TJ will have something to say about that one.A bit of heathy competition would be good
    1 point
  19. with the current bspa mc anything is possible. no doubt no testing will be done and they will go ahead and buy several bikes from the bspa funds . #soundsfamiliar
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. After the floods of 2009 Derwent Park was not as easy to get to, the crowds dropped and never recovered when the new bridge opened, a lot of rain offs didn’t help. People get out of the habit and start doing other things.
    1 point
  22. The place to be this year is the NSS on Saturday 24th March for Belle Vue's 90th Anniversary Celebration Meeting. The only Speedway club that has run every year since 1928. No details yet on who will be racing but it's bound to be a brilliant night.
    1 point
  23. If it turns out to be as boring as Formular E for racing cars the sport would die in less than one season, also the noise is part of the sport.
    1 point
  24. I guess It depends if you are a southerner or a northerner!.
    1 point
  25. Good idea,,, get a recording of every rider and, when their racing use their sound,,, yes 4 at once !!! it might need a wizz on the decks to do it tho, which might be a problem You might even get some ningningnings
    1 point
  26. Not too bothered who promotes / runs meeting it means that I see racing on at least 20 occasions. As for what "Third man" calls nothing meetings I just love to see the guys doing their thing on the bike whatever level.
    1 point
  27. If chris had a higher average than he has got dont think he would be riding for us ?
    1 point
  28. Spot on... The racing in the Colts meetings last year was great and if they keep the same price structure (£10 and free for kids) I am sure many will still go each week regardless of results... Development of the riders should always be the main objective at this level.. Let's be honest, the 'pinnacle' of winning the Premiership has zero kudos due to the way the sport is ran, so winning the second and third tiers of any sport ran like that doesnt really mean much... Let's hope for plenty of good racing and rider progression and the results will be what they will be..
    1 point
  29. I used to love the annual do at high beech, it was a real pilgrimage. Paradise park is bigger with better facilities, but kings oak was the real deal.
    1 point
  30. Would that be a good idea when he made it plain he didn't want to ride for the club?
    1 point
  31. Short and tall, rotund and thin.
    1 point
  32. there arnt any ELITE teams anymore .
    1 point
  33. Some fair comments there,and maybe I was been a tad bit harsh with my comments, but realistic I think. Last season Scunthorpe brought back lost of the riders that had failed the season before and it proved to be their downfall last season. Berwick have brought back Doolan, Howe, Gappmaier and Etheridge, all similar standard riders with one of those expected fill in a heatleader role. Really think that they would have been better going with just two of those four, three at the absolute most. The academy that they are setting up should be applauded, and it will be fascinating to see how young Leon Flint fares at Birmingham because if he fulfils his potential Berwick would do very well to get him on a contract and maybe sell him to one of the big Elite League teams for big money.
    1 point
  34. @boomerang @Winditon Why don't you take this crap offline?
    1 point
  35. Fair point..... moaning must be contagious ! ........hopefully being positive is ? Roll on the 4th April, I for one can’t wait !
    1 point
  36. Ok let's try this out. Is the team announced for this season a positive, negative or somewhere in the middle. For me it's got a chance of top 4
    1 point
  37. I guess I'm one of the few. Have you ever thought it's because we actually CARE what's happening to something that has been a big part of our lives for so many years. I would like nothing better that to spend an entertaining evening at Saddlebow Road as I've done so many times in the past. That's not moaning or complaining, simply explaining.
    1 point
  38. Whatever happens in the future I would think there will not be any Speedway here in 5 years time
    1 point
  39. Obviously it could go either way with Edinburgh this year . They thought they had pulled a rabbit out of the hat with Becker , but that move was scuppered and that was a huge blow . That could have been the signing which could have turned them into serious contenders . As it is , it's still not a bad side . Wells , while not an out and out number 1 , is a reliable enough top end performer . And there's no reason why Erik Riss cant improve again and possibly even challenge for the number 1 race jacket . The younger Riss struggled after moving out of reserve last season , but he has not reached his level yet and you would expect a point or two onto his average . Big season for Pickering , and starting at reserve will help . Likewise Williamson improved at Workington last year and no reason why that cant continue . Andersson is the unknown and could be anything . 5.25 left for the final rider will maybe mean another foreign newcomer will fill the last position . They don't immediately strike you as a top 4 side , but it wouldn't need too much improvement from two or three riders for that to change .
    1 point
  40. Assuming you were referring to me, I'm pleased I'm making you laugh...., Because there is not much making me laugh these days.... If you read my post there wasn't any moaning merely pointing out, that I will be there regardless of what happens on the track... I'm quite aware of the amount of work Buster does, I take my hat off to him, but it was his choice. He choose to be Chairman of the BSPA, hoping to make a difference , but he has since found out it was an impossible job. I'm sure he would have done a far better job at Lynn if he had donated all his time to the Stars cause.
    1 point
  41. Baggy, If one thing History has taught us with Buster and the Speedway. He doesn't listen. The guy is never wrong.. Even his own flesh and blood has said as much. So go to a Speedway fans forum, for what ? To be told the same old, same old. Expressing your views to Buster is waste of good breath. As Webby said he pointed out some things that need improving etc and the response he got was...Woo is me look how much money I dropped last season. I cant ever recall in the real good years, Buster saying.....Oh WOW look how much money I've made this year.
    1 point
  42. Probably because they were laughing so much (like the rest of us) when bringing in the ringer for the playoffs spectacularly backfired
    1 point
  43. The classic bit about Torquay is that why on earth would Osbourne want to be a football chairman ! he has little love for any sport at all ...how times can this bloke keep pulling the same strokes at every sports venture he is involved in ..but still no matter how many times he does it you still have people believing him when he puts out yet another false statement ...I find it completely amazing . And even worst you have people high up in Swindon having a go at any supporter whe dares to doubt Osborne Clark ! and even worst is how the local media have let him off lightly when they taking him to task and start asking questions ..
    1 point
  44. Anyone else think the same.... Really wanted to go Poland but not good enough..........yet. but heard ipswich really good club who gives riders a chance............won't sack you unless utterly rubbish and even then will allow you to be rubbish for ages.. Hmmm
    1 point
  45. You know, there has been a thread on here about Swagman about once a year since the forum began. Isn't it about time someone made another speedway film we can all talk about? I know the sport isn't as popular as it once was, but it could still make a suitable and exciting backdrop to a film. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of star trek fan films out there on YouTube etc. Isn't there someone with the skill and knowledge to make a speedway fan film?
    1 point
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