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Ok...I can compare them to a beautiful sunset, a beautiful flower. Why does a human being that can naturally see the beauty in a woman be called a 'Perv'? Are we not meant to be naturally attracted to one another...to pro create? Why fight those natural senses? There are just as many woman who want to work in this type of industry as those that feel it wrong. Men and woman have naturally been drawn to the other sex and have appreciated one another's form since time and memorial. Why does a few in this generation think they know best? The modern image you seem to want...craves everything unnatural. As for your adage regarding men in the role of woman....watch a programme called 'loose woman'...and tell me how if 4 men in a panel spoke about the same things as they do would be right. It's not about being equal anymore...it's about taking over and forcing it down peoples throats. Many a 'grid' girl has come out since and spoken about how ridiculous this situation is. Some saying 'how is any different to going out in a nice dress clubbing of a weekend? Why do woman do it?....To feel like a woman, feel attractive and good about themselves. Everything is so hypocritical....and so far removed from the majority of the rest of the world. It's complete madness...such companies like the BBC standing for such things, yet they show a cartoon pic of Piers Morgan;s head up Donald Trumps arse...imagine if they had done it with a female presenter or politician. One rule for one....etc,etc....there is no consistency and men are being absolutely hauled over the coals atm for everything. The Country it seems wants to ban looking at woman, yet has businesses building sex robots...how totally fecked up. You can see where this world is going....10 points
4 points
Can’t believe that nobody has made comment on the news of our involvement with the UEA and about Roberts interview at the youth awards night, if nothing had been put on the web site I’m pretty sure certain people would have been moaning none stop on here.3 points
Not sure where you get your info from,but according to NASA you are wrong. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/sea-ice-extent-sinks-to-record-lows-at-both-poles So not really worth going into the rest3 points
Fans that do go know that Leicester is a temporary solution. When making your points to Rugby Council express why youre willing to go to Leicester for now but that it is not a long term sustainable solution for club and as a fan. You could also point to the fact only a one year deal is in place and raise the latest comments from Coventry Bees owner Mick Horton that this is a temporary arrangement and that Coventry Speedway needs somewhere more local to have a future. Brandon Estates put the paragraph about Coventry Bees and being at Leicester for two reasons 1, they are trying to hoodwink the planning officer that it's a viable long term solution to show Brandon or a new site isn't needed. 2, they do not want to provide funds for a new stadium should planning get approved with this conditions. That would delay their development and it will certainly hit their profit margins Also to add in the planning application they used the fact Coventry stox not running as part of their case. Whatever what was happening in terms of running or not, they'd use it to their advantage. They'e played people off each other constantly in this debacle including fans emotions. I for one am not letting them or anyone else stop me doing what ive enjoyed doing for 30+ years just because of greed. Edit: I've just emailed in my objection. Tough to write without getting a tad emotional. If you have memories of Brandon send them an email or letter. Every little helps.3 points
Remember seeing him at the start of his career at Elle Port (sporting orange leathers )knew he was the real deal then great little racer never stopped trying . I for one hope he comes back to the sport and it should embrace him with open arms ,we would not have the National Stadium had it not been for his efforts .saw him at Cardiff (working his socks off) selling bricks to get the thing built ,I have nothing but admiration for him as a former rider , promoter and the founder of one of the finest stadium for our sport to be raced at .3 points
That just about sums British Speedway up . Consider the idea of signing a German rider while a British rider is blocked from a league. Speedway here is in a total mess .3 points
The thing I find nuts is that Buster sent Matt S on Loan knowing his average.2 points
Which just goes to show the nonsense of allowing some riders to keep outdated averages and others lumbered with an average that can't get them a team place in the UK.2 points
Climate change is and always has been controlled by the Sun and Planetary positioning, and The Maunder Minimum of 1645 - 1715 is a classic example of this. To comprehend the future you have to understand the past...2 points
So let me get this right. He would have been 51 years old, lured an emotionally fragile 17 year old in to the back of his sleazy van with the promise of free merchandise, whilst also bedding her 23 year old Sister in same said van, all whilst his poor wife was battling Cancer? Absolutely despicable.2 points
funny how the championship want pl riders but don't want to step up a league. That's the problem! For 2019 all averages converted to pl averages with cl cubs building to 21.25. No riders over 6. There after the conversion rate will we 50% . Half. would make the whole thing a lot more credible. plus it would mean any pl team would be unlikely to have more than 3 double up riders naturally. And more top nl brits would get a chance too. Especially if they came in on a 1.00 its odd how the championship clubs. Knowing the rules. Would hold out their team building efforts on unallowable riders. Move on. Build without. Peterborough are really becoming a nuicence club.2 points
