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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2018 in all areas

  1. Osbourne must just be playing the long game on this. He’ll get his way eventually as long as the council are too stupid to realise what he’s doing. All he’s doing is slowly suffocating the appeal for the new stadium. Constant delays and changes to the plan means the space around the stadium is slowly being taken up by housing. As long as that keeps happening he’ll be happy. Keeping the existing stadium where it is and shortening the track means that if he is forced to have to create the new facility, it will be cheap to build and the building probably barely permenant if they are using these fabled prefab blocks. We could see action in the new stadium, but the likely problems with parking and probable complaints coming from the residents will make the stadium’s existence untenable. The facility will be closed and razzed for yet more houses, just what he wanted all along. I should imagine the inconvenience of going through with a half arsed stadium build will be small change compared to the income from eventually developing it for housing. For as long as the new plans for the site have gaping logical holes in them, this is what I think is happening. Osbourne is a complete snake, everyone should know that by now and not trust him as far as you can throw him. The BBC article on Torquay basically confirms it. Trouble is the plight of the robins isn’t a big enough story for the bbc or any national journalism, and the local paper and jounos such a saccharine bunch of press release re-hashers, that there’s no one about to do some proper investigitive journalism on it and ask some awkward questions.
    5 points
  2. Rider safety comes above all else and if that means sun delays then so be it, what the club can do is make sure that the rest of the evening flows as efficiently as possible and provide something to keep people entertained in the meantime. Anyway this morning's news is something positive and while only being part of the puzzle called success it's a step in the right direction. That's what the focus should be on today, we've had three months of negativity on here already.
    4 points
  3. DON'T agree ... better team riding under the conventional scoring system. Ridiculous to have race in which the winner is actually the loser... in my opinion.
    4 points
  4. as much as I like J Doyle I do think he is injury prone, if Jase can get a full season without any injuries, then he is hot favourite for W T No 2, i hope so because as Markyb has said "he is very loyal to these shores"
    3 points
  5. Good luck to steve lawson on taking over the track duties,hope it dont mean we have lost thomas armstrongs as sponsors .
    3 points
  6. Matt Ford will implement a minimum height requirement from September 1st in the best interests of the sport.
    3 points
  7. Wow there’s a suprise!
    3 points
  8. Hopefully he rams it in your faces like last time
    2 points
  9. I seem to remember Kenni has retired. Due to the fact that he was advised not ride again after his shooting accident.
    2 points
  10. that scoring system favours sitting in 2nd/3rd and blocking the 4th rider. BORING
    2 points
  11. One of the names along with Berry and Louis that I automatically associate with Ipswich.Sad news RIP
    2 points
  12. I think you’re missing the point. We’re not complaining at the propect of a new stadium. If it were clearly a legitimate venture , swindon fans and hopefully the town in general would be bouncing about with anticipation of it being completed. But there’s been so much smoke and mirrors over the last 12(?!) years of this supposed plan (of which remember, didn’t even include the new stadium at all at the start. Osbourne has clearly never had any interest in the stadium being there), you can’t see it ever being a realistic success. The revised plans should be bringing reassurance that this is all going ahead, however, the history of the project, Osbourne being the slimiest, slug of a man over many years now and numerous plot holes in the logic of how the site has been redeveloped, the plans just look like another delaying tactic to enable more land around the site to be swallowed up by houses. The actual plans for the stadium whilst looking nice and modern at a quick glance, are so light on detail and seemingly less than ideal for speedway, you can’t help but feel that even if the council force Osbourne into creating the stadium, it’s going to designed to fail, straight off the bat. A couple of years of complaints from residents and apathy from the public, Osbourne is left with exactly what he wanted in the first place. A stadium that no one really wants on a prime piece of land for house development.
    1 point
  13. Right as a paying customer I expect to be treated with respect from the promotion rather than in 2017 case be taken for granted that I will hand over my cash no question asked - I want VFM - I would like a well prepared race track - I would like a 7.30 start time by that I mean heat 1 at 7.30 - I would like maximum 15 min interval- I would like to be on the way home by 9-15 9-30 lastet - I would like to see some urgency by the promotion to keep the flow of the meeting moving - unless deemed necessary less bleeding tractors racing . For the first time since the 1970s I really am not excited or looking forward to the new season maybe it’s a back lash from the shambles of last season i don’t no but I’m so far not impressed by UEA or the latest press release it’s really going to have zero effect on me or any paying customer- so if you really want me to attend meetings Mr Chapman you have got to up your game considerably
    1 point
  14. Great post most sensible one there’s been all winter but you can guarantee Buster won’t listen to it it’s his way or the byway also the next generation of paying public are the children so the later the start the likelihood of them attending are slim with school the next day
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Has this new tyre been used in a speedway race by anyone anywhere so far? If not, it is weird that the F.I.M. are going to introduce them at Grand Prix level first, without knowing how or if at all it will work!
