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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2018 in all areas

  1. You don't have to 'elevate him above all others'! He's the World Champion so he has pretty much elevated himself above all others. Isn't that what being World Champion is?! And to have him at any event will surely generate greater positivity than if he wasn't!
    4 points
  2. You really are not getting it. Doyle is the World Champion and tops a good looking line up. This meeting is a fund raiser that needs to utilise all Marketing opportunities in order to maximise interest. No need for the negativity.
    4 points
  3. Copy of my submission, below. Having been a Coventry Bees supporter since 1965 I feel I must object to the loss of a venue which has been a major part in my family social life. My Mother eventually became secretary of the first official Supporters Club, and my sister and two brothers were all regular stadium goers, and our children, and my Grandson, have all become enthusiastic Speedway supporters. I also feel that those submitting the Planning Application are deliberately playing down the fact that Brandon is a MOTOR SPORTS stadium and not just a Speedway Stadium. The Stock Car promotion regularly stage the World Final which brings in thousands of fans from around the world, providing a boost to the local economy in the days preceding the event. I also feel that the site owners, who by their own admission have noted that 85% of the latest responses are negative, are trying to abrogate their responsibility in law to provide or fund a suitable alternative site for the MOTOR SPORT stadium.
    4 points
  4. Or they don’t return to the next meeting if it’s a long drawn out meeting the bit that gets me is the lack of urgency to keep the meeting flowing by the promotion 15 heats is 15 heats if it’s over 90 mins or 120 or180 mins It’s on a Wednesday night with work the next day a 9-15 finnish would be ideal - and just maybe it might attract families with kids that have school the next morning .
    3 points
  5. I suppose we have all done a bit in our time, but not without cause...... To me the idea of promoting is to keep everyone happy. Prompt start; good progress, Little hold-up with Fans involvement all the way, A little bit of banter, coupled with exciting races and the time would simple fly by. Probably minors racing after a short interval would keep some punters back. to have a drink and a bite. Everyone don't want to go home early. The point being, when youngsters are at school the next day, they want to finish early and get home. Hanging a meeting out is enough to put families off from coming next time.... We have to start thinking of the bigger picture, instead of money being the end of all decisions... Wouldn't it be better, when someone enquired about the speedway last night , the reply was: Yeah, it was a good night, exciting racing and we were home by 9, instead of : They dragged that meeting out, we stood there in the freezing cold watching that bloody tractor go round and round, the racing was rubbish and we didn't get back till gone half 10... Wish I'd stayed in and watched the tele... Which reply promotes a better picture........
    3 points
  6. The great majority of riders racing in the UK are not earning big bucks in Poland and riding in the top league in Sweden. The UK is their only option to earn a living but Doyle is one of the few exceptions still prepared to commit to the UK when he can earn a very good living abroad, that's what you're missing. Most riders racing in the UK aren't in the GP's and most of those racing abroad who are in the GP's won't entertain racing in the UK but Doyle not only does but regards it as a priority, that's what you're missing. Doyle is the World Champion which makes him different to every other rider racing in the UK, that's what you're missing.
    3 points
  7. Just as with Woffinden, there will always be the jealous, bitter, xenophobic haters. Doyle is a rider who has grown on me tremendously over the last couple of seasons and one who certainly has achieved far more than I ever thought him capable off.
    3 points
  8. The thing ive always found annoying when visiting Kings Lynn is that the meeting always starts 15-20 minutes after the advertised tapes up time. Some have flowed quickly and others dragged on (often depending upon the dreaded RR). If you want people to be positive from the off then start on time. Its a shame to see that the potential MDL side is also not returning this year. I always thought that it offered a balance and a little extra entertainment to those who were not looking to rush away after the main meeting.
    2 points
  9. Forgive me for stating the bleedin obvious, if he has to take a "handout" to keep second tier speedway running, how the heck do you expect him to afford top tier
    2 points
  10. Was the same as you Steve, was a young teenager at the time and was absolutely devastated, agree Ashby was a true gentleman and could have put Wilson in the fence but didn't.Remember being very quiet on way home. Still gives me a heavy heart now thinking about it!
    2 points
  11. The problem is not so much The council who I believe will throw out the application. I think the main problem will come when its appealed and decisions are not taken on a local level but national. With the government wanting to build thousands of new homes it could come down to some box ticker in London who makes the call, with no local knowledge, no affinity to sport and wanting to relieve the housing crisis. This is going to be a long process and one that needs many, many Coventry fans to make a noise, not just a few on here. what I don’t understand is the local Coventry paper, who seem to want to remain neutral in all this. Why on earth haven’t they started a campaign, or joined in the current one. Their voice could shout loud from the rooftops but they just report and little else.