Andy Mellish for 2019 !! Andy lives and breathes Belle Vue.... sadly unavailable due to injury Look forward to your return Andy2 points
I always felt the Australians have a bond of togetherness, not always evident from other countries. Probably because they are a long way from home and cant just pop back when they want, for whatever reason this togetherness stretches back years.... When considering their small population, I am amazed at the number of quality sportspeople they have. It doesn't matter what sport we talk of their percentage of high quality far out weighs other countries. We at Lynn have been really fortunate seeing some wonderful talent, first stopping here to further their careers. Just a pity many only used it as a stop gap before moving on. To many, Darcy Ward stands out of an impressive list, but to me Phil Crump was head and shoulders above them all. Back in 1972, there wasn't the influx of top riders as there are these day, Maury Littlechild, who was also in charge of Crewe as well as Lynn , introduced Phil into the Stars line up to compliment the Betts, Simmo and Cole heat leader partnership. in a hope of bringing that long awaited league success . The effect was immediate. he was outscoring the more established stars from the oft. In only his first or second meeting he score a 15pt max his talent was there for all to see. Unfortunately he didn't stay very long, Neil Street, helped by his daughter, persuaded him to join Newport the following year. Out of sight probably, but never out of mind. He had a tremendous talent that was complimented by the relationship of future 'father-in-law' Neil Street, Crumpy went from strength to strength. I know he didn't win that world Championship, but he was always there or there abouts. When Jason came on the scene it was only fitting that he continued the Crump and Street upbringing, to bring home the big one. Seeing Jason riding them boards was so remmonissant of his dad all them years ago.... Remembering these wonderful times, really does gives me a warm feeling2 points
would hazard a guess they were chancing there arm again , they were after Lawson way before christmas so couldn't have been 100% confident in signing nicholls . said it the other year and I say it again you don't sign announce riders until you have your no1 in place lets face it I doubt clubs were falling over there selves to sign the likes of toft grondal2 points
Luckily I live in Leicester so still have a team to support, although it was the Bees from 1984 to 2016. I also supported the Cougars and The Storm so enjoy NL racing, but not made my mind up yet what I will be doing.2 points
he should have offered his services @ the 4s and all those other meetings he missed. paid practice my arf . jcf , stick with the bedtime stories , people believe them . so much for your big signing .2 points
Disagree with this everyone hates Panthers/Rathbone theory. This rule was in place when Nicholls had a deal lined up to ride for Lakeside. Panthers hadn't a clue where to go with team buildingso thought they'd wait to see if this overturned most likely after speaking with Nicholls directly who felt who could get it overturned. If Panthers really felt this way they'd be doing everything to track a sideto win trophiesand not just signing mates of the promotion2 points
The majority of the public have common sense. It is only a very small minority who have a very loud voice when it comes to 'Political correctness'...with many working in media and other types of outlets. Has anyone else considered what agenda is behind all of this. Why are we all being asked to conform and agree to it all? Men and woman are naturally attracted to the opposite sex. It's NATURAL and NORMAL...to admire the form of others. What is wrong to naturally look at the beautiful lines of a woman, in the same way we would look at the lines of a classic car, JAP/JAWA Speedway bike or say Spitfire. All are beautiful, easy on the eye and give natural pleasure. What's being forced on us, is everything unnatural imo.2 points
Unfortunately British speedway is not consistent, The N/L should be made more competitive, how many promising young brits do we have that will go on the ride on the world stage, I am afraid that to many will be lost along the way, we are happy to bring over young oversees riders and give them team places in the upper two leagues, (nothing against this) but we need to limit the current numbers. A young rider trying to make his name in the sport needs to ride at least twice a week, he will also need to give 100% to the sport if he wants to get to the top. We know that not every rider has the natural ability, but with the right help and support he could still make it to the top. When I started out I raced and worked for a couple of years, after a while it became to difficult, getting home from a Scottish meeting and then working the next day, took its toll. This was how most riders started out, we were all in the same boat. Trouble now is we have a lot more riders coming over from overseas that are just riding and we expect our young riders to match them from the outset. So let’s look at this scenario:- Young Brit in the N/L riding and working, he is number 1 and is doing well, gets a call to guest. He has to go into work and then drive straight to the meeting and ride. Gets a last in his first ride, maybe he gets a point in his next, what happens next he is taken our of heat eight. He goes home only 3 rides and 1 point. Back to work the next day and slim chance of another selection. We must give more young Brits full team place’s from the start of the season and fast track them before we lose them. Sink or swim, I was told by a promoter that I would not make it, but hard work and dedication got me to the world final. Riders are actually penalised for doing well. Richard2 points
