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RIDING in the Ben Fund is only part of it. At Somerset on Friday he said quite plainly that he was always going to ride in the UK, it is foremost amongst his priorities, it isn't about the money, he genuinely feels that it helps him as a rider, he likes to keep busy, is always available to offer advice to his team-mates (should they want it, which isn't always the case) and has turned his life around. He also said that the injuries he sustained in Torun in 2016, including a collapsed lung, were identical to those of Lee Richardson when the talented young Englishman so tragically lost his life. Doyle could have too but, unlike Lee, he received treatment both at the stadium and in hospital far quicker. He is an impressive young man who could turn out to be one of speedway's best World Champion ambassadors, not least because he is not just prepared but determined to participate in British speedway. And hats off to Somerset who have made that possible and attracted new sponsors on the back of his signing.12 points
The great majority of riders racing in the UK are not earning big bucks in Poland and riding in the top league in Sweden. The UK is their only option to earn a living but Doyle is one of the few exceptions still prepared to commit to the UK when he can earn a very good living abroad, that's what you're missing. Most riders racing in the UK aren't in the GP's and most of those racing abroad who are in the GP's won't entertain racing in the UK but Doyle not only does but regards it as a priority, that's what you're missing. Doyle is the World Champion which makes him different to every other rider racing in the UK, that's what you're missing.7 points
Its not just about the 15 mins of speedway though is it.Its a night out where you can enjoy the racing but also if you are like me I meet up with my speedway friends(some I only see at speedway).Talk about all things speedway and all other thing ands have a good laugth etc and if I like I can have a drink. I went to the pub the other night spent about £15 on a few pints but that's all they gave me for my money other than a bit of background music.The enjoyment of the night was chatting and having a laugth with my friends etc= a good night out.If it was just about the booze i could have stayed in and drank the same on my own for a fraction of the cost.So what I am saying its not just the speedway its everything put together that gives me a really good night out at every speedway meeting I go to.7 points
Just as with Woffinden, there will always be the jealous, bitter, xenophobic haters. Doyle is a rider who has grown on me tremendously over the last couple of seasons and one who certainly has achieved far more than I ever thought him capable off.4 points
Although this subject has been briefly discussed in the Edinburgh 2018 thread, as this does not relate to actual team building, and in view of its long term importance to the future existence of The Monarchs, I have therefore created this new topic on this specific subject. Local Armadale Cllr Stuart Borrowman on Facebook on 28 January at 07:19 posted the following:- Council officials are minded to approve the application for 2.7ha of housing at Armadale Stadium. Officers say the capacity issues at Armadale PS(Primary School) have eased and the stadium is not classified by SportScotland as an outdoor sports facility and "doesn't have the appearance or function of open space." However Contact has been made with sportscotland on this issue and their response was :- “sportscotland is aware of the planning application and the potential loss of this facility. We do appreciate that this would impact on the current users of this facility, however sportscotland is not a statutory consultee in this instance, and therefore has no formal remit to comment on the planning application. We don’t define what is or is not a stadium, that is done by planning legislation, sportscotland don’t have a recognition criteria for stadia.” Furthermore on sportscotland website the Master List of Sporting Activities and Governing Bodies Recognised by the Sports Councils ( https://sportscotland.org.uk/media/2846/list-of-uk-recognised-ngbs-and-sport-list-october-2017.pdf ) at the bottom of page 3, Speedway is recognised by sportscotland under the auspices of the Scottish Auto Cycle Union As the above conflicts with Councillor Borrowman’s public statement re sportscotland, perhaps resident West Lothian Speedway fans could either contact both Mr Borrowman and West Lothian Planning Department, or their local Councillor, to ascertain the source of the misleading statement.3 points
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YES you are missing something but if you cannot see it don't expect me to help you3 points
Copy of my submission, below. Having been a Coventry Bees supporter since 1965 I feel I must object to the loss of a venue which has been a major part in my family social life. My Mother eventually became secretary of the first official Supporters Club, and my sister and two brothers were all regular stadium goers, and our children, and my Grandson, have all become enthusiastic Speedway supporters. I also feel that those submitting the Planning Application are deliberately playing down the fact that Brandon is a MOTOR SPORTS stadium and not just a Speedway Stadium. The Stock Car promotion regularly stage the World Final which brings in thousands of fans from around the world, providing a boost to the local economy in the days preceding the event. I also feel that the site owners, who by their own admission have noted that 85% of the latest responses are negative, are trying to abrogate their responsibility in law to provide or fund a suitable alternative site for the MOTOR SPORT stadium.3 points
THIS thread has nothing to do with Doyle riding in the Ben meeting. I was impressed by his loyalty and commitment to British speedway and the fact that he happily tells others riders they should come here and it's not about the money. It is a huge asset to have the WC racing here. How many haver done that since 2010? Not many!3 points