    2 points
  12. The Martin Ashby, Ray Wilson race off in the British Final was the best race. Ever... great memories.
    2 points
  13. I too live in hope and have been for the same number of years but the 2018 season will be my last, if the race night experience is not dramatically improved in terms of better racing, crisper meetings and fans being truly at the centre of the event ( i.e. the impact on them of what's going on ). And I very much agree that anyone who posts their honest opinion should not be deemed a "moaner". Until you can get the basics right e.g. replying promptly to emails etc, very little will have improved. Good communication in a two way relationship with the supporters should be a high priority.
    2 points
  14. Well I'm so glad you weren't referring to me, cos I'm one of the few that go to every meeting. Yes, I have posted negative comments, but I have also posted positive ones as well . You seem to have an issue when people voice their opinions that you class as moaning, I suggest you except them for what they are and stop trying to being judge and jury. Let me inform you, of all the years I've supported the Stars, last years was one of the worse I can remember, and they deserved all the negative comments they received..... Yes, I was disappointed when the team was named, because I wanted better. That said, I will still support them EVERY meeting and hope they can do well. When they do good I will be the first to say so, when they do , not so good, I will also say so as well. That's not MOANING, that's the attitude of a real supporter... I am still to be convinced about the new partnership with Brundle. I was hoping he would be the top man making all the decisions, with Buster taking that back seat, but as time passes he appears to be behind the scenes doing the promotional side. Nothing would please me more than to see the Stars up there with the best. But to do that we need strong leaders, positive attitudes, as well as the quality to win when it matters.. We need Brundle to create all of this.... I live in hope, but I'm been saying that now for over 50yrs ....
    2 points
  15. I like coming on here..its funny..
    2 points
  16. Anyone but Poole for me then I’ll be happy
    2 points
  17. makes me laugh really if he doesn't do the meeting he gets slagged off of he does the meeting he gets slagged off by you lot who wont even put your leg over a bike. Jason over the last few years has turned himself about to improve as he has done, and he is quite a nice genuine person. perhaps if others had his drive and commitment speedway would be in a better place, Just has Ben Barker love him or loath him does the ben fund every year and is also great with fans especially kids so please leave these guys alone any who put their leg over a bike and entertain us support them and perhaps things can improve .
    2 points
  18. It's called Ecology & saving the planet.you twit!
    2 points
  19. I agree. The team that finished top of the pile with a run of 17 straight wins during the season.
    1 point
  20. Was speaking to Adam Shields at Cardiff about 9 or 10 years ago and he said his Uncle Dave still had a spin on Matt Shields track. Said Dave's black leathers with the yellow handprint on the bum still fitted him too.
    1 point
  21. Well yes you beat half a team by 1 point well done
    1 point
  22. We always had a load of meeting's against Newport great rivals with Crump,Street,Trigg,Tebby,Mudge etc) good crowds and Newport walloped us a few times great days.
    1 point
  23. Only 1 final and 1 semi but they came up against the mighty Wolves
    1 point
  24. THERE will be British speedway, starting earlier than last year.
    1 point
  25. IT'S happening but lack of official confirmation is baffling
    1 point
  26. Wonder what happened to Dave and where is he now? He is one we would like to interview for Backtrack...
    1 point
  27. Yes they might, but when it is cold or wet fans will get fed up attending dragged out meetings and will stop going so less will be there spending money. Some will even get fed up on a warm evening continually watching dragged out meetings, with more tractor racing than bikes.
    1 point
  28. Maybe if things that the moaners mention i.e. Prompt starts, less delays, reasonably early finish and VFM had been mentioned at the fans forum or addressed in subsequent press releases, attitudes might be more positive. In the 50+ years I've been following Lynn winning has rarely been an essential requirement from fans, in fact most years it's been a vain hope so the make up of the team is probably secondary to many. Just saying, if that constitutes moaning I plead guilty
    1 point
  29. Luv it when people say this creature walked the planet 300 millon years ago but we cant build on this field because it might destroy the.planet! Its been here for along time and it will still be here long time after we have gone !
    1 point
  30. Im not sure there is one side this season that i could say will definitely make the play offs. All the "top" sides have big question marks within them BUT i reckon Eastbourne & Birmingham are most likely with Kent, Mildenhall & Belle Vue scrapping for the final 2 places. Coventry won't be far away. Bit of a gap down to IOW who will be clear of the scrap at the bottom between Stoke, Buxton & Plymouth.
    1 point
  31. Ever thought of a career in promotions? You seem a natural.
    1 point
  32. You refuse to pay for a TV licence and have done time for more serious crimes? To which you appear very proud or are just on a wind up.
    1 point
  33. Further to my earlier post I have to mention Dave Shields. Returned to Cradley for the 1981 season after 2 years away from Britain. After a slowish start to the campaign he became a key component of our Championship winning team ending with a League average of 6.12 from reserve, bringing the house down against Hull when beating Mauger and Drury? from the back. Never returned to these shores, but a key signing to help bring that title to Cradley for the first time.