They change the name to climate change from global warming because that’s not what’s happening , the ice caps are actually growing , the pictures of plastic in the sea were actually results of tsunami’s that swept the plastic off the land into the sea and was actually mostly Chinese rubbish and not ours although not sure why the government isn’t banging on McDonald’s and Poundland’s doors about the waste plastic they dish out and as for fossil fuels , how clean do you suppose electric vehicles are ?the mining to produce the battery’s(google how damaging that is to the earth) and where does the electricity come ? Oh yea nuclear power stations that we need to build to cope with demand to power the cars saying diesel pollution is responsible for 38,000 cancer deaths a year is the same as blaming ladders for a broken neck deaths , with modern dpf’s hardly anything is coming out of the exhausts these days but strangely that never seems to get mentioned cause it doesn’t fit in with the plan , it’s all manipulation to make us conform to the master plan , unfortunatly we are stupid enough to fall for it and if any of you disagree with me I don’t care , live your life as you want to and stop trying to change mine , anyhow this is my last post on here for a while so enjoy and have fun what ever you do2 points
A really spectacular racer who would not of been far off off the level around the unique Hyde Rd as PC his pass of Carter in the 1983 Northern Riders championship was sublime.And that was the Carter who i think was the best visiting rider to grace the Hyde Rd track Morton often gets forgotten but for his longevity and consistency a legend and also a terrific person to.2 points
Low and behold he raises his ugly head phillipsr , so now you think Newcastle looks a poor side. Let’s wait and see come end of August .. I bet a lot of Newcastle fans are just really happy they have Speedway to watch this season , like Workington , worrying times for Promotions trying to keep Speedway running .. There will be 7 guys getting on their bikes and riding their hearts out for these “poor” teams as you call them , you should maybe pop yourself on a bike before you start making judgment2 points
Can’t you all predict Swindon for the wooden spoon ? It worked last year.2 points
Now is the time to voice your objection to the planning application from Brandon Estates to redevelop the Brandon stadium site. The SCS&S campaign group has posted advice on how to voice your objections to this outrageous planning application...Get your objections in! To raise your objection you can email Erica Buchanan, who has been appointed as the Planning Officer at Rugby Borough Council to preside over this planning application. You can contact her via her email: Erica.Buchanan@rugby.gov.uk Details of the planning application can be seen here; http://www.planningportal.rugby.gov.uk/fulldetail.asp?AltRef=R18/0186&ApplicationNumber=&AddressPrefix=&Postcode=CV8+3GJ&CaseOfficer=&ParishName=&AreaTeam=&WardMember=&Consultant=&DateDecidedStart=&DateDecidedEnd=&Locality=&AgentName=&ApplicantName=&ShowDecided=&DecisionDescription=&DecisionLevel=&Sort1=DateReceived+DESC&Sort2=FullAddressPrefix&Submit=Search Please use the reference: R18/0186, the main reasons behind your objection and please provide your name, address and postcode. For more info please check the Save Coventry Speedway and Stock Car Campaign website over the coming days for further advice. http://savecoventryspeedway.com/news.php?extend.126 The planning application can be viewed below. The consultation period for any objections ends on March 1st 2018.1 point
i think i have read them sort of COMEnTS before and i dont see this poster on our site anymore , cos he got the cumbrian greetings . L.O.L.1 point
1 point
Matt S average is 2.361 in Poland which translates to 9.44. Woryna who rode Extraliga was 1.973 which translates to 7.89.1 point
I only went to Romford once, my dad took me to see the Czechs there in 1970. I did see a few of the bombers matches at west ham in 1972.1 point
I applaud you for being well informed With record low temps being recorded around the globe, most people have no idea that the Grand Solar Minimum is just around the corner....https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/solar-minimum-is-coming1 point
Who cares really . Do we want to watch the racing or a start girl wiggling her arse in front of the tapes ? Apart from the odd cameraman who tries to get as close their arses as possible , they are a bit of an irrelevance . Yes they are easy on the eye , but I wouldn't lose any sleep if they weren't there .1 point