Unfortunately British speedway is not consistent, The N/L should be made more competitive, how many promising young brits do we have that will go on the ride on the world stage, I am afraid that to many will be lost along the way, we are happy to bring over young oversees riders and give them team places in the upper two leagues, (nothing against this) but we need to limit the current numbers. A young rider trying to make his name in the sport needs to ride at least twice a week, he will also need to give 100% to the sport if he wants to get to the top. We know that not every rider has the natural ability, but with the right help and support he could still make it to the top. When I started out I raced and worked for a couple of years, after a while it became to difficult, getting home from a Scottish meeting and then working the next day, took its toll. This was how most riders started out, we were all in the same boat. Trouble now is we have a lot more riders coming over from overseas that are just riding and we expect our young riders to match them from the outset. So let’s look at this scenario:- Young Brit in the N/L riding and working, he is number 1 and is doing well, gets a call to guest. He has to go into work and then drive straight to the meeting and ride. Gets a last in his first ride, maybe he gets a point in his next, what happens next he is taken our of heat eight. He goes home only 3 rides and 1 point. Back to work the next day and slim chance of another selection. We must give more young Brits full team place’s from the start of the season and fast track them before we lose them. Sink or swim, I was told by a promoter that I would not make it, but hard work and dedication got me to the world final. Riders are actually penalised for doing well. Richard3 points
Because you run on a Sunday...the first thing to do was to get your big hitter sorted out before anything else....as the not so good riders are for or likely available on a Sunday.,2 points
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Frost/Mahoney put on a good show at the top level but seemed badly advised on so many levels. The team particularly but with PR and communications being more business orientated and distant rather than at the people level. That's where Rathbone scores. Given the money and time Frost/Mahoney put in to save the club from Horton and then subsequently I think lack of enthusiasm is a bit harsh. We sort of morphed into a Holder situation for some reason. That's been done to death and he'll not be back.2 points
How any of that is going to make the racing better the track prepared better I fail to see it’s the overall race day experience that most fans are interested in - if the club had announced a 7-30 start time and less tractor racing and a bit more urgency to keep meetings flowing I’m sure there be loads of comments on here - sadly the announcement you talk have will have little effect on the average fan . Not that I’m knocking what they announced that’s great long may it continue but it’s not something to get the fans chatting .2 points
No way, did the stadium ok but nothing re teamwise, no enthusiasm at all, Ged has been best promoter we have had since I have been going , the Holder offer was too good to miss to ensure Panthers would continue, other struggling clubs if offered, would have done the same in that situation, I for one would have Jack Holder back ,if we cannot find another , its been mentioned somewhere that he will not get many rides in Poland this year, a real No 1 for most matches is better than no real No1 at all jimg2 points
Indeed it is and he is also the most worthy World Champion for a number of years. What he has achieved is remarkable and he is truly a great role model for many younger riders.2 points
Who cares really . Do we want to watch the racing or a start girl wiggling her arse in front of the tapes ? Apart from the odd cameraman who tries to get as close their arses as possible , they are a bit of an irrelevance . Yes they are easy on the eye , but I wouldn't lose any sleep if they weren't there .2 points
That just about sums British Speedway up . Consider the idea of signing a German rider while a British rider is blocked from a league. Speedway here is in a total mess .2 points
Plans are in full swing for a Romford Speedway Reunion in 2019, yes you read that right, 2019! Next year it will be 50 years when the smell of methanol and the sound of speedway bikes were heard for the first time at the Brooklands Road Stadium! The venue and date for the Bombers reunion will be announced next month at the annual ‘Celebration of Speedway’ event on February 18th, which is held at Paradise Wildlife Park in Broxbourne, home of the Nati...onal Speedway Museum. More details on the Celebration of Speedway can be found at:- https://www.pwpark.com/whats…/events/celebration-of-speedway Exciting plans are in progress for an evening of pure Romford Speedway nostalgia, with hopefully some ex Bombers riders in attendance. More details will be available in the coming months. If you were a Bombers fan you really won’t want to miss this!See more1 point
I wouldn' have a clue how much either Jason Doyle or Ben Barker have ever received from the Benevolent Fund. But I do remember reading a few weeks back when it was announced he was riding that BB had said he would ride in the meeting for the first 10yrs. I know shedloads of fans out there hate BB till he rides for their team. But I'd say 10 seasons of putting yourself out to help your peers and former riders out should be congratulated. As for JD in my opinion he' the most deserving World Champion in donkeys years. He can gate he can race and not afraid to get well stuck in. The day he realised he could make the GPs his mindset changed. His loyalty to riding in our league should be welcomed. As I said on another thread a few weeks back Swindon have white possibly missed out on a way of getting bigger crowds by releasing him I hope Somerset reap the rewards.1 point
makes me laugh really if he doesn't do the meeting he gets slagged off of he does the meeting he gets slagged off by you lot who wont even put your leg over a bike. Jason over the last few years has turned himself about to improve as he has done, and he is quite a nice genuine person. perhaps if others had his drive and commitment speedway would be in a better place, Just has Ben Barker love him or loath him does the ben fund every year and is also great with fans especially kids so please leave these guys alone any who put their leg over a bike and entertain us support them and perhaps things can improve .1 point