    1 point
  17. It wernt Max’s average they cocked up it were Ben Morley and Zack waj’s !!
    1 point
  18. LOL I almost added that they won't add any VFM but deleted it, think my next sentence was but they may if the riders are on it, but then thought oh nooooo, they don't want the riders winning, they want close racing, can't win really eh ...... It's this time of the year that I yearn for some speedway, I get a huge smile on my face just thinking about speedway racing, I'm not right I know. WE ALL KNOW (including Buster) things have gone awry lately but it doesn't take much to put things right, as fans we just need to have the will and the want to support the changes. You can't please everyone but if the majority are happy that's it basically .....
    1 point
  19. Maybe you should have looked on the morons who run Specsavers website then? Max has been showing in Rye House's team on the BSPA site since the day Rye House announced they had signed him.
    1 point
  20. No there wasn't. Lakeside got Max's average correct. Lakeside got Wajtknecht and Morley's averages wrong. That's why the Lakeside 7 didn't fit. Max got the mucky end of the stick when Lakeside kicked him out so that they could still accommodate Wajtknecht and Morley on their proper averages.
    1 point
  21. Very sad news. Remember Ron riding for Yarmouth against Norwich"B" in the first meeting I ever saw back in 1961.
    1 point
  22. hats off to Anthony and his team for the last 10 yrs . his tractor skills will be missed .a loyal and reliable track team . welcome to S!teveie lawson . . big boots to fill there kidda ! but your the guy to wear the boots .
    1 point
  23. Claes Nedermark or Lubos Tomicek!! You still got room on your sofa Tsunami?
    1 point
  24. Pretty sure that whoever is hosting would be straight through to the finals anyway. I doubt that there would have been any objections to a British pair in the final had it been staged at Belle Vue. In any case, be glad that there's only one Polish pair lol. To me this sounds like a way of keeping interest in some kind of team tournament alive, knowing that the Poles as a 4-some are now head and shoulders above anyone else's 4-man teams, and that there was the possibility of a dynasty growing that would sap the interest from other countries. With a pairs tournament, the likes of GB featuring Tai + 1, USA with Hancock + 1, Russia with Emil + 1, Australia with Doyle + 1 and other countries with one top flight rider (e.g. Vaculik, Zagar etc) plus one other, could be much more in the mix. OK, Poland are in the final, but I wouldn't take a Polish win for granted like I would if this was the old SWC. AND as a bonus to anyone thinking of going, the day after the final, it's Stal Gorzow v Falubaz Zielona Gora...so you can make one heck of a trip out of this.
    1 point
  25. You miss the point Trees. Sun delays affect paying fans, whilst Suggitt and Neville might be good for the riders (personally I'm yet to be convinced) they add not one iota to enriching the experience of paying customers. I know you do your very best to be positive about everything but there are things that need sorting. We all agree the sun being a natural phenomena is beyond the control of Buster, having an interval after a sun delay or starting late and then having a sun delay is not.
    1 point
  26. Listen to this lot and you'd think we had a sun delay every meeting ;P Good news about Paul Suggitt and Chris Neville? Robin Brundle is certainly bringing new initiatives to the club, let's give him our support, look forward and hope the good times will come .......
    1 point
  27. Good question but a better system to have 3-2-1 points. That stops one pair sitting 2nd / 3rd and then watching a boring heat with them blocking the weaker rider of the other pair. I hope Woffy rides on his home track with Cook. Lambert as reserve.
    1 point
  28. Welcome back KK, by far the best option given what points we had to "spend"
    1 point
  29. Well, the Speedway star was a good this week. I must say I always thought Peter Oakes was good but this was brilliant ! Puts a few questions out there and someone has given out far too much information, A good job that the committee seem to be on the ball and the hours of work behind the scenes are starting to come out. keep up the great work and I wouldn't be surprised if they have another ace or two to play yet.
    1 point
  30. You waited till later in life. You joined the forum and started p!ssing over us all. No offence Steve, the thought occurred and I couldn't resist it! (he'll get me back)
    1 point
  31. Nice to see KK fixed up, i hope he has a better season at Rye than he did with us last season. He certainly didn't seem himself..
    1 point
  32. Oh brill, if it’s GPS, at least we’ll know where we are.
    1 point
  33. Who is gonna be the first to post a pic of a Lynn Rider munching on a burger ?
    1 point
  34. Sad news Ron along with John Berry and the Louis family are all legends, Ipswich speedway running through there veins Ron was also a very good rider RIP.
    1 point
  35. We're staying at the Holiday Inn on the Saturday and Sunday . So if anyone else is and they want to join us for a drink in the pub next door , on the Saturday evening ,the more the merrier .
    1 point
  36. Romford's pre war team were a nomadic team, just like Boston and the current cradley. It doesn't give the sport a lot of credibility allowing made up sides to enter league racing.
    1 point
  37. Very sad news indeed. He and John Berry made a formidable pairing during the glory days of 'The Witches'. May he RIP and no doubt he and John will be meeting up again to relive past glories.