The cold hard facts are that if it wasn't for the so called drop dead any minute oldies we wouldn't have any speedway now proberbly as these are the people who stuck with speedway after the haydays of the 50,s 60,s and 70,s when tv dropped it and a lot of clubs knocked it on the head. so show some respect. the real problem is with the so called decision makers who every year bring in some new soppy rule like this years 1 x 8 pointer supposed to help british riders but has done the opposite as all the win at all cost teams have done is bring in a load of foreigners who have never rode here before on crazy low averages and the silly cant double up if over 6 points mugs two of our most loyal british riders. as for getting the under 16,s to come to meetings the clubs must engage with them and get them involved during meetings like lakeside are trying to do with the kids club and through social media meeting the riders going centre green for few races being a mascot etc. as there are kids going now but all they do during the meeting is run around playing silly buggers or kicking a football about. all clubs need to get involved as otherwise I feel the sport will decline even further if possible. signed a 50 something who believe me aint too old.1 point
It's Raymond Thomas Nicholls, known to everyone as Tommy and he runs RTN Racing - see what he did there?1 point
Amateur speedway has never been more popular and there are more opportunities to ride a speedway bike now than in any time in the history of the sport. You can buy a speedway bike and some secondhand equipment and be riding within days. Try that with road racing where almost any decent road race bike and clothing will cost more far more then you need to get a licence to race then practice which is anything from £95 for a day with limited track time then enter your first race which will be around the £200 mark (£400 if it's a weekend meeting and you ride both days) for a few rides. Take that plus the tyres you are going to need etc into consideration and you'll soon see how cheap and accessible speedway is in comparison.1 point
1 point
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Don’t forget The speedway quiz night on Wednesday at the stadium. Always very well supported, and this week we have an interview with Linus Sundstrom who will be there.1 point
Uncle Big sponsor of top riders through the years and now Ipswich headline sponsor via Tippers R Us Sold his Fork Rent business for multi millions a couple of years ago1 point
I can remember a young man coming out in a set of Bruce Penhall's leathers for second half rides at Cradley. He turned out to be David Cheshire, and although he never really hit the international heights, he was a full on entertainer on and off the track. John Boulger, John Titman, Phil Herne and Phil Crump all impressed, but the classiest Aussie of the time for me was Billy Sanders. I remember the shock when he passed away in such tragic circumstances.1 point
1 point
I would like to make clear that I make no moral judgements about the women who choose to be gate girls. However, they are representative of a glamour tradition that is long out of date. I find it ironic Gresham that you compare women to machinery - that is what some women are complaining about. I imagine most fans go to speedway to see the racing and not ogle young women pouting and twirling around in mock "come ons". It's a seedy performance that does not enhance the sport. The position of women has changed dramatically in recent years: more female graduates than male, many more women managers and professionals. I would think that a good number - especially the more educated - would find "start tarts" demeaning not enhancing of their sex. I wonder how men would feel if their most visible role in the sport was to prance about in a skimpy clothes simulating sexual excitement before the start of a motorcycle race between 4 women. To rest your argument that the objectors are just snowflakes obsessed with political correctness is no better than suggesting that the supporters of the "glamour" roles are all sex starved dirty old pervs. I just suggest that speedway changes with the times and tries to more modern image.1 point
Credit to all the riders who support it but then why would any rider not support something that is potentially for the benefit of every rider?1 point
1 point
Been borrowing Diane Abbasus's computer. No way, count the black and white, although after a bit of bother from a select few of the Bears fans, Diamonds fans stopped wearing our colours because of the threats. Even your own fans tell me we give you your highest gate usually, although I think Sheffield did that last year. Incidentally Bears fans bring about 20 to 30 to Brough dependng if they are winning of course.1 point
Best you tell the Government then, as that was copied and pasted from their website...1 point
1 point
But it's a rule that hasn't really done the job it was designed to do. It's only stopped two riders (out of how many?) from doubling up/down. Whilst I don't disagree with the principle, it would have been much more fairer to all, and more effective, if they'd said that if you have a Championship average over 6, then you can ride in EITHER the championship OR the Premiership, but not both.1 point
I'm not sure what action can or will be taken Martin but I think the SCB's problem is that the track isn't licensed by them. I think that is the logic, whether we agree with it or not. We do offer plenty of amateur racing at Scunthorpe and it is certainly available at Leicester too.1 point
Seek and ye shall find. "The stadium is home to the Mildenhall Fen Tigers speedway team, but also hosts banger, stock car and greyhound racing. Ms Lawrence said activities could last until 1am, with clearing up until 3am"1 point
Google is your friend, Adonis. It was noise from the stadium, not just racing. http://www.ipswichstar.co.uk/news/west-row-mildenhall-stadium-row-couple-claim-they-had-no-option-but-to-take-their-legal-battle-to-the-supreme-court-1-33762171 point