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No where have I said I'm proud... But sometimes things happen. Hundreds of thousands of people break a law or commit an offence of varying degree everyday.....I'm one of them...its the little rebel in me.1 point
Agree. The team is a mess. They could sign Jason Doyle and it wouldn't make a difference1 point
New kid on the block Tbd https://ipswichwitches.co/story/haertel-everybody-told-me-ipswich-is-a-good-club1 point
At Rayleigh Peter Moore, what a wily old character who could really gate and was the only rider I can recall with slightly raised left hand side of the handle bars. The other was Bob Young. Another cracking rider who in style rode a bit like Batchelor does now. Those were the days.1 point
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In jail for not having a tv licence....been in for other crimes but not that. If every one stopped paying for it..it would soon be got shot of and the Bbc would have to find other ways of raising money.1 point
I spoke about the day I went to see a British Final, 4 of us, one of whom was Barrie Sheene. Travelled in his roller, we were ushered into the pits Car Park area . Within minutes we were surrounded, 100's wanting to speak and have their photo taken with him. it was manic.. I looked round to my friend and said whose idea was this? we decided to get out of the car and leave. Co-pilot George asked where will we be, back straight was the reply and we left them to it.. About an hour later, heat 6, George and Barrie found us, we exchanged a few views as heat 7 started. During the race I notice the number of fans looking round and noticing Barrie. they in turn were pointing him out to their friends and before long the adulation starts all over again. This was the first day that we experienced first hand the problems with being well known. We took our leave again hoping to see more of the Speedway Final.. That day we moved around more than any other time in an effort to escape all the fuss.. We were fortunate to be able to do that, but Barrie just excepted is as his norm. Never once did I see or hear him rubbish those fans... Brilliant Chap, and a Terrible loss... Brilliant times and wonderful memories..1 point
Just realised you guys had enough problems with the awful team that has been put together and i dont want to pick on the weak1 point
Cheers Cyclone - I missed this on the Edinburgh thread. Good luck Monarchs!1 point
I was at the OTA on Thursday night and he came across as a man who genuinely feels it a privilege to be World Champion. He will be a big draw for Somerset and I for one admire him totally for overcoming the terrible injuries he sustained in 2016 to reach the pinnacle of his sport. He clearly loves British speedway and for that, good on you sport!1 point
Perhaps not the most naturally talented rider ever but has worked as hard as anyone to get to where he is. Last season proved how tough the bloke is and it will be great to see the world champion riding for a UK club again. Love how honest he is too, refreshing among modern sports. There are young riders who could learn a lot from him for sure.1 point
Just like to say how enjoyable the "Evening with Nigel Pearson & Kelvin Tatum" was last night. Saw them last year in Halifax; but did not disappoint second time around either. Some amusing anecdotes and stories from both of our genial speedway broadcasters. Also Steve Worrall gave us an real insight into his racing and motivation to be the best he can be at his sport. On the evidence we have a real No1 and leader in the Scorpions ranks this season that's a fact !. Lots of enthusiasm from Nigel & Kelvin towards Scunthorpe Speedway; the track and the exciting team that has been assembled for 2018. Well attended and great to be back at the EWR for this sneak "behind the curtain" before its raised properly for the season in 8 weeks time. On this evidence we can't blooming wait !1 point
Don't bother then, there are plenty of others that will. You won't be missed. This is nothing to do with Mick Horton he's just" an aside", it's a fight to save the Stadium.1 point
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When our friends from Poland sees what averages they are on here , it must show them, when it come to running a competitive Speedway League, we haven't got a clue... And people wonder why the fans don't come anymore....1 point
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As I have said many times on here. I have a great deal of respect for what Rick and Julie achieved, and he needed a lot of help to know speedway. Great pits area down to him. Always with Swales but fell into bad company from Coventry. I think he realised that a few years later, and went in with Matt Ford as his sponsor, so he did see the light eventually and it would have been better for speedway for him to have stayed.1 point
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Yes the promotors are weak & deserve all the stick & money worries they have letting it happen.1 point
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I got a lot of pleasure watching the Colts last year. Yes, winning the league was great but I got by far the most pleasure from watching the progress made by Bewley, Smith and Bickley. That to me is what the NL is about. I don't expect or, think, that the team will achieve as much this year but that doesn't matter if two or three of the team are gaining from the experience and making significant steps forward in their racing careers.1 point
Three things wrong with that. Wembley didn't want to stage World Finals after 1981 so wasn't an option. And, two, speedway isn't darts and even then other countries, notably Denmark, Poland and Sweden, had as much right to stage a World Final as Britain. And, of course, the decision had nothing to do with the promoters of the time. Britain's representation at the FIM was via the ACU and the next layer down was the Speedway Control Board.1 point