    1 point
  34. At Rayleigh Peter Moore, what a wily old character who could really gate and was the only rider I can recall with slightly raised left hand side of the handle bars. The other was Bob Young. Another cracking rider who in style rode a bit like Batchelor does now. Those were the days.
    1 point
  35. you were sooo close, up to your final line..
    1 point
  36. Well, Bloom89, I am sure that some British riders DO get help. In the past I have been on very friendly terms with a few promoters. All of them, without exception would have preferred a British rider to an overseas one. The difference is that the overseas rider is more single minded and simply HAS to succeed or go home for ever ( as many have done). So the best of the overseas riders succeed and the comparable Brit will still be following another occupation alongside his speedway. This does not help him to go forward. I have heard and read many complaints from the parents of young British riders about overseas riders being helped more than "Their" boy...usually it is because the lad does not show the right talent or attitude and has nothing to do with him being "British".. I do not see any young rider with any talent without a team place excepting for those with an average who are frozen out by silly rules.
    1 point
  37. RIDING in the Ben Fund is only part of it. At Somerset on Friday he said quite plainly that he was always going to ride in the UK, it is foremost amongst his priorities, it isn't about the money, he genuinely feels that it helps him as a rider, he likes to keep busy, is always available to offer advice to his team-mates (should they want it, which isn't always the case) and has turned his life around. He also said that the injuries he sustained in Torun in 2016, including a collapsed lung, were identical to those of Lee Richardson when the talented young Englishman so tragically lost his life. Doyle could have too but, unlike Lee, he received treatment both at the stadium and in hospital far quicker. He is an impressive young man who could turn out to be one of speedway's best World Champion ambassadors, not least because he is not just prepared but determined to participate in British speedway. And hats off to Somerset who have made that possible and attracted new sponsors on the back of his signing.
    1 point
  38. How any of that is going to make the racing better the track prepared better I fail to see it’s the overall race day experience that most fans are interested in - if the club had announced a 7-30 start time and less tractor racing and a bit more urgency to keep meetings flowing I’m sure there be loads of comments on here - sadly the announcement you talk have will have little effect on the average fan . Not that I’m knocking what they announced that’s great long may it continue but it’s not something to get the fans chatting .
    1 point
  39. At Ipswich we have a long line of Aussies from my time of starting to go in the early 80's starting with Billy Sanders. We had a few characters none more so then Craig Hyde and Steve Widt. I remember Ipswich riding at Lakeside and Craig Hyde did a full circuit of the M25 before finding his way back! Shane Parker coming over and scoring 19 points in an away match at Rye House in his first season was pretty special. Then you had the Langdon brothers at Poole who werent exactly quiet either
    1 point
  40. I can remember a young man coming out in a set of Bruce Penhall's leathers for second half rides at Cradley. He turned out to be David Cheshire, and although he never really hit the international heights, he was a full on entertainer on and off the track. John Boulger, John Titman, Phil Herne and Phil Crump all impressed, but the classiest Aussie of the time for me was Billy Sanders. I remember the shock when he passed away in such tragic circumstances.
    1 point
  41. Good post, didn't Jake have a season with Sheffield a few years back? Unfortunately more experienced riders in the team weren't performing which meant more pressure was being put on your son and in turn he lost his place and has never had another go at Championship racing as it is called now. Riders like Connor Mountain and Alfie Bowtell need NL riding in my opinion just for instance say Bowtell has a poor start to the season doesn't score many points and gets dropped by Lakeside then he'd be completely without a team which is so wrong when teams like Berwick, Edinburgh, Peterborough, Redcar, Scunthorpe and Workington all have foreign riders riding at reserve now some of these have been riding over here for a long time but still get picked over young English riders. What's the incentive for young English riders who progress from riding in the NL to get CL places because promoters tend to pick foreign riders on "bargain" averages. Arguably you should have 6 & 7 in the CL for young English riders and promoters should be made and encouraged to stick with them for the full season.
    1 point
  42. I've noticed quite a few old bikes in or near the pits at several tracks!!!! Not sure about riding around the track though?!
    1 point
  43. All clubs ought to have an old bike being warmed up in the pits with the old type oil in before meetings just for the smell mmmmmm mm Or doesn't it exist anymore?
    1 point
  44. Usually these threads are full of Berwick fans arguing wi eachover... this winter we just have this gadgey slavvering twaddle
    1 point
  45. Do people not bother reading all the subsequent messages before posting? Double O has already apologised for his error..
    1 point
  46. To be fair, based on last seasons meetings, most of the Poole fans had left by heat 10 or 11, so if Groundwell was made available it would ease congestion following the meeting.
    1 point
  47. Surely all the Wembley finals after the mid-50s were on a man-made track as only the base of the bends at Wembley were permanent, the rest was dug out and relaid for each meeting - with varied results; disastrous in 1975, smooth but slick as hell in 1978 and surprisingly good for racing in 1981
    1 point
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