    1 point
  38. Just a thought. Kevin Wolbert and Ellis Perks would fit.
    1 point
  39. The Royal Highland Show is held there.I might be wrong but I think their Society may own part of the land,there have various events held there, Concerts and Raves.There used to be a big Sunday Market but think that stopped afew years ago.It was Motor racing circuit inside the Show ground in the 60's.There have been afew attempts to make it a sports venue over the years but has come too nothing.
    1 point
  40. Anyway less of talking rubbish the junior team look strong again this year with the inclusion of Leon flint to last years all conquering side
    1 point
  41. Another reasons to start at 7.30 is if there are sun delays or there are other delays at least some racing has been run starting near on 8pm is 30 mins wasted time can’t be made up - for me if the club is serious about attracting families 7-30 start time is an absolute must .
    1 point
  42. Sorry my bad. Put this in the wrong forum. Thanks for spotting it!! Sorry did not mean to that.
    1 point
  43. But if the championship had implemented 2 reserves must be English it would surely help? It’s no good teams giving riders a few meetings then getting rid of them that’s not going to help them at all. You have people like Todd Kurtz and Mason Campton have they ever averaged more than 6 in the whole time they’ve been here? Joe Jacobs his average rises every season and Ellis Perks was outstanding for the best part of last season but both don’t have clubs why is that? You can’t say it’s because there not as good as the two aussies why not give Perks & jacobs half the chance both of the aussies have had.
    1 point
  44. You really are not getting it. Doyle is the World Champion and tops a good looking line up. This meeting is a fund raiser that needs to utilise all Marketing opportunities in order to maximise interest. No need for the negativity.
    1 point
  45. I wouldn' have a clue how much either Jason Doyle or Ben Barker have ever received from the Benevolent Fund. But I do remember reading a few weeks back when it was announced he was riding that BB had said he would ride in the meeting for the first 10yrs. I know shedloads of fans out there hate BB till he rides for their team. But I'd say 10 seasons of putting yourself out to help your peers and former riders out should be congratulated. As for JD in my opinion he' the most deserving World Champion in donkeys years. He can gate he can race and not afraid to get well stuck in. The day he realised he could make the GPs his mindset changed. His loyalty to riding in our league should be welcomed. As I said on another thread a few weeks back Swindon have white possibly missed out on a way of getting bigger crowds by releasing him I hope Somerset reap the rewards.
    1 point
  46. With Doylie, young Jack and big Jake in the side, I'm certainly a Rebel at heart this season. Hope to be able to make several visits while in Europe later in the year. Go for it, Rebels!
    1 point
  47. The great majority of riders racing in the UK are not earning big bucks in Poland and riding in the top league in Sweden. The UK is their only option to earn a living but Doyle is one of the few exceptions still prepared to commit to the UK when he can earn a very good living abroad, that's what you're missing. Most riders racing in the UK aren't in the GP's and most of those racing abroad who are in the GP's won't entertain racing in the UK but Doyle not only does but regards it as a priority, that's what you're missing. Doyle is the World Champion which makes him different to every other rider racing in the UK, that's what you're missing.
    1 point
  48. THIS thread has nothing to do with Doyle riding in the Ben meeting. I was impressed by his loyalty and commitment to British speedway and the fact that he happily tells others riders they should come here and it's not about the money. It is a huge asset to have the WC racing here. How many haver done that since 2010? Not many!
    1 point
  49. Can't believe this same stupid comment keeps coming up! How many times have we all debunked this nonsense? To repeat again. The average system offers 100 individual grades for every point of the average, and is as flexible as it can be! Using your daft grades, a rider with a 6.01 average is totally unemployable. Why would anyone want a 6.01 rider when they could use a 7.99 in the same place? Similarly, a 5.99 rider is in massive demand. He's much better value than a 4.01 rider in the same spot. So we have Mr 6.01 unemployable, and Mr 5.99 (who is of equal ability) in massive demand. There are 11 NL teams, and 77 places. There are only ever going to be 77 places, and bringing in a barmy system which would give totally unequal teams will not change that. Please can no one ever repeat this stupid idea ever again?
    1 point
  50. RIDING in the Ben Fund is only part of it. At Somerset on Friday he said quite plainly that he was always going to ride in the UK, it is foremost amongst his priorities, it isn't about the money, he genuinely feels that it helps him as a rider, he likes to keep busy, is always available to offer advice to his team-mates (should they want it, which isn't always the case) and has turned his life around. He also said that the injuries he sustained in Torun in 2016, including a collapsed lung, were identical to those of Lee Richardson when the talented young Englishman so tragically lost his life. Doyle could have too but, unlike Lee, he received treatment both at the stadium and in hospital far quicker. He is an impressive young man who could turn out to be one of speedway's best World Champion ambassadors, not least because he is not just prepared but determined to participate in British speedway. And hats off to Somerset who have made that possible and attracted new sponsors on the back of his signing.
    1 